Advanced Mechanics of Solids: BITS Pilani

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Advanced Mechanics of

Solids (ME F312)

BITS Pilani
Pilani | Dubai | Goa | Hyderabad

We study the problem of torsion of prismatic bars with non circular cross section

For circular cross sections-mechanics of materials method are sufficient

For non circular cross section-general methods(semi inverse method,saint venant)

Now consider a circular cross section member

The torque T causes each cross section to rotate as a rigid body about z axis(axis of twist)

The rotation of each cross section  z

The above equation is valid under the condition that plane sections remain plane w=0,the
displacement along z axis.We will find that u,v,w then strains and then stresses

u  x x  OP (cos(     cos(  ))
v  y  y  OP (sin(    sin( ))
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For small rotations sinβ=β and cosβ=1 OP  OP
x  OP cos() sin( A  B )  sinAcosB cosAsinB
y  OP sin() cos(A  B)  cosAcosB sinAsinB OP  OP
u  x(cos   1)  y sin  .
u  OP (cos(    cos())
v  x sin()  y (cos  
u  OP (cos  cos()  sin  sin())  OPcos 
u  OP cos  cos()  OP sin  sin()  OPcos 
u   y  y z
v  x  x z u  x(cos )  y sin   x
w0 simiarly
v  x sin()  y (cos  

The above u v and w equations give the deformation

However for a general circular cross section we assume w=θψ(x,y)

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For case 1:
u   y z v   zx w0

u u v
x  0  xy     z  z  0  xx   yy   zz   xy  0
x y x
v  xz  G y
y  0 u w
 xz     y  yz  Gx
y z x
w u w
z  0  xz    x
z z y

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The moments created by forces xz and  yz should be equal to applied torque at the

M z  T   ( x   y  xz ) dA

 yz  Gx
xz  Gy

T   G(x 2  y 2 )dA

T  G  (x 2  y 2 )dA  G  (r 2 )dA  GJ

Angle of twist JG

The factor JG is the torsional rigidity or stiffness of the member

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The stress vector at any cross section is given as

   xz i   yz j

  Gyi  Gx
The magnitude of the stress vector is the shear stress τ
GTr Tr
  G  x 2  y 2  G r  

Design of transmission shaft:

Torsional stiffness are mainly used to transmit power from a power plant to a machine and

P is the power in watts N.m/s

P  T
  2 f

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Torsion of non circular cross sections:
The cross section in this case may not remain in plane.Different points in the cross section in
general undergo different displacement in z direction. w=θψ(x,y)
u   y z
v   zx
w  ( x, y)
Ψ is the warping function

εxx=0=εyy=εzz=γxy stressstate
strainstate  xx  0;  yy  0   zz   xy
w u   
 xz     y   (  y)  yz  G(  x)
x z x x y
w v 
 yz    (  x) 
y z y  xz  G(  y)

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The above stress components should satisfy the equations of equilibrium,
 xx  xy  xz  2  2
  0 Substituting these stress state we get, G  ( 2  2 )  0
x y z x y
 xy  yy  yz  2  2
  0  0
x y z x 2 y 2
 zx  zy  zz  2  0
  0
x y z
The warping function is harmonic and satisfies the laplace equation.
Now on the given cross section, if p x,py,pz are the components of stress on a plane with
normal (l,m,n) .n  p
  xx  xy  xz   l   px 
    
  yy  yz   m    p y 
  zz   n   pz 

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For the 2D cross section, dy
Consider length ds on surface and no forces on boundary,p x,py,pz=0 l
 
dy  dx
  m
 0 0 G(  y )  ds  ds
 x   dx    n0
 0 a23    0
   ds 
 G(       0 
  y ) G(  x) 0   0 
 x y  
 dy  dx
G(  y)  (  x) }  0
x ds y ds
 dy  dx
(  y)  (  x)  0
x ds y ds

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Therefore for any cross section the torsion problem can be solved as follows.

