Matching Type Quiz

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Matching Type Quiz

Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B

1. A child's brain contains special language- a. Cognitive Theory
learning mechanisms at birth. b. Bruner
2. Their correct utterances are reinforced c. concluded that children must have an
when they get what they want or are inborn faculty for language acquisition.
praised. d. Skinner
3. Language is just one aspect of a child's e. Innatism
overall intellectual development. f. Theory of Social Interaction
4. This theory emphasizes the interaction g. Chomsky
between children and their care-givers. h. Placed acquisition of language within the
5. Behaviorist context of a child's mental or cognitive
6. Innateness development
7. Cognitive i. Piaget
8. Interaction j. Behaviorism
9. Jean Piaget k. Approach to language development that
10. Chomsky focuses on the relationship between
11. Language Acquisition Device (LAD) language form and social meaning
12. Imitation theory l. Language teaching was centered on
13. Prelinguistic Communication grammatical aspects, and in
learning formal linguistic elements and

m. Language acquisition device (LAD)
14. Mother tongue or native language n. Lev Vygotsky
15. Criticisms in behaviorist theory o. Process by which we are able to
16. Language acquisition develop and learn a language.
17. A soviet psychologist known for his p. Children acquire language skills even
social interaction mode. though adults do not consistently correct
18. A device that incharge of learning a their syntax
language q. Is the one that is acquired in early
19. Structuralism childhood within a speaking community.
20. Functionalism r. Through sounds, facial expressions,
gestures, imitations, and other
nonlinguistic means.
s. Based on a behavioral approach
t. A controversial claim from language
acquisition research proposed by Noam

Answer key
1. E 11. T
2. J 12. S
3. A 13. R
4. F 14. Q
5. D 15. P
6. G 16. O
7. I 17. N
8. B 18. M
9. H 19. L
10.C 20. K

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