Network Components

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Network Components

Find the definitions and an image for the following.

Server Network Printer

Definition: A computer system that Definition: A printer that is

is used as the central repository of accessible via a network connection,
data & various programs that are making it usable by other computers
shared by users in a network. connected to the network.
(How Stuff Works, n.d.) (Computer Hope, 2017)

Router Switch

Definition: Small electronic devices Definition: A small hardware device

that join multiple computer that channels incoming data from
networks together using either multiple input ports (ethernet etc.)
wired or wireless connections. to a specific output port.
(Mitchell, 2019) (Rouse, 2019)
Modem Wireless Access Point

Definition: A hardware component Definition: (WAP) is a hardware

that allows a computer or device, device or configured node on a local
such as a router or switch, to area network (LAN) that allows
connect to the internet. wireless devices and wired networks
(Tech Terms, 2019) to connect through a wireless
standard, such as Wi-Fi.
(Techopedia, n.d.)

Network Interface Card

Definition: (NIC) is a hardware component, typically a circuit board or chip, that

is installed inside of a computer so that it may connect to a network. Most
commonly via an ethernet cable.
(Rouse, network interface card (NIC), 2019)
Computer Hope. (2017, April 26). Network printer. Retrieved from Computer
How Stuff Works. (n.d.). What is a network server? Retrieved from How Stuff
Mitchell, B. (2019, August 29). What Is a Router for Computer Networks?
Retrieved from Lifewire:
Rouse, M. (2019, February). network interface card (NIC). Retrieved from Tech
Rouse, M. (2019, August). network switch. Retrieved from Tech Target:
Tech Terms. (2019, September 2). Modem. Retrieved from Tech Terms:
Techopedia. (n.d.). Wireless Access Point (WAP). Retrieved from Techopedia:

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