MD Safiqur Rahaman Shishir Lecturer Department of Animal Nutrition

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Fundamentals of


Md Safiqur Rahaman Shishir

Department of Animal Nutrition
Just Remember Three things-
1. Series of physiochemical Process
2. Convert food into body tissue and activities
3. Used for maintenance and production

Nutrition involves various chemical reaction and

physiological process which transform food into
body tissues and activities. It involves the
ingestion, digestion and absorption of the various
nutrients their transport to all body cells and the
removal of unusable elements and waste products
of metabolism.

Nutrition is a series of processes by

which an organism takes in and
assimilates food for promoting growth
and repairing worn injured tissues.

Nutrition can be defined as the branch of

science which deals with nutrients.
Nutrients are those substances which
nourishes the body.
The term nutrients mean any single class of
food or group of food that aid in the support
of life.
Nutrient is a substance that promotes the
maintenance, growth and reproduction of a
cell or an organisms.
Classification of Nutrients
Can be classified into many ways
1. According to physical, chemical and
biological properties
2. According to Dry matter (DM)
3. According to physical properties
4. According to amount required
5. According to Energy giving properties
6. According to Digestibility of Nutrients
According to physical, chemical and
biological properties

Minerals or Inorganic elements and

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According to Dry matter (DM)
a) Dry matter
b) Moisture-
According to physical properties
1. Organic nutrients or Matter (OM) – Organic
matter or organic material, natural organic matter,
NOM is matter composed of organic compounds
that has come from the remains of organisms such
as plants and animals and their waste products in
the environment.
 Carbohydrate,
 Protein,
 Fat
 Vitamin
2. Inorganic elements or minerals
According to amount required

1. Macro nutrients
i.e. Carbohydrate, Protein , fat and water
2. Micronutrients
3. i.e. vitamin and minerals
According to Energy giving properties
Energy giving nutrients –
i) carbohydrate,
ii) Protein and
iii) Fat.
Non energy giving nutrients –
i. water,
ii. vitamin and
iii. minerals
According to Digestibility of Nutrients
1. Digestible nutrients
 Carbohydrate,
 protein and
 fat
2. Non digestible nutrients or directly
absorbable nutrients:
 water,
 vitamin and
 minerals
Discipline associated with the science of Nutrition
 Chemistry
 Biochemistry
 Physiology
 Mathematics
 Bacteriology  Genetics
 Cytology
 Physics
 Endocrinology
 Food technology
 Statistics etc.
Role of other profession in the
development of Nutrition
 Physiologist and Biochemist
 Physicists
 Geneticists
 Microbiologists
 Food technology
 Endocrinologists
 Statisticians
Proximate composition of plant
and animal body
Components Plant (Green) Animal Human
H2O 70 – 76 60 59
Protein 2 16 18
Fat 0.6 20 18
Mineral 1.3 4.0 4.3
CHO 20.1 0.02 0.01
History of Nutrition
Name of Contribution
Antoine Combustion was an
Lavoisier (1743— oxidation O2 absorbed and
94) CO2 given off
C.M.McCay(1898- Influence of diet and
1967) growth rate upon life
Stepen Babcock test Dairy
M.Babcock (1843- chemistry and Animal
1931) nutrition.
E.B.Hart(1874-1953) Essentiality of copper
H.P Armsby (1853- Respiration and
1921) calorimeter
F.G Hopkins(1861 - amino acids, glutathione
WO Atwater(1844- Energy metabolism
1907) respiratory calorimeter
W. Prout (1785- CHO, HCL in gastric juice
Discovery of vitamin A and
Christiaan Polyneuritis in bird. whose
Eijkman (1858- demonstration that beriberi is
1930) caused by poor diet led to the
discovery of antineuritic
vitamins (Thiamine)
Kazimierz Was a Polish biochemist,
Funk (February generally credited with being
23, 1884 – among the first to formulate
November 19,
(in 1912) the concept of
vitamins, which he called
"vital amines" or vitamines".
Thank you

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