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Global Governance

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After the lesson, the students should be able to:
◦ Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations
◦ Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-
first century
◦ Explain the relevance of the state amid globalization
The world is facing with
threats and challenges that no
single country, no matter how
powerful it is, can deal with.
◦ 9/11 attack, 3000 deaths, including 19 hijackers
◦ 2002 Bali Bombings: 202 deaths, 209 injuries
◦ 2004 Madrid Bomb Attacks: 191 deaths, 2050 injuries
◦ 2005 London bomb attacks:
56 deaths (including 4 suicide
bombers), 100 injuries
Proliferation of WMD
(Weapon of Mass Destruction)
◦ Nuclear Weapons
◦ Biological Weapons
◦ Chemical Weapons
Environmental Degradation
◦ Global warming
◦ Ozone layer
◦ Living atmosphere
Natural Disasters
◦ 2008 Cyclone Nagis: 138,366 deaths,
$10billion damages
◦ 2010 Haiti earthquake:
around 92,000-230,000 deaths
◦ 2011 Earthquake and
Tsunami in Japan:
15,756 death, 5,927 injured,
and 4,460 missing
Famine in the Horn of Africa
◦ 29,000 children may have already been perished
◦ UN said it has only $1.3 billion of the 2.4 billion it needs 2
assist 12m people
Flooding in Southeast Asia
◦ In Cambodia, 250 people died, 18 provinces affected with
the total cost of $521 millions
◦ Thailand, more than 500 people died with the damage cost
of $ 3.2 billions
Humanitarian Crisis in Syria
◦ Death toll: nearly 300,000 people
◦ 200,00 internally displaced people
◦ 1.2 million registered refugees in neighboring countries
Piracy and Transnational Crimes
◦ Arms trafficking
◦ Drug trafficking
◦ Trafficking in persons
◦ Sex slavery
◦ Cyber crimes
◦ Malaria, TB
◦ 2009 A(H1N1): 16,931 deaths in more than 100 countries
There is no world government to
coordinate and facilitate cooperation
among all actors to deal with threats
and challenges.
Global Governance
“…sum of the many ways individuals and institutions, public
and private, manage their common affairs…”

(Commission on Global Governance)

Global Governance
“… collection of governance-related activities, rules and
mechanisms, formal and informal, existing at a variety of
levels in the world today, also referred to as the ‘pieces of
global governance’…”

(Karns and Mingst)

