Sacraments and Sacramentals
Sacraments and Sacramentals
Sacraments and Sacramentals
Ibid., xxvi.
Going to the realm of the sacraments, we
speak of baptismal water, Eucharistic
elements and consecrated oil as
sacraments, although they are not actions
but objects. Strictly speaking, sacraments
are actions before they are objects.
What are some EXAMPLES of sacramentals. SC
which takes no notice of sacramentals as objects, has
a limited list of sacramentals. Among them are as
blessing in general (SC 79)
consecration of virgins and religious profession (SC
funerals (SC 81)
funeral of infants (SC 82)
After the Council, many other sacramentals
were added to the list by the publication of
separate rituals:
blessing of abbots and abbesses
institution of lectors and acolytes
dedication of a church and an altar
blessing of oils
crowning of images of the Blessed Virgin
many other blessings contained in the Book of
In the sacrament of initiation, which is realized
through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and
the First Communion / Eucharist, there are different
the sign of the cross, the exorcisms,
the anointing with oil to the catechumen and
the chrism, and the blessing of water. The memory
of these sacraments are made alive with the
sacramentals like the Sunday aspersion, the sign of the
cross with the holy water and the renewal of baptismal
ALDAZÁBAL, Vocabulario básico de liturgia, 354.
Throughout the Christian year (liturgical year) we
realize various significant sacramentals, more or less
included in the celebration of the sacraments:
the blessing or imposition of ashes,
the blessing of palms and the entrance procession on
Palm Sunday,
the adoration of the Cross on Good Friday, the
procession and the prayers of supplication,
the blessing and procession of candles on February 2,
the procession in honor of the Blessed Virgin and of
the Saints or during Holy Week.
A very common sacramental is the prayer
wherein we invoke God’s blessings (as
mentioned in some of the examples above)
upon persons, buildings, images and things, so
that the salvific grace of the Paschal Mystery
be communicated, bestowed or transmitted.