Vapour Power Cycle 1

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Applied Thermodynamics

Vapour Power Cycles
Vapour power cycles are external combustion systems in which
the working fluid is alternatively vaporized and condensed.
Water/steam is easily available, is economical, chemically stable
and physiologically harmless.
Hence it is the most commonly employed working fluid. Due to its
use as working substance in vapour power cycle, this cycle is
often referred as steam power cycle. The vapour is generated in a
steam boiler which then enters the steam turbine, a condenser
and a feed pump.
In a vapour power cycle, the main objectives are to convert the
energy present in the fuels into mechanical energy and then to
electrical energy.

The fuel is burnt, hot flue gases are used to produce steam in
the steam generator. This steam so produced is expanded in a
steam turbine to do work.

A power cycle continuously converts heat energy into work, in
which a working fluid performs a succession of processes. In the
vapor power cycle, the working fluid, which is water, undergoes a
change of phase into steam, which may be in the form wet, dry
saturated or super heated. A vapor power plant differs from a gas
power plant in that, it’s working fluid may undergo a phase
change during the working of the plant.
Like in any other power cycle, the working fluid (steam/water) in a
steam power plant undergoes four basic operations in a cyclic
For each operation in a vapor power plant, we can think of a
hypothetical or ideal process, which represents the basic
intended operation. Since these operations are cyclic, the
idealized processes representing these operations form an ideal
cycle. That is known as vapor power cycle.

The Carnot vapor cycle:
A Carnot cycle with two
isothermal and two
isentropic processes can be
thought of as a vapor power
However, in practice, it is
almost impossible to design
a vapor power plant, based
on Carnot cycle.
Figure shows the schematic
diagram of a simple steam
power plant working on
vapor power cycle along
with p-v and T-s diagrams.
Heat is transferred to water in the
boiler from an external source to
raise steam.
The high pressure, high temperature
steam leaving the boiler expands in
the turbine to produce shaft work.
The steam leaving the turbine
condenses into water in the
condenser, rejecting heat and then
water is pumped back to the boiler.
Consider 1kg of saturated steam at
pressure p1 and absolute
temperature T1, as represented by
point 1. The cycle consists of four

Process 1-2: The saturated water is
isothermally converted into dry
saturated steam in a boiler, at
constant pressure p1.
The dry state of steam is represented
by point 2. The heat absorbed by
saturated water during its conversion
into dry steam is its latent heat of
evaporation at pressure p1 = p2.
The area below the curve 1-2 in the T-s
diagram represents the heat absorbed
during the isothermal process.
Process 2-3:
The dry steam expands isentropically in
steam engine or steam turbine.
The pressure and temperature falls from
p2 to p3 and T2 to T3 respectively.
No heat is supplied or rejected during
the process.
Process 3-4: The steam is now
isothermally condensed in a condenser
and heat is rejected at constant
temperature T3 and pressure p3.
Here p3 = p4 and T3 = T4. The area below
the curve 3-4 in the T-s diagram
represents the heat rejected.
Process 4-1:
The wet steam at point 4 is finally
compressed isentropically in a
compressor, till it returns back to initial
state 1.
The pressure and temperature rises from
p4 to p1 and T4 to T1 respectively. Since
no heat is absorbed or rejected during
this process, therefore entropy remains
Work done:
The work done during the cycle,

Efficiency of the cycle:
The efficiency of the Carnot cycle,

Where, T1 = Highest temperature corresponding to the

boiler pressure p1 = p2.

T2 = Lowest temperature corresponding to the

condenser pressure p3 = p4. 10

Drawbacks of the Carnot cycle as reference cycle:
1. The isothermal processes 1-2 and 3-4 can be
approached closely in actual boilers and condensers.
Limiting the heat transfer processes to two-phase
systems, however, severely limits the maximum
temperature that can be used in the cycle (less than
3740C for water).
Limiting the maximum temperature in the cycle also
limits the thermal efficiency.
Any attempt to raise the maximum temperature in
the cycle involves heat transfer to the working fluid
in a single phase, which is not easy to accomplish
2. During the isentropic expansion process 2-3 in the turbine the
quality of the steam decreases.
Thus the turbine has to handle steam with low quality, that is,
steam with high moisture content.
The impingement of liquid droplets on the turbine blades causes
erosion and is a major source of wear.
Thus steam with qualities less than about 90% cannot be
tolerated in the operation of power plants.
3. The isentropic compression process 4-1 involves the
compression of a liquid-vapor mixture to a saturated liquid.
There are two difficulties associated with this process.
First, it is not easy to control the condensation process so
precisely as to end up with the desired quality at state 4. Second, it
is not practical to design a compressor that handles two phases.
Limitations of Carnot Vapour Cycle
Theoretically the Carnot vapour cycle is most efficient; the
following difficulties are associated with it during its operation.
1. Steam condensation is not allowed to proceed to completion.
The condensation process has to be stopped at state point 3.
2. The working fluid at 3 is in both liquid and vapour state, it is
difficult to compress two phase mixture isentropically.
3. The vapour has larger specific volume; hence to accommodate
greater volumes, the size of the compressor becomes quite big.
4. For running a large sized compressor, more power is required;
this results in poor plant efficiency.
5. The steam at exhaust from the turbine is of low quality i.e. high
moisture content. The liquid water droplets cause pitting and
erosion of the turbine blades.

Rankine Vapour Cycle
Many of the impracticalities associated with the Carnot cycle can be
eliminated by superheating the steam in the boiler and condensing it
completely in the condenser.
The cycle that results is the Rankine cycle, which is the ideal cycle for
vapour power plants.
The ideal Rankine cycle does not involve any internal irreversibilities and
consists of the following four processes:

• T-v diagram of a pure substance:

Process 1-2:
Isentropic compression in
a pump: Water enters the
pump at state 1 as
saturated liquid and is
compressed isentropically
to the operating pressure
of the boiler.
The water temperature
increases somewhat
during this isentropic
compression process due
to a slight decrease in the
specific volume of water.
Process 2-3: Constant temperature
heat addition in a boiler: Water
enters the boiler as a compressed
liquid at state 2 and leaves as a
superheated vapor at state 3.
The boiler is basically a large heat
exchanger where the heat
originating from the combustion
gases, nuclear reactors or other
sources is transferred to the water
essentially at constant pressure.
The boiler, together with the
section where the steam is
superheated, is often called as the
steam generator.
Process 3-4:
Isentropic expansion in a
The superheated vapor at state
3 enters the turbine, where it
expands isentropically and
produces work by rotating the
shaft connected to the electric-
The pressure and
temperature of the steam drop
during this process to the values
at state 4, where steam enters
the condenser.
Process 4-1:
Constant pressure heat rejection in
a condenser:
At the state 4 the steam is usually a
saturated liquid-vapor mixture with
a high quality.
Steam is condensed at constant
pressure in the condenser, which is
basically a large heat exchanger, by
rejecting heat to a cooling medium
such as lake, a river, or the
Steam leaves the condenser as
saturated liquid and enters the
pump, completing the cycle.
Energy analysis of the ideal Rankine Cycle:
All four components associated with the Rankine cycle
the pump, boiler, turbine and condenser are steady-
flow devices, and thus all four processes that make up
the Rankine cycle can be analyzed as steady-flow
The potential and kinetic energy changes of the steam
are usually small relative to the work and heat transfer
terms and are therefore neglected.
The steady-flow energy equation per unit mass of the
steam reduces to,

