1 Python Basics
1 Python Basics
1 Python Basics
Welcome to Python!
Python is a high-level programming language, with applications in
numerous areas, including web programming, scripting, scientific
computing, and artificial intelligence.
The spaces around the plus and minus signs here are optional (the code would work without them), but
they make it easier to read.
Python also carries out multiplication and division, using an asterisk * to indicate multiplication and a
forward slash / to indicate division. Use parentheses to determine which operations are performed first.
print( 2 * (3 + 4) )
print( 10 / 2 )
Using a single slash to divide numbers produces a decimal (or float, as it is called in programming). We'll
have more about floats in a later lesson.
• Dividing by zero in Python produces an error, as no answer can be
calculated.print(11 / 0)
print( 6 * 7.0 )
print( 4 + 1.65 )
A float can be added to an integer, because Python silently converts the integer to a float.
Computers can't store floats perfectly accurately, in the same way that we can't write down the
complete decimal expansion of 1/3 (0.3333333333333333...). Keep this in mind, because it often leads
to infuriating bugs!
Besides addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, Python also
supports exponentiation, which is the raising of one number to the
power of another. This operation is performed using two asterisks.
print( 2**5 )
print( 9 ** (1/2) )
You can chain exponentiations together. In other words, you can rise a
number to multiple powers. For example, 2**3**2.
Floor division is done using two forward slashes and is used to
determine the quotient of a division (the quantity produced by the
division of two numbers).
For example:
print( 20 // 6 )
The code above will output 3, because 6 goes into 20 three times.
You can also use floor division on floats.
The modulo operator is carried out with a percent symbol (%) and is
used to get the remainder of a division.
For example:
print(20 % 6)
print(1.25 % 0.5)
Characters like these must be escaped by placing a backslash before them. Double quotes only need to be escaped
in double quote strings, and the same is true for single quote strings.
For Example: print(‘Ravan\'s mother: He\'s not an angel. He\'s a very dangerous!')
Backslashes can also be used to escape tabs, arbitrary Unicode characters, and various other things that can't be
reliably printed.
Newlines will be automatically added for strings that are created using three
is a
Adding a string to a number produces an error, as even though they might look similar, they are two different
Strings can also be multiplied by integers. This produces a repeated version of the original string. The order of the
string and the integer doesn't matter, but the string usually comes first.
print("spam" * 3)
print(4 * '2')
Strings can't be multiplied by other strings. Strings also can't be multiplied by floats, even if the floats are whole
A variable allows you to store a value by assigning it to a name, which can be used to refer to the value later in
the program. For example, in game development, you would use a variable to store the points of the player.
However, it is not good practice. To avoid mistakes, try to avoid overwriting the same variable with different
data types.
Variable Names
Certain restrictions apply in regard to the characters that may be used in Python variable names. The only characters
that are allowed are letters, numbers, and underscores. Also, they can't start with numbers. Not following these rules
results in errors.
this_is_a_normal_name = 7
You can use the del statement to remove a variable, which means the reference from the name to the value is deleted,
and trying to use the variable causes an error.
temp = 3
del temp
• Even if the user enters a number as input, it is processed as a string.The input statement needs to be followed by parentheses.
You can provide a string to input() between the parentheses, producing a prompt message. For example:
name = input("Enter your name: ")
print("Hello, " + name)
• The prompt message helps to clarify what input the program is asking for. Let's assume we want to take the age of the user as
input. We know that the input() function returns a string. To convert it to a number, we can use the int() function or You can
convert to float using the float() function. :
age = int(input())
• Similarly, in order to convert a number to a string, the str() function is used. This can be useful if you need to use a number in
string concatenation. For example:
age = 42
print("His age is " + str(age))
In-Place Operators
In-place operators allow you to write code like 'x = x + 3' more concisely, as 'x += 3'.
The same thing is possible with other operators such as -, *, / and % as well.
x += 3
These operators can be used on types other than numbers, as well, such as strings.
x = "spam"
x += "eggs"
In-place operators can be used for any numerical operation (+, -, *, /, %, **, //).
• Which of these will not be stored as a float?
• 2/4
• 7.0
• Fill in the blank with the output of this code. print(1 + 2 + 3 + 4.0 + 5)
• Answer : 15.0
• What is the result of this code? print( 7%(5 // 2) )
• 0
• 7
• Which of the following options results in exactly two lines?
• "Some \n text \n goes here"
• "Hello world"
• 'one \' two \' three'
"Hello \n world"
• Which line of code produces an error?
• "7" + 'eight'
'5' + 6
• 3+4
• "one" + "2"
• What is the output of this code?
spam = "7"
spam = spam + "0"
eggs = int(spam) + 3
• 10.0
• 703
• What is the output of this code?
word = "cheese"
print(word + ' shop')
cheese shop
• Error
• cheeseshop
• What is the output of this code?
y = int(str(y) + "2")
Answer ‘82’