Week 2 - Data Representation - Stud

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Chapter 2

Data Representation
Computer Systems

Chapter 2 Objectives

• Understand the fundamentals of numerical data

representation and manipulation in digital computers.
• Master the skill of converting between various radix
• Understand the fundamental concepts of floating-point
• Gain familiarity with the most popular character codes.


• A bit is the most basic unit of information in a

– It is a state of “on” or “off” in a digital circuit.
• A byte is a group of eight bits.
– A byte is the smallest possible addressable (a particular
byte can be retrieved according to its location in
memory) unit of computer storage.
• A word is a contiguous group of bytes.
– Words can be any number of bits or bytes. Word sizes of
16, 32, or 64 bits are most common.
Positional Numbering Systems

• Bytes store numbers using the position of each bit

to represent a power of 2.
– Any integer quantity can be represented exactly using
any base (or radix).
– E.g. the binary system is also called the base-2 system.
• The decimal number 947 in powers of 10 is:
9  10 2 + 4  10 1 + 7  10 0
• The binary number 11001 in powers of 2 is:
1  24+ 1  23 + 0  22 + 0  21 + 1  20
= 16 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 25
Decimal to Binary Conversions

• Converting 190 to base 3...

– Continue in this way until
the quotient is zero.
– In the final calculation, we
note that 3 divides 2 zero
times with a remainder of 2.
– Our result, reading from
bottom to top is:
19010 = 210013

Decimal to Binary Conversions

• Binary values are usually expressed using the

hexadecimal, or base-16, numbering system.
• The hexadecimal numbering system uses the
numerals 0 through 9 and the letters A through F.
– The decimal number 12 is C16.
– The decimal number 26 is 1A16.
• Because 16 = 24, to convert from binary to
hexadecimal, all we need to do is group the binary
digits into groups of four.
A group of four binary digits is called a hextet

Decimal to Binary Conversions

• Using groups of hextets, the binary number

110101000110112 (= 1359510) in hexadecimal is:

• Octal (base 8) values are derived from binary by

using groups of three bits (8 = 23):

Octal was very useful when computers used six-bit

Signed Integer Representation

• To represent negative values, computer systems

allocate the high-order bit to indicate the sign of a value
while the remaining bits contain the value of the
– The high-order bit is the leftmost bit in a byte. It is also called
the most significant bit.
• There are three ways in which signed binary numbers
may be expressed:
– Signed magnitude,
– One’s complement and
– Two’s complement.

Signed Integer Representation

• Four rules of binary addition:

0 + 0 = 0 0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1 1 + 1 = 10
• The simplicity of this system makes it possible
for digital circuits to carry out arithmetic
• Example:
– Using signed magnitude binary
arithmetic, find the sum of 75 and 46.

In this example, we were careful to pick two values whose sum would
fit into seven bits. If that is not the case, we have a problem.
Signed Integer Representation

• Example:
– Using signed magnitude binary
arithmetic, find the sum of 107
and 46.
• We see that the carry from the
seventh bit overflows and is
discarded, giving us the
erroneous result: 107 + 46 = 25.

Signed Integer Representation

• Signed magnitude representation is easy for

people to understand, but it requires
complicated computer hardware.
• Another disadvantage of signed magnitude is
that it allows two different representations for
zero: positive zero and negative zero.
• For these reasons (among others) computers
systems employ complement systems for
numeric value representation.

Signed Integer Representation

• For example, in 8-bit one’s complement,

positive 3 is: 00000011
• Negative 3 is: 11111100
• Complement systems are useful because they
eliminate the need for subtraction. The
difference of two values is found by adding the
minuend to the complement of the subtrahend.

