Common Sense Mechanics

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Dr. Rajshekhar Banerjee
▪ Introduction
▪ Visual Inspection
▪ Cue Ball Concept
▪ Differential Torque
▪ Static Equilibrium
▪ Diving Board Concept
▪ Rowboat Effect
▪ Extraction Mechanics
▪ Conclusion
"Common Sense Mechanics"
Thomas F. Mulligan
Series of 16 articles in JCO
(Sep. 1979 – Dec. 1980)
The title ‘Common Sense Mechanics’ is
based on the simple fact that no
appliance exists which will allow an
orthodontist to treat orthodontic problems
without adding the necessary ingredient
of Common Sense to the mechanics
instituted for correcting the malocclusion
Even with the refinement of appliances
which reduces the physical effort put in
during treatment, the need for the
orthodontist to think, understand and
apply basic principles of mechanics in
a common sense manner will always be
A Common Sense approach to the
application of mechanical principles
helps us to solve problems as well as
permits us to avoid those problems we
often introduce in treatment
Visual Inspection

“The “Visual Inspection Method” is often

what confuses the orthodontist in
attempting to determine with reliability
what forces are present.
These visual interpretations are quite
common in the profession and are largely
responsible for the failure to predict and
recognize correct force systems.
The greater the inter-bracket
distance, the greater will be the
resiliency created by any given
Simple Rule
▪ If the bend is located off center, there will
be a long segment and a short segment.
▪ When the short segment is engaged into
the bracket or tube, the long segment will
point in the direction of the force
produced on the tooth that will receive
the long segment.
▪ The short segment points in the opposite
direction of the force that will be
produced on the tooth that receives the
short segment.
▪ If the bend is in the center
→ No long or short segment.
→ No force.
▪ Forces cancel each other upon
engagement, leaving pure moments.
Forces and Moments
▪ Simply stated, a force is nothing more than
a "push" or " pull," and acts in a straight line.
▪ Whenever this line of force passes through
the center of a body (Center of Resistance)
there is no moment produced and therefore
no rotational tendency.
▪ When a force acts away from the center, a
moment is produced and a rotational
tendency occurs.

Magnitude of moment = Force x

Perpendicular distance to the
Cue Ball Concept
Translation Rotation
Static Equilibrium
▪ The subject of static equilibrium is so
easy to understand, and yet so very
important in orthodontic mechanics,
that the practicing orthodontist cannot
afford to ignore the principles involved.

▪ In orthodontics we have the advantage

of equilibrium automatically establishing
itself every time we engage an archwire
into the brackets and tubes.
Requirements of Static Equilibrium
Sum of Vertical Forces equals zero
This is why we must deal with extrusive components of force
during overbite correction. Since we cannot eliminate these
forces, we must learn to control them.
Sum of Horizontal Forces equals zero
This is why we cannot correct a unilateral crossbite with a single
horizontal force. We must apply common sense when treating
these problems.
Sum of the Moments around a common
point equals Zero
• With two equal moments at
either end of the archwire,
the system is in balance.

• With two unequal moments

at either end of the
archwire, the system
reaches a balance, but
seems to be unbalanced
with the entire unit rotating
Reverse Curve of Spee
▪ A full strap-up with a
reverse curve of Spee.
▪ The vertical forces
cancel out but
moments produced at
either end of the
archwire - anterior
lingual root torque or
labial crown torque;
posterior mesial root
torque or distal crown
Arch Levelling
▪ When levelling an arch, in a full strap-
up, intrusive forces act through the
molar tubes, producing buccal crown
torque on the molars.
▪ When a 2 x 4 strap-up utilized for
overbite correction, intrusion on the
incisor segment and because the
molars then become the reciprocal
teeth, they incur eruptive forces.
The ‘Diving Board’
▪ A good example of a cantilever is
the diving board. A cantilever is
considered to be a simple beam
in the engineering world and is
characterized by a pure force at
one end and a single moment at
the point of attachment. The
forces of course are equal and
opposite at each end.
▪ “Diving Board Concept” the
advantages involved in utilizing the
factor of “length” in our archwires.

