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Basic Presentation Skill: Aziz Fajar Ariwibowo (CMO - NPP.29294) Oktober 2015

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Aziz Fajar Ariwibowo

(CMO – NPP.29294)
Oktober 2015
“Great speakers aren’t born,
they are trained.”

• Presenting is a Skill…
• Developed through training and

• Four Cornerstones of Great Presentation

• Communication Techniques
• The presentation sequence
• Effective presentation techniques

Four Cornerstones of a Great Presentation

Know Your Know Your

Audience Purpose
require you to:
Know The Know
Material Yourself

Four kinds of Presentations

Informational Motivational Demonstration

Speech Speech Speech
(provide information) (change attitudes) (build new skills)

 Purpose: Inform  Purpose: Interest  Purpose: Teach

the audience about the audience in your the audience
a specific topic or topic and motivate something new
issue them to take action

Extemporaneous Speech
 A person is asked to speak without preparation

• Introduction
• Communication Techniques
• The presentation sequence
• Effective presentation techniques

Communication is Key

Our body language can positively or

negatively impact the way we interact
with one another.

What do you think this picture is saying?

Communication Techniques

Eye Contact
 Maintainvisual contact
with your listeners until Vocal Variety
they feel “seen.” Speed – slow to fast
 Be sure to make eye contact with Volume – soft to loud
everyone, or, when speaking with Enthusiasm – amount of
large groups, energy
with all parts of your audience.
Communication Techniques

Stance and Gestures Pause and Breathe

 Standwith your feet directly  Pause
and breathe after
below your shoulders (in a making a point.
comfortable position)  Breathefrom your
 Make slow gestures to diaphragm,
emphasize or illustrate key not from your chest.
Communication Techniques

Avoid Filler Words

 Vocalized pauses
“Um”  Examples: “um,” “ah,” “uh,”

“Ah” Avoid filler words by:

 Audio taping yourself
 Asking friends/family to watch
and inform you when the word
is used
 Video taping yourself

• Four Cornerstone of Great Presentation

• Communication Techniques
• The presentation sequence
• Effective presentation techniques

Three Parts of a Presentation




Capture the interest of the audience by making your

opening statement strong.
 Introduce yourself
 Announce the topic
 Justify the topic
 Establish your credibility
 Give the audience a preview statement.

The body is where the bulk of your main points and

supporting information are located.

 Focus on three main points

 Support each main point with facts, evidence and
 Use a variety of learning styles and interactive
exercises to help emphasize each main point

Provide the audience with a clear “take-home” message.

 Summarize the main points

 Incorporate a memorable closing or call for action
 Provide a list of resources or references
 Ask participants to fill out the evaluation form
 Allow time for questions and answers

• Four Cornerstone of Great Presentation

• Communication Techniques
• The presentation sequence
• Effective presentation techniques

Presentation Styles

What are some ways to keep the audience engaged?

Type of Activity Large Group Small Group Pairs/Threes Individual
Lecture 
Group discussion  
Question and answer    
Case study   
Brainstorm  
Quiz    
Game   
Panel  
Debate  
Story    
Problem solving   
Role-playing   
Demonstration   
Be Visible
• Use Sans Serif fonts (fonts without feet)
– e.g. Arial, Tahoma, Trebuchet, Verdana, etc.
• Density
– 7-10 lines/page
– 4-8 words/line
• Titles should be 32-44 pt. font size, BOLD
• Text should be as large as possible
– First level 24-32 pt font size
– Second level 20-28 pt font size
– Etc.
• Use color wisely
– Contrasting colors
Red/Blue Conflict

Red letters on blue background

creates “flicker effect”

Blue letters on red background

just as bad

Ice Breaking

• Games:
a) Group
b) Pairs
c) Individu
• Quiz
• Video
• Listening Music
• Dancing

What Makes an Effective Speaker?

• Control of information
• The voice used
• The right words
• Use of body language
• The right location
• Useful and meaningful visual aids


@aziz_fa - 29294

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