Signed Integer Representation

• With one’s complement

addition, the carry bit is
“carried around” and added
to the sum.
– Example: Using one’s
complement binary arithmetic,
find the sum of 48 and - 19

We note that 19 in one’s complement is 00010011

so -19 in one’s complement is: 11101100

Signed Integer Representation

• Although the “end carry around” adds some

complexity, one’s complement is simpler to
implement than signed magnitude.
• But it still has the disadvantage of having two
different representations for zero: positive
zero and negative zero.
• Two’s complement solves this problem.
• Two’s complement is the radix complement of
the binary numbering system.

Signed Integer Representation

• To express a value in two’s complement:

– If the number is positive, just convert it to binary and
you’re done.
– If the number is negative, find the one’s complement of
the number and then add 1.
• Example:
– In 8-bit one’s complement, positive 3 is: 00000011
– Negative 3 in one’s complement is: 11111100
– Adding 1 gives us -3 in two’s complement form: 11111101.

Signed Integer Representation

• With two’s complement arithmetic, all we do is add

our two binary numbers. Just discard any carries
emitting from the high order bit.
– Example: Using one’s
complement binary
arithmetic, find the sum of
48 and - 19.

We note that 19 in one’s complement is: 00010011

so -19 in one’s complement is: 11101100
and -19 in two’s complement is: 11101101

Signed Integer Representation

• When we use any finite number of bits to represent

a number, it has a risk of the result of becoming too
large to be stored. While we can’t always prevent
overflow, we can always detect overflow.
• Overflow Rule: If 2 two‟s complement numbers are
added, and they are both positive or both negative, then
overflow occurs if and only the result has the opposite
– Example: Calculate –7+(–6) using a 4-bit two's complement
(–7) 1001
+ (–6) 1010
(+3) 1 0011 “Overflow” 17
Floating-Point Representation

• Computers use a form of scientific notation for floating-point representation

• Numbers written in scientific notation have three components:

• Computer representation of a floating-point number consists of three fixed-size fields:

Floating-Point Representation

• Floating-point overflow and underflow can cause

programs to crash.
• Overflow occurs when there is no room to store
the high-order bits resulting from a calculation.
• Underflow occurs when a value is too small to
store, possibly resulting in division by zero.

Experienced programmers know that it’s better for a

program to crash than to have it produce incorrect, but
plausible, results.

Floating-Point Representation

• When discussing floating-point numbers, it is important

to understand the terms range, precision, and accuracy.
• Accuracy refers to how closely a numeric representation
approximates a true value.
• The precision of a number indicates how much
information we have about a value.
• Because of truncated bits, you cannot always assume
that a particular floating point operation is commutative
or distributive. E.g. we cannot assume:
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) or a*(b + c) = ab + ac

Character Codes
• Computers map characters to bit patterns
(unsigned integers effectively). The most
common mappings in use are ASCII12
(pronounced as-key) and Unicode. An older
mapping is IBM’s EBCDIC.
• ASCII uses 7-bits (128 bit patterns) although
most computers extend this to 8 bits yielding an
extra 128 bit-patterns.

The 7-bit ASCII Character Set
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
20 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
30 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
40 @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
50 P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
60 ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
70 p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ DEL

The 7-bit ASCII Character Set

• Example Code the text string 'Hello.' in ASCII

using hexadecimal digits.
H = 48
e = 65
l = 6C
l = 6C
o = 6F
. = 2E
• thus the string is represented by the byte
• 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2E
• Unicode is a newer but more complex standard that
attempts to provide a number for every character no matter
what the language.
– Many of today’s systems embrace Unicode, a 16-bit system that can
encode the characters of every language in the world.
– The Java programming language, and some operating systems now use
Unicode as their default character code.

Note: the first 127 characters of Unicode correspond to ASCII


Chapter 2 Conclusion

• Computers store data in the form of bits, bytes,

and words using the binary numbering system.
• Signed integers can be stored in one’s
complement, two’s complement, or signed
magnitude representation.
• Floating-point operations are not necessarily
commutative or distributive.
• Character data is stored using ASCII, EBCDIC,
or Unicode.


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