TPM Awareness

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The key takeaways from the passage are that businesses are facing challenges like increasing costs, demand for better quality, changing market needs, difficulty retaining workforce etc. and TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) aims to address these challenges through approaches like reducing equipment breakdowns, defects, accidents, overall equipment effectiveness etc.

The key challenges faced by businesses according to the passage are increasing equipment and investment costs, demand for better quality at lower prices, changing market with diversified requirements and shortening production lead times, difficulty in retaining and motivating workforce.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) is a Japanese system of managerial expertise that aims to double productivity and reduce chronic losses to zero. It aims to create a bright, clean and pleasant factory by reinforcing people and facilities. TPM involves total involvement of all functions and people in an organization to achieve zero losses through small group activities.

Changing Business Environment and the Necessity for TPM

Business Environment Possible Countermeasures

Drastic cost reduction through achieving

Cost Reduction for survival productive efficiency.
•Increase in equipment and investment cost. •Overall equipment efficiency
•Demand for better & better quality at lower price. •Efficiency in manpower and material and energy utilization.

Stringent quality requirement Improve machines & equipment for zero

•Zero Defects •“Quality-Maintenance”
•Maintenance prevention
Changing market with diversified •Minimize the set up time
requirements and shortening of •“One-Shot” acceptable quality product
production lead time. •Zero WIP

•Small lot production •8 major equipment losses

•Short lead time

Difficult to retain and Motivate workforce •Reduce manpower requirement
•Unmanned plant operation

•Avoidance of three Ds (Dirty, Dangerous, Difficult) •5 Major manpower losses.

•Oriented towards service industry
•Reduced working hours
•Aging of population and higher education of society.
History of TPM and the Present State of
Its Development
TPM , a unique Japanese system of managerial
expertise, was created in 1971,based on the
PM(preventive maintenance or productive
maintenance) concept introduced from the
United States in the 1950s through the
1960s.Subsequently,in the 1970s through the
1980s,TPM gradually developed as its
remarkable achievements became
recognized.TPM now permeates entire company
structures, every line of business, and all parts
of the world; this is evidenced by a sharp
increase in the number of business
establishments receiving PM awards based on
TOM, the shift from production-sector TPM to
company-wide TPM,and growing number of
countries in which TPM is practiced.
What is TPM?
• TPM aims at “Doubling productivity and reducing chronic losses to
• TPM aims at “Creating a bright, clean and pleasant factory”.
• TPM means “To reinforce people and facilities and through them, the
whole organization”.
• TPM addresses “Overall equipment effectiveness”.
• TPM assumes “Total involvement”- “Participative management” and
an “overall-small group organization”.
• TPM eliminates Inter departmental walls and facilitates co-
• TPM is material oriented ; It seeks to keep equipment in its intended
• TPM makes possible unmanned operation, Factory automation and
Computer integrated manufacturing.
• TPM is closely related to “Learn production” and “JIT”.
• TPM is step by step approach.
Definition of TPM
TPM aims at:
1. Establishing a corporate culture that will maximize
production system effectiveness.
2. Organizing a “genba-genbutsu”system to prevent losses
and achieve such “reduction-to-zero” targets as “zero-
accidents”, “zero-defects” and “zero-breakdowns” in the
entire production system life-cycle.
3. Involving all functions of an organization including
production,development,sales and management.
4. Involving every member of an organisation,from top
management to front-line operators.
5. Achieving zero losses through the activities of
overlapping small groups.
What is TPM Aims at?

To Restructure the corporate culture through improvement of human resources and plant equipment.

Educate and foster employees so that they can respond to the needs of change
1. Operator : Ability to perform “jishu-Hozen”
2. Maintenance man : Ability to perform high-quality maintenance.
3. Production engineer : ability to execute maintenance free equipment paln.

Improving plant 1. Attain efficiency through revamping of the existing equipment

equipment 2. LCC-considered design of new equipment and minising their run-up time.

