Short Circuit Calculation: Presented By: Louige Angelu Pairat

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Short Circuit

Presented By: Louige Angelu Pairat

Electric power systems in industrial plants and commercial and

institutional buildings are designed to serve loads in a safe and reliable
One of the major considerations in the design of a power system is
adequate control of short circuits or faults as they are commonly called.
Uncontrolled short-circuits can cause service outage with accompanying
production downtime and associated inconvenience, interruption of
essential facilities or vital services, extensive equipment damage,
personnel injury or fatality, and possible fire damage.

Short Circuit Calculation


Short-circuits are
caused by faults in the
insulation of a circuit,
and in many cases an arc
ensures at the point of
the fault.

Short Circuit Calculation


Such an arc may be

destructive and may
constitute a fire hazard.
Prolonged duration of arcs,
in addition to the heat
released, may result in
transient overvoltages that
may endanger the
insulation of equipment in
other parts of the system.

Short Circuit Calculation


Clearly, the fault must be

quickly removed from the
power system, and this is
the job of the circuit
protective devices—the
circuit breakers and fusible

Short Circuit Calculation


A short-circuit current generates heat that is

proportional to the square of the current
magnitude, I2R. The large amount of heat
generated by a short-circuit current may damage
the insulation of rotating machinery and
apparatus that is connected into the faulted
system, including cables, transformers, switches,
and circuit breakers. The most immediate danger
involved in the heat generated by short-circuit
currents is permanent destruction of insulation.
This may be followed by actual fusion of the
conducting circuit, with resultant additional
arcing faults.
© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation


Electric power systems are designed to be as fault-free as possible through careful

system and equipment design, proper equipment installation and periodic equipment
maintenance. However, even when these practices are used, faults do occur. Some of the
causes of faults are as follows:
a) Presence of animals in equipment
b) Loose connections causing equipment overheating
c) Voltage surges
d) Deterioration of insulation due to age
e) Voltage or mechanical stresses applied to the equipment
f) Accumulation of moisture and contaminants
g) The intrusion of metallic or conducting objects into the equipment such as grounding
clamps, fish tape, tools, jackhammers or pay-loaders
h) A large assortment of “undetermined causes”

© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial

and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

When to do the Calculation?

The calculation can be done after preliminary system design, with the
following prerequisite documents and design tasks completed:
 Key single line diagrams

 Major electrical equipment sized (e.g. generators,

transformers, etc)

 Electrical load schedule

 Cable sizing

Short Circuit Calculation

Purpose of Short Circuit Calculation

The purpose of short circuit calculation is to know the rating the

interrupting capacity of the overcurrent protective device.

In circuit breaker there are 3 important parameters when it comes to

residential design, ampere trip, ampere frame and interrupting rating
• Ampere trip – the current rating the circuit breaker set to trip

• Ampere frame – insulation housing for maximum long time current

available in physical

• Interrupting Rating – the highest current at rated voltage that a device is

intended to interrupt under standard test conditions.

Short Circuit Calculation

Short Circuit Calculation
Short Circuit Calculation
Short Circuit Calculation
Types of Short Circuits Currents


In a three-phase power system, the type of faults that can occur are
classified by the combination of conductors or buses that are faulted
together. In addition, faults may be classified as either bolted faults or faults
that occur through some impedance such as an arc. The fault current
calculation required for the selection of interrupting and withstand current
capabilities of equipment is the three-phase bolted fault with zero
© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

Three-Phase Fault

A three-phase bolted fault describes the

condition where the three conductors are
physically held together with zero impedance
between them, just as if they were bolted
together. For a balanced symmetrical system, the
fault current magnitude is balanced equally within
the three phases. While this type of fault does not
occur frequently, its results are used for protective
device selection, because this fault type generally
yields the maximum short-circuit current values.
Figure (a) provides a graphical representation of a
bolted three-phase fault.
© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

