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02 Decision Control Statements

Python uses control statements like if/else, while and for loops to control the flow of a program. Key statements include: - If/else statements execute code based on boolean conditions - While loops repeat code while a condition is true - For loops repeat code a set number of times using range() - Break and continue can alter normal loop flow - Nested loops allow loops within loops - The pass statement acts as a null operation in places where code is required syntactically

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02 Decision Control Statements

Python uses control statements like if/else, while and for loops to control the flow of a program. Key statements include: - If/else statements execute code based on boolean conditions - While loops repeat code while a condition is true - For loops repeat code a set number of times using range() - Break and continue can alter normal loop flow - Nested loops allow loops within loops - The pass statement acts as a null operation in places where code is required syntactically

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Python Programming

Decision Control Statements

Control Statements

A control statement is a statement that determines the control flow of a set of instructions, i.e., it decides the
sequence in which the instructions in a program are to be executed.

Types of Control Statements —

• Sequential Control: A Python program is executed sequentially from the first line of the program to its last line.
• Selection Control: To execute only a selected set of statements.
• Iterative Control: To execute a set of statements repeatedly.

If Statement


If-Else Statement


Nested if Statements
A statement that contains other statements is called a compound statement. To perform more complex checks, if
statements can be nested, that is, can be placed one inside the other. In such a case, the inner if statement is the
statement part of the outer one. Nested if statements are used to check if more than one conditions are satisfied.


If-elif-else Statement
Python supports if-elif-else statements to test additional conditions apart from the initial test expression. The if-elif-
else construct works in the same way as a usual if-else statement. If-elif-else construct is also known as nested-if


While Loop


For Loop
For loop provides a mechanism to repeat a task until a particular condition is True. It is usually known as a
determinate or definite loop because the programmer knows exactly how many times the loop will repeat.
The for...in statement is a looping statement used in Python to iterate over a sequence of objects.

For Loop and Range() Function
The range() function is a built-in function in Python that is used to iterate over a sequence of numbers. The syntax of
range() is range(beg, end, [step])
The range() produces a sequence of numbers starting with beg (inclusive) and ending with one less than the number
end. The step argument is option (that is why it is placed in brackets). By default, every number in the range is
incremented by 1 but we can specify a different increment using step. It can be both negative and positive, but not zero.


Range() Function
If range() function is given a single argument, it produces an object with values from 0 to argument-1. For example:
range(10) is equal to writing range(0, 10).
• If range() is called with two arguments, it produces values from the first to the second. For example, range(0,10).
• If range() has three arguments then the third argument specifies the interval of the sequence produced. In this case,
the third argument must be an integer. For example, range(1,20,3).


Condition-controlled and Counter-controlled Loops

Nested Loops
Python allows its users to have nested loops, that is, loops that can be placed inside other loops. Although this feature
will work with any loop like while loop as well as for loop.
A for loop can be used to control the number of times a particular set of statements will be executed. Another outer
loop could be used to control the number of times that a whole loop is repeated.
Loops should be properly indented to identify which statements are contained within each for statement.


The Break Statement
The break statement is used to terminate the execution of the nearest enclosing loop in which it appears. The break
statement is widely used with for loop and while loop. When compiler encounters a break statement, the control passes
to the statement that follows the loop in which the break statement appears.


The Continue Statement
Like the break statement, the continue statement can only appear in the body of a loop. When the compiler encounters a
continue statement then the rest of the statements in the loop are skipped and the control is unconditionally transferred
to the loop-continuation portion of the nearest enclosing loop.

The Pass Statement
Pass statement is used when a statement is required syntactically but no command or code has to be executed. It
specified a null operation or simply No Operation (NOP) statement. Nothing happens when the pass statement is
Difference between comment and pass statements In Python programming, pass is a null statement. The difference
between a comment and pass statement is that while the interpreter ignores a comment entirely, pass is not ignored.
Comment is not executed but pass statement is executed but nothing happens.

The Else Statement Used With Loops

Unlike C and C++, in Python you can have the else statement associated with a loop statements. If the else statement
is used with a for loop, the else statement is executed when the loop has completed iterating. But when used with the
while loop, the else statement is executed when the condition becomes false.



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