The boiler and the condenser do not involve any work,
and the pump and the turbine are assumed to be
Then the conservation of energy relation for each device
can be expressed as follows:
The pump work during process 1-2 is given by,

Pump handles water which can be assumed to be

From property relationship for isentropic process, ds = 0
For process 1-2,

The turbine work during the process 3-4 is given by,

The heat added per unit mass in the boiler during the
process 2-3 is given by,

The turbine work during the process 3-4 is given by,

The heat rejected per unit mass in the condenser during

the process 4-1 is given by,

Thermal efficiency:
The thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle is given


The pump work is usually very small compared to

turbine work.
Hence, sometimes, it is neglected. In that case,

Work ratio:

Steam flow rate:

It is defined as the rate of stem flow in kg/hr required to
produce unit shaft power output (1kW).
It is a measure of the capacity of a steam power plant.

Heat flow rate:

It is the rate of heat input Q1 in kJ/hr required to produce
unit power output of 1kW.
Heat rate is an alternative to efficiency.

Comparison between Rankine
and Carnot cycle:
a)For the same maximum and
minimum temperatures Rankine
cycle has lower efficiency than that
of the Carnot cycle.
b) For the same maximum and
minimum temperatures Rankine
cycle has the higher specific output
than that of the Carnot cycle.
c) Compression of wet vapor is difficult
and involves large work in case of
Carnot cycle when compared to the
pumping work of feed water to the
boiler in case of a Rankine cycle.
Effects of pressure and
temperature on Rankine cycle
 a) Lowering the condenser pressure
increases the thermal efficiency of the
The effect of lowering the condenser
pressure on the Rankine cycle efficiency
is illustrated on a T-s diagram as in Fig.
For comparison purposes, the turbine
inlet state is maintained the same.
The colored area on this diagram
represents the increase in net work
output as a result of lowering the
condenser pressure from P4 to P4’. 26
The heat input requirements
also increase (are under curve 2-
2’), but this increase is very
Thus the overall effect of
lowering the condenser pressure
is an increase in the thermal
efficiency of the cycle.
However the lowest pressure of
condenser under ideal
conditions is limited to the
saturation temperature of the
cooling water or air (cooling
medium). 27
b) Superheating the Steam to High
temperatures increases thermal
efficiency of the cycle:
The effect of superheating on the
performance of the vapor power
cycles is illustrated on a T-s diagram
as in Fig.
The colored area on this diagram
represents the increase in the net
The total area under the curve 3-3’
represents the increase in the heat
Thus the net work and heat input
increase as a result of superheating
the steam to a higher temperature. 28
The overall effect is an increase in
thermal efficiency, however, since
the average temperature at which
the heat is added increases.
Superheating the steam to higher
temperatures has another very
desirable effect:
It decreases the moisture content
of the steam at the turbine exit, as
can be seen from the T-s diagram.
The temperature to which steam
can be superheated is limited,
however, by metallurgical
considerations. 29
c) Increasing the boiler pressure and temperature
increases the efficiency of the cycle:
The increase in the operating pressure of the
boiler automatically raises the temperature
at which the boiling takes place.
This in turn, raises the average temperature
at which heat is transferred to the steam and
raises the thermal efficiency of the cycle.
The effect of increasing the boiler pressure
on the performance of the vapor power
cycles is illustrated on a T-s diagram as in Fig.
Notice that for a fixed turbine inlet
temperature, the cycle shifts the left and the
moisture content of steam at the turbine exit
High moisture content results in erosion
of blade surfaces, affecting their life.
Normally the moisture content at the
turbine exhaust should not exceed 15%.
This undesirable side effect can be
corrected, however, by reheating the
Fig. shows the variation of efficiency
with boiler pressure.
Efficiency increases with boiler pressure
and reaches maximum value when the
pressure is about 160bar.
Further increase in boiler pressure
results in a fall in efficiency.
Actual vapor power cycles:
The actual vapor power cycle differs from the ideal Rankine
cycle, as illustrated in Fig (a), as a result of irreversibilities in various
components. Fluid friction and heat loss to the surroundings are the
two common sources of the irreversibilities.
Fluid friction causes pressure drops in the boiler, the condenser
and the piping between various components.
As a result, steam leaves the boiler at somewhat lower pressure.

Actual vapor power cycles:
Also, the pressure at the turbine inlet is somewhat lower than
that in the boiler exit due to the pressure drop in the connecting
The pressure drop in the condenser is usually very small.
To compensate for these pressure drops, the water must be
pumped to a sufficiently higher pressure than the ideal cycle calls
for. This requires a larger pump and larger work input to the

Actual vapor power cycles:
The other major source of irreversibility is the heat loss from the
steam to the surroundings as the steam flows through various
To maintain the same level of net work output, more heat needs be
transferred to the steam in the boiler to compensate for these
undesirable heat losses.
As a result the cycle efficiency decreases.

Under ideal conditions, the flow through pump and turbine
is isentropic.
The deviation of the actual pumps and turbines from the
isentropic ones can be accounted for by utilizing isentropic
efficiencies, defined as,


Where states 2a and 4a are the actual exit states of the pump
and the turbine, respectively, and 2s and 4s are the
corresponding states for the isentropic case (Fig b).
The ideal reheat Rankine cycle:

The T-s diagram of the ideal reheat Rankine cycle and the schematic
of the power plant operating on this cycle are shown in Fig.
The ideal reheat Rankine cycle differs from the simple ideal Rankine
cycle in that the expansion process takes place in two stages.
In the first stage (HP turbine), steam is expanded isentropically to
an intermediate pressure and sent back to the boiler where it is
reheated at constant pressure usually to the inlet temperature of
the first turbine stage. 36
The ideal reheat Rankine cycle:

Steam then expands isentropically in the second stage (LP turbine)

to the condenser pressure.
Thus the total heat input, the heat rejected, the total turbine work
output and total pump work for a reheat cycle become,


