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An Internship Report on Sales & Distribution Strategy

A Study on SME Department of Banglalink Digital Communication Limited

Submitted By:
Sidratul Moontaha
Program: Economics & Banking
Matric No: EB- 151281

Department of Economics & Banking

Faculty of Economics & Banking
International Islamic University Chittagong
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the report can be viewed in two forms:
a) Main Objective
To observe the activities of SME Sales & Distribution Department of
Banglalink Digital Communication Limited.
b) Specific Objectives
To demonstrate different aspects of the organization.
To know about the theoretical aspects of SME sales promotional strategy.
To present my observation and suggestions regarding “SME Sales
Promotion Strategy of Banglalink Digital Communication Limited”.
Scope of the Study
The subject matter of this report is sales marketing strategy of
Banglalink Telecom Company. So from the topic of the report it has
been clear that the scope of the study is the sales marketing
department. Banglalink Company is a place where a new recruited can
learn a lot. It is said that Banglalink Telecom Company is a learning
place for a person career. That’s why I can get information from
Finance, Market Strategy & Planning (MS&P), Supply Chain etc.
Methodology of the Study
Data Collection
This study is mainly based on secondary as well as primary data available from various divisions and department of
Banglalink, in addition to those other necessary information have been collected from the annual reports of Banglalink,
Organ and various files , prospectus and market condition comparing competitors.
Primary sources of data
• Face to face conversation with the customers.
• Conversation with the marketing head.
• Practical desk work.
Secondary sources of data
• Procedure manual published by Banglalink.
• Report from newspapers based on Lecture guide books or Lecture related news.
• Different vacancy notice of Banglalink.
• Files and document of branch.
• Different manuals of Banglalink.
Company Profile
In September 2004, Orascom Telecom Holdings purchased 100% of the shares of Sheba Telecom
(Pvt.) Limited for US$60 million. Later on, it was re-branded and launched its services under the
Banglalink brand on February 10, 2005. To match with the name of the parent company in March
2008, Sheba Telecom (Pvt.) Limited changed its name as Orascom Telecom Bangladesh Limited.
Again in July 2013, the company name changed for the second time to banglalink Digital
Communications Ltd.
Tele Operator Users of Bangladesh (2018)
60.00% 56.20%

30.00% 27.80%

Grameenphone Banglalink Robi Axiata Airtel Citycell Teletalk
Tele Operator Users of Bangladesh (2018)
FRC (First Recharge Call), Bundles & Others
Particulars June – 19 July -19 August -19 September -19
FRC 69% 58% 74% 72%
Bundles 9% 11% 7% 10%
Others 22% 31% 21% 18%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

FRC, Bundles & Others

19-Jun 19-Jul 19-Aug 19-Sep
80% 74%72%
60% 58%


22% 21%18%

9% 11% 7% 10%
FRC Bundles Others
GA (Gross Add) Count-wise BDO Distribution
Particulars June – 19 July -19 August -19 September -19
Zero 6% 11% 6% 5%
1-5 12% 13% 11% 17%
6-20 39% 41% 33% 31%
21-50 40% 33% 46% 40%
50+ 3% 2% 3% 1%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

GA Count-wise BDO Distribution

19-Jun 19-Jul 19-Aug 19-Sep
50% 46%
41% 40% 40%
35% 33%31% 33%
20% 17%
15% 11% 13%
12% 11%
10% 6% 6% 5%
5% 3%2% 3% 1%
Zero 1 to 5 6 to 20 21 to 50 50+
BDO (Business Development Officer) Participation
Particulars June – 19 July -19 August -19 September -19
Zero 55% 61% 54% 52%
1-5 19% 21% 22% 19%
6-15 11% 9% 12% 18%
16-25 9% 5% 7% 5%
25+ 6% 4% 5% 3%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%

BDO Participation
19-Jun 19-Jul 19-Aug 19-Sep
60% 55% 54%


19%21% 22%19% 18%
11% 9% 12% 9%
10% 5% 7% 5% 6% 4% 5%
Zero 1 to 5 6 to 15 16 to 25 25+
30 Days Base Reactivation
Particulars June – 19 July -19 August -19 September -19
Total 26 31 29 21
Offer 24 21 23 16
Non-Offer 3 7 11 6
Total 51 59 63 43