Line-to-Line Fault
Bolted line-to-line faults, Figure (b), are more
common than three-phase faults and have fault
currents that are approximately 87% of the three-
phase bolted fault current. This type of fault is not
balanced within the three phases and its fault
current is seldom calculated for equipment ratings
because it does not provide the maximum fault
current magnitude. The line-to-line current can be
calculated by multiplying the three-phase value by
0.866, when the impedance Z1 = Z2. Special
symmetrical component calculating techniques are
not required for this condition.
© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

Double-Line-to-Ground Fault
Double-line-to-ground faults, Figure (c), are
typically single-line-to-ground faults that have
escalated to include a second phase conductor.
This is an unbalanced fault. The magnitudes of
double line-to-ground fault currents are usually
greater than those of line to-line faults, but are
less than those of three-phase faults. Calculation
of double line-to-ground fault currents requires
the use of symmetrical components analysis. The
impedance of the ground return path will affect
the result, and should be obtained if possible.

© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial

and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

Single-Line-to-Ground Fault
Single-Line-to-ground faults, Figure (d), are the
most common type of faults and are usually the
least disturbing to the system. The current in the
faulted phase can range from near zero to a value
slightly greater than the bolted three-phase fault
current. The single-line-to-ground fault current
magnitude is determined by the method in which
the system is grounded and the impedance of the
ground return path of the fault current. Calculation
of the exact line-to-ground fault current
magnitudes requires the special calculating
techniques of symmetrical components.
© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial
and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

Single-Line-to-Ground Fault
However, close approximations can be made
knowing the method of system grounding used. On
ungrounded distribution systems, the line-to-
ground fault currents are near zero. Line-to-ground
fault current magnitudes in distribution systems
with resistance grounded system neutrals can be
estimated by dividing the system line-to-neutral
system voltage by the total value of the system
ground-to- neutral resistance. Line-to-ground fault
current magnitudes in distribution systems with a
solidly grounded system will be approximately
equal to the three-phase fault currentmagnitudes.

© IEEE Recommended Practice for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Industrial

and Commercial Power Systems by American National Standards Institute

Short Circuit Calculation

Sources of Short Circuit Currents





Short Circuit Calculation

Synchronous Generators

Synchronous generators are a

principal source of electrical energy in
power systems because almost all
utilities use synchronous generators to
generate electricity. Many of the larger
industrial systems may include
generators for energy conservation such
as in co-generation.

Short Circuit Calculation

Synchronous Motors and Synchronous Condensers

Synchronous motors are generally

used to drive large loads such as
compressors, pumps, and M-G sets and
to supply capacitive power for power
factor improvement. Sometimes
synchronous motors are operated near
unity power factor and rarely are
operated drawing reactive power from
system. The motors can have fixed or
constant current fields or can have
regulators that control bus voltage or
motor power factor.

Short Circuit Calculation

Synchronous Motors and Synchronous Condensers

Synchronous condensers are used as

a means of reducing power system
transmission losses, reactive power
control and controlling voltages in a
transmission or distribution system. They
are connected to the power system as a
motor but are neither connected to a
load nor to a prime mover. Modern
equipment such as static var
compensators (SVCs) are much more
common today than synchronous
condensers, but the older rotating
compensators may still be occasionally
encountered in practice.

Short Circuit Calculation

Asynchronous or Induction Motors

An induction motor (also known as

an asynchronous motor) is a commonly
used AC electric motor. In an induction
motor, the electric current in the rotor
needed to produce torque is obtained
via electromagnetic induction from the
rotating magnetic field of the stator
winding. Induction motors are referred
to as ‘asynchronous motors’ because
they operate at a speed less than their
synchronous speed.

Short Circuit Calculation

Electric Utility System

An electric utility system consists of

all of the elements needed to distribute
electrical power, including overhead and
underground lines, poles, transformers,
and other equipment.

Short Circuit Calculation

Sources of Short Circuit Currents

Short Circuit Calculation

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