Improving the corporate culture

For increased profit and sustained/continuous growth

Eight Principles in TPM Development

1. Establish systems to achieve production efficiency.

a) “Kobetsu - Kaizen”
b) “Jishu-Hozen”
c) Planned maintenance
d) Education and training for operation and
maintenance skill upgrade
2. Establish initial production and flow control
system for new products and equipment.
3. Establish a quality maintenance system.
4. Establish a system to realize operation efficiency
in the administration departments.
5. Establish safety,hygiene and working
environment protection systems.
Eight Pillars of TPM-Activity Definition
Pillar Name Objective Departments involved

Autonomous •Restoring machine to “Should-be" condition •Production

Maintenance •Ownership of machine by production •Maintenance
(JISHU-HOZEN) •Training
Focused •Eliminate losses to zero for drastic cost •Whole Company
improvement reduction
(Kobetsu-Kaizen) •Planning for ultimate in plant productivity
Planned •Improve reliability of machines/equipment •Production
maintenance •Upgrading maintenance skills •Maintenance
Quality •Improving machine condition for zero defects •Maintenance
Maintenance •QA
(HINSHTSU) •production
Start up plant •Design of plants for maximum efficiency and MP •R&D
management •Vertical startup operators •QA
Non-Production •Creating a ‘Parlour factory’-pleasant and •All personnel in
area-TPM efficient Commercial/production
Skill •Skill/Knowledge Up gradation •Training
Development/Tra •Competence Up gradation
ining •Multi skilling
Basic Concepts Common to TPM

Through elimination of waste Reducing these seven major losses to zero

•Cutting blades
•Minor stoppages/idling
•Decline in speed

Prevention of malfunctions •Maintenance prevention (MP)

•Preventive maintenance (PM)
•Corrective maintenance (CM)

On-site, actual-goods focus •Turning equipment into its most

desirable form
•Visual control = Efu
•TPM activities board

Participatory •Jishu-Hozen
management/respect for •Zero accidents, zero failures, and zero defects
people •Creation of a pleasant work

Focused improvement and Achieve ‘zero loss’ and ‘zero defect’ target •Manager Recognition and understanding of
OEE Calculation •Line leader 16major losses settings targets in
Achieve the ultimate in productive efficiency
(Kobetsu-Kaizen) •staff various performance areas based
on understanding of the losses.
Autonomous-Maintenance Develop skills in operators for maintenance •Operator Implementing 7 step-AM
(jishu-hozen) of machines. Develop ownership of •Line leader
Planned Maintenance To achieve efficiency in maintenance •Maintenance team of Daily Maintenance,TBM,Predictive
System department to eliminate 8 major losses staff, leader, technician. maintenance improvement for
increasing serve life expectancy

Quality Maintenance Achieve ‘Zero defects’ by observing the •QA Define the standards for quality
System required machine maintenance •Production characteristics, recognize the defect
•Design symptom and actual defect data,
assure product quality
Skill Training Raise the technical and skill level of •Operators Teaching of basic maintenance
operators and maintenance team •Maintenance members principles, tightening of
maintenance/gears and
transmission maintenance/hydraulic
and pneumatic system
prevention/electrical control.

Pro-Active Control/initial Shorter trail period for new product. shorter •R&D Set development & design target
phase Management for new equipment development time. Achieve •Production Set MP target with easy to
products and machines. minimum run up time and stable launching •Maintenance manufacturer easy to QA, Easy to
of new product. use and improved reliability and
Office TPM Reduce ‘Zero functional' loss. High white All members of support Any new focused improvement
collar function t production department function activities

Environmental Achieve zero accident level Safety health Safety system in working,
Improvement team,Production and environmental/Pollution control
maintenance staff
Creation of ‘Parlour factory’

 P-Productivity Improvement -1.5 to 2 times

• Reduction in no. of Sporadic Failures -1/10 to 1/250
• Equipment Operation -1.5 to 2 times
 Q-Reduction in Product Defects -1/10
•Reduction in Customers Claims -1/4
C-Reduction in Maintenance Cost -30%
D-Reduction in Product Inventories -0
S-Reduction in accident, Pollution -0
M-Increase in no. of employees Suggestions -5 to 10 times
1. After introduction of Jishu Hozen activity
operators take care of machines by themselves
without being ordered to.
2. With achievements of zero breakdowns and
zero defects, operators get new confidence in
their own abilities.
3. Workplaces that used to be covered with oil
and chips as to be almost unrecognizable.
4. Improved image of the company, leading to the
possibility of increased orders.
Comparisons of the Characteristics of TPM