30 Days Base Reactivation

19-Jun 19-Jul 19-Aug 19-Sep
35 31
30 29
25 24
25 23
21 21
20 16
15 11
10 7 6
5 3
Total Reactiva... O Non-O...
90 Days Base Reactivation
Particulars June – 19 July -19 August -19 September -19
Total 101 119 91 126
Offer 82 83 76 109
Non-Offer 19 17 16 21
Total 202 219 183 256

90 Days Base Reactivation

19-Jun 19-Jul 19-Aug 19-Sep
119 126
120 109
100 91
82 83 76


19 17 16 21

Total Reactivation Offer Non-Offer
Findings & Recommendations
1. FRC, bundles & other contributions were fluctuating over the month. The FRC was 74% in August but in decreased to 72% in
September. Same others contribution was 21% in August & decreased to 18% in September because BDO’s don’t provide proper
information about the package to the customers after selling the SME sim.

Recommendation: To increase the FRC, bundles & other contributions, Banglalink should give importance on it by following up
customers and tell them details about the FRC bundle offers.

2. GA count-wise BDO Distribution sales were in fluctuating trend over the year. The GA count-wise BDO Distribution was 7% in
August on Zero segment which decreased to 5% in September. Same 6-20 segment decreased from 35% to 31% from Aug-Sep & 21-
50 decreased from 46% to 40% because BDO’s don’t provide proper report of daily asking sales target. But 1-5 & 50+ segment were
increased from Aug-Sept.

Recommendation: Banglalink should take necessary steps to improve GA count-wise BDO Distribution by taking daily asking sales
target report from BDO distributor and checking out the report thoroughly that they have fulfilled the target perfectly or not..

3. BDO participation of Banglalink in last month was not up-to the level. As we can see that In Zero segment it was 57% in August
which was decreased to 51% in September. In 1-5 segment it decreased from 22% to 19%, in 16-25 segment, it decreased from 7% to
5% & in 25+ segment it was 5% to 3% in August to September Respectively because BDO’s incentives in BDO participation are not
satisfactory which demotivate them in this campaign.
4. 30 Days Base Reactivation was drastically decreased in last two months. We can see that, the amount of total reactivation,
Offer, Non Offer were decreased 29 to 21, 23 to 16, 11 to 6 from August to September respectively because it takes same time as
90 days reactivation but in this campaign incentives are less than 90 days reactivation.

Recommendation: Banglalink should count reactivation process as GA count-wise by which they will get commission & they
will be inspired to continue the process rapidly.

5. 90 Days Base Reactivation of Banglalink was in good position over the year. We can see that Total reactivation, Offer & Non
Offer were 91 to 126, 76 to 109, 16 to 21 from August to September respectively because in this campaign Banglalink imposed
a good incentives rates for the BDO’s which influences them.

Recommendation: 90 days reactivation of Banglalink was in satisfactory level because of higher commission rate. So,
Banglalink should impose a handsome commission rate on other sector to improve.

6. After analyzing GA count-wise BDO distribution, BDO participation, 30 days base reactivation thoroughly, it could be
identified that Banglalink’s sales people still needs proper training & guidelines.
Recommendation: Banglalink should arrange training facilities so that employees can understand their duties &
Banglalink is the second largest telecommunication service provider of the country that is
serving millions of subscribers with its innovative and high quality service. Infrastructure and
corporate culture is two important asset for the company through which it has reached in this
position. The Sales Division plays an important role in the success of the organization and
this department ensures involving experienced people for the facility and maintenance tasks.
As a permanent employee at Banglalink Digital Communications Limited had been a great
learning point for me. I am experiencing every moment here and learning so many new
things. According to me, I am assigned with this work and I am glad that it added value to the
organization. Throughout the program I am able to observe and gain knowledge about the
work of my team members which diversified my learning experience. I will always cherish
the memory of my experience in Banglalink.

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