Global Governance
Global Governance
Global Governance
After the lesson, the students should be able to:
◦ Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations
◦ Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-
first century
◦ Explain the relevance of the state amid globalization
The world is facing with
threats and challenges that no
single country, no matter how
powerful it is, can deal with.
◦ 9/11 attack, 3000 deaths, including 19 hijackers
◦ 2002 Bali Bombings: 202 deaths, 209 injuries
◦ 2004 Madrid Bomb Attacks: 191 deaths, 2050 injuries
◦ 2005 London bomb attacks:
56 deaths (including 4 suicide
bombers), 100 injuries
Proliferation of WMD
(Weapon of Mass Destruction)
◦ Nuclear Weapons
◦ Biological Weapons
◦ Chemical Weapons
Environmental Degradation
◦ Global warming
◦ Ozone layer
◦ Living atmosphere
Natural Disasters
◦ 2008 Cyclone Nagis: 138,366 deaths,
$10billion damages
◦ 2010 Haiti earthquake:
around 92,000-230,000 deaths
◦ 2011 Earthquake and
Tsunami in Japan:
15,756 death, 5,927 injured,
and 4,460 missing
Famine in the Horn of Africa
◦ 29,000 children may have already been perished
◦ UN said it has only $1.3 billion of the 2.4 billion it needs 2
assist 12m people
Flooding in Southeast Asia
◦ In Cambodia, 250 people died, 18 provinces affected with
the total cost of $521 millions
◦ Thailand, more than 500 people died with the damage cost
of $ 3.2 billions
Humanitarian Crisis in Syria
◦ Death toll: nearly 300,000 people
◦ 200,00 internally displaced people
◦ 1.2 million registered refugees in neighboring countries
Piracy and Transnational Crimes
◦ Arms trafficking
◦ Drug trafficking
◦ Trafficking in persons
◦ Sex slavery
◦ Cyber crimes
◦ Malaria, TB
◦ 2009 A(H1N1): 16,931 deaths in more than 100 countries
There is no world government to
coordinate and facilitate cooperation
among all actors to deal with threats
and challenges.
Global Governance
“…sum of the many ways individuals and institutions, public
and private, manage their common affairs…”