Web Ads & Advertising

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Web Ads &

What is Web Advertisement?

Web Ads are nothing but information

devoted to promote, market, sell or
provide specific information about a
product, service, commercial event on
World Wide Web.

It is used simultaneously as online


Online advertising is basically the

action of actively promoting your new
Types of Web Advertisement

1) Banner Ads
In the early stages of Internet,
"advertising" on the Internet
meant "banner ads"

2) Pop-up and Pop under

A pop-up ad is an ad that
"pops up" in its own window
when you go to a page.
Types of Web Advertisement

3) Floating Ads
These are ads that appear
when you first go to a Web
page, and they "float" or "fly"
over the page for anywhere
from five to 30 seconds.

4) Unicast Ads
Unicast ads are TV commercial that runs in a pop-up
window. It is animated and it has sound. The ads can last
anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds.
Other forms of web advertisements

• Banners
– (static, animated and interactive)
• Interstitial
– (pop ups and similar pages that  
interrupt the user)
• Rich Media
– (Advanced technology, incorporating video,
audio, animation and photographs)
• Sponsorships, events and corporate sites
• Opt-ins
– (forms, newsletters push technologies)
• Viral marketing and email campaigns
• Spam, malware and cookies
Web Advertising Principles

• Keep ads for outside companies on the

periphery of the page

• Keep ads as small and discreet as possible

relative to your core homepage content

• If you place ads outside the standard banner

area at the top of the page, label them as
advertising so that users don’t confuse them
with your site’s content

• Avoid using ad conventions to showcase

regular features of the site
How to choose a Web Ad?

Mechanism of Interactive Web Ad. :

•By : Lai and Yang

How to choose a Web Ad?

In today’s world, the most important problem that an average

IA professional deals is with the placement of Web
advertisement on any Web Page without disturbing:

1) The flow of Navigation (Content)

2) The theme of the site (Context)
3) The type of users visiting (User)

These 3 principles as discussed by Rosenfield and Morville

are the basics that any IA Professional should apply while
developing or maintaining any Web site.
What makes a Good Website?

• Provide credible, original content in as many forms as possible.

• Provide valuable, timely information to the user, not lots of data.

• Share everything you learn.

• Custom-tailor the information to user preferences.

What makes a Good Website?

 Be responsive on a 56 Kbps modem (the typical Web user).

 Use graphics sparingly

 Break up your tables vertically for a cascading load to appear more
 Optimize graphic file size for Web display
 Optimize your HTML by removing excess spaces, comments, tags and

 Be easy to read
What makes a Good website?

• Be interactive; good interactivity engages the user and makes

your site memorable

• Be well-organized

- Balance the number of levels with page length to minimize

scrolling and display time.

• Use an appropriate metaphor

- Using a good graphic metaphor for your interface makes the
user feel more comfortable navigating your site.
How Do Advertisers Pay For It?

• Rates are quoted in cost per

thousand (CPM), meaning the cost
for every thousand times the ad is
– Each time an impression
(someone sees the ad on a site)
is said to have occurred.

• Type of Ads Buys

– Run-of-Site
– Specific Pages
– Keyword Searches
– Targeted Users
Ad Buys: Understanding Them

• Pay-For-Placement (PFP)
– As long as you bid the top two or three positions, you are
guaranteed to be displayed in the top of the results for the search
engine and its partners

• Pay-For-Inclusion (PFI)
– A search engine includes your website pages in its index in
exchange for payment, generally six months to one year. This
does not mean your page will appear in the top position

• Google Adwords
– Keywords you pick for your site are matched against those
products or services people have expressed an active desire to get
information on
The Battle For Space

• Paid search results are the hottest business on

the Web, so it's little surprise the two titans of
search are colliding
– Google's revenues were $390 million in the
first quarter, up 118% from a year ago
– Yahoo moved into the business forcefully
when it acquired a paid search company
called Overture last year

• The hottest spots include the home pages of the

Big Three: Yahoo, MSN, American Online
– Marketers generally buy the home-page ad
for 24-hour periods
– Space on these sites they may have to be
booked up to a year in advance
What’s new in Web Advertising?

• Location Based Advertising:

According to Kolmel and Alexakis Location based advertising brings
the power of technology and web advertisements together.
e.g. a user living in Austin can be shown the promotions and
advertisements for companies that operate in Austin area.

• A New Form Of Web Advertising: Adware

Adware is an advertising supported software that is available for
free and in exchange displays advertising banners within the
software interface
– Instead of you having to pay for the software, the company
creates revenue by selling advertising space in the software
– Adware will usually install additional third party components on your
system and may exchange statistical data with a remote location
over the internet

– Usually, taking advantage of these free products involves providing

some information about yourself that is used to target content and
measuring effectiveness on behalf of paying advertisers
The Effects of Phising and Spoofing
on Web Advertising
• “Phishing” and “spoofing” occur when scammers dupe
Web users into divulging account and other personal
information by pretending to represent known brands

• How can a marketer deal with phishy e-mail and

spoofing scamsters?
– adopt technology that certifies legitimate mail
– incorporate toolbars that warn users that they may be
entering shady parts of the Internet
• Auction site eBay (EBAY) has one that stays green when
users are on eBay, goes gray when they leave the site, and
sends out a pop-up message when they stumble onto a
known spoof site
– use software that can help companies react when
targeted by tainted mail, blunting the damage to
– Check with your Internet service providers
• Some are developing so-called "black lists" that block e-
mail from known spammers. In the future, these could be
turned into "white lists," so that only e-mail that has been
verified from legitimate sources makes it through
The Problems With Phising and Spoofing
on Web Advertisers
– The problem with implementing many
of today's available security solutions:
• slower online communication
• more expensive for the advertiser
• more cumbersome for users
– Marketers should never ask for
personal information nor link to a
page that asks for personal data
– For now, the best defense for
marketers is strong and consistent
branding, so customers can tell the
difference between a real e-mail and
a phishing attack
After All This,
Do You Still Want To Get In The Business?

It is an industry that is exponentially

• U.S. advertisers this year will spend a
record $9.1 billion on online advertising,
according to a new report from
• Online's share of U.S. media spending
this year will reach a record 3.4%
• By 2007, U.S. online spending as a
percent of media advertising total is
projected at $16.0 billion
Why is there such growth in
Web Advertisement?

While web advertising • 75% of the U.S. population

is important, other now has Internet access at
investments by home, according to
marketers, like a NetRatings
company's own Web
site, are often more
critical to making strong • 29% of U.S. homes have a
connections with broadband connection,
consumers says eMarketer

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