Objects of management Equipment (Emphasis on input & causes)

 Means of attaining goals Realization of the ideal conditions of the

workshop and actual goods (Hardware oriented)

 Development of personnel Centered on inherent technology (Equipment

technology, maintenance skills)

 Small group activities Unification of formal organization-based

activities and small group activities

 Targets Through elimination of losses and waste

(Inclination toward zero)
The Secret of Success of TPM

Let top management lead and the whole company down to the shop floor act as one.
1. Challenging the varying degrees of a “bad” state of affairs.
2. Determining policies after top management has taken a consistent line and commitment.
3. Putting the pieces together in a planned improvement plan.

•Priority issue (these to be resolved)
•Setting targets (Numerical targets, schedules, Making clear who is responsible for what)

4. Top taking a lead of its own-With the powers of understanding and zeal (Patrol-Diagnosis-Follow up)
5. Managers and staff acting spontaneously.( The ability to discover problems and the ability to resolve them)
6. On-the-job-training (OJT)-the “learn through your own eyes" approach.
Category TQC TPM
Restructure of corporate culture (Improvements in actual
Purpose performance, Creation of a cheerful working environment)
Quality Equipment
Object (output side effect) (Input side causes)
Systematize the management Realization of “what the
Means to (Systematization/Standardizat Genba-genbutusu must be”

achieve the end ion) Software oriented Hardware oriented

Education focusing mainly on Education centering on the

Cultivation and the management technique Organization-developed
education of (QC technique)
(Equipment / maintenance
employees technologies)

Voluntary circle activities Integrating the activities

Small group based on top-down and
Quality for PPM order Through elimination of losses
Target and wastes (Aiming at
achievements of zero loss.)
1. Methodological approach to Innovation
< Our choice >
We chose TPM activities as the means and starting point of production

(Top Productive Management)

< TPM Activities and what they mean >

1. Aiming at creating a corporate constitutions with the strength to pursue
The achievement of production system efficiency to the end.

2. Total employee participation (from the front-liners to the top managers)

3. Site – Product – Reality Come First Recognition

4. Preventing loss of any type to create a corporate constitution with the

Power to make a profit on the principles of zero accidents, zero defects,
zero breakdown.

5. Expansion from the production department to the company as a whole

Background for Introduction

External Factors Internal Factors

1. Reinforcement of plant facilities by 1. Need for reducing equipment failures

Both domestic and foreign manufacturers -improving quality and cost performance
tougher competition on Quality, Price -and minimizing production losses
and Delivery. 2. Training human resource in readiness
2. Enhancement in quality assurance and For plant automation and greater sophisti-
Plant reliability to meet the needs for Cation in production processes
small-lot large-variety production and 3. Achieving a zero level of breakdown,
For tight delivery periods. Defects and accidents at work place
3. Securing a workforce presenting 4. Reducing production time, creating a
Difficulties due to the problems over the Pleasant-to-work-in atmosphere, leveling
workplace environment and conditions Off of sales Increased costs
in the steel industry
Stage Steps Essentials
Preparatio 1. Declaration by top management to introduce TPM • Declare TPM initiative by house magazine, meetings etc.
2. Introductory education and campaign for TPM. • Managers: Training in TPM
•General employees : Awareness creation
3. Establishing TPM promotion organization and pilot •Core committee formation
organization model. •Subcommittee for each pillar
•TPM promotion office
•Model machine for “AM” training by group leaders and up.

4. Setting basic policy and target for TPM •Benchmark and targets

5. Creation of master plan for implementing TPM •From start to achievement with targets and dates.
Flag-off 6. TPM Flag-off •Invite suppliers, partners and all employees for formal start of TPM.

