Japan Model For Developing World

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Japan Model For

Chapter 14
• Highly developing free countries
• Fastest growing industrial society
• Coming century there will be a
japanese century
• Economic superpower of Asia
Sad Part

1. Mountainous

2. During winter fall land

covers with snow

3. Feudal economy
Action of japan
• It’s universities training 10 times as
many engineer as Britain.

• It’s industry employs more people in

critical area of research and
development than Britain, France,
and West Germany that put together.
Amazing things in Japan
• Little japan- South Korea, Singapore,
Taiwan, and Hong Kong
• Japan teach America in terms of their
• Economic Development of Japan is
model of success.
The Land

• land is composed of Honshu, kyushu,

Hokkaido, and shikoku
• Total land area 377 708 square
• 3.5 times bigger than the Philippines
• Largest land is Honshu
• Located in temperature zone
• Ainu tribes
• Primitive government
• Early ancestor( China, Manchuria,
• 7th. Biggest population in the world
• 120 million population
Feudal Japan
Feudal Japan
• Emperor- Highest ruler
• Shogun- Military Government
• Daimyo-Feudal lords or landlords
• Samurai-Given the rights to use firearm.
• Ronin-Samurai warrior
• Peasants- Farmers
• Artisans-skilled workers
• Merchants-The one who trade
Land reform
• Introduced by Douglas Mc Arthur
• 1946
• For democratizing the Japanese
Agrarian Society
• Its purpose is to improve agricultural
productivity and give high status for
the farmers
4 Institutional Reforms for
• Irrigation systems were developed
• Better seed varieties
• Commercial fertilizer were used
• Small farms units and labor-intensive
technology were practiced
Multi-Purpose Cooperatives

Agricultural Cooperatives were

already active in supplying services
and credit to the farmers. However,
agricultural cooperatives were
reorganized to complement the land
reform program. Its function is to cover
all the active and needs of the farmers
like farm management and marketing,
purchasing medical services, etc.
Agricultural Development

The success of the Japan in agriculture

growth has been very impressive despite
of shortcomings, such as limited land,
infertile soil, and othe natural
disadvantages. They still contributed to
the agricultural progress of the country.
Farming is an important component of
Japan’s economy. A lot of japanese
depended on agriculture for its income.
Industrial Development
Their government didn’t borrow
funds from foreign powers. It was the
farmers who financed the
industrialization of their own country.
They also established technical schools
and introduced teaching modern
science. Foreign Engineers were
employed as instructors and
consultant. Constructed transportation
and communication facilities.
Japan at Present
Today Japan is an industrial nation
with many larged-sized factories and
plants with automated equipment,
produce large variety of industrial
goods like cars, motorcycles, huge
ships, etc..
Japan manufactures the largest
number of motorcycles in the world.
Japan has been the world’s leading
shipbuilding. It launched the largest
ship in the world.
Technology Development

Once a upon a time. Japan copied

western technology. It acquire the bad
reputation of great imitator. Today it is
the country itself who are teaching
american manufaturers on productin
Produce more Scientists and Engineers

The education system of Japan is

very supportive by producing more
scientist and engineers and they work
in their own country.
Because of their natural
disadvantages they rely more on
technology to make its shortcommings
in a natural resources.
Education and Health

The children of Japan get free educatin

for the 1st 9 years. All children must go to
school for 6 years of elementary schooling
and 3 years lower secondary schooling and
then they can go to the various type of
universities. Every Japanese read and write.
The number of medical personnel and
facilities are very high. Free medical
services given to old people.

• Japanese management is Employee

• Employees work for a Lifetime
• Employee Benefits
• The process of decision making is
from the bottom up
• It is evident the Japanese style of
management makes it easy for all
members of the organization to share
and work for common company
• The principal key to Japan's success
is not adaptation, innovation or
creativity. Neither it is devotion to
individual effort and hardwork. The
real key to its success is cooperation
through teamwork.
• Honest day's work for a fair day's
• Japan helps the socio-economic development of
the less developed countries mostly through
technical cooperation.
• Japan's official development assistance in 1980
was $3,304 million, of which $229 million was in
the form of technical assistance.
• Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is
in charge of providing official technical assistance
to developing countries.
• In Southeast Asia, assistance is focused on
human resources development.
• In the Middle East, technical assistance is given
to projects like sea desalination and electricity.
Principal forms of technical
• Acceptance of trainees for group and individual
training programs by government agencies and
private organizations.
• Experienced and highly qualified experts are
dispatched by JICA
• Survey missions conduct feasibility studies for
public development projects.
• Training centers for vocational and technical
education are established.
• The Japanese government sponsors trainings
and seminars.
The Asian Challenge
• Japan is now a highly developed
country. Its people enjoy a high
standard of living. Aside from the
farmers of Japan who had helped the
early industrialization of their
country, family business houses
called "zaibatsu" played a vital role
in the economic development of the
Former prime minister Zenko Suzuki
noted three areas where Japan's efforts
could be utilized:
1. Japan is limited to peaceful means. It cannot
cooperate militarily with other countries. Such
policy is in line with the unfortunate events in the
2. The greatest contribution that Japan could
make is towards Asian countries' nation building
which is linked to economic and social
development, and stabilization of national
3. Japan is now called to play a political role in
the peace and stability of the region.
Real Assistance, not self-
• Japan has been extending assistance
to the less developed countries in the
form of money, materials, and
technology. However, these have
been given to countries which supply
raw materials and oil to Japan.
• Japan is interested in the Asian market which
has a very large population.
• Japan has doubled its foreign assistance
program, and most of it goes to Asia.
• When a rich country helps a poor country, it is
always for self-interest. There is nothing wrong
about this, if the assistance creates mutual
benefits between the giver and the receiver.
After all, the fortunes of the few rich countries
depend on the economic conditions of the
many poor countries.
Presented By: Vanessa Dabu
Sayra Sabiles
Ericka Zapanta

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