Briefing 12 Take Off and Climb To Downwind

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The document discusses the procedures and considerations for take-off and initial climb during flight training.

Factors like wind direction, runway distance, elevation, temperature, use of flaps, runway slope and tailwinds can impact take-off performance.

The steps include releasing the brakes smoothly, applying full power, maintaining direction with rudder, rotating at the correct speed, and ensuring the aircraft climbs away in the proper attitude.


Exercise 12
Instructor - Shifatur Rahman / 027 500 2988 / Algoa Flying Club
DEFINITION Syllabus to cover
The take-off is considered to start when the aircraft is accelerated
under its own take-off power on the ground until flying speed is •Handling – Factors affecting the length of Take-off Run and Initial
reached, whereupon the aircraft is rotated and leaves the ground. Climb;
The speed is now allowed to increase up to the safety speed, at •The Correct Lift Off Speed, use of Elevators (Safeguarding the
which speed the aircraft is rotated into the climbing attitude. Nose Wheel), Rudder and Power;
•Effect of Wind (including Crosswind Component);
•Effect of Flaps (including the Decision to Use and the Amount
•Effect of Ground Surface and Gradient upon the Take-off Run;
•Effect of Mass, Altitude and Temperature on Take-off and climb
•Pre-Take-off Checks;
•Air Traffic Control Procedure (before Take-off);
•Drills, during and after Take-off;
•Noise abatement procedures;
•Short/Soft Field Take-off Considerations/Procedures;
To give you a good understanding and thorough • Aborted Take-off;
knowledge of the principles required to: • Engine Failure after Take-off;
i. Control the aircraft on the ground before becoming
ii. Take account of the different considerations applicable
to take-offs under varying weather


i. Normal take-off.
ii. Short take-off.
iii. First solo.
Factors affecting the length of
Take-Off Run and Initial Climb
Wind Direction – The circuit direction will normally be into the Flaps: Use of Take-Off flaps shortens the take-off run. Most
wind, since this benefits both take offs and landings. training a/c use either zero flap or an early stage of flap for take-
Knowing the wind, you can choose the most suitable runway and off.
work out what the circuit pattern will be. You can determine the
wind direction: Extending take-off flap increases the lifting ability of the wings,
- As you walk out to the a/c enabling the a/c to take off at a lower airspeed and with shorter
- From the wind direction indicator ( ie, windsock ) ground run.
- From other clues such as smoke being blown away from a
chimney. Do not use landing flap for take-off because the significant
- By asking Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) increase in drag will degrade the take-off and climb-out
performance. Do not exceed the recommended flap settings for
Runway Distance take-off.
The take-off performance chart should be consulted if you are
not certain that the runway is adequate in all respects. High
elevation aerodromes and high temperature will increase the
runway distances required, because of the dereased air density
which degrades both the engine and aerodynamic performance.
Runway upslope and a tailwind component will also degrade the
Correct Lift-off Speed and Use of
Elevators , Rudder and Power
The Take-off Roll - Keep Straight with Rudder.
- With the application of power, there may be a
Release the Brakes and Open the Throttle Smoothly tendency to yaw because of the Slipstream Effect on
- Select a reference point at the end of the runway ( or the tail-fin.
beyond ) on which to keep straight. In side-by-side - Steer your a/c with your feet
cockpits, you should view their reference point - Keep straight with rudder.
straight ahead. - Check Power ( RPM sufficient, T’s & P’s in Green.
- Release the brakes and smoothly apply full power. - Rotate at 60 Knots ( check POH ).
( do a mental count of 1-2-3 for generous time margin
- Check Tacho for RPM
- Keep your heels on the floor with the balls of your
feet on the rudder pedals for control steering.
After Take Off & Initial Climb
Becoming Airborne and Climbing Away

Becoming airborne: Upon attaining the initial climbing speed, rotate the aircraft into
the climbing attitude.
a. Confirm take-off speed on ASI.
Initial Climb.
b. Note feel at lift-off speed. a. Note positive rate of climb on altimeter.