Implement 7. Establishing system for improving production •Pursuing maximum efficiency of production.
ation efficiency.
7.1 Focused improvement • Project team activities and small group activities in the workshop.
7.2 “AM” •Step by step approach, audit, qualification
7.3 Planned maintenance • Corrective maintenance
• Time-based maintenance
• Predictive maintenance

7.4 Education and training for operation and maintenance • Leaders operation and maintenance skill upgrading training and
skill upgrade. provide skill in transmission of education to circle members.
8. Initial control system for new products and equipment •Easy-to-manufacturer product development and easy –to-operate
9. Establishing the “Quality Maintenance” system •Setting conditions to eliminate defective products and maintain
10. Establishing the system to realize operation efficiency •Support for production, increasing efficiency in office and QA
in the administrative department's). equipment.
11. Establishing safety, hygiene and working environment •Zero-accident, zero population
protection systems.
Steady 12. Total application of TPM and raising of its level. •Application for TPM award
application • challenge of higher target.
Approach to “Focused improvement”


Selection of Selecting Focused

model Project-Team the improvement
Equipment Project project

of equipment

Quality Maint.
TPM in office
•Bottle neck process Horizontal deployment
Basis of theme selection
•Problems with higher benefit
•Possibility of large
•Problems creating bottle-necks
horizontal deployment
•Problems can be improved 3 months
•‘AM’-Model machine
Showroom concept is defined below


Have customers take a look Have customers use them

Showroom workplace

Good service

Good equipment Good production system

Operators proficient in equipment Good information

Good products

Refreshing environment

Provide customers with good

Improve method of doing work in company
products and good services
Trends in Development

The development of industrial management over 45 years in postwar Japan

can be divided into three periods, each lasting 15 years.

Domestic development of
Development methods used in other
of countries

Period of
Transfer of

Period of
Period of

1950 60 70 80 90 2000
Development of Japanese production management
Some OFT Used Words
• FUGAI (Non conformity)
• EFY (Tag)
• 5S
scene, actual thing and reality)
• MURA-MURI-MUDA (Variance-Strain-Waste)
Kobetsu Kaizen - Pillar

O.E.E. - Improvement
Production Losses

Normal Abnormal

-Plant start up -Breakdowns

-Shut down -Abnormality in

-Change overs
Step-by-step Procedure for Focused Improvement
Activity / Step Detailed Outline
Step 0; Select 1. Select and register topic
improvement topic 2. Form project team
3. Plan activities
Step 1; Understand 1. Identify bottleneck processes
situation 2. Measure failure, defects, and other losses
3. Use baselines to set targets
Step 2; Expose and 1. Painstakingly expose all abnormalities
eliminate abnormalities 2. Restore deterioration an correct minor flaws.
3. Establish basic equipment condition
Step 3; Analyze cause 1. Stratify and analyze losses
2. Apply analytical techniques (P-M analysis, FTA etc.)
Step 4; Plan improvement 1. Draft improvement proposals and prepare drawings
2. Compare cost-effectiveness of alternate proposals and compile
3. Consider possible harmful effects and disadvantages.
Step 5; Implement 1. Carry out improvement plan
improvement 2. Practice early management (perform test operation and formal
3. Provide instruction on improved equipment, operating methods etc.
Step 6; Check Results 1. Evaluate results with time as improvement project proceeds.
2. Check whether targets have been achieved.
3. If not, begin again from step 3 (analyze causes)
Step 7; Consolidate gains 1. Draw up control standards to sustain results.
2. Formulate work standards and manuals.
3. Feed information back to maintenance prevention program.
Equipment Availablity

7 Major losses Calculation of EQF


1. Equipment Failure Availability= Loading Time-Downtime x 100

Loading Time Loading Time
2. Set up & adjustment Availability = 460 mins. – 60 mins x 100

460 Mins.

= 87%
Time 3. Tool / Die Change
Performance = Standard x Product units
Rate Cycle time Processed x 100
4. Start up Operating Time

Performance = 0.5 mins/ x 400

Net 5. Minor stoppage & Rate units units x 100

Operating idling 400 mins.