T    yz x   xz y )dxdy

 
 G   x 2  y 2  x y )dxdy
y x

Writing J for the integral J=polar moment of inertia

 
J    x 2  y 2  x y )dxdy
y x
T  G J

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Therefore,for any cross section torsion can be solved as follows
For example:
1)assume   c =constant
When the above condition is met the above equations can be written
dy dx Tx
y  x 0  yz  G x 
ds ds IP
d x2  y 2 Ty
( )0  xz  Gy  
ds 2 IP
x 2  y 2  cons tan t T 2 ( x2  y 2 )
   yz   xz
2 2 2

J   ( x  y ) dxdy  I P
2 2 IP2
T  G I P 

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Let us consider ψ=Axy

dy dx
( Ay  y )  ( Ax  x)  0
ds ds
dy dx
y ( A  1)  x( A  1)  0
ds ds
dx dy
( A  1) zx  ( A  1) zy 0
ds ds
(( A  1) x 2  ( A  1) y 2 )  0
( A  1) x 2  ( A  1) y 2  cons tan t
Upon integration yields,
This is equivalent to
x 2
y 2
a 2
1 A b2  a2
  1; 2  ;A 2
a2 b2 b 1 A b  a2
b2  a2
 2 xy
b  a2
Considered a cross section is ellipse
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J    x 2  y 2  Ax 2  Ay 2 )dxdy

 ( A  1)   x 2 dxdy  (1  A)   y 2 dxdy)

 ( A  1) I y  (1  A) I x

 ab 3  a 3b
Ix  and I y 
4 4
 a 3b 3
J 2
b  a2

 a 3b 3
T  GJ   G 2
b  a2
T b2  a 2
G  a 3b3
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The shearing stresses are ,

 b2  a 2 b2  a 2 2 Tx
 yz  G (  x)  T (  1) x 
y  a 3b 3 b 2  a 2  ba 3
2 Ty
 xz 
 ab 3

Resultant shear stress,

  xz 2   yz 2  ( b 4 x 2  a 4 y 2 )1/ 2
a b
3 3

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Stress functions:

Used by several researchers to develop analytical solutions to linear elastic problems.

One fact about stress function is that their use typically leads us to obtain a solution first and then
the next step is to determine what is the actual problem to which the solution applies. Its like
answer comes before the equation.
  xy
 0
x y
 xy  yy
 0
x y
Propose a scalar function ɸ called Airy stress functions such that

 2  2  2
 xx  2 ;  yy  2 ;  xy  
y x xy

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Substituting above in the equations, we have:
  2   2
( ) ( )0
x y 2 y xy
  2   2
( ) ( )0
y x 2 x xy

The equilibrium equations are always satisfied whatever ɸ we choose,

Any choice of
1 ɸ will be a solution to some problem-what is that problem
  Ay 2

2 This satisfies the equilibrium equations.
2 1 2
 xx  2 Ay  A
y 2
 2
 yy  2  0
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The above case represents a uniaxial tension in x direction

 Ay 2
2 Represents a solution to a uniaxial tension problem

   Bxy
2) Take

 2  2  2
 xx  2  0;  yy  2  0;  xy   B
y x xy

Represents a solution to a pure shear problem.

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Alternative approach:

Prandtl approach leads to simple boundary conditions.Principal unknowns are the stress
components rather than displacement components(previous approach)

Given the condition σxx =0,σyy=0, σzz=0 and τxy=0; and τxz≠τyz≠0

For the above stress state the equilibrium equations are satisfied only when,
 xz   
 0, yz  0; xz  yz  0
z z x y

In order to satisfy these conditions we assume a function called stress function which behaves as,
 
 xz  ;  yz  
y x

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From stress components,if we find the strain components,
 yz  xz
 xx   yy   zz  0;  xy  0;  yz  ;  xz 

Strain compatibility can be

     
( yz  xz )  0; ( yz  xz )  0
x x y y x y
  2  2   2  2
(  )  0; ( 2  2 )  0
x x 2 y 2 y x y

 2   2
 2   2  cons tan t
x 2

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The stress function also should satisfy poissons equation,
Now from boundary condition,
 
l m 0
y x
 dy  dx
 0
y ds x ds

Therefore ɸ is constant around the boundary,since stress components depend on differentials of

ɸ,for a simply connected region ɸ=0 on S
On the two faces resultants in x and y direction should vanish and the moment about O should be
equal to the applied torque T.
 
  xz dxdy   y
dxdy   dx  dy  0

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Similarly,resultant in the y direction also vanishes.

