20th Century Arts

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20th Century Art

• What comes to mind when you hear the term
“modern art”?
• Give some qualities or characteristics that make
you consider an artwork “modern.”
• How is modern art different from earlier styles
of art that you know?
• Have you heard of the art movement known as
impressionism? If yes, can you name one
famous impressionist artist that you know of?
• Can you name or recognize one well-known
artwork in the impressionist style?
• Technological breakthroughs
• Social, political and
environmental changes
• Effects on the world of art
Impressionism: Origins of
the Movement
• Emerged in the second half of the
19th century (group of Paris-based
• Claude Monet (Impression, Sunrise)
-fleeting fragment of reality on
canvas, sometimes in mid-motion,
awkwardly positioned (real life).
Distinct Characteristics:

1. Color and Light

- Short broken strokes
- Pure unmixed colors side by side
- Freely brushed colors (convey visual effect)
Distinct Characteristics:
2. Everyday Subjects
- Scenes of life
- Household objects
- Landscapes and Seascapes
- Houses, Cafes, Buildings
- Ordinary people
Distinct Characteristics:
3. Painting Outdoors
- Previously, still lifes, portraits, and
landscapes were painted inside the studio.
The impressionists found that they could
best capture the ever-changing effects of
light on color by painting outdoors in
natural light.
Distinct Characteristics:
4. Open Composition
- Impressionist painting also moved
away from the formal, structured
approach to placing and positioning
their subjects.
-unusual visual angles, sizes of objects
One of the most distinctive painting
techniques used by impressionist artists
was impasto. Impasto is the very heavy
application of paint to the canvas—often
with a spatula or knife instead of a
paintbrush, and sometimes even directly
squeezed from the tube.
• Was the term “impressionism” fitting for this art
movement? Why do you say so?
• From your knowledge of world history during the late
19th century, do you see a relation between the
impressionist styles and the major events of that
• Do you agree that impressionism set the stage for the
succeeding movements of modern art? If so, in what
• Do you see this style reflected even in the works of
today’s artists? Explain briefly.
• Do you know of any Filipino artists who also used the
impressionist style?
(1840 -1926)
• One of the founders of the impressionist
• Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, Frederic Bazille
• Prominent of the group, influential figure
• Known for landscape painting like depicting
his beloved flower gardens and water lily
ponds in Giverny.
• La Promenade The Red Boats, Argenteuil ( 1875 Oil on canvas)
• The Red Boats, Argenteuil (1875 Oil on canvas)
(1841 – 1919)

• One of the central figures of the

impressionist movement.
• Early works were snapshots of real
life, full of sparkling color and
• Dancer A Girl with a Watering Can, 1874, Oil on canvas
• Dancer A Girl with a Watering Can, 1876 Oil on canvas
• Mlle Irene Cahen d’Anvers 1880 Oil on canvas
• Luncheon of the Boating Party 1881 Oil on canvas
1832 - 1883
• 1ST 19th century artists to depict
modern life subjects.
• Was the key figure in the
transition from realism to
• Argenteuil Edouard Manet, 1874 Oil on canvas
• Rue Mosnier Decked With Flags 1878 Oil on canvas Oil on canvas
• Café Concert 1878 Edouard Manet, Oil on canvas
• The Bar at the Folies-Bergere 1882 Oil on canvas
1. What is the title of painting made by Claude
Monet and believe to be the origin of
2. He is known for landscape painting like depicting
his beloved flower gardens and water lily ponds in
3. His early works were snapshots of real life, full of
sparkling color and light.
4. He was the first 19th century artists who depict
modern life subjects.
5. In what area does the impressionist painter paint
their artworks to best capture the ever changing
of lights.
Works of Cezanne and Van Gogh
The European artists who were
at the forefront of this movement
continued using the basic
qualities of the impressionists
before them=
•Vivid colors
•Heavy brush strokes
•True-to-life subjects
•Geometric approach
•Fragmenting objects
•Distorting people’s faces and
body parts
•Applying colors that were not
necessarily realistic or natural
Paul Cezanne (1839-1906)
was a French artist and post-
impressionists painter. His work
exemplified the transition from late
19th century impressionism to a
new and radically different world of
art in the 20th century-paving the
way for the next revolutionary art
movement known as
Vincent Van Gogh
(1853-1890) was a post-
impressionist painter from the
Netherlands. His works were
remarkable for their strong,
heavy brush strokes, intense
emotions, and colors that
appeared to almost pulsate with
Van Gogh’s striking style
ways to have a far-reaching
influence in the 20 century

art, with his works becoming

among the most recognized
in the world.
Impasto is a technique used in
painting, where paint is laid on an
area of the surface in very thick
layers, usually thick enough that
the brush or painting-knife strokes
are visible. Paint can also be mixed
right on the canvas. When
dry, impasto provides texture; the
paint appears to be coming out of
the canvas.
Impasto Painting
1.Decide a simple design for your artwork.
Keep in mind what colors of paint available
to you.
2. Using pencil sketch in the general design
on the sketch pad.
3. Apply the paint to your design using
popsicle stick and other materials.
4. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before
handling or displaying the finished artwork.
Thank You!

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