Time = 50%
6. Speed reduction loss Quality = Nos. - Nos.of
Product Produced defectives x 100
Defect Loss

Value Rate Nos. Produced

Added 7. Defects & Rework (Example)
Quality Product = 400 units – 8 units x 100
operating Rate 400 mins.
time = 98 %
Equipment Efficiency Performance

7 Major losses
Equipment Calculation of
Equipment availability
1. Equipment Failure
Loading Time
Performance= Standard x Product units
2. Set up & adjustment Rate Cycle Time` Processed x 100
Operating Time


Time 3. Tool / Die Change

(Example )
4. Start up

Performance = 0.5mins/ x 400


Net Rate Units Units x 100


Operating 5. Minor stoppage & 400 mins.

Time idling
= 50%

6. Speed loss
Defect Loss

operating 7. Defects & Rework
Equipment Quality Performance

7 Major losses
Equipment Calculation of EQF

1. Equipment Failure
Loading Time
Quality = Nos. - Nos.
2. Set up & adjustment Product Produced defectives x 100
Rate Nos. Produced


Time 3. Tool / Die Change


4. Start up
Quality Product = 400 units – 8 units x 100
Rate 400 mins.


Operating 5. Minor stoppage & = 98%

Time idling

6. Speed reduction loss

Defect Loss

operating 7. Defects & Rework
Relationship between 7 major losses on Equipment and
overall equipment efficiency

7 Major losses Calculation of EQF


1. Equipment Failure Availability= Loading Time-Downtime x 100

Loading Time Loading Time
2. Set up & adjustment Availability = 460 mins. – 60 mins x 100

460 Mins.

= 87%
Time 3. Tool / Die Change
Performance = Standard x Product units
Rate Cycle time Processed x 100
4. Start up Operating Time

Performance = 0.5 mins/ x 400

Net 5. Minor stoppage & Rate units units x 100

Operating idling 400 mins.

Time = 50%
6. Speed reduction loss Quality = Nos. - Nos.of
Product Produced defectives x 100
Defect Loss

Value Rate Nos. Produced

Added 7. Defects & Rework (Example)
Quality Product = 400 units – 8 units x
operating 100
time Overall Equipment Efficiency= Availability X Performance rate Rate 400 mins.
X Quality product rate = 98 %
Kaizen steps
“Kaizen” = Fill the difference between “present status and goal”

Restorative Past level


Present Level
Renovating “Kaizen”
Future Level


New Present

 First, bring to a condition to meet the bench mark value of in-house or competitor.
 Copying is also technology.
 Develop new ideas by changing conception.
 Importance is to train people who can maintain.
To own the machine you operate by mind set
change from

“I Run it, You Fix it. “

Process of “AM”
Step ‘0’ Steps: 1-2-3 Steps: 4-5 Steps: 6-7

Preparation Changing the equipment Change in attitude Plant is rejuvenated

• Motivation of Activities • Workers see failures of • Cheerful ‘Place

• Cleaning equipment as ‘Shame’ of Work’
• Inspection
• Removal of minor • Activities change • Results enthuse
• Creating awareness
defects by Kaizen towards continuous people
why forced deterio-
rations occurs improvement
Skills developed • March towards
• Ability to find and • Joy of achievement ‘Zero’ targets
• Safety awareness
before step 1 rectify minor defects
• Zero defects/failures
Effects approach becomes the
• Defects failures decrease goal

‘HR’ Benefit
• People attitude changes
and success due to ‘own’
efforts become visible

Various Types of Maintenance Activities
Merits Demerits
- Cycles are easy to
Periodic Maint. set
•Preventive - Low time loss
- Main Inspection -Over Maint.
T.B.M hours are low occurs
- Low time loss
I.R. Main
(Inspection & Repair)

*Predictive - Condition based - Over based maint. - Initial cost id high

Maintenance Maintenance like TBM can be & requires skilled
avoided manpower

•Breakdown – BM - Maint. Cost are -Faillures increase

Maintenance low over the time yield
& energy losses
* Corrective Maintenance
7- Steps for Planned Maintenance
Step Planned Maintenance Autonomous
Critical Pats Model Equipment Model

1 Selection of critical parts Analysis of basic condition Initial cleaning

and present state
2 Improvement of the current Action for removing Countermeasure
maintenance methods differences between basic against dirt, dust,
conditions standards hard to access areas
3 Preparation of Maint. Standards Preparation of basic Tentative standards
conditions standards for AM
4 Steps to increase service life and Extension of service life Inspection
remove weak areas