c. Apply gentle back pressure on the b. Brakes – ON then OFF. Select undercarriage UP if
control column. applicable.

d. Maintain wings level and direction on c. Maintain runway heading, balance and climb speed.
reference point.
d. At a minimum of 300ft agl. – complete after take-off
e. When positively clear of ground, maintain an attitude checks.
slightly lower than the climb attitude to attain the initial
climbing speed. e. Lookout.
f. At a minimum of 500 ft agl – commence climbing turn
at 15° angle of bank through 90° onto the crosswind
g. Trim.
Effect of Wind ( Including Crosswind)

By Taking-off into the Wind ( the wind will generate part Crosswind component has no effect on the takeoff
of the lift required ), the a/c lifts off sooner and this will distance. However, it does require a different technique
result is a lower ground speed and therefore a shorter compared to light wind days.
take off run for the a/c to become airborne. It is therefore

Take-offs with a Tailwind will result in the use of much

more runway to generate enough lift for flight. Climb
Angle is also reduced. Think about obstacles! Even a 5kt
Tailwind increase take off distance by 25% and a 10kt
Tailwind will increase it by 55% !!
Effect of Wind ( Including Crosswind)
Effect of Ground Surface and
Gradient on Take off Run
Runway Surface Runway Slope
The runway surface condition has effect on the wheel An upslope hill will increase takeoff distance. For
drag. If the runway is contaminated by snow, slush or example, a 2-percent uphill slope will increase takeoff
standing water, the wheel drag will be greater. Thus the distance by 1.7 percent and add four knots to
accelerating force decreases and the takeoff distance V1/Rotation speed.
required increases. Further on, if the takeoff is If the runway is sloping, a component of the weight acts along
abandoned in such conditions and breaking is required the runway and increases or decreases the acceleration force. A
the stopping distance will greatly increase. downhill slope increases the accelerating force, and therefore
reduces the takeoff distance required, whereas an uphill slope
reduces the accelerating force and increases the takeoff
Effect of Mass, Altitude and Temperature
on Take-off and Climb Performance
Aircraft Take-off Mass and Balance Density Altitude
Aircraft takeoff mass and balance It reduces lift and impairs propeller efficiency,
reducing thrust as a result. High density
The greater the takeoff mass the greater the altitude can also decrease the engine's power
aircraft weight. This means that greater lift force is output. If it's not accounted for, increased density
required to overcome the weight, therefore altitude can cause major problems
greater speed is necessary for takeoff. Thus a during takeoff and landing.
longer takeoff distance is required in order to
achieve this speed, because the rate of
acceleration is reduced (inversely proportional to
the mass) and the wheel drag will be greater due
to increased load.
Effect of Mass, Altitude and Temperature
on Take-off and Climb Performance
Effect of Temperature

The efficiency of the jet engine/pistons depend on
the temperature of the air surrounding it.

The higher the air temperature, the less thrust can

be produced by the engine. Because of that the
difference between the thrust and the drag during
takeoff is smaller.

Therefore the rate of acceleration is smaller and

the aircraft will need a longer takeoff distance.

In addition, a change in temperature affects the air

Air Traffic Control ( ATC )
- Consider ATC and RT procedures before lining up on the
- The category of the aerodrome will determine whether take-
off clearances are required.
- Consider this and other ATC aspects before entering the
runway, checking “all clear left” and “all clear right” along the
runway and on final approach before you do.
- Aircraft already taking off or landing have the right of way
over a taxiing aeroplane.
Line Up & Take off Run
Lining up. Take-off run:
i. Holding point position – safety and surface a. Release wheel brakes.
wind considerations. b. Open throttle smoothly to takeoff power
ii. Before takeoff and power checks. – check temps and pressures.
iii. Lookout – approaches and runway clear. c. Keep straight on runway by use of
iv. ATC/radio call. rudder – anticipate swing.
v. Lining up on runway (use max. length d. When take-off power set, move control
available): column to neutral position in tail wheel aircraft.
a. Nose wheel/tail wheel straight – apply e. As airspeed increases, move control
wheel brakes. column progressively forward in tail
b. Compass/DI aligned with runway wheel aircraft – anticipating swing
direction. when tail comes up.
c. Reference point to keep straight on. g. Control direction with rudder.
d. Windsock check (confirms with ATC h. Note airspeed build-up and monitor
wind). engine instruments.
e. Control column position: neutral for i. Note increasing and firmer feel of
nose wheel aircraft. Full back for tail controls
wheel aircraft.
Noise Abatement Procedures

