Types of Business Letters

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Types of Business Letters 1.

- usually a letter from one
company to another, or between
such organizations and their
customers, clients and other external
Types of Business Letters which are highly
based on the purpose for which the letter is
being written.
Sales Letters 1
Typical sales letters start off with a very strong
statement to capture the interest of the reader.

The purpose of these letters is to get the reader to

do something.

These include strong calls to action, detail the

benefit to the reader of taking the action and
include information to help the reader to act,
such as including a telephone number or
website link.
Aloha! Attention all salespeople! It's time for our annual
sales contest. This year the prize is a vacation for two in
The contest begins on January 5 and ends February 5.
Whoever reaches $50,000 in completed sales during that
time will enjoy a relaxing break from the winter cold in M
sunny Hawaii. Second and third place prizes are $500 and
$250, respectively. The winners will be announced and P
notified by February 8. Pick up a copy of the contest rules
and regulations at the front desk now. L
Good luck!
Order Letters 2
Sent by consumers or businesses to a
manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order
goods or services. 

  These letters must contain specific information such

as model number, name of the product, the quantity
desired and expected price. 

Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

Mancini Kitchen Equipment
Troy D. Mancini
4220 Straford Park
Harold, KY 41635
Dear Mr. Mancini: X
We would like to purchase twenty two (22) individual stand mixers
(Model #43423), all in the color red.
We would like you to charge this purchase to the preexisting account
that we have with you, business account #543234.
We hope to receive this order no later than Friday, November 11th,
2009. Attached to this letter please find our preferred shipping method
and receiving address.
Please confirm that you received this order by calling us at 232-231-4563
anytime during business hours, Monday to Friday.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Keller Kitchen Co.
Complaint Letters 3
The words and tone you choose to use in a letter
complaining to a business may be the deciding
factor on whether your complaint is satisfied.

Be direct but tactful and always use a

professional tone if you want the company to
listen to you.
Mancini Kitchen Equipment
Troy D. Mancini
4220 Straford Park E
Dear Mr. Mancini:

On August 29, 2018, I bought [or had repaired] a [name of the product with the serial or
model number or service performed]. I made this purchase at [location, date, and other

important details of the transaction].

Unfortunately, your product has not performed well [or the service was inadequate]
because [state the problem].

To resolve the problem, I would appreciate your [state the specific action you want].
Enclosed are copies [copies, not originals] of my records [receipts, guarantees,
warranties, cancelled checks, contracts, model and serial numbers, and any other
documents] concerning this purchase/repair.

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem. I will wait [set a time limit]
before seeking third-party assistance. Please contact me at the above address or by phone
[home or office numbers with area codes].


[Your Name]
[Account Number] E
Adjustment Letters 4
An adjustment letter is normally sent in response to
a claim or complaint. If the adjustment is in the
customer’s favor, begin the letter with that news. 

  If not, keep your tone factual and let the

customer know that you understand the
August 29, 2018

Ms. Leila R. Espinosa

Villa Santana
Caloocan City
As replacement of broken mirror in transit on your order No. 96441, good
item has been sent to you by prepaid express this morning.
Thank you for bringing this mishap to our attention so that we can make to
correct the problem as soon as possible. Also, thanks for your
thoughtfulness in having the damaged noted on the express receipt.
We are always glad to know that our goods is in such good demand, and
you can be sure that we will do everything possible to be able you to keep
it in stock.

Rogelio D. Sandoval
Inquiry Letters 5
Ask a question or elicit information from the recipient.
When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and
succinct and list exactly what information you need.

Be sure to include your contact information so

that it is easy for the reader to respond.
Name of the Inquiring Person
Address ___________
Email ID ___________
Contact No._________
Organization´s Name
Address _____________

Subject: Job inquiry for the position of _________________________.

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing this letter to inquire if you are in need of (position name) ______________ in your boutique. I was
told by a friend of mine that you advertised this position last month in the local newspaper thus I am trying to
see if it is still on. I am a fresh graduate of (Course Name) _______________ and have maintained an

outstanding academic performance. My qualifications will surely fit into (position name) ______________ and
rest assured that you will have my commitment to quality work.
I am very hopeful for a positive response on this matter. I would be very thankful if you can include the process
of application that I need to do if should your response be a positive one. If you need to contact me for an
interview, please do not hesitate to call me at my telephone number _________________.
you and am looking forward to working with your esteemed company. L
Sincerely Yours,
Name of the Inquiring Person
Follow-Up Letters 6
  In many cases, these letters are a combination of
thank you note and sales letter. Usually sent after some
type of initial communication.