5 Efficiency improvement of Efficiency improvement of Autonomous

inspection & diagnosis inspection and maintenance inspection
6 Overall equipment diagnosis Overall equipment diagnosis Diagnosis

7 Optimum use of equipment to Optimum & maximum use of Through

full equipment implementation

Note : - Use SGA for critical parts and equipment model machines
- Positive results are seen as activities are conducted
- It is possible to take steps while confirming the output
Planned Maintenance Activities

Purpose : Maximize performance of equipment with min.cost

= Maximum productivity with min. means

Measurement : Actual availability (At)

- Performance availability (Aa) indication of
maint. Effectiveness

(MTBM + M)
MTBM – includes mean time between maint.
Both breakdown and preventive, M = Mean
Maint. Time
Quality Maintenance
What is Quality Maintenance ?

The aims of Quality Maintenance are :

1. To set equipment conditions that prelude quality

defects, based on the basic concept of maintaining
Perfect equipment to maintain perfect quality of
processed goods and products
2. The conditions are checked and measured in time-series
to verify that measured values are within standard
values to prevent defects.
3. The transition of measured values is watched to predict
possibilities of defects occurring and to take
countermeasures beforehand.
- Output increase by zero breakdown
- Structural improvement for improving equipment availability
- System for efficient execution of maintenance
- availability and maintainability enhanced by

Preventive Maintenance
-Stopping failure
Predictive Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance
- Preventing failure
Maintenance Prevention
- Rectifying failure - Breakdown Maintenance
Preconditions for successful Quality Maintenance

- Abolish accelerated deterioration

- Eliminate process problems

- Develop competent operators

Ms that Decide Quality

Quality Improvement
Machine Material Method Man
Optimal -Equipment - Materials - Machining conditions - Morale
Setting -Jigs/Tools -Prior Process – Work methods - Environment
- Measuring -Machined - Measuring methods
devices products
•Work Standards
•Inspection Standards Standardisation


Maintenance & control of

Training observance
Of work standards adjust

Machined Products

Inspect standard

Quality Assurance
Origin of Quality Defects

Establish material Specify equipment Establish methods Establish operating

Specification for Conditions for “Zero for “Zero defects” Conditions for Zero
“Zero defects” Defects” defects

Procure materials as Procure equipment Find methods to Develop competent

per laid specification meeting specifications avoid/eliminate Operators
defects A.M; Training

Develop quality Improve equipment to Improve methods Defect abnormalities

suppliers meet specifications for zero defects
Ensure materials that Build equipment to Build methods for Correct and restore
Will not produce Meet zero defect Zero defects Maintain & control
defects target

Create and maintain defect fee conditions

Zero Quality Defects

Relationship 4M & Quality Defects

Flow Diagram for Action Planning

Process chart
Gather Prepare QA
Equipment Evaluate
Information Specification Equipment Debug
Concept Specification
Analysis 4M

Process FMEA
Relationship :5m quality defects


1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5..


Concept of Planned Maintenance System

Activities to enhance equipment availability

•Increase in MTBF
• Decrease in MTTR.
Activities to conduct maint.efficiently

Predictive Maintenance Activities

7 step Planned Maint. Activity
Maint. Work Planning & Management
Autonomous Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Cost - Reduction
M.P Activities
Maint. M.I.S

Management of Spare-Parts

Maint. Cost Management

Establishing of
Improve Performance Zero – Breakdown – Zero Defects Planned
Zero Accidents Maintenance
Rules for zero failure

• Discover latent defects to prevent failures

“Failure” is only the tip of

FAILURE the Iceberg

• Dust,oil,foreign materials. Latent Defects

• Abrasion,backlash,looseness,leaks.
• Corrosion,deformation,flaws,cracks.
•Temperature,vibration,sound and other
• To reduce dramatically the time from
starting of development to full scale
production to achieve vertical start up
right from first time
• This applies to equipment development,
as well as product development.
• This involves studying equipment
behavior for equipment and product
failure modes for product development.
• Identify production inputs (4M); eliminate
losses associated with equipments that
produce them; Maximize ROI.

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