1. International Law
There are 5 sources of international law:
◦ treaties or conventions
◦ customary practices
◦ the writings of legal scholars
◦ judicial decisions
◦ general principles of law
2. International Norms of Soft
◦ Not a binding legal documents, but rather the standards of
behaviors, such as: some human rights, labor rights,
framework conventions on climate change and biodiversity.
3. International Organizations
◦ Global (UN, WTO, WHO…)
◦ Regional (ASEAN, EU, AU, SAARC..),
◦ General purpose (UN, OAS),
◦ Specialized (WTO, WHO, ILO, Nato..)
◦ The League of Nations was formed after WWI
◦ Consisted of 42 countries
◦ Had two basic goals:
◦ Collectively preserve peace
◦ Promote international cooperation in economic and
social affairs
◦ Failed at keeping peace (WWII)
◦ Lost several key members
◦ October 24, 1945 the League officially became the
United Nations
◦ Consisted of 51 member states
◦ World held by Olive Branches
Olive Branches represent - Peace
◦ Main Goal of the UN:
Maintain world peace and security
◦ There are 193 Member Nations
◦ in the UN
◦ UN Headquarters are in
◦ New York City
UN General Assembly
◦ “parliament of nations”
◦ Meet to consider world problems
◦ 2/3 majority needed to decide:
◦ International peace and security issues
◦ Admitting new members
◦ Budget
UN General Assembly
◦ All other matters are decided by a simple majority
◦ Cannot force action by any state
◦ Annual regular session is from Sept. – Dec.
◦ When the Assembly is not meeting its work is carried
out by its six main committees, other subsidiary bodies,
and the UN secretariat.
Security Council
◦ Primary responsibility is to maintain international peace
and security.
◦ Under Charter all member states are obligated to carry out
the council’s decisions
◦ Council consists of 15 members: Five permanent members
- Russia, France, China, UK, U.S.
◦ Ten others elected by the General Assembly for 2 years
Security Council
◦ When there is a threat to international peace the council
◦ Explore ways to settle disputes peacefully
◦ Suggest principles for a settlement
◦ Mediate
◦ Try to secure a cease fire (if fighting occurs)
◦ Send out peacekeepers to help the parties maintain the truce or
keep opposing forces apart
Security Council
◦ When there is a threat to international peace the council
◦ Explore ways to settle disputes peacefully
◦ Suggest principles for a settlement
◦ Mediate
◦ Try to secure a cease fire (if fighting occurs)
◦ Send out peacekeepers to help the parties maintain the truce or
keep opposing forces apart
Security Council
◦ Measures the Council can take to enforce its
◦ Impose economic sanctions
◦ Order an arms embargo
◦ Authorize member states to use “all necessary means”
Security Council
◦ The council also makes recommendations to the
General Assembly on:
◦ The appointment of a new Secretary General
◦ The admission of new members
Economic and Social Council
◦ Coordinates the economic and social work of the UN and
the UN family of organizations
◦ Plays a key role in fostering international cooperation for
◦ Consults with non-governmental organizations (NGO’s),
which helps the UN maintain relations with civil society
Economic and Social Council
◦ Council’s subsidiary bodies meet regularly and
report back to the council. Examples include
commissions on:
◦ Human Rights
◦ Social Development
◦ Status of Women
◦ Crime Prevention
◦ Narcotic Drugs
◦ Environmental Protection
◦ Economic Development and Cooperation
The Trusteeship Council
◦ Established to provide international supervision for Trust
Territories administered by state and ensure that adequate
steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self
government and independence
◦ By 1994, all Trusts had attained self government or
International Court of Justice
◦ AKA: the “World Court”
◦ Main judicial body of the UN
◦ Consists of 15 judges elected jointly by the General
Assembly and the Security Council
◦ Decides disputes between countries
International Court of Justice
◦ Participation by States in a proceeding is voluntary
◦ If state agrees to participate, it is obligated to comply
with the court’s decision
◦ Provides advisory opinions to the GA and Security
Council upon request
The Secretariat
◦ Carries out the substantive and administrative work of the
UN as directed by the GA, the security council and the
other bodies
◦ Headed by the Secretary General who provides overall
administration and guidance
◦ Consists of departments and offices with a total of 7,500
under the regular budget, and almost that many under
special funding
4. Non-Government Organization
◦ There are over 6,500 NGOs that have an international
dimension either in terms of membership or commitment to
conduct activities.
◦ Advocating a particular cause such as human rights, peace
or environmental protection.
◦ Providing services such as disaster relief, humanitarian aid,
5. International Regimes
◦ Encompassing rules, norms and principles as well as the
practices of actors that show both how their expectations
converge and their acceptance of and compliance with
6. Global Conference
◦ The Summit for Children
◦ Rio Earth Summit
◦ Fourth World Conference on Women
◦ Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change
◦ Cancun Conference on Climate Change
7. Private Governance
◦ Private governance is a growing, but little studies
◦ Private firms are attempting to establish enforceable
intellectual property rules for music, software,
harmonization of labor standards, sanitation regulation
Why we need global governance?
Global governance is needed to cooperate and facilitate
international efforts to address common threats and
After the lesson, the students should be able to:
◦ Identify the roles and functions of the United Nations
◦ Identify the challenges of global governance in the twenty-
first century
◦ Explain the relevance of the state amid globalization

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