▪ Stiffness is the amount of deflection

we get from a given load/force.
▪ Stiffness (load/deflection rate) a 1/ L3
▪ The formula tells us that if we are
dealing with a cantilever (such as a
diving board), by doubling the length
stiffness is reduced to 1/8th.
▪ By doubling the length, only 1/8th the
force will be required to produce the
same deflection or the same force
acting at double the length will
produce 8 times as much deflection.
▪ If a person were to walk out only halfway on the diving
board the board would bend or deflect a given
distance. The weight (force) of the individual standing
at this halfway point times the perpendicular distance
to the point of attachment of the board produces a
moment at the point of attachment.
▪ In orthodontics, we often refer to this moment as the
"critical moment", as it is the largest moment involved
and is often responsible for breakage in an archwire at
that particular point.
▪ The moment keeps decreasing along the diving
board and finally reaches zero directly underneath
the individual (load) standing on the board. This is
because the distance at that point is zero. As the
load moves forward to the end of the diving board,
the critical moment doubles due to the fact that the
distance has doubled. The load is still the same, but
force times twice the original distance produces
twice the moment (critical moment).
▪ Again, note that the individual produces only a pure
force acting through the point at which the load is
positioned. There is no moment at this point, since
there is no distance left in relationship to the applied
Constant Load vs. Constant Deflection
▪ To maintain the same force requires
variation in archwire deflection.
▪ For a given bend we must determine
angle necessary to produce the
desired force and know length of wire
between brackets and tubes.
▪ Constant deflection (bends) creates
variable loads.
▪ Problem - some of these loads might
not be biologically and physiologically
▪ Some of the forces might be much too
high and introduce additional problems
into our treatment procedures,
particularly those cases involving
vertical dimension problems.
▪ Small inter-bracket distances can
produce very high magnitudes of force
with the so called “light wires”
▪ Bypassing teeth is one method of
increasing inter-bracket distance.
▪ Although the range of force levels will
be broad, the entire range can be
maintained at a very low level.
Constant bends (angular) are preferred
▪Easy to do
▪Readily reproducible
▪Intraorally activated (light wires only)
▪Offer low force ranges ( the "by-pass"
approach to force control).
▪ The diving board concept or the
cantilever concept has a wide
application in Orthodontics

▪ The pure force can be used for

overbite correction while the
differential torque can be utilized for
intraoral anchorage control.
▪ If we bypass bicuspids and cuspids
during overbite correction, and use a
wire with tipback bends at the molars,
we have in ‘effect created a “diving
board”, although certain modifications
would be required in the anterior
segment in order to provide a true
cantilever system.
With a constant tipback angle, the deflection
doubles as the wire length doubles.
▪ Because the anterior-posterior arch
length varies from patient to patient,
when bicuspids and cuspids are
bypassed the length becomes a
variable and, thus, so do the
magnitudes of the intrusive and
extrusive forces at each end of the
▪ The moment on the molars cannot be
ignored, as it is possible to tip back
molars undesirably, if not cautious.
▪ Do not use too large a tipback bend
(angle), as this in combination with
duration of use can result in
excessive tipback of the molar teeth.
Pure Force
▪ A pure force will not occur if the
design of the arch wires is improper.

▪ When only the molars and incisors

are banded/bonded, direct insertion of
the archwire with a tip-back bend into
the incisor brackets, does not
produce a pure intrusive force to the
incisor teeth.
Pure Force
▪ To provide a pure and known intrusive
force, a wire segment placed into the
incisor brackets and the arch wire
then used as an “overlay”.
Distalization with
Differential Torque
▪ Tendency for the maxillary teeth to
move forward during anterior lingual
root torque
▪ The tip back bend is an off centre
bend and the long and short segment
indicate the direction in which the
forces act. Moments involved are
unequal, thus resulting in a
“differential torque”
▪ Since crown movement tends to
precede root movement, there is a
tendency for distal crown movement.

▪ If the archwire is tied to the molar

tubes, there is a distalization
tendency for the entire upper arch
▪ Level of unerupted second molars does not
pose the threat of impaction with the use of a
tipback bend except with techniques that use
excessively high vertical force levels.

▪ If the first molars are allowed to extrude as they

tip back, they will be lifted and tipped back over
the second molar crowns.

▪ If the teeth are not permitted to extrude, they

will tip back and push the unerupted second
molar even further back.
The relationship of the arch wire to the
bracket and tubes, prior to engagement
offers information. If a straight wire is
inserted over angulated brackets, a
certain angular relation develops
between the wire and the plane of the
bracket slot. The straight wire overlying
these brackets gives us a clues
regarding tooth movement.
The same wire/bracket
relationship can be
created by a bend in
the wire or a straight
wire in relation to a
▪ We can determine the forces and
moments present in the two extremes
of the wire bracket relationships; the
centre bend and the step bend, by
applying the require-ments for static

▪ Vertical forces
▪ Horizontal forces
▪ Sum of all moments…
Force A & Force D produce equal clockwise moments.
Moments produced by Forces B and C are equal to each
other and counterclockwise, they are smaller in magnitude
than Forces A and D, because they are produced at smaller
Therefore, the sum of the moments does not equal zero.
Step bend force system with Forces A and D less than Forces
B and C does satisfy the requirements of static equilibrium.
Forces A and B produce a clockwise moment; Forces
C and D also produce a clockwise moment.
Clockwise moments result in counterclockwise tooth
▪ The tip back bend is a off-centre bend.
Two moments are produced, but they
are unequal. The larger moment lies at
the bracket or tube containing the short
segment. The smaller moment may, at
times be clock wise or other times
counter clockwise and even disappear
producing the cantilever effect.
Tipback bend is an off- Large moment at the
center bend with a short bracket with the short
and a long segment segment
▪ The typical extraction strapup involves the
banding/bonding of cuspids, second
bicuspids, and first molars
• The force during retraction are equal
and opposite on the two units – anchor
and non-anchor unit.

