CH 6

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CSE 4300

Instructor: Mohammad Maifi Hasan Khan

Chapter 6
Preemptable and Nonpreemptable

Sequence of events required to use a

1. Request the resource.
2. Use the resource.
3. Release the resource.
Resource Acquisition (1)

Using a semaphore to protect resources.

(a) One resource. (b) Two resources.
Resource Acquisition (2)

Deadlock-free code.
Resource Acquisition (3)

Code with a potential

Introduction To Deadlocks

Deadlock can be defined formally as follows:

A set of processes is deadlocked if each

process in the set is waiting for an event
that only another process in the set can
Conditions for Resource Deadlocks
1. Mutual exclusion condition: Each
resource is either currently assigned to
exactly one process or is available
2. Hold and wait condition: Processes
can request new resources
3. No preemption condition: Process
must explicitly release resources
4. Circular wait condition: Must be a
circular chain of wait
Deadlock Modeling (1)
Process: Circles
Resource: Squares







Resource allocation graphs. (a) Holding a resource. (b)

Requesting a resource. (c) Deadlock.
Deadlock Modeling (2)

An example of how deadlock occurs

and how it can be avoided.
Deadlock Modeling (3)

An example of how deadlock occurs

and how it can be avoided.
Deadlock Modeling (4)

An example of how deadlock occurs

and how it can be avoided.
Deadlock Modeling (5)
Strategies for dealing with deadlocks:
1. Just ignore the problem.
2. Detection and recovery. Let deadlocks
occur, detect them, take action.
3. Dynamic avoidance by careful resource
4. Prevention, by structurally negating one
of the four required conditions.
Deadlock Detection with
One Resource of Each Type (1)

(a) A resource graph. (b) A cycle extracted from (a).

Deadlock Detection with
One Resource of Each Type (2)
Algorithm for detecting deadlock:
1. For each node, N in the graph, perform the
following five steps with N as the starting node.
2. Initialize L to the empty list, designate all arcs
as unmarked.
3. Add current node to end of L, check to see if
node now appears in L two times. If it does,
graph contains a cycle (listed in L), algorithm

Deadlock Detection with
One Resource of Each Type (3)
4. From given node, see if any unmarked
outgoing arcs. If so, go to step 5; if not, go to
step 6.
5. Pick an unmarked outgoing arc at random and
mark it. Then follow it to the new current node
and go to step 3.
6. If this is initial node, graph does not contain any
cycles, algorithm terminates. Otherwise, dead
end. Remove it, go back to previous node,
make that one current node, go to step 3.
Try the Algorithm on this one 

(a) A resource graph. (b) A cycle extracted from (a).

Deadlock Detection with Multiple
Resources of Each Type (1)

The four data structures needed

by the deadlock detection algorithm.
Deadlock Detection with Multiple
Resources of Each Type (2)

Deadlock detection algorithm:

1. Look for an unmarked process, Pi , for which
the i-th row of R is less than or equal to A.
2. If such a process is found, add the i-th row of C
to A, mark the process, and go back to step 1.
3. If no such process exists, the algorithm
Deadlock Detection with Multiple
Resources of Each Type (3)

An example for the deadlock detection algorithm.

Recovery from Deadlock

• Recovery through preemption

• Recovery through rollback
• Recovery through killing processes
Deadlock Avoidance

Two process resource trajectories.

Safe and Unsafe States (1)

Demonstration that the state in (a) is safe.

Safe and Unsafe States (2)

Demonstration that the state in (b) is not safe.

The Banker’s Algorithm
for a Single Resource

Three resource allocation states:

(a) Safe. (b) Safe. (c) Unsafe.
The Banker’s Algorithm
for Multiple Resources (1)

The banker’s algorithm with multiple resources.

The Banker’s Algorithm
for Multiple Resources (2)
Algorithm for checking to see if a state is safe:
1. Look for row, R, whose unmet resource needs all
≤ A. If no such row exists, system will eventually
deadlock since no process can run to completion
2. Assume process of row chosen requests all resources
it needs and finishes. Mark process as terminated, add
all its resources to the A vector.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until either all processes marked
terminated (initial state was safe) or no process left
whose resource needs can be met (there is a
Deadlock Prevention
• Attacking the mutual exclusion condition
• Not practical
• Attacking the hold and wait condition
• Need to know apriori
• Non-optimal use of resources
• Attacking the no preemption condition
• Virtualize resources (e.g., printer daemon)
• Attacking the circular wait condition
Attacking the
Circular Wait Condition

(a) Numerically ordered resources.

(b) A resource graph.
Approaches to Deadlock Prevention

Summary of approaches to deadlock prevention.

Other Issues

• Communication deadlocks
• Timeout mechanism is used
• Livelock
• Starvation

Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems 3 e, (c) 2008 Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 0-13-6006639

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