Parts of Speech

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Rajlaxmi Das
B. J. B. (A) College
Words in a sentence are divided into different
kinds or classes called Parts of Speech

Noun Adverb
Pronoun Conjunction
Adjective Preposition
Verb Interjection
• Parts of speech are words arranged in the
correct order according to their purpose in a
• Every word spoken in the English language
falls within one of the nine categories of the
parts of speech. The parts of speech are the
core of the English language, as tables are of
• A word that is used to name person, place, thing,
idea, color, feelings, symbols, thoughts, etc.
• Example:
• Ashish is a boy.
Singular Noun:
• A singular noun is a noun that refers to only one
person, one place, one thing, or one idea.
• Example: I have a pen

Plural Noun:
• A plural noun is a noun that refers to two or more
than two persons, places, things, or idea.
• Example: I have four books
Abstract Noun:
• Refers to a quality, idea or feeling, anything that we
cannot see or touch, but can only think of, hear or
• Examples: pain, happy, bravery, idea, etc.
• Harish is an honest person.

Concrete Noun:
• A noun that refers to a thing that we can both see
or touch
• Examples: table, car, tree, book, pen etc.
• A book is on the table.
Countable Noun:
• Anything that can be counted
• Examples: pen, table, fan, rooms, etc.
• I have two books.

Uncountable Noun:
• Anything that cannot be counted
• Examples: rise, water, stars, honesty, etc.
• We all love honesty.
Material noun:
• A substance, a material or an ingredient we can see
and touch & which is used for making things
• Examples: gold, rubber, steel, copper, etc.
• This window is made of glass.

Collective Noun:
• Any collection that makes a class
• Examples: army, bunch, herd, etc.
• She brought a bouquet of flowers.
Compound Noun:
• The mixture of two or more than two words to
make one word
• Examples: mother-in-law, pancake, darkroom, etc.
• I should get a haircut.

• A word that is used in place or instead of a noun

• Examples:
• Rohan is a good boy. He gets up early in the
Personal Pronoun:
• Represents people or things
• Examples: he, she, it, I, we, you, etc.
• We are Indians.

Demonstrative Pronoun:
• Used to point out particular persons, places, or
• Examples: this, that, these, those, some, such, etc.
• This is my party.
• These are her pencils.
Interrogative Pronoun:
• Used to ask questions
• Examples: who, whom, what, which, where, when,
why, etc.
• Who is she?
• What is your name?

Relative Pronoun:
• Refers or relates to some noun going before, which
is called its antecedents
• Examples: who, whom, that, which, whose.
• She is the woman who interviewed me.
Indefinite Pronoun:
• Doesn’t refer to any person or thing in particular
• Example: somebody, anybody, nobody, someone,
anyone, everybody, no one, something, anything,
everyone, etc.
• There is nobody in the class room.

Distributive Pronoun:
• Words that refer to persons or things one at a time
• Examples: each, either, and neither.
• Either of you can go.
Reflexive Pronoun:
• Used as the object of a verb or preposition when
the subject of the sentence and the object are the
same person
• Examples: myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves,
himself, herself, itself, themselves, and oneself.
• He made it himself.

• Emphatic Pronoun:
• Used to emphasize a noun or pronoun
• Examples: herself, itself, myself, etc.
• She herself opened the door.
Reciprocal Pronoun:
• Express a mutual relationship.
• Examples: each other and one another.
• They can’t see each other.
• Describes the quality of a noun and pronoun
• Example:
• Karl is a brave boy.
Descriptive Adjectives:
• Shows the kind or quality of noun
• Example: You look smart in the blue suit.

Quantitative Adjectives/ Adjectives of Quantity:

• Shows how many/ much of a thing is meant
• Example: There are eight planets in our solar
Interrogative Adjectives:
• Used with noun to ask questions, regarding wh’s
• Example: Whose book is this?

Demonstrative Adjectives:
• Used to specify, indicate or point out nouns or
other objects
• Example: I love those paintings.
Possessive Adjectives:
• Describes where does the object belong to
• Example: Take care of your belongings.

Distributive Adjectives:
• Used to specify, indicate or point out a particular
type of nouns or other objects
• Example: Every student in that class is a topper.
Indefinite Adjectives:
• Used to denote that something is neither accurate
nor definite about the count
• Example: There are so many books in the library.

Articles as Adjectives:
• Used to specify, indicate or point out a particular or
a general nouns or other objects
• Example: The pencils are broken.

A verb is a word which denotes an action.

• Example: I walk to school.
Transitive Verbs:
• Denotes action which passes over from the subject
to object
• Example: He kills a snake.

Intransitive Verbs:
• Denotes action which doesn’t pass over to an object
• Example: The train stopped.

Ergative Verb:
• Can be used both transitively & intransitively
• Example: The water boiled.
Auxiliary verbs:
• The helping or Auxiliary verbs help the principal
verb to form its tense, vice or mood.
• Example: is, are, am, etc.

A word that modifies the meaning of a verb, an

adjective, or another Adverb is called an Adverb
• Example: It was a cold day.
Kinds of Adverb:
• Adverb of Place
Eg.: nearby, upwards, there, etc.
• Adverb of Number or Frequency
Eg.: always, usually, never, etc.
• Adverb of Time
Eg.: recently, soon, currently, etc.
• Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation
Eg.: certainly, undoubtedly, surely, etc.
• Adverb of Manner
Eg.: carefully, slowly, etc.
• Adverb of Quantity
Eg.: a lot, much, a little, etc.
• Adverb of Degree
Eg.: fairly, extremely, very, etc.

A word that joins words or word groups together

• Examples: and, but, or, nor, although, yet, so,
either, and also

A word which shows the connection of a noun or

• Examples: out, under, over, after, out, into, up,
down, for, and between

A word that shows strong emotion

• Examples: Wow!, Ouch!, Hurray!, Alas!, Yay!, etc.

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