Theory of Kingship: Arab Conquest of Sindh (712 A.D) Arabs Were The First Muslim To Invade India

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Theory of Kingship

Brief History of Muslim conquest in India

Arab conquest of Sindh(712 A.D)
 Arabs were the first Muslim to invade India
 Sindh located in(South West of India)
 Mohammed- Bin- Qusim invaded Sindh-defeated the Hindu
ruler- King Dhair
 Sindh & Multan came under the rule of Arabs
Mahmud of Ghazni Invasion (1000- 1025 AD)
 Ghazni is one of the principality in Turkish empire
 Turks wanted to loot India-they did not want to spread Islam
 Mahmud ‘s repeated invasion of the Punjab and eastern
Rajasthan destroyed Rajput resistance
 In 1025-he set out his famous expedition to Somanatha in
Gujarat .
 Bhima I- Chalukya ruler –showed no resistance- temple looted
 Alberuni (Tahqiqat-i- Hind) Firduasi (Shah Nama)
• Mohammed Ghori Invasion(1175- 1206 A.D)
• First battle of Tarain (1191 A.D)
 Prthivi Raj Chauhan defeated Ghori
. Second Battle of Tarain (1192 A.D)
 Ghori defeated Prthiviraj Chauhan- landmark victory for
Mohammadeans to embark upon to conquest Hindustan
 Ghori appointed Qutab- ud- Din Aibak in 1197 to
continue the invasion towards central north of India
 Ghori was murdered in 1206 on his way to Ghazni
 Qutab- ud- Din Aibak already acting as Viceroy became
the ruler of Hindustan- Slave dynasty established in
 He was a brave solider and interpid general
 He started the construction of Minaret in Delhi
(Mehrauli) –later known as – Qutub- Minar
• Aibak became the first of the slave king- followed by
Iltumish(1211-1236)- during his reign- Mongols
Invaded – under Changez Khan -1221
• he followed by Rukn –ud-din –eldest son
• He dethroned by Iltumish daughter- Raziya (1236- 40)-
she faced stiff resistance from nobles –but managed to
• She followed by – Bahram Shah (1240-42)- Masud
Shah (1242-46) and by Nasir –ud-din- Mahmud (1246-
• Nasir appointed an efficient person as the head of
administration – that is Balban- served as head
• Balban became the ruler after death of Nasir in the
1266 and he ruled till 1287.
• From his tenure as head of the administration and
ruler of Delhi Sultanante we can really understand the
theory of Kingship
• Theory of Kingship
 Balban was convinced that only way to face the
internal and external dangers was to increase the
power and prestige of the Sultan (King)
 The theory of Kingship adopted by Balban was the
policy of Blood and Iron
 He used weapons with a great vengence against his
rivals, rebels, robbers and the invaders.
 By following this principle he wanted to create terror
in the minds of people that whosoever dared to
challenge the authority of the sultan, he would not
be spared
 This policy was stern, harsh and violent policy
adopted by Balban
Principles of Balban’s Theory of Kingship
1. Divine right of Kings
 Balban said –king was the representative of god on earth
 Kingship was divine institution
 He declared this to make the nobles believe that he got
the crown or the kingship not through their mercy but
by the mercy of the god
2. Royal Descent
o He claimed that he was the descendant of the legendary
Turkish Warrior Afasiyab

3. King as a Despot
 He said “ Kingship is the embodiment of despotism”
 He further said “ King’s superhuman status can ensure
people’s obedience:
• Recognition of Tripartite relationship
 God- Sultan- People
 He considered himself the representative of god on the
earth to look after the welfare of the people- people
created by god
Measures to translate his principle into operation
1. Rigorous Court Disciplines
 He introduced rigorous court disciplines and new
customs such as…
 Sijada: Prostration (knelling before sultan)
 Paibos: Kissing the sultan's feet
 No one is allowed to indulge in humour or loose talk
 Sultan should maintain cosiderable distance from
 He prescribed even the court dress
2. Adoption of Several ceremonies
 He introduced the Persian festival Nauroz – to show the
pomp and pageantry of the Sultan
3. Following the Persian tradition
 The glory of kingship was possible only by following the
Persian traditions in his public and private life.
 He named his son and grandson on the pattern of
Persian Kings
 He introduced several Persian etiquettes (protocol/
manners) in his court
4. Policy of Blood and Iron
 He followed strict policy in dealing with the enemies
 Only the most obedient nobles survived, the rest being
eliminated either by fair or foul manners
 Malik Baqbaq, the governor of Badaun, who had one of
his servant beaten to death, was publicly flogged
 Haybut Khan the governor of Avadh, who had killed a
man while drunk, was flogged and handed over to the
victim’s widow to dispose off as she wished.
 Sher Khan an untrusted governor was poisoned to
5.Establishmnet of Military Department (Diwan –i- Ariz)
 Balban established a separate department for army
 This department look after the recruitment- training-
salary of the army
 This department also ensured the standing and
permanent army –which embodied to control the
foreign invasion.
• Conclusion
• With his policy of Blood and Iron kingship theory paid
him high dividends
• He enhanced the prestige of he sultan
• He crushed the powers of his opponents (Nobles)
• He brought peace and order
• He saved the country from the invasions of the mongols
in future.

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