Design and Development of LRM

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Design and Development of

Learning Resource Materials

Lilibeth F. Taa, Ph.D.

Instructional Design & Development Unit
Learning Management Office,
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Center for
Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH)

1. Explain the process of designing and

developing learning resource
2. Discuss the guidelines in developing
learning resource materials.
LRM Design and Development
1. Conduct research on the learning resource
material (LRM)requirements.
2. Assess project risks.
3. Design the LRM and plan the content.
4. Develop the LRM.
5. Evaluate the design and development process.
1. Conduct research on the
LRM requirements
• Type of LRM
• Characteristics of likely target audience
• Learning needs of audience
• Learning environment
• Ethical and legal considerations
2. Assess project risks.
• Identify the risks.
• Determine the likelihood and consequence.
• Make decisions about whether the risk
is acceptable or unacceptable.
• Treat the risk if unacceptable.
• Monitor and review the risk.
3. Design the LRM
and plan the content
• Based on research, generate a
range of design options
• Identify implications of each design
• Decide on the design
3. Design the LRM
and plan the content
• Develop an outline or prototype for the
learning resource and confirm with the
• Determine breadth and depth of the
proposed content
• Write a work plan
4. Develop the LRM
• Create content in accordance with the
agreed design.
• Establish mechanisms for reviewing
work in progress.
4. Develop the LRM
• Review the content and the design
against client requirement and
relevant criteria
• Modify the design and/or content,
where necessary
• Finalize output and secure approval.
5. Evaluate the design and
development process
• Review the design and development process
against appropriate evaluation criteria
• Identify best practices and areas for
• Prepare an action plan for improvement for
future projects
Guidelines for Developing
Learning Resource Materials
1. Always start with the familiar.
2. Relate content to the learner’s
3. Give examples.
4. Provide a bridge from one topic
to the next.
5. Use language that is closer to
everyday conversation.

At the present time


In the event that

6. Use ACTIVE rather than PASSIVE
Changes were made by us.
We made changes.

The food was prepared by the

The students prepared the food.
7. Use text that is clear, concise,
grammatically correct and appropriate
for the intended audience/s.
8. Keep sentences short
(20 words at most).
9. Exercise sensitivity to groups
and cultures.
10. Explain technical words.
Visual Design
1. Provide enough space for learner answer.
2. Use plenty of white space.
3. Use readable font style and size.
4. Use design elements as appropriate.
5. Employ design elements that are of good
quality, relevant and instructive.
6. Watch out for copyright issues!
7. Exercise sensitivity to groups and cultures.
8. Incorporate appropriate learning activities.
Checklist for Activities
 Is the purpose clear?
 Is the activity relevant?
 Is the level of difficulty appropriate?
 Are instructions clear?
Checklist for Activities
Are activities varied & interesting?
 Are activities realistic?
 Is there a feedback mechanism?
Digitization of LRM

Conversion of analog information in any

form (text, photographs, voice, etc.) to
digital form so that the information can be
processed, stored, and transmitted through
digital circuits, equipment, and networks.
Digitization of LRM
1. Scanning
2. Conversion to a PDF file
3. Conversion to an interactive format or e-book
4. Storage in digital devices, website, cloud
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