Now moment,
 udv  uv   vdu
T   (x  yz  y xz ) dxdy 
d d
x x
 xs |s   (1)
   (x  y ) dxdy
dx dy
d d
   (x dxdy   y dxdy
dx R

Integrating by parts and observing that ɸ=0 on the boundary gives,

T  2  dxdy

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 2   2   xz  yz
  
x 2 y 2 y x

 xz  yz
 G(  )
y x
 u x u z  u u
 G( (  )  ( y  z ))
y  z x x  z y

 u x u y
 G( (  ))
z y x

 G (  2 z )   2 G 
   2
  2G
x 2 y 2

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For elliptical cross section:
Let the cross section is ellipse
The stress function ɸ for ellptical cross section may be
x2 y2
  B ( 2  2  1)
h b

We know,
 2   2
  2G Where G is shear modulus
x 2 y 2
and θ is the angle of twist
2B 2B
 2  2G
h b
h  b2
2 B ( 2 2 )  2G
Gh 2b 2
B 2
h  b2
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We have,
G h 2 b 2 x 2 y 2
 2 [   1]
h  b2 h2 b2

Shear stress,
 2 h 2G y
 xz   2
y h  b2
 2b 2Gx
 yz   2
x h  b2

T  2  dA
x2 y2
 2 B  [ 2  2  1]dA
h b
 2 B / h 2 (  x 2 dA)  2 B / b 2 (  y 2 dA)   2 BdA
 2 B / h 2 ( I y )  2 B / b 2 ( I x )  2 AB
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 3 
Ix  b h; I y  h3b
4 4
 
T  2 B / h 2 ( h3b)  2 B / b 2 ( b 3h)  2 bhB
4 4
T   Bhb
Gh 2b 2
B 2 2
h b
 Gh3b3
T  2 2
h b
T(h 2  b 2 )
 Gh3b3

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Assume that the wing of the aero plane
can be considered as a uniform beam
with narrow rectangular cross section
with width b and thickness t as shown in
figure. Find the amount of shear stresses
and the relation between applied torque
and angle of twist θ.

 t2 
  G   y 2 
4 

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Determine the angle of twist and shear stress
distribution of an aeroplane component
having uniform elliptical cross section

Method 1 : Given stress function Method 2 : Given warping function

      Axy
 x2 y 2 
  B  2  2  1 inside the domain 
h b  Relation between shear stress and warping
 0 on the boundary  function:
     
 yz  G   x  ,  xz  G  y
   y   x 
Relation between shear stress  xz  ,  yz  
y x Relation between applied torque and
and stress function
warping function:

 2  2    
Relation between angle of   2G T  G   x 2  y 2  x y  dxdy
x 2 y 2  y x 
and stress function
Relation between applied On the    dy    dx
T  2   dxdy   y   x  0
torque and stress function: boundary  x  ds  y  ds
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 a 3b3  a 3b3
T  GJ   G T  GJ  G
a 2  b2 a 2  b2

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How stress functions are determined ?

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Prandtl elastic membrane (soap film) analogy

Bulging in out of plane can be described the equations of force balance as
x 2 z 2 z
  
x 2 y 2 S
Z is out of plane displacement, p is pressure , S is the internal tension per unit length in
bulged membrane
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Prandtl elastic membrane (soap film) analogy

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Rectangular sections subjected to torsion

Thin narrow sections Thick sections

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Determine the maximum shear stress and angle of twist per unit length when
torque of 5000 N.m is applied

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Summary ?

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