Every major airport has Noise Abatement Procedures

(NAP), which are designed to reduce the impact of
aircraft noise on the community. They include
procedures for runway use and flight paths to reduce
flights over residential areas, as well as the designation
of noise abatement areas.
Always consult Aerodrome Chart ( and relevant
Circulars ) for up to date Noise Abatement Procedures
for any aerodrome you are operating In and Out of.
Short/Soft Field Take-off

SHORT FIELD TAKE-OFF 1. Flaps - 10 degrees 2. Use all SOFT FIELD TAKE-OFF 1. Flaps - 10 degrees 2. Full aft
available runway 3. Set trim 4. Hold brakes 5. Apply full elevator while taxiing and during initial takeoff roll 3. As
power/check engine instruments 6. Brake release/rotate nose wheel lifts off, reduce elevator slightly to avoid tail
at 51 kts 7. Climb Vx - 56 kts until obstacle is cleared / 60 striking ground 4. As aircraft becomes airborne, level off
kts then flaps up in ground effect to accelerate to Vx , then normal climb
SHORT FIELD LANDING 1. Base Leg 60 to 65 kts / Full
flaps 1. Final Approach speed - 56 kts 2. Glide path - just
high enough to clear obstacle at approach end of runway SOFT FIELD LANDING 1. Normal approach configuration
3. Flare - minimum float 4. After touchdown a. Flaps up 2. During flare - maintain nose high attitude 3. Add
b. Maximum braking c. Control wheel full aft power during flare before touchdown to keep elevator
effective to help keep weight off nosewheel. 4. During
rollout, power to idle and gradually increase back
elevator to keep weight off nosewheel 5. No braking
during roll out
Circuit Emergencies

 Rejected Take-off Partial engine failure after take-off 

-Maintain Directional control/ Use effective braking -Aircraft may still have some power enabling different
-Use flying controls to protect nosewheel/counter options (Decision making) 
crosswind.  -Maintain airspeed /attitude control 
- RT Call -Aviate – Navigate – Communicate 

Engine failure after take-off

-Maintain airspeed –
-establish glide Missed approach/Go-around
-Landing area selection Power/attitude control –
-Aircraft configuration for landing  establish safe climb
-Cockpit checks  Safe and timely changes to aircraft configuration during
- RT – Mayday climb
RT call, comply with local procedures
Common Errors

ii. Forgetting to check the approaches clear before lining vi. Spending too much attention in the cockpit to
up on the runway. complete the after takeoff checks without sufficient
attention to visual references outside for attitude and
iii. Not using maximum available runway or aligning DI heading.
with runway.
vii. A tendency to over bank during the climbing turns
iv. Rotating too rapidly into the climb attitude instead of onto crosswind for left hand circuits. This results in a
rotating to just below the climb attitude, allowing the decrease in the rate of climb and a lengthening of the
speed to build up to the required crosswind leg causing excessive large circuits being
climb speed and rotating further into the climb attitude. flown. NB – opposite occurs in R/H circuit.
v. Reciting the after take-off checks without actually viii. Insufficient correction for drift on the cross wind leg.
going through the required actions. ix. The high degree of concentration required from the
student during his initial attempts at take-offs may cause
tenseness on the controls and resulting in over-
controlling and lack of co-ordination.

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