• The multi-banded unit actually receive

the lesser amount of force per unit
area along the PDL membrane while
the non-anchor unit receives the
• The malocclusion usually results in
initial archwire activation, due to the
fact that the brackets are not yet
• The periodontal response that occur is
permitted to improve bracket
alignment and level, prior to placing
the bends in the arch wire.
• Anytime teeth are being retracted,
there is a mesial force at the molar

• Toe-in bends should be placed early,

so as to initiate a counterrotation, so
that we do not produce a mesiolingual
rotation of the molars when retraction
is begun.
Placement of bends intraorally.

• If bends are placed intraorally, they

cannot be placed against the brackets
completely, - ↓ differential torque

• smaller interbracket distances result in

bends being relatively close to center.
Second bicuspids are sometimes
temporarily not banded to increase the
distance and therefore the differential
Power chains can be used for retraction -
cuspid directly tied to the molar, while
the second bicuspid is tied individually
with an "O" Ring. This allows a greater
range of force.
• The anchor unit should remain relatively

• The non-anchor unit should undergo tipping

until archwire binding occurs.

• Once binding occurs, the roots will respond

to the moments produced by the archwire,
until binding stops and crown movement is

• As cuspids continue to move distally- when

the extraction sites are closed, the bend is
When extraction space is closed, an intraoral
bend can be made distal to the cuspid bracket,
countering the tipback bend at the molar and
producing equal and opposite moments for root
Bicuspid Retraction
▪ Since differential torque considers the
effectiveness of a net moment, total
root area in the anchor unit is not the
primary consideration.
▪ As a result, bicuspids can be
retracted in the same way as cuspid
• As the molar serves as the anchor
unit, a bend is placed mesial to the
tube, thus producing the largest
moment on this tooth.
• An elastic is used to retract the first
• The bicuspid will start tipping while the
molars remains upright which verifies
the anchorage and non anchorage
sides due to the unequal moments.
• As the bicuspid move distally it
gradually approaches the off centered
bend lying mesial to the molar tube. As
this happens the two moments
gradually becomes more and more
equal, but opposite in direction. The
gradual equalization provides the root
paralleling due to the initial tipping.
Unequal moments in the
same direction augments
the effectiveness of the
anchorage, whereas
unequal moments in the
opposite direction still
favour anchorage, if the
molar moment is larger.
Molar Protraction

▪ Molar protraction is accomplished in

the same manner— by locating the
bend off center.
▪ Since the molar is to be protracted, it
belongs on the non-anchor side, and
therefore, furthest from the bend.
▪ The opposite side becomes the anchor
side, so the bend is placed immediately
distal to the first bicuspid bracket.
▪ Differential torque is again produced, just
as occurred on the left side, except the
directions of movement are reversed
because the locations of the bends are
Any type of tooth movement that produces
intrusive balancing forces in the posterior area has
the potential for molar crown displacement to the

Tooth movement that creates an extrusive force in

the posterior area results in the potential for lingual
crown movement

If the second molar is present and

unbanded, 1st molar displacement is
rather obvious……

The functional curves of occlusion

include the curves of Wilson and
An intrusive force acting through the molar
tube produces a buccal crown movement.
As a result the posterior arch will show an
increase, while from a frontal view, the
curve of Monson will show an increase.
This problem too will be resolved with the
introduction of horizontal force through the
same molar tubes

If buccal overjet is present in the molar

region, it must be determined whether the
upper molars have been displaced to the
buccal, the lower molars to the lingual or a
combination of two. From a frontal view,
any change in the curves of Monson or
Wilson will answer.
▪ No matter how fancy or sophisticated an
appliance, in the end teeth only move as a
result of moments and forces, and we can
utilize principles of mechanics that will
allow for use of a simple appliance in an
acceptable and efficient manner.

▪ Common Sense Mechanics points out that

we must know and understand basic
mechanics and then apply such principles
in a biologic manner.

▪ All responses to force systems are

definitely not exact. However, we
must first know the forces and
moments present before we can
reliably predict the response.

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