The net work done per kg of steam,

Therefore thermal efficiency,

The incorporation of the single reheat in a modern power

plant improves the cycle efficiency by 4 to 5% by
increasing the average temperature at which heat is
transferred to the steam.
The ideal Regenerative Rankine cycle:
Reheating has the limited ability to improve the
thermodynamic efficiency of Rankine cycle, but is quite useful
in the reduction of moisture in the turbine.
However it is observed that the largest single loss of energy in
a power plant occurs at the condenser in which the heat is
rejected to the coolant.
Hence reducing this rejected heat drastically improves
In both ideal and reheat cycle the condensate is returned to
the boiler at the lowest temperature of the cycle.
The fluid is heated to saturation by direct mixing in the steam
drum of the boiler, by furnace radiation in both tubes or by
gas convection heating by the flue gases in the economizer.
All these methods involve large temperature differences
and are inherently irreversible.
Instead of resorting to such a procedure, a method of
feed water heating is considered.
In the simple Rankine cycle the average temperature of
heat addition is quite low.
If the amount of heat required for this purpose is
supplied internally, the cycle thermal efficiency would
approach to that of Carnot cycle.
This could be done in a regenerative cycle in which feed
water is preheated by the expanding steam.
The thermal efficiency of the Rankine cycle increases as a
result of regeneration.
This is because regeneration raises the average temperature at
which heat is transferred to the steam in the boiler by raising
the temperature of water before it enters the boiler.
A practical regeneration process in steam power plants is
accomplished by extracting or “bleeding” steam from the
turbine at various points.
This steam which could have produced more work by
expanding further in the turbine is used to heat the feed
water instead.
The device where the feed water is heated by regeneration is
called regenerator or a feed water heater (FWH).
A feed water heater is basically a heat exchanger where heat
is transferred from steam to the feed water either by mixing
the two fluid streams (open feed water heaters) or without
mixing them (closed feed water heaters).
Open feed water heaters:
An open (or direct-contact) feed water heater is basically a
mixing chamber, where the steam extracted from the turbine
mixes with the feed water exiting the pump.
Ideally, the mixture leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at
the heater pressure. The schematic of a steam power plant with
one open feed water heater (also called single-stage
regenerative cycle) and the T-s diagram of the cycle are shown
in Fig.

In an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle, steam enters the turbine at
the boiler pressure (state 5) and expands isentropically to an
intermediate pressure (state 6).
Some steam is extracted at this state and routed to the feed water
heater, while the remaining steam continues to expand
isentropically to the condenser pressure (state 7).
This steam leaves the condenser as a saturated liquid at the
condenser pressure (state 1).

The condensed water which is also called the feed water then
enters an isentropic pump, where it is compressed to the feed
water heater pressure (state 2) and is routed to the feed water
heater, where it mixes with the steam extracted from the turbine.
The fraction of the steam extracted is such that the mixture leaves
the heater as a saturated liquid at the heater pressure (state 3).
A second pump raises the pressure of the water to the boiler
pressure (state 4). The cycle is completed by heating the water in
the boiler to the turbine inlet (state 5).

Let for each kg of steam leaving the boiler, y kg expands partially
in the turbine and is extracted at state 6.
The remaining (1 – y) kg expands completely to the condenser
pressure. The heat and work interactions of a regenerative
Rankine cycle with one feed water heater can be expressed per
unit mass of steam flowing through the boiler as follows:


Thermal efficiency of the cycle is given by:

Closed feed water heaters:
In this heat is transferred from the extracted steam to the feed
water without any mixing taking place.
The two streams now can be at different pressures, since they do
not mix.
The schematic of a power plant with one closed feed water heater
and the T-s diagram of the cycle are shown in Fig.

In an ideal closed feed water is heater, the feed water is heated is
heated to the exit temperature of the extracted steam, which
ideally leaves the heater as a saturated liquid at the extraction
In actual power plants, the feed water leaves the heater below
the exit temperature of the extracted steam because a
temperature difference of at least a few degrees is required for
any effective heat to take place.

• The condensed steam is then either pumped to the feed water
heater line or routed to another heater or to the condenser
through a device called trap.
• A trap allows the liquid to be throttled to a lower pressure
region but traps the vapor.
• The enthalpy of the steam remains constant during this throttling

Regenerative plant with two open feed water heaters:
Based on a total flow of 1kg of steam,
Turbine output,

Pump work,

Heat added from external source,


Regenerative plant with 2 closed feed water heaters:
On the basis of a total flow of 1kg of steam, 
Turbine output,

Pump work,

Heat added from external source,


To calculate m1 and m2
With open feed water heaters:- applying law of conservation
of energy to each heater,

ii) With closed feed water heaters,

Reheat – Regenerative cycle:
In this plant regeneration as well as multi-stage expansion with
reheating, are incorporated.
A schematic flow diagram and T-s diagram of a reheat-regenerative
plant with two open feed water heaters are shown below.
Reheating is normally done inside the furnace, in a region where
the temperatures are high. Steam extraction for purposes of
regeneration can be carried out at any intermediate stage in either
of the turbines.

On the basis of a total flow of 1kg of steam,
Turbine output,

Pump work,

Heat added from external source,


Problems on vapour power cycle 
1. Dry saturated steam at 17.5 bar enters the turbine of
a steam power plant and expands to the condenser
pressure of 0.75 bar. Determine the Carnot and
Rankine cycle efficiencies. Also find the work ratio of
the Rankine cycle.
Solution: P1 = 17.5 bar P2 = 0.75 barCarnot = ? Rankine = ?
a) Carnot cycle: At pressure 17.5 bar from steam tables
A -14 ( Dry saturated steam),

P tS hf­ hfg hg Sf Sfg Sg

17 204.3 871.8 1921.6 2793.4 2.3712 4.0246 6.3958

18 207.11 884.5 1910.3 2794.8 2.3976 3.9776 6.3751

For P = 17.5 bar, using linear interpolation

= 478.71 K
For tS,
Similarly, hf = 878.15 kJ/kg

hfg = 1915.95 kJ/kg hg = 2794.1 kJ/kg

Sf = 2.3844 kJ/kg0K Sfg = 4.0011 kJ/kg0K

Sg = 6.3855 kJ/kg K

Also at pressure 0.75 bar from steam tables ( Wet steam)

P tS hf­ hfg hg Sf Sfg Sg

0.8 93.51 391.7 2274.0 2665.8 1.233 6.2022 7.4352

0.7 89.96 376.8 2283.3 2660.1 1.1921 6.2883 7.4804

For 0.75 bar, using linear interpolation,

tS = 91.740C hf = 384.25 hfg = 2278.65 hg = 2662.95

Sf = 1.2126 Sfg = 6.2453 Sg = 7.4578

The Carnot cycle , C =

T1  T2 478.71  364.74
  0.2381
T1 478.71
Steam rate or SSC 1 1
( specific steam consumption ) = 
 W WT  W P

Since the expansion work is isentropic, S2 = S3

But S2 = Sg = 6.3855 and S3 = Sf3 + x3 Sfg3

i.e., 6.3855 = 1.2126 + x3 (6.2453) x3 = 0.828

Enthalpy at state 3,
h3 = hf3 + x3hfg= 384.25+ 0.828 (2278.65) = 2271.63 kJ/kg

Turbine work or expansion work or positive work

= h2 – h3 = 2794.1 – 2271.63 = 522.47 kJ/kg
Again since the compression process is isentropic
i.e., S4 = S1 = Sf1 = 2.3844

Hence 2.3844 = Sf4 + x4 Sfg4

= 1.2126 + x4 (6.2453) x4 = 0.188

Enthalpy at state 4 is h4 = hf4 + x4 hfg4

= 384.25 + 0.188 (2278.65)= 811.79 kJ/kg

Compression work, = h1 – h4 = 878.15 – 811.79

WP = 66.36 kJ/kg
 SSC   2.192 x 10 3 kg / kJ
522.47  66.36 .o / p.of .the.cycle
work ratio 

rw 
 w 
WT  WP 456.11
  0.873
 ve work WT 522.47
b) Rankine cycle:

WT  WP  h2  h3    h1  h4 
R  
QH  h2  h1 
Since the change in volume of the saturated liquid
water during compression from state 4 to state 1 is
very small, v4 may be taken as constant. In a steady

flow process,
work W = -vdp
WP = h1S – h4 = vfP2 (P1 – P2)

= 0.001037 (17.5 – 0.75) x 105 x (1/1000)

= 1.737 kJ/kg
h1S = 1.737 + 384.25 = 385.99 kJ/kg 64
Hence, turbine work = WT = h2 – h3 = 522.47kJ/kg

Heat supplied = QH = h2 – h1S

= 2.794.1 – 385.99 = 2408.11 kJ/kg

522 .47  1 .737
 R   0 .2162
2408 .11
1 3
 SSC   19204 x 10 kg / kJ
522 . 47  1 . 737 .o / p.of .the.cycle
Work ratio 

522 . 47  1737
rw   0 . 9967
522 . 47 65
2. If in problem (1), the turbine and the pump have each
85% efficiency, find the % reduction in the net work and
cycle efficiency for Rankine cycle.

Solution: If P = 0.85, T = 0.85

WP 1 . 737
WP    2 . 0435 kJ / kg
0 . 85 0 . 85

WT = T WT = 0.85 (522.47) = 444.09 kJ/kg

Wnet = WT – WP = 442.06 kJ/kg

% reduction in work output =

520.73  442.06
 15.11 %
520.73 66
WP = h1S – h4 h1S = 2.0435 + 384.25 = 386.29 kJ/kg

QH – h2 – h1S = 2794.1 – 386.29 = 2407.81 kJ/kg

 cycle   0.1836
% reduction in cycle efficiency
0.2162  0.1836
  15.08%

Note: Alternative method for problem 1 using h-s diagram
(Mollier diagram) though the result may not be as accurate as the
analytical solution. The method is as follows 
Since steam is dry saturated at state 2, locate this state at the
pressure P2 = 17.5 bar on the saturation line and read the
enthalpy at this state. This will give the value of h2 
As the expansion process 2-3 is isentropic, draw a vertical line
through the state 2 to meet the pressure line, P = 0.75 bar. The
intersection of the vertical line with the pressure line will fix state
3. From the chart, find the value of h3. 
The value of h4 can be found from the steam tables at pressure, P
= 0.75 bar, as h4 = hf4.
After finding the values of h2, h3 and h4, apply the equation used
in the analytical solution for determining the Rankine cycle  and
3. Steam enters the turbine of a steam power plant, operating
on Rankine cycle, at 10 bar, 3000C. The condenser pressure
is 0.1 bar. Steam leaving the turbine is 90% dry. Calculate
the adiabatic efficiency of the turbine and also the cycle ,
neglecting pump work.
P1 = 10 bar t2 = 3000C
P3 = 0.1 bar , x3 = 0.9,t = ?
cycle = ? Neglect WP
From superheated steam tables,
Page no 18
For P2 = 10 bar and t2 = 3000C,
h2 = 3052.1 kJ/kg, s2 = 7.1251 kJ/kg

From table A – 1, For P3 = 0.1 bar

tS = 45.830C hf = 191.8 hfg = 2392.9

Sf = 0.6493 Sfg = 7.5018

Since x3 = 0.9, h3 = hf4 + x3 hfg3

= 191.8 +0.9 (2392.9)

= 2345.4 kJ/kg
Also, since process 2-3s is (wet steam and) isentropic, S2 = S3S

i.e., 7.1251 = Sfg4 + x3S Sfg3

= 0.6493 + x3S (7.5018)

x3S = 0.863

h3S = 191.8 + 0.863 (2392.9) = 2257.43 kJ/kg 70

h2  h3 3052.1  2345.4
 Turbine efficiency, t    0.89
h2  h3S 3052.1  2257.43

WT h 2  h3 k
 cycle   but h1  191 .8
QH h 2  h1 J/kg

3052.1  2345.4
  0.25 i.e., 25%
3052.1  191.8

4. A 40 MW steam plant working on Rankine cycle operates
between boiler pressure of 4 MPa and condenser pressure of
10 KPa. The steam leaves the boiler and enters the steam
turbine at 4000C. The isentropic  of the steam turbine is 85%.
Determine (i) the cycle  (ii) the quality of steam from the
turbine and (iii) the steam flow rate in kg per hour. Consider
pump work.


P2 = 4 MPa = 40 bar
P3 = 10 KPa = 0.1 bar
P = 40000kW
t2 = 4000C ,t = 0.85 ,
cycle = ? & x3 = ?

h2  h 40 bar , 4000 C  3215.7kJ / kg and s2 = 6.7733 kJ/kg-K

h4  h f 0.1 bar  191.8kJ / kg

Process 2-3s is isentropic i.e., S2 = S3S

6.7733 = 0.6493 + x3S (7.5018)

x3S = 0.816
h3S = hf3 + x3S hfg3 = 191.8 + 0.816 (2392.9)

= 2145.2 kJ/kg
h2  h3 3215.7  h3
But  t  i.e., 0.85 
h2  h3 S 3215.7  2145.2

h3 = 2305.8 kJ/kg

WT = h2 – h3 = 3215.7 – 2305.8 = 909.9 kJ/kg
WP = vdP = 0.0010102 (40 – 0.1) 105/102

= 4.031 kJ/kg
= h1 – h4 h1 = 195.8 kJ/kg

Wnet 909.9  4.031

(i )  cycle    29.9%
Q1  3215.7  195.8
(ii) x3 = ?
we have 2305.8 = 191.8 + x3 (2392.9)
x3 = 0.88
(iii) P  m W net
i.e., 40000 = m (905.87)
 = 44.2 kg/s
= 159120 kg/hr
5. An ideal reheat cycle utilizes steam as the working fluid.
Steam at 100 bar, 4000C is expanded in the HP turbine to
15 bar. After this, it is reheated to 3500C at 15 bar and is
then expanded in the LP turbine to the condenser
pressure of 0.5 bar. Determine the thermal  and steam

From steam tables
P = 100 bar t = 4000C = v = 0.026408m3/kg
h = 3099.9 kJ/kg
S = 6.2182 kJ/kg-K
P = 15 bar tS = 192.280C, vf = 0.0011538m3/kg,

vg = 0.13167m3/kg

hf = 844.6 kJ/kg,

hfg = 1845.3 kJ/kg,

hg = 2789.9 kJ/kg

sf = 2.3144kJ/kg-K,

sfg = 4.1262 kJ/kg-K,

At P = 0.5 bar & tS = 81.350C,

vf = 0.0010301 m3/kg, vg = 3.2401 m3/kg

hf = 340.6 kJ/kg, hfg = 2305.4 kJ/kg, hg = 2646.0 kJ/kg

sf = 1.0912 kJ/kg-K, sfg = 6.5035 kJ/kg-K, sg = 7.5947 kJ/kg-K

h2 = 3099.9 kJ/kg,

Process 2-3s is isentropic, i.e., S2 = S3S

6.2182 = 2.3144 + x3S (4.1262) x3S =

h3S = 844.6 + x3S (1845.3) = 2590.44 kJ/kg
Expansion of steam in the HP turbine = h2 – h3S

= 3099.9 – 2590.44
= 509.46 kJ/kg
P = 15 bar, t = 3500C = v = 0.18653
h = 3148.7
s = 7.1044
Expansion of steam in the LP cylinder = h4 – h5s

h4 = 3148.7 kJ/kg

To find h5s:

We have S4 = S5s

7.1044 = Sf5 + x5S Sfg5

= 1.0912 + x5S (6.5035)

x5S = 0.925

h5s = 340.6 + 0.925 (2305.4) = 2473.09 kJ/kg

Expansion of steam in the LP turbine = 3148.7 – 2473.0978

h6 = hf for P3 =0.5 bar i.e., h6 = 340.6 kJ/kg
Pump work, WP = h1s – h6
= vf5 (P3 – P1) = 0.0010301 (100 – 0.501 x 105)
= 10.249 kJ/kg
h1s = 350.85 kJ/kg
Heat supplied,
QH = (h2 – h1S) + (h4 – h3S)
= (3099.9 – 350.85) + (3148.7 – 2590.44)
= 2749.05 kJ/kg + 558.26
= 3307.31 kJ/kg
W net W  HP  W  LP  W P
  th  
509.46  675.61  10.25
  0.355
Steam rate, SSC   3.064 kg / kWh
Wnet 79
b) When  of the HP turbine, LP turbine and feed pump are
80%, 85% and 90% respectively.

h2  h3 3099.9  h3
 tHP   0.8 
h2  h3s 3099.9  2590.44

h3 = 2692.33 kJ/kg

h4  h5 3148.7  h5
tLP   0.85  h5 = 2574.43 kJ/kg
h4  h5s 3148.7  2473.09

h15  h6 350.85  340.6 h1 = 351.99

P   0.9 
h1  h6 h1  340.6 kJ/kg

h 2  h 3    h 4  h 5    h1  h 6 
 
h 2  h1   h 4  h 3 

 3099.9  2692.33   3148.7  2574.43   351.99  340.6
 3099.9  351.99   3148.7  2692.33
= 0.303 or 30.3% SSC = 3.71 kg/kWh
Using Mollier-chart: h2 = 3095 kJ/kg,h3s = 2680 kJ/kg,
h4 = 3145 kJ/kg, h5 = 2475 kJ/kg,
h6 = 340.6 kJ/kg (from steam tables), WP = 10.249 kJ/kg
6. Steam at 50 bar, 3500C expands to 12 bar in a HP stage, and
is dry saturated at the stage exit. This is now reheated to
2800C without any pressure drop. The reheat steam expands in
an intermediate stage and again emerges dry and saturated at
a low pressure, to be reheated a second time to 280 0C. Finally,
the steam expands in a LP stage to 0.05 bar. Assuming the
work output is the same for the high and intermediate stages,
and the efficiencies of the high and low pressure stages are
equal, find: (a)  of the HP stage (b) Pressure of steam at the
exit of the intermediate stage, (c) Total power output from the
three stages for a flow of 1kg/s of steam, (d) Condition of
steam at exit of LP stage and (e) Then  of the reheat cycle.
Also calculate the thermodynamic mean temperature of
energy addition for the cycle.
P1 = 50 bar t2 = 3500C P2 = 12 bar t4 = 2800C, t6 =
2800C P3 = ? P4 = 0.05 bar
From Mollier diagram
h2 = 3070kJ/kg h3s = 2755 kJ/kg h3 = 2780 kJ/kg h4
= 3008 kJ/kg
h2  h3 3070  2780
(a) t for HP stage  h  h  3070  2755= 0.921 83
2 3s
(b) Since the power output in the intermediate stage equals
that of the HP stage, we have
h2 – h3 = h4 – h5
i.e., 3070 – 2780 = 3008 – h5
h5 = 2718 kJ/kg
Since state 5 is on the saturation line, we find from Mollier chart, P 3
= 2.6 bar,
Also from Mollier chart, h5s = 2708 kJ/kg, h6 = 3038 kJ/kg,
h7s = 2368 kJ/kg
Since t is same for HP and LP stages,
h6  h7 3038  h7
t   0.921   h7  2420.93kJ/kg
h6  h7 s 3038  2368
At a pressure 0.05 bar, h7 = hf7 + x7 hfg7
2420.93 = 137.8 + x7 (2423.8)
x7 = 0.941 84
Total power output = (h2 – h3) + (h4 – h5) + (h6 – h7)

= (3070 – 2780) + (3008 – 2718) + (3038 – 2420.93)

= 1197.07 kJ/kg
Total power output /kg of steam = 1197.07 kW
For P4 = 0.05 bar from steam tables, h8 = 137.8 kJ/kg;

WP = 0.0010052 (50 – 0.05) 102 = 5.021 kJ/kg

= h8 – h1s

h1s = 142.82 kJ/kg

Heat supplied, QH = (h2 – h1s) + (h4 – h3) + (h6 – h5)

= (3070 – 142.82) + (3008 – 2780) + (3038 – 2718)

= 3475.18 kJ/kg 85
Wnet = WT – WP = 1197.07 – 5.021 = 1192.05 kJ/kg

Wnet 1192.05
 th    0.343
QH 3475.18

 th  1 
 1
 273  32.9
 0.343,
Tm Tm
305.9 Tm =
0.657 
Tm 465.6 K
h2  h1s 3070  142.82
Tm    492 K
S 2  S1s 6.425  0.4763

SSC   3 .02 kg / kWh
1192 .05 86
7. A steam power station uses the following cycle: Steam
at boiler outlet – 150 bar; reheat at 40 bar, 5500C;
condenser at 0.1 bar. Using Mollier chart and assuming
that all processes are ideal, find (i) quality at turbine
exhaust (ii) cycle  (iii) steam rate.

P2 = 150 bar t2 = 5500C P3 = 40 bart3 = 5500C
P5 = 0.1 bar
From Mollier diagram i.e., h-s diagram
h3 = 3050 kJ/kg
h5 = 2290 kJ/kg
x5 = 0.876 kJ/kg
h6 can not determined from h-s diagram, hence steam tables are used.
h2  h 150 bar ,5500 C  3450kJ / kg

h4  h 40 bar,5500 C  3562kJ / kg h6  h f 0.1 bar  191.8kJ / kg

Process 6-1 is isentropic pump work i.e., WP1 = vdP

= 0.0010102 (40 – 01) 105/103 = 4.031 kJ/kg
= (h1 – h6)
h1 = 195.8 kJ/kg
(i) Quality of steam at turbine exhaust = x5 = 0.876
(ii )  cycle 
Turbine work, WT = WT1 + WT2
= (h2 – h3) + (h4 – h5)
= (3450 – 3050) + (3562 – 2290)
= 1672 kJ/kg

QH = Q1 + QR = (h2- h1) + (h4 – h3)

= (3450 – 195.8) + (3562 – 3050)
= 3766.2 kJ/kg
1672  4.031 1667.97
 cycle    0.443
3766.2 3766.2
(iii ) Steam rate   2.16 kg / kWh
1667.97 89
8. An ideal Rankine cycle with reheat is designed to
operate according to the following specification.
Pressure of steam at high pressure turbine = 20 MPa,
Temperature of steam at high pressure turbine inlet =
5500C, Temperature of steam at the end of reheat =
5500C, Pressure of steam at the turbine exhaust = 15 KPa.
Quality of steam at turbine exhaust = 90%. Determine (i)
the pressure of steam in the reheater (ii) ratio of pump
work to turbine work, (iii) ratio of heat rejection to heat
addition, (iv) cycle .


P2 = 200 bar t2 = 5500C t4 = 5500C P5 = 0.15 bar x5 = 0.9

From Mollier diagram,
h2 = 3370 kJ/kg
h3 = 2800 kJ/kg
h4 = 3580 kJ/kg
h5 = 2410 kJ/kg
x5 = 0.915
P3 = P4 = 28 bar
But given in the data x5 = 0.9
From steam tables h6 = 226 kJ/kg
Pump work WP = vdP
= 0.001014 (200 – 0.15) 105/103
= 20.26 kJ/kg
But WP = h1 – h6 h1 = 246.26 kJ/kg

(i) Pressure of steam in the reheater = 28 bar

(ii) Turbine work WT = (h2 – h3) + (h4 – h5)

= (3370 – 2800) + (3580 – 2410)
= 1740 kJ/kg

ofP  0.0116 i.e., 1.2%

(iii) QL = (h5 – h6) = (2410 – 226) = 2184 kJ/kg

QH = (h2 – h1) + (h4 – h3)

= (3370 – 226) + (3580 – 2800)

= 3924 kJ/kg
  0.5565 i.e., 55.65%

(iv)  cycle 

 1740  20.26
 0.4383 i.e., 43.8%
QTotal 3924

9. An ideal regenerative cycle operates with dry
saturated steam, the maximum and minimum pressures
being 30 bar and 0.04 bar respectively. The plant is
installed with a single mixing type feed water heater. The
bled steam pressure is 2.5 bar. Determine (a) the mass of
the bled steam, (b) the thermal  of the cycle, and (c)
SSC in kg/kWh.

P1 = 30 bar P2 = 2.5 bar P3 = 0.04 bar

From steam tables, For P1 = 30 bar, h2 = 2802.3 kJ/kg,

S 2 = 6.1838 kJ/kg0k

But S2 = S3s i.e., 6.1838 = 1.6072 + x3 (5.4448)x3 = 0.841

h3 = 535.4 + 0.841 (2281.0) = 2452.68 kJ/kg

Also S2 = S4s i.e., 6.1838 = 0.4225 + x4 (8.053) x4 = 0.715

h4 = 121.4 + 0.715 (2433.1) = 1862.1 kJ/kg

At P3 = 0.04 bar, h5 = 121.4 kJ/kg, v5 = 0.001004 m3/kg

Condensate pump work = (h6 – h5) = v5 (P2 – P3)

= 0.001004 (2.5 – 0.04) (105/103)

= 0.247 kJ/kg 95
Similarly, h1 = h7 + v7 (P1 – P2) (105/103)
= 535.4 + 0.0010676 (30 – 2.5) 102
= 538.34 kJ/kg
a) Mass of the bled steam:
Applying the energy balance to the feed water heater
mh3 + (1 – m) h6 = 1 (h7)

m 
 h7  h6 

 535.4  121.65
 0.177kg / kg of steam
 h3  h6   2452.68  121.65
b) Thermal :
Turbine work, WT = 1 (h2 – h3s) + (1 – m) (h3 – h4s)
(2802.3 – 2452.65) + (1 – 0.177) (2452.68 – 1862.1)
= 835.67 kJ/kg

Pump work, WP = (1 – m) (h6s – h5) + 1 (h1s – h7)

= (1 – 0.177) (121.65 – 121.4) + 1 (538.34 – 535.4)

= 3.146 kJ/kg
Wnet = WT – WP = 832.52 kJ/kg

Heat supplied, QH = 1 (h2 – h1s) = 1 (2802.3 – 538.34)

Wnet =832
2263.96 kJ/kg
 th    0.368 or
QH 2263.96 36.8%
SSC: 3600
SSC   4.324kg / kWh
10.Steam at 20 bar and 3000C is supplied to a turbine in
a cycle and is bled at 4 bar. The bled-steam just
comes out saturated. This steam heats water in an
open heater to its saturation state. The rest of the
steam in the turbine expands to a condenser
pressure of 0.1 bar. Assuming the turbine efficiency
to be the same before and after bleeding, find:
a) the turbine  and the steam quality at the exit of
the last stage; b) the mass flow rate of bled steam
1kg of steam flow at the turbine inlet; c) power
output / (kg/s) of steam flow; and d) overall cycle .


P1 = 20 bar t1 = 3000CP2 = 4 barP3 = 0.1 bar

From steam tables,

For P1 = 20 bar and t1 = 3000C

v2 = 0.12550 h2 = 3025.0 S2 = 6.7696

For P2 = 4 bar, h3 = 2737.6, ts = 143.63

hf = 604.7, hfg = 2132.9, Sf = 1.7764, Sfg =

5.1179, Sg = 6.8943

For P2 = 0.1 bar, 45.83, 191.8, 2392.9, 2584.8, 0.6493,

7.5018, 8.1511
We have, S2 = S3s i.e., 6.7696 = 1.7764 + x3 (5.1179)

x3 = 0.976 100

h3s = 604.7 + 0.976 (2132.9) = 2685.63 kJ/kg

h2  h3 3025  2737.6
 t    0.847
h2  h3s 3025  2685.63

S3 = S4s i.e., 6.8943 = 0.6493 + x4 (7.5018)

x4s = 0.832

h4s = 191.8 + 0.832 (2392.9) = 2183.81kJ/kg

But t is same before and after bleeding i.e.,

h3  h4
t 
h3  h4 s

2737.6  h4
i.e., 0.847
2737.6  2183.81
h4 = 2268.54 kJ/kg
h4 = hf4 + x4 hfg4 x4 = 0.868

b) Applying energy balance to open heater,

mh3 + (1 – m) h6s = 1 (h7)
Condensate pump work, (h6s – h5) = v5 (P3 – P2)
= 0.0010102 (3.9) 102
= 0.394 kJ/kg
h6s = 191.8 + 0.394 = 192.19 kJ/kg
Similarly, h1s = h7 + v7 (P1 – P2)
= 604.7 + -.0010839 (16) 102 = 606.43 kJ/kg
h7  h6 604.7  192.19
m  m   0.162
h3  h6 2737.6  192.19
c) Power output or WT = (h2 – h3) + (1 – m) (h3 – h4)

(3025 – 2737.6) + (1 – 0.162) (2737.6 – 2268.54)

= 680.44 kJ/kg
For 1kg/s of steam, WT = 680.44 kW
W net
0 
d) Overall thermal efficiency, QH
WP = (1 – m) (h6s – h5) + 1 (h1s – h7)

= (1 – 0162) (192.19 – 191.8) + 1 (606.43 – 604.7)

= 2.057 kJ/kg
Wnet = 680.44 – 2.057 = 678.38 kJ/kg

QH = 1 (h2 – h1s) = (3025 – 606.43) = 2418.57 kJ/kg

 0   0.2805
2418.57 103
Using Moiller Diagram

11. Steam at 50 bar, 3500C expands to 12 bar in a HP stage, and
is dry saturated at the stage exit. This is now reheated to
2800C without any pressure drop. The reheat steam expands
in an intermediate stage and again emerges dry and
saturated at a low pressure, to be reheated a second time to
2800C. Finally, the steam expands in a LP stage to 0.05 bar.
Assuming the work output is the same for the high and
intermediate stages, and the efficiencies of the high and low
pressure stages are equal, find: (a)  of the HP stage (b)
Pressure of steam at the exit of the intermediate stage, (c)
Total power output from the three stages for a flow of 1kg/s
of steam, (d) Condition of steam at exit of LP stage and
(e) Then  of the reheat cycle. Also calculate the
thermodynamic mean temperature of energy addition for
the cycle.


P1 = 50 bar t2 = 3500C P2 = 12 bar t4 = 2800C,

t6 = 2800C P3 = ? P4 = 0.05 bar
From Mollier diagram
h2 = 3070kJ/kg h3s = 2755 kJ/kg h3 = 2780 kJ/kg h4 = 3008
h2  h3 3070  2780
(a) t for HP stage   = 0.921
h2  h3 s 3070  2755 106
(b) Since the power output in the intermediate stage equals
that of the HP stage, we have
h2 – h3 = h4 – h5
i.e., 3070 – 2780 = 3008 – h5 h5 = 2718 kJ/kg
Since state 5 is on the saturation line, we find from Mollier chart,
P3 = 2.6 bar,
Also from Mollier chart, h5s = 2708 kJ/kg, h6 = 3038 kJ/kg,
h7s = 2368 kJ/kg
Since t is same for HP and LP stages,
h6  h7 3038  h7
t   0.921   h7  2420.93kJ/kg
h6  h7 s 3038  2368
At a pressure 0.05 bar, h7 = hf7 + x7 hfg7
2420.93 = 137.8 + x7 (2423.8) x7 = 0.941
Total power output = (h2 – h3) + (h4 – h5) + (h6 – h7)
= (3070 – 2780) + (3008 – 2718) + (3038 – 2420.93)
= 1197.07 kJ/kg
Total power output /kg of steam = 1197.07 kW 107
Total power output /kg of steam = 1197.07 kW
For P4 = 0.05 bar from steam tables, h8 = 137.8 kJ/kg;

WP = 0.0010052 (50 – 0.05) 102 = 5.021 kJ/kg = h8 – h1s

h1s = 142.82 kJ/kg

Heat supplied, QH = (h2 – h1s) + (h4 – h3) + (h6 – h5)

= (3070 – 142.82) + (3008 – 2780) +

(3038 – 2718)= 3475.18 kJ/kg
Wnet = WT – WP = 1197.07 – 5.021 = 1192.05 kJ/kg
Wnet 1192.05
 th    0.343
QH 3475.18

 th  1 
 1
 273  32.9
 0.343,
Tm Tm

0.657  Tm = 465.6 K
h2  h1s 3070  142.82
Tm    492 K
S 2  S 1s 6.425  0.4763
SSC   3 .02 kg / kWh
1192 .05 109
12.Steam at 30 bar and 3500C is supplied to a steam
turbine in a practical regenerative cycle and the
steam is bled at 4 bar. The bled steam comes out as
dry saturated steam and heats the feed water in an
open feed water heater to its saturated liquid state.
The rest of the steam in the turbine expands to
condenser pressure of 0.1 bar. Assuming the turbine
 to be same before and after bleeding determine
(i) the turbine , (ii) steam quality at inlet to
condenser, (iii) mass flow rate of bled steam per
unit mass rate at turbine inlet and (iv) the cycle .


P2 = 30 bart2 = 3500C P3 = 4 bar P4 = 0.1 bar

h3 = hg at P3 = 4 bar, = 2737.6 kJ/kg

From superheated steam tables,
h2 = h3  hg P3  4 bar  2737.6 kJ / kg

h2  h P2 30bar & t 2 3500 C

 3117.5 kJ / kg and S2 = 6.7471 kJ/kg-K

h5  h f P5  0.1bar  191.8 kJ / kg

h7  h f P7  4 bar  604.7 kJ / kg
Process 2-3s is isentropic, i.e., S2 = S3S
6.7471 = 1.7764 + x3S (5.1179)
x3S = 0.971
h3S = hf3 + x3S hfg3
= 604.7 + 0.971 (2132.9)
= 2676.25 kJ/kg 112
Process 3-4s is isentropic i.e., S3 = S4S

i.e., 6.8943 = 0.6493 + x4S (7.5018)

x4S = 0.832

h4S = 191.8 + 0.832 (2392.9) = 2183.8 kJ/kg

Given, t (before bleeding) = t (after bleeding)

h2  h3 3117.5  2737.6
   0.86
We have, t (before bleeding) h2  h3S 3117.5  2676.25
h3  h4 2737.6  h4
 0.86    h4  2261.33kJ / kg
h3  h4 S 2737.6  2183.8
But h4 = hf4 + x4 hfg4
2261.33 = 191.8 + x4 (2392.9)
x4 = 0.865
i.e., Dryness fraction at entry to condenser = x4 = 0.865
iii) Let m kg of steam is bled. Applying energy balance to
mh3 + (1 – m) h6 = h7
We have WP1 = (h6 – h5) = vdP
= 0.0010102 (4 – 0.1) 105/103
= 0.394 kJ/kg
h6 = 0.394 + 191.8 = 192.19 kJ/kg
m (2737.6) + (1 – m) 192.19 = 604.7
m = 0.162 kg
Also, WP2 = (h1 – h7) = vdP
= 0.0010839 x (30 – 4) 102
= 2.82 kJ/kg
h1 = 2.82 + 604.7 = 607.52 kJ/kg
WT  WP   h2  h3   1  m  h3  h4     1  m  h6  h5    h1  h2  
 cycle  
QH  h2  h1 
cycle = 0.31
13.In an ideal reheat regenerative cycle, the high
pressure turbine receives steam at 20 bar, 3000C.
After expansion to 7 bar, the steam is reheated
to 3000C and expands in an intermediate
pressure turbine to 1 bar. A fraction of steam is
now extracted for feed water heating in an open
type FWH. The remaining steam expands in a
low pressure turbine to a final pressure of 0.05
bar. Determine (i) cycle thermal , (ii) specific
steam consumption, (iii) quality of steam
entering condenser.
• Solution:

h2  h 20 bar , 3000 C  3025kJ / kg
and s2 = 6.7696kJ/kg-K

Process 2-3 is isentropic i.e., S2 = S3

6.7696 = 1.9918 + x3 (4.7134)

i.e., state 3 can be approximated as dry saturated.

 h3  h 7 bar , dry sat . = 2762kJ/kg

 h4  h 7 bar , 3000 C  3059.8kJ / kg and s4 = 7.2997 kJ/kg-K

Process 4-5 is isentropic, S4 = S5
i.e., 7.6798 = 0.4763 + x5 (7.9197)
x5 = 0.909
h5 = 137.8 + 0.909 (2423.8) = 2342.41 kJ/kg

h6  h f 0.05 bar  137.8kJ / kg h7 = h6 (since WP1 is neglected)

h8  h f 6.4 bar  681.1kJ / kg

h1 = h8 (since WP2 is neglected)
(ii) Applying energy balance to FWH,
mh3 + (1 – m) h7 = h8

m (2758.1) + (1 – m) 137.8 = 681.1

m = 0.313 kg/kg of steam
(iii) W1 = WHP = (h2 – h3)= (3398.8 – 2758.1 = 640.7 kJ/kg

W2 = WLP = (1 – m) (h4 – h5)

= (1 – 0.313) (3269.96 – 2342.41)= 637.2 kJ/kg

Wnet = W1 + W2 = 1277.9 kJ/kg
Power 80000
   62.6kg / s
Steam flow rate through HP turbine Wnet 1277.9
(iv) cycle = ? QH = (h2 – h1) + (1 – m) (h4 – h3) = 3069.35 kJ/kg
Wnet 1277.9
 cycle    0.42
QH 3069.35
15. In a single heater regenerative cycle, the
steam enters the turbine at 30 bar, 4000C and
the exhaust pressure is 0.01 bar. The feed
water heater is a direct contact type which
operates at 5 bar. Find (i) thermal  and the
steam rate of the cycle, (ii) the increase in
mean temperature of heat addition,  and
steam rate as compared to the Rankine cycle
without regeneration. Pump work may
• Solution:

h2  h 20 bar , 3000 C  3025kJ / kg and s2 = 6.7696kJ/kg-K
Process 2-3 is isentropic
i.e., S2 = S3
6.7696 = 1.9918 + x3 (4.7134)
x3 = 1.014
i.e., state 3 can be approximated as dry saturated.
 h3  h 7 bar , dry sat . = 2762kJ/kg

 h4  h 7 bar , 3000 C  3059.8kJ / kg and s4 = 7.2997 kJ/kg-K

Process 4-5 is isentropic i.e., S4 = S5

7.2997 = 1.3027 + x5 (6.0571) x5 = 0.99
h5 = hf5 + x5 hfg5 = 417.5 + 0.99 (2257.9) = 2652.9 kJ/kg 
Process 5-6 is isentropic i.e., S5 = S6
7.2997 = 0.4763 + x6 (7.9197) x6 = 0.862
h6 = 137.8 + 0.862 (2423.8) = 2226.1 kJ/kg
h7 = = 137.8 kJ/kg
Neglecting WP1,
h8 = h7, Also neglecting WP2, h9 = h1 = 417.5 kJ/kg

Applying energy balance to FWH
mh5 + (1 – m) h8 = h9
i.e., m (2652.9) + (1 – m) 137.8 = 417.5
m = 0.111 kg/kg of steam
 h2  h3    h4  h5   1  m h5  h6 
(i) C   0.35
 h2  h1    h4  h3 
(ii ) SSC   3.57kg / kWh
(iii) Quality of steam entering condenser, x6 =
16. The net power output of a regenerative – reheat
cycle power plant is 80mW. Steam enters the high
pressure turbine at 80 bar, 500 0C and expands to a
pressure P2 and emerges as dry vapour. Some of the
steam goes to an open feed water heater and the
balance is reheated at 4000C at constant pressure P2
and then expanded in the low pressure turbine to
0.05 bar. Determine (i) the reheat pressure P 2, (ii)
the mass of bled steam per kg boiler steam, (iii) the
steam flow rate in HP turbine, (iv) cycle . Neglect
pump work. Sketch the relevant lines on h-s
diagram. Assume expansion in the turbines as
P = 80000 kW P1 = 80 bar t2 = 5000C P2 = ? t3 = 4000C
P3 = 0.05 bar m = ? cycle = ?
h2  h 80 bar, 5000 C  3398.8kJ / kg and s2 = 6.7262
Process 2-3 is isentropic i.e., S2 = S3 = 6.7262 kJ/kg-K
Given state 3 is dry saturated i.e., S3 = 6.7262S=g P2

From table A – 1, for dry saturated steam, at P = 6.0 bar, Sg
= 6.7575 and at P = 7.0 bar, Sg = 6.7052
Using linear interpolation,
6.0  7.0
P  x 6.7262  6.7052  0.402 bar
 6.7575  6.7052
(i) P2 = 6 + 0.402 = 6.402 bar  h3  h P2  6.4 bar

From table A – 1, For P = 6 bar,hg = 2755.5,Sg = 6.7575

For P = 7 bar, hg = 2762.0 Sg = 6.7052
2762 2755.5
 For P  6.4 bar  x 0.4  2755.5  2758.1kJ / kg
h3 = 2758.1 kJ/kg

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