  This could be a sales department thanking a

customer for an order, a businessman reviewing
the outcome of a meeting or a job seeker
inquiring about the status of his application.
It was nice to meet you at Davao City. I loved E
learning more about Language Teaching. I am really
interested to hear more about your role as a X
Department Head at UM as you have enlightened me
about the supervision and classroom management. A
If you have time in the coming weeks, let us have
some coffee and talks. I am generally free on
Saturdays and Sundays, if that works for you? P
Looking forward to keeping in touch.
Letters of Recommendation 7
Prospective employers often ask job applicants for
letters of recommendation before they hire them. 

This type of letter is usually from a previous

employer or professor, and it describes the
sender’s relationship with and opinion of the job
August 30, 2018

To Whom It May Concern: E

I am writing to recommend Gail Cruz for an office staff coordinator.

I have known Gail Cruz since 2008 as an excellent co-worker in our


I have always known Gail Cruz to be an authoritative, workaholic, honest,

and have strong personality all throughout.

Based on our experience together, I can confidently recommend Gail

Cruz for she has the potential to handle diverse employees and can
manage the tasks that will be given to her. P
Operations Lead, Tmobil E
Acknowledgment Letters 8
Acknowledgment letters act as simple receipts.

Businesses send them to let others know that

they have received a prior communication, but
action may or may not have taken place.
Thank you for you recent order of the Doe 409 X
Laser Printer. As requested, we will ship it
COD no later than Friday, August 31, 2018. I
am sure you will be pleased that you chose
the Doe 409. It is fast and reliable -a true
workhorse. You may want to consider the
color printer cartridge with your next order. It
increases the capabilities of an already L
versatile machine.
Cover Letters 9
Is a letter of introduction attached to, or
accompanying another document such as resume or
curriculum vitae.

The cover letter is a tool to help introduce yourself in a

memorable, personal way during a job application.
Letters of Resignation 10
  In many cases, the employee also will detail his
reason for leaving the company.

When an employee plans to leave his job, a letter

of resignation is usually sent to his immediate
manager giving him notice and letting him know
when the last day of employment will be. 
Job Application Letters 11
Form or paper which indicates interest in a
particular place of employment or position within a

Typically requests personal identification

information, such as name, address and phone
number, as well as a history of job experience.
129 Rolls Royce Street, Sarphil Village,
Davao City, Philippines 8000
[email protected]

August 30, 2018

Davao City, Philippines 8000 A

I will be applying for a position of Customer Service Representative in your good office. I am
23 years old and currently residing at Sarphil Village, Davao City. I am a graduate of Bachelor
of Secondary Education major in English.

I am a team player and a competent person. I know how to handle stresses and problems. I
also know how to manage my time and at the same time do a multi-tasks.

Should you have to further discuss my qualifications, you may contact me at my mobile
number and e-mail account provided above. Attached herein is my Resume. Thank you. L
Yours truly,

Quotation Letters 12
A quotation may contain terms of sale and
payment, and warranties. 

Securities: The bid and asked price cited for the

sale or purchase of a commodity or security.

Contracts: A formal statement of promise by

potential supplier to supply the goods or services
required by a buyer at specified prices, and
within a specified period.
Kay Ventilacion
4496 Lochmere Lane
Groton, CT 06340
Dear Kay Ventilation:

I am writing this letter for a price quote on replacing my central air

conditioning system in my home.
My house is 4500 square feet and used two individual central air
conditioning units. There is about 6000 feet of ventilation piping that
needs to be replaced, as well as two compressor units and 6 control
panels. I wish to source my own compressor units, but you will be
responsible for all the ventilation and control panels.
Please provide me with pricing information and how long it would take to
complete this job for me. I am looking for someone to complete this in less
than a week, so please account for that in your price quote.
Kindest Regards,

Bob Grenier
Tenders 13
This is also known as bids, a formal proposal to
buy at a specified price.

Notices or information about tenders are advertised in

printed matter such as newspapers and magazines that
invite prospective sellers of services and goods to quote
their rates or submit a proposal for doing a job or
supplying a need.
Dewey Young

1 Main Street, New Cityland, CA 91010
Home: (555) 322-7337
[email protected]

RE: Tender, August 30, 2018

Dear Mr. Johns:

As a highly skilled Tender, I read your posting for a new Tender with interest. My experience
aligns well with the qualifications you are seeking, in particular my role as a Tender at
Skylark Enterprises, and I am certain I would make a valuable addition to your organization.
With more than 8 years’ experience as a Tender, I am adept in optimizing team performance,
aligning diverse agenda, opportunity identification. Moreover, while my on-the-job
experience has afforded me a well-rounded skill set, including first-rate leadership and
communication skills, I excel at: Vendor Relationships, Business Development, Technology,
and Business Solutions Service Delivery, and Project Management

In addition to my experience and personal qualities, I have a solid educational foundation and
a passion for contract development and negotiations. Please review my attached resume for

additional details regarding my expertise and abilities. I will follow up to request an
appointment to discuss how my experience and background meets your needs.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dewey Young E

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