Lec 14 - Capacity Planning

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Capacity Planning

Lec- 14
Learning Objectives
• Explain the importance of capacity planning.
• Describe the determinants of effective
• Discuss the major considerations related to
developing capacity alternatives.
• Briefly describe approaches that are useful
for evaluating capacity alternatives
Capacity Planning
• Capacity is the upper limit or ceiling on the
load that an operating unit can handle.
• Capacity also includes
– Equipment
– Space
– Employee skills
• The basic questions in capacity handling are:
– What kind of capacity is needed?
– How much is needed?
– When is it needed?
Strategic Capacity Planning

• Balancing of long term supply capabilities and

predicted level of long term demand.
– Forecasts are a key input.
• Changes in demand
• Changes in technology
• Changes in the environment
• Perceived threats and opportunities
Capacity Planning Considerations
• Cost, availability of funds, expected returns
• Potential benefits and risks.
– Degree of uncertainty in forecasts.
• Sustainability issues.
• Rate of capacity addition?
– All at once?
– Incremental
• Supply chain support?
Importance of Capacity Decisions
1. Impacts ability to meet future demands
2. Affects operating costs
3. Major determinant of initial costs
4. Involves long-term commitment
5. Affects competitiveness (can be a barrier to
deter potential new entry)
6. Globalization adds complexity
7. Impacts long range planning
• Design capacity
– maximum output rate or service capacity an
operation, process, or facility is designed for
• Effective capacity
– Design capacity minus allowances such as
personal time, maintenance, and scrap
• Actual output
– rate of output actually achieved--cannot
exceed effective capacity.
Efficiency and Utilization

Actual output
Efficiency =
Effective capacity

Actual output
Utilization =
Design capacity

Both measures expressed as percentages

Efficiency/Utilization Example
Design capacity = 50 trucks/day
Effective capacity = 40 trucks/day
Actual output = 36 units/day

Actual output = 36 units/day

Efficiency = = 90%
Effective capacity 40 units/ day

Utilization = Actual output = 36 units/day

= 72% Design capacity
50 units/day
Capacity Utilization Strategy

Key to improving capacity utilization is to

increase effective capacity by correcting quality
problems, maintaining equipment in good
operating condition, fully training employees,
and fully utilizing bottleneck equipment.
Steps for Capacity Planning
1. Estimate future capacity requirements
2. Evaluate existing capacity
3. Identify alternatives
4. Conduct financial analysis
5. Assess key qualitative issues
6. Select one alternative
7. Implement alternative chosen
8. Monitor results
Capacity planning can be difficult at times due to the
complex influence of market forces and technology.
Planning Service Capacity
• Need to be near customers
– Capacity and location are closely tied
• Inability to store services
– Capacity must be matched with timing of demand
• Degree of volatility of demand
– Peak demand periods
Economies of Scale
• Economies of scale
– If the output rate is less than the optimal level,
increasing output rate results in decreasing
average unit costs
• Diseconomies of scale
– If the output rate is more than the optimal level,
increasing the output rate results in increasing
average unit costs
Optimal Rate of Output

Production units have an optimal rate of output for minimal cost.

Average cost per unit

Minimum average cost per unit


0 Rate of output
Economies of Scale
Minimum cost & optimal operating rate are
Average cost per unit functions of size of production unit.

plant Medium
plant Large

0 Output rate
Factors contributing to Economies of Scale

• Fixed costs are spread over more units

(products or customers), reducing the fixed cost
per unit
• Construction costs increase at a decreasing rate
with respect to the size of the facility
• Processing costs decrease as output increases
because operations become more standardized
(over time) which reduces unit costs
Evaluating Alternatives
• Cost-volume analysis
– Break-even point
• Financial analysis
– Cash flow
– Present value
• Decision theory
• Waiting-line analysis
Assumptions of Cost-Volume Analysis
1.One product is involved
2.Everything produced can be sold
3.Variable cost per unit is the same regardless
of volume
4.Fixed costs do not change with volume
5.Revenue per unit constant with volume
6.Revenue per unit exceeds variable cost per
Cost-Volume symbols
Cost-Volume Relationships
Cost Volume Relationships
• BEP – Break Even Point
– Volume of output needed for total revenue
equaling total cost
– Production below BEP quantity results in loss
– Production above BEP quantity results in profit
– Production at BEP quantity: no profits, no loss.
• Point of Indifference
– the quantity at which a decision maker would be
indifferent between two competing alternatives
The owner of Old-Fashioned Berry Pies is contemplating
adding a new line of pies, which will require leasing new
equipment for a monthly payment of $6,000. Variable
costs would be $2 per pie, and pies would retail for $7
a. How many pies must be sold in order to break even?
b. What would the profit (loss) be if 1,000 pies are made
and sold in a month?
c. How many pies must be sold to realize a profit of
d. If 2,000 can be sold, and a profit target is $5,000, what
price should be charged per pie?
Break-Even Problem with Step Fixed Costs
A manager has the option of purchasing one, two, or three
machines. Fixed costs and potential volumes are as follows:

Variable cost is $10 per unit, and revenue is $40 per unit.
a. Determine the break-even point for each range.
b. If projected annual demand is between 580 and 660 units,
how many machines should the manager purchase?

b. Projected demand is between 580 and

660 units. BEP for 2 machines is 500, so
2 machines are suitable for demand up
to 600. However, BEP for 3 machine is
666.67, but the annual demand is no
more than 660. So 3 machines is not a
feasible option.

We should opt for 2 machines and supply

up to 600 units.
Financial Analysis
• Cash Flow - the difference between cash
received from sales and other sources, and
cash outflow for labor, material, overhead,
and taxes.
• Present Value - the sum, in current value, of
all future cash flows of an investment
Decision Theory
• Helpful tool for financial comparison of
alternatives under conditions of risk or
• Suited to capacity decisions
• See Chapter 5 Supplement
Waiting-Line Analysis

• Useful for designing or modifying service systems

• Waiting-lines occur across a wide variety of
service systems
• Waiting-lines are caused by bottlenecks in the
• Helps managers plan capacity level that will be
cost-effective by balancing the cost of having
customers wait in line with the cost of additional

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