Assessment of Learning 2 Chapter 2 Final
Assessment of Learning 2 Chapter 2 Final
Assessment of Learning 2 Chapter 2 Final
The term assessment, evaluation,
testing and marks are term often
used in determining the degree of
attainment of students learning
outcomes. At times they are used
interchangeably, it will be useful to
clarify their meaning to distinguish
them from one another.
Assessment - refers t o the
process of gathering data
and information about what
students know a n d c a n do.
Through assessment, th e
teacher c a n find out what
students are learning.
Evaluation – involves t h e t a s k
of interpreting, forming
conclusions and making
judgment a b o u t th e
information which w a s
gathered i n the process of
Testing - i s a n instrument o f
assessment. A test is an
assessment tool that
r e fl e c t s t h e r e c o r d s o f t h e
student learning outcomes.
Marks- are reports of the result of evaluating
information obtained in assessment process. Marks
have certain components related to the learning
activities undertaken by the students.
Example of such components are:
100% TOTAL
Assessment involves review of evidence of
learning such as journal entries, written
work, portfolios, skill demonstrations, and
performance in learning activities, test
result and rubrics ratings which cover a
period time and should reveal the progress
of students in competencies. Evaluation
in the other hand occurs when a mark or
grade is assigned after a quiz, a
presentation or a completed task.
Why Authentic assessment?
Phase IV
Examples of Authentic
Assessment Activities: