Industrial Architecture

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Adaptability and Flexibility

rapid market and technological changes constantly tend to render
many manufacturing plants economically and technically
 Fire Safety
great economic losses are sustained every year through fire
destruction,and chemical and dust explosions; and
 Labour Conflicts
The full potential of human contributions to industrial efficiency
and prosperity is not being attained, as judged by the frequency,
extent, and proliferation of labour conflicts.
change and
obsolescence, and
security of industrlal
assets from fire hazard

Technology Human
Worker motivation,
Process selection, and
the physical layout of
satisfaction, and
plant facilities and higher productivity
services in industry.

•Primary Industry - the extraction of raw materials,

extraction or raw materials does not usually require a building

•Secondary Industry- the manufacture of products

whether it is processing, fabricating or assembly, or all three
combined - which usually requires buildings. Industrial architecture
may therefore be considered to involve the provision of adequate
and appropriate physical facilities for the manufacturing aspect of
industrial production.

Tertiary Industry - the distribution of materials and products

The distribution industry merges into the commercial and business
operations of industrial enterprise

Economic - (a)to stay in business,

(b) to make money.
improved efficiency and higher productivity

Social - promoting social progress and strengthening the

economic foundations of human wellbeing, the
immediate social objectives concern the workers' comfort,
welfare and motivation.

Economic - Operational efficiency of plant facilities.

This calls for:(a) efficiency of the physical plant,
of labour, and of management.
(b) thwarting of obsolescence, and
  (c )adequate security of life and property
Design - Pleasant physical environment. This requires:
the provision of adequate physical amenities for the workers.
physiological appropriateness within the plant environment.
the avoidance or abatement of obnoxious infusion into the environment.
  the orderly development of physical facilities to provide proper scale, stimulus and
perception of work situation to workers.
the recognition of, and provision for other individual and group needs of workers.
Although little architectural development of a valuable philosophical content in
the industrial field occurred between the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
era in the eighteenth century and the dawn of the twentieth century,
great strictures have been taken in industrialized building techniques, especially
in the structural and constructional aspects, since the second World War.
Rapid progress in technological developments, the use of complex mechanization
in production systems, and the increasing demand for controlled atmosphere for
machines, equipment and products, and in some cases for  people, have
resulted in
the introduction and increasing use of artificially controlled environment,
culmination of which is the notion of the "windowless factory."

Principle of mass production technique

to the production system -the automobile industry,
the availability of spacious landin the suburban areas,
 realization of rapidly changing conditions in industry,
the contemporary industrial - colossal size.

•Economic Objective-
1. To stay in business
2. to make money.

•Social Objective-
1. promoting social progress and strengthening the
economic foundations of human well-being
2. workers' comfort, welfare and motivation

Industrial Revolution as, “a widespread replacement of

manual labor by machines that began in Britain in the
18th century.”
•People did not want to do their work manually for the
rest of their lives.
•Somewhere around 75% of the British made their money from
farming. In the winter when they couldn't farm they worked with
the wool from their sheep to make cloth.
This was called the cottage industry.
This was one thing that caused the Industrial Revolution.

•The Industrial Revolution began in England about 1760

•Radical changes at every level of civilization throughout the world

•growth of heavy industry brought a flood of new building materials

- cast iron, steel, and glass

•architects and engineers devised structures hitherto undreamed

of in function, size, and form.

1. Started in Britain and spread throughout the world.

2. The industrial revolution was the transition to new manufacturing

processes. This transition included going from hand production
methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron
production processes

3. Improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam

power and development of machine tools
The steam engine : invented by James Watt in 1785, whose proliferation into
newly built machine shop and iron foundries engendered an appropriate type
of building. Steam engine leads to invention of steam ship , steam locomotives.

Railway- a meaningful symbol of the new age which in turn had consequences for
architecture - stations, bridges, tunnels

The steam boat : an important means of transportation which in turn had

consequences for mass migration from across the globe.

Transportation system
Roads, railways and canals were built.

Canals- canals began to be built in the late eighteenth century to link major
manufacturing centres

Rail road - the construction of major railways connecting the larger cities and towns

Cast iron, an essentially brittle material, is approximately four times as resistant to

compression as stone.

Wrought iron, which is forty times as resistant to tension and bending as stone,
is only four times heavier. It can be form and molded into any shape.

Glass can be manufactured in larger sizes and volumes.

Solid structures could be replaced by skeleton structures, making it possible to erect

buildings of almost unrestricted height.

Buildings could be constructed into any shape and in short time.


Cast iron, an essentially brittle material, is approximately four times as resistant to

compression as stone.

Wrought iron, which is forty times as resistant to tension and bending as stone,
is only four times heavier. It can be form and molded into any shape.

Glass can be manufactured in larger sizes and volumes.

Solid structures could be replaced by skeleton structures, making it possible to erect

buildings of almost unrestricted height.

Buildings could be constructed into any shape and in short time.

• The Iron Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn, New York 1869-1883
Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol, England 1836-
Tower Bridge London

•The Iron Bridge-

-Tower Bridge London,
- Brooklyn Bridge New York
•The Iron Rail Road Station
Central Railroad Station, New Castle England,1846-55
St. Pancras Station, London
•The Iron Market Place
Covered Market , Berlin 1865-1868
City Market Hall, Paris
Galleria Vittoro Emmanuel II, Milan
•The Iron Commercial Buildings
Mchier Factory, Noisel-sur-marne
Bradbury Building, Los Angles, California
Commodities Exchange, Amsterdam
•The Iron Cultural and Religious Buildings
Paris Opera, Paris, Charles Garnier
Museum of Natural History, England
Corn Exchange, Leads Cuthbert Brodic
•The Iron Exhibition Buildings
• The Iron Rail Road Station
Central Railroad Station, New Castle on tyne,
St. Pancras Station, London
• The Iron Market Place
Covered Market , Berlin 1865-1868
City Market Hall, Paris
Galleria Vittoro Emmanuel II, Milan
• The Iron Commercial Building
Mchier Factory, Noisel-sur-marne
Bradbury Building, Los Angles, California
Commodities Exchange, Amsterdam
• The Iron Cultural Building
Paris Opera, Paris, Charles Garnier
Museum of Natural History, England
Corn Exchange, Leads Cuthbert Brodick
lnstability in the economy causes instability in the individual firms. A period of rapid
growth means that most firms must increase production, employ more workers,
obtain new capital and facilities, and increase sales. A period of contraction means
that most firms must curtail expenditures, decrease production, and lay off workers.
While such changes are commonly associated with booms and depressions,
they are actually occurring all the time.
New products, new methods, and new ideas appear continually; the competition
they foster and the failures they use are both a part of the never-ending process
of change.

Types of Layout:
Long-range Planning
Because of this process of change, dynamic economic planning which anticipates future
conditions becomes important in manufacturing management. Today there is a trend for
management planning to become more long-range in character. Increasing population and
rising standards of living mean that there will be a greater demand for products in the
 future. Long-range requirements for buildings, equipment and manpower must therefore
be established. Another factor which makes long-range planning necessary is that most
manufacturing industries require large capital outlays. Automation and increasing labour
costs tend to make it profitable to increase capital expenditures still further.
Recovery of these costs must be spread over a long period of time and it is therefore
Necessary to plan far ahead.
Specialization or Flexibility ?
One factor which requires careful long-range planning is the vital question of whether an
industrial enterprise should have specialized or flexible physical facilities, or the right balance
of both.
Many companies are at a serious competitive disadvantage today merely because their
facilities are so highly specialized. To keep pace with technological progress which has
substantially improved competitive products, they find that they must spend unusually
large sums of money for building and layout changes. More astute facilities planning in the
past would have saved them much of that expense.
 Admittedly, there are some industries which can operate successfully only with the use of
highly specialized facilities.Petroleum refining and cement manufacturing are typical
examples in which the possibility of designing truly flexible facilities is limited and is
accepted largely as a characteristic of the industry.
 The problem of facilities planning, therefore appears to have no definite solutions.
The degree of flexibility that is ideal for one product-situation may be totally inadequate or
ineffectual to another. Each problem would have to be individually studied to determine the
effects of flexibility and specialization on the current and long-term profit position. This
requires obviously that marketing research findings should be carefully analysed during the
design programming stage. For example: if the sale of a product depends on its price, which
leaves a very small profit margin, it may be imperative to plan highly specialized facilities so
that manufacturing costs can be kept to the absolute minimum. Here the need for the lowest
possible current operating cast may be so vital that designing flexible facilities is out of
the question.
Often, however, the spread between manufacturing costs and selling price will permit
some loss of current efficiency in expectation of greater long-term gains from flexibility. If the
higher manufacturing costs do not seriously affect the current competitive position of the
company, long-term profits may be greatly enhanced by designing highly flexible facilities.
 Moreover, an industry for fine chemicals, electronics, electrical appliances, or
pharmaceuticals, that is plagued with constant changes in products and process and also
with rapid expansion possibilities, will probably thwart the adverse effect of change by
designing flexible buildings which would be adaptable to changing requirements.
  If we assume a state where all the
components are contained within a single body,
we might equally assume that there would develop, at
some time, possible areas of conflict or friction which
may result in consequent incapacitation, see figure at
(a).There would, of course, be some form of
relationship among the components resulting in
different degrees of cohesion, size groupings,
independence, inter-dependence and internai activity.
If the various main components which may now be
differentiated are set free in space, it is possible that
the phenomenon of change will be more easily
absorbed. The economic advantage of flexibility
within, and expandability of each major component in
the system may more readily be obtained.
There is a constant process of change in industry.
It affects all of the aspects of industrial enterprise, and demands that
administrators must constantly be planning ahead to forestall the
disadvantages which it may bring. Industrial managers must plan ahead
various types of change, not the least of which is the effect of change on
plant facilities. The ability to make changes in a plant, process, or product
when required certainly has a great economic advantage. But this
is not likely to be realized if the required flexibility or expansion of any
part of the system cannot be made without great loss, conflict, or
to the efficient running of the plant.

A tentative suggestion is made that by fragmenting what would have

Closely related to the phenomenon of change, and in fact prompted by it, is the
problem of plant obsolescence. Only when management executives consciously try
to visualize the future of the product and the processing equipment, and the effects
which these have on plant buildings or equipment layout, can they hope to foresee
and offset the effects of product obsolescence on plant facilities.
In this respect, market research should provide suitable answers to the following
type of questions:
How often will the raw materials, makeup, and other aspects of the product change ?
What will be the nature and extent of those changes?
 What effect will they have on equipment layout and building structure ?
 What strong or new substitute products are appearing in other related
Today, many companies are making important plant planning and design decisions
without adequately considering what might happen to the product or its process
in the future.
Closely related to the phenomenon of change, and in fact prompted by it, is the
problem of plant obsolescence. Only when management executives consciously try
to visualize the future of the product and the processing equipment, and the effects
which these have on plant buildings or equipment layout, can they hope to foresee
and offset the effects of product obsolescence on plant facilities.
In this respect, market research should provide suitable answers to the following
type of questions:
How often will the raw materials, makeup, and other aspects of the product change ?
What will be the nature and extent of those changes?
 What effect will they have on equipment layout and building structure ?
 What strong or new substitute products are appearing in other related
Today, many companies are making important plant planning and design decisions
without adequately considering what might happen to the product or its process
in the future.
The product's history and its current market position, and the research and
development program of a company should indicate possible answers to these types
of questions.
Almost as important as trying to make the actual prediction, however, is the constant
awareness that changing technology and changing markets may some day force the
company to make new and different product or even abandon the plant for a new
Possibility of Plant Disposal

 Important as the issue of flexibility is in thwarting product obsolescence, it does not

solve the great economic problem of plant disposal in the event of complete plant
obsolescence. Even discounting complete business failure, a company will find it
advantageous to have a readily saleable plant for various reasons.
Should the company outgrow present plant facilities, the best course of action might
be to construct a new plant. Should the company have to use raw materials, it might
be desirable to relocate a plant nearer the source of supply. Should there be a major
shift in market geographically, the company might find it advisable to move the plant
closer to the market.

The problem of obsolescence is normally prompted by the constant process of
change. While flexibility may be built into the plant to thwart obsolescence and
economic loss in many instances, there are still some situations that inevitably lead
to complete product or plant obsolescence.
 The importance that is attached to a company's ability to quickly and profitably
dispose of its plant facilities in case of obsolescence will determine the extent to
which the principle of plant fragmentation will be applicable at the design stage.
Apart from the considerations of change and obsolescence, another
potential economic problem toCONSIDERATIONS
ECONOMIC which a fundamental solution should
provided is the security risk of fire hazard. Each day, great havoc is
wrought by the outbreak of fire in industrial premises.

The largest fire loss in the history of American industry occurred on

August 12, 1953, when the General Motors Hydramatic
plant at Livonia, Michigan, burned to the ground. In a matter of
hours. three lives were lost and property estimated to be worth $40
was damaged. General Motors has one of the best safety records in
United States and this plant had been provided with modern fire-

In the United Kingdom, the picture is very rouch the same. The direct

Before an appropriate architectural solution to the problem of fire is considered,

present available building design and construction measures will be examined.

The design and structural aspects of fire protection, including restriction of spread of
fire, means of escape, and access for fire-fighting, involve the whole field of building
- site planning, internal planning and the form and materials of construction.

Site Planning
In the siting of industrial buildings in relation to fire protection, three factors :
Access roads for fire-fighting appliances.
Distance between adjacent properties to reduce spread between buildings.
Access from roads and open spaces into the buildings.
Site Planning
 In the siting of industrial buildings in relation to fire protection, three factors :
Access roads for fire-fighting appliances- Existing practice requires that adequate
access roads should be provided around the building for the efficient operation of
fire appliances. The architect must ensure that the access to his buildings will be
adequate for the fire-fighting appliances in the locality.
Distance between adjacent properties to reduce spread between buildings-.
The siting of buildings in relation to one another also play an important part in
reducing fire spread. By-laws specify minimum distances

 Access from roads and open spaces into the buildings. Apart from road access
for fire-fighting appliances, there should be adequate access into the building or
building complex for fire-fighting operations. Unless hydrants are provided within the
building, an important criterion in relation to access and siting will be the fire cover
provided by a fire appliance. With the pressure likely to be available, the maximum
effective throw from a fire-fighting nozzle may be about 75 ft. This therefore imposes
a limitation on the size and plan shape of the building

With the pressure likely to be available, the maximum effective throw from a
fire-fighting nozzle may be about 75 ft. This therefore imposes a limitation on
the size and plan shape of the building
Existing practice also requires that the fire resistance of the various structural
elements of a building should, ideally, be sufficient-To resist the effects of the fire load
without collapse under the structural load. The periods of fire resistance appropriate
to various fire loads are:
Fire load (B.t.u/sq. ft.) Fire Resistance (Hours)
Less than 100,000(low) 1

100,000 - 200,000(moderate) 2

200,000 - 400,000(high) 4
These standards allow for a complete burn-out of the combustible contents of the
building. For small buildings lower standards of fire resistance are considered
adequate because fire fighting can be expected to control the fire more easily.
 In a single-storey building, no specific standard of fire resistance is required by by-law,
except in relation to the risk of spread of fire. To adjacent premises. Nevertheless, the
industrial management may consider, in its own interest, whether fire protection is
economically justified in its particular case.
Existing practice also requires that the fire resistance of the various structural
elements of a building should, ideally, be sufficient-To resist the effects of the fire load
without collapse under the structural load. The periods of fire resistance appropriate
to various fire loads are:
Fire load (B.t.u/sq. ft.) Fire Resistance (Hours)
Less than 100,000(low) 1

100,000 - 200,000(moderate) 2

200,000 - 400,000(high) 4
These standards allow for a complete burn-out of the combustible contents of the
building. For small buildings lower standards of fire resistance are considered
adequate because fire fighting can be expected to control the fire more easily.
 In a single-storey building, no specific standard of fire resistance is required by by-law,
except in relation to the risk of spread of fire. To adjacent premises. Nevertheless, the
industrial management may consider, in its own interest, whether fire protection is
economically justified in its particular case.
In steel-framed single-storey structures the columns can usually be protected without
much difficulty. The large-span steel trusses are more difficult to deal with; sprayed
coatings of asbestos or some other fire resistant materials provide one of the more
convenient methods of protection. The initial cost of protecting steel work by means
of concrete or a sprayed coating may be largely offset by saving the maintenance cost
of painting.
The decision whether to protect all structural steel work will also be influenced by the
other forms of fire protection available, and the economic justification.
Since the fire resistance of building materials and structural
elements does not ensure the security of the contents within the building structure,
but merely prevents the collapse of the structure, an additional measure, in the form
of internal planning devices to confine the spread of fire should be considered.
lnternal Planning
It is obvious that the smaller the region within which an outbreak of fire is initially
confined, the less will be the chance of it developing into a major fire. It is usually
claimed that in many types of industry, there are sound reasons for large undivided areas,
But this isnot always so, and often, undue importance is attached to open planning.

Division should be the first consideration in relation to fire protection, even to the extent
Of providing a separate building for thestorage of combustible materials and for high-hazard
 The normal practice, usually demanded by insurance companies, is the use of walls of
adequate fire resistance which extend from ground to roof to divide a building into parts
or divisions. The effectiveness of this practice largely depends on the fire-tightness of the
joint with the under-side of the roof, and around ducts and service pipes, doorways and
conveyors. In most cases, what is usually regarded as adequate fire separation by
compartmenting a building in this way, is a fire wall that has little ability to resist fire or contain it.
Since the fire resistance of building materials and structural
elements does not ensure the security of the contents within the building structure,
but merely prevents the collapse of the structure, an additional measure, in the form
of internal planning devices to confine the spread of fire should be considered.
lnternal Planning
It is obvious that the smaller the region within which an outbreak of fire is initially
confined, the less will be the chance of it developing into a major fire. It is usually
claimed that in many types of industry, there are sound reasons for large undivided areas,
But this isnot always so, and often, undue importance is attached to open planning.

Division should be the first consideration in relation to fire protection, even to the extent
Of providing a separate building for thestorage of combustible materials and for high-hazard
 The normal practice, usually demanded by insurance companies, is the use of walls of
adequate fire resistance which extend from ground to roof to divide a building into parts
or divisions. The effectiveness of this practice largely depends on the fire-tightness of the
joint with the under-side of the roof, and around ducts and service pipes, doorways and
conveyors. In most cases, what is usually regarded as adequate fire separation by
compartmenting a building in this way, is a fire wall that has little ability to resist fire or contain it.
Since the fire resistance of building materials and structural
elements does not ensure the security of the contents within the building structure,
but merely prevents the collapse of the structure, an additional measure, in the form
of internal planning devices to confine the spread of fire should be considered.
lnternal Planning
It is obvious that the smaller the region within which an outbreak of fire is initially
confined, the less will be the chance of it developing into a major fire. It is usually
claimed that in many types of industry, there are sound reasons for large undivided areas,
But this isnot always so, and often, undue importance is attached to open planning.

Division should be the first consideration in relation to fire protection, even to the extent
Of providing a separate building for thestorage of combustible materials and for high-hazard
 The normal practice, usually demanded by insurance companies, is the use of walls of
adequate fire resistance which extend from ground to roof to divide a building into parts
or divisions. The effectiveness of this practice largely depends on the fire-tightness of the
joint with the under-side of the roof, and around ducts and service pipes, doorways and
conveyors. In most cases, what is usually regarded as adequate fire separation by
compartmenting a building in this way, is a fire wall that has little ability to resist fire or contain it.
The notion of designing for security against extensive damage or destruction by fire,
flood, bombing, explosions, and similar hazards, suggests a form of fragmentation of a
system into main components in such a way that an accident in any one of them would
not so easily affect other components.
The concept of separating the main
component elements of a plant system
  to provide intrinsic physical fire
separation can be applied prac-tically in
different ways. Figures 20 and 21
indicate two of the various possibilities
where the main parts are separated in
space. In this way, the extent of damage
and loss will likely be minimized. The
greatest security will result where, in
addition to physical separation, the con-
necting parts which are obvious
weaknesses in these system, are treated
with fire restricting elements or

Existing site planning regulations, fire resistance of structural elements and
internal planning devices prove a substantial measure of safe-guard; but they are
not adequate. When great fires occur, although the structures may not collapse,
contents within them are destroyed.
A possible solution may well be the fragmentation of the plant system into
main component parts which can be separated in space without lowering the
operational efficiency of the system as a functioning entity. The extent of this
fragmentation and separation will greatly depend on the extent of security risk
involved in particular industrial cases.

Manufacturing Processes

The Architects

It is not the duty of the architect to take over the technical responsibilities of the industrial engineer in the
selection of a manufacturing process. But it should be his duty to carefully understand and appreciate the
economic, technical, and operational objectives of the industrial managers and engineers., With this
understanding, the architect should be in a position to make valuable suggestions .

Manufacturing Processes
Technically, the purpose of a manufacturing process is to attain one of the following objectives:

•To shape the materiel inputs as nearly as possible to the final desired form and dimensions, in order to save
materials, machine time, and labour.

•To join components into assemblies that possess the required

functional qualities, or

•To improve the properties of the materials inputs, for instance, by heat treatment, or by addition of other
materials to form alloys or coatings

Manufacturing production process consists of a sequence of operations that transform materials

from a given to a desired form. This transformati on may be by assembly, by integration, by
disintegration or by a combina-tion of these three together. The transformation process may be
carried out by a continuous-process, a repetitive-process, an intermittent-process


Usually Involves

Changing of Changing the Adding

DISINTEGRATION INTEGRATION CONTINUOUS material by form of the materials in
successive material the solid state
Separation into Bringing Transformation operations into a to the first
components together of Disintegration different component
materials Integration characteristics Metalworking piece
Distilling, forming a Fabrication ,woodworking
Refinery product not Assembly Ceramics,frozen Telephones,co
found in foods mputers,auto
nature Basic Iron and mobiles
Plastics,artifici Aluminium
al rubber Refining


Continuous-Process lndustry
A continuous-process industry is usually made up of operations that involve chemical
The nature of the operations is such that a rigid control of flow systems must be adopted
since a sequence of operations must be performed before another can commence.
Usually the process can be a disintegration into components as in distilling and oil refinery;
an integration as in cement, heavy chemicals and sugar; or a combination of disintegration
and integration as in basic iron and steel, and aluminium refining. Production is normally
continuous for twenty-four hours per day.

One of the main architectural design problems in this type of industry is that of successfully
integrating building with the gigantic equipment and machines that often cannot be housed
because of their size and complexity, but which must be expressed as clean, functional
external elements. Naturally, the aesthetic and functional solution of this problem cannot
be specified, slnce technology and systems are constantly changing, but must be left to the
sense of order of the architect and the engineers concerned.


Repetitive-Process Industry
A repetitive process industry is usually one in which the product is processed in lots. A variety of operations
may be involved, but the nature of the operation is such that flow cannot be rigidly controlled as in the
continuous-process industry.
The product moves through the process in specified quantities called lots. Each item in the lot follows
successfully through the same operations as the previous items. If lots of the same or similar items follow
one another wlth regularity through the process, the situation becomes similar to the continuous-process
type of industry, except that the production is seldom carried on twenty-four hours per day.
An illustration is a mass-production plant producing automobile engines with standardized parts. Today, this
type of industrial process is used to manufacture numerous products such as telephones, television sets and
tubes, refrigerators and electronic equipment.
This type of production process creates two distinct problems - human and aesthetic. On the human side,
because jobs have been broken down "scientifically" into their most elementary components, there is over-
specialization and consequently over-simplification of jobs which in most cases become very elementary
routine functions. This situation undoubtedly has certain advantages, such as requiring less skilled people
and shorter training time. In many cases, however, the process has been carried to such extremes that jobs
have little inherent interest or challenge; operations are reduced to the simplest possible repetitive level and
the worker makes nothing he can identify as a product of his own


What then is the true meaning and scope of industrial architecture ? The art of
building construction, of providing only shelter for the manufacturing process ?

Besides, when one considers the second problem -that of visual chaos - which most
production processes, especially the repretitive-process type produce, one feels more
convinced that the architect should be involved at the problem-analysis and
production process selection level of the planning stage so that he might know how
best human, functional, technical, and aesthetic requirements could be reconciled,
and a more hurnane order restored to the conveyor-tangle and mechanistic chaos.


Intermittent Process Industry

An intermittent-process industry is one that processes items of products when and as ordered. It
is sometimes called a job-lot industry. Here a small lot of items may be ordered by a customer to
be made to his specifications. Once the lot is completed, it is likely that the item will never be
manufactured again, since it is normally concerned with special projects, models, prototypes,
special machinery or equipment to perform specialized and specific tasks, or components to
provide replacement for parts in existing machines. Examples are large turbo-generators, large
boilers, processing equipment, special electronic equipment, shipbuilding, printing and
In this type of industry, flexibility of operations is of the utmost importance. The process layout
principle applies very well to this type of industry. In this type of industry, flexibility of operations
is of the utmost importance.


Combination-Process Industry
A combination-process industry is one that combines varlous degrees of disintegration,
integration, fabrication and assembly. Examples are: basic iron and steel, phamaceutical, and
aluminium refining industries. In practice, for a given industry, some form of combination
process is normally required to solve its particular manufacturing problems.
However, the use of combination processes is frequently adopted from a purely quantitative
analysis. For instance, to obtain a compromise solution on the type and degree of combination
to be used in a specific instance, the distances travelled in feet by each type of process flow are
compared, and adjustments made for a combination solution.
This approach appears to be a good weapon that can be utilized to further reconcile or
integrate qualitative merits with quantitative demands, even if the result may seem initially
more expensive, The important fact to realize in this respect is that the total efficiency of plant
production system - men and machines - is what matters.
With the possibilities inherent in a combination process, the concept of fragmentation, once
accepted as advantageous, should not be difficult to effect for varieties of manufacturing


Two Examples of
Process Outlines.


Two Examples of
Process Outlines.


Schematic Diagram
of An Ice-cream


Selection of Process
The quantitative criteria for selection of a production process have been mainly technological
and economic. Some of the qualitative aspects of a manufacturing facility which are best
resolved at the process-planning and selection stage, but are usually not given adequate

•The problem of nuisance characteristics of some machines in terms of effluent disposal; fumes,
smoke and air pollution; noise and vibration; and intrusion into the landscape (where this is an
important consideration);

• The quality of a process or its flexibility to facilitate physical design against fire hazard or plant
disposal in case of obsolescence

•The relation of production process to human considerations and the consequent minimization
of labour relations problems.
Selection of a production process is primarily based on quantitative operational
efficiency criteria, the ultimate objective being that of low current operating cast.

Important as this approach is, however, it does not take into consideration many
important qualitative factors which also contribute in some measure to the prosperity
of an enterprise - matters like the nuisance characeristics of some equipment and
machines (noise, vibration, atmospheric pollution, and effluent disposal) which are directly
attributable to the type of production process adopted; regard for process flexibility to facilitate
design against fire, explosive and other hazards or plant disposal in case of obsolescence; and
possible better integration of workers into the production process to minimize labour conflicts

Adequate attention is not generally given to the problem of technological change on the proper
functioning of the plants' elements, both individually and collectively.

Technological progress implies change; but change is not a spontaneous phenomenon. It is

cumulative. The design implication is a state of intrinsic adaptability where maximum flexibility
of internai structure, and expandability of constituent elements are both attainable without
jeopardy to the efficient operation of the elements in the organization, individually or
How this situation can be satisfied by the physical layout of plant facilities is the
subject matter of this chapter. First the pattern of functional relationships which
normally exists among a plant's physical elements will be examined. Then, an
appropriate architectural arrangement which satisfies operational and circulational
efficiency will be suggested. Emphasis will then be shifted to the production and
services aspects of the physical layout pattern. In essence, the main objective will be
the arrangement of industrial physical facilities to promote economic and technical
efficiency as well as to fulfil other considerations
The Main Elements of a Manufacturing Plant

ln effect, the four distinct elements to be found in any manufacturing plant are:

1.Administration - those functions that serve the entire plant, consisting mostly of
"general” office areas and related activities. Depending on the size and complexity of
an organization, the administrative element could be composed of up to about five
sub-elements - executive, general administration and reception, accounting, marketing
and research, and engineering and research functions.

2. Production - those functions that primarily serve the production system or

organization. This consists, essentially of four sub-elements: pre-process (receiving and
storage), actual process (transformation process), post-process (warehousing and
shipping), and ancillary functions (engineering control, supervision, tool crib and tool
room, materials handling equipment room).
The Main Elements of a Manufacturing Plant(contd.)

3.Welfare - those services and facilities that are provided and operated primarily for
serving or handling the needs of employees. This consists of about four sub-elements:
First-aid or medical facilities, recreational and eating facilities, sanitary and other
ancillary facilities.

4.Utilities - those physical services that are primarily concerned with production
needs. This includes mechanical and electrical service equipment, fire protection
systems, ancillary facilities (water tower or reservoir, vehicle storage, maintenance
shops, plant protection systems.)

The content, size and complexity of each of these major elements provided in any
given manufacturing enterprise will naturally depend on the nature, size and
complexity of that enterprise.
1.Administrative element could be composed of up to about five sub-elements -
executive, general administration and reception, accounting, marketing and research,
and engineering and research functions.
B. General Section & Reception
A. Executive Function
a. Personnel
Vice Presidents
General Manager
Credit Union
C. Marketing and Research
b. General
File Room & Records
Conference Room
Promotion Research
Reception Room
E. Engineering & Research
Product Engineering
D. Accounting
Testing & Experimental
2. Production - those functions that primarily serve the production system or
organization. This consists, essentially of four sub-elements: pre-process (receiving and
storage), actual process (transformation process), post-process (warehousing and
shipping), and ancillary functions (engineering control, supervision, tool crib and tool
room, materials handling equipment room).

a. Industrial Engineering Plant Layout b. Production Control

Materials Handling Methods Planning
Standards Routing
Packaging Scheduling
Process Engineering Despatching
Tool Design Traffic
c. Quality Control
Receiving, In Process
d. Plant Engineering
3.Welfare - those services and facilities that are provided and operated primarily for
serving or handling the needs of employees. This consists of about four sub-elements:
First-aid or medical facilities, recreational and eating facilities, sanitary and other
ancillary facilities

A. Health and Medical B. Recreational Facilities C. Sanitary Facilties

Facilities Food Services Showers
 Kitchen Locker
 Dining Toilets
Vending Machines
 Smoking &Games Rooms
Lounge Area D.Ancillary Facility
 Outside Recreational Fire Escapes
Drinking Fountains
Time Clock
Bulletin Boards
Telephone Booths
Parking Spaces
4.Utilities - those physical services that are primarily concerned with production
needs. This includes mechanical and electrical service equipment, fire protection
systems, ancillary facilities (water tower or reservoir, vehicle storage, maintenance
shops, plant protection systems.)

A. Mechanical Services B. Electrical Services C. Fire Protection

Heating Facilities Electrical Substation Extinguishers Hoses
Ventilating Equipment Electrical Distribution   Equipment
Air-Conditioning Sprinkler Valves
Power Generating Equipment
D.Ancillary Facility
Maintenance Shops
Equipment Room
 Scrap Collection Area
Air Compressors
Vehicle Storage Systems
Plant Protection
 Elevators & Stairways
It is the duty of the architect to assist industrial managers to prepare a comprehensive
list of the various items desirable for any particular enterprise under consideration. A
practising industrial architect needs to compile a list, of all the items found desirable in
industrial buildings of all types and categorized for easy reference. After a
comprehensive list has been prepared, the important problem will be the complete
organization of items into an efficient circulation pattern to give a preliminary
understanding of desirable relationship of main elements.

Relationship of Main Elements

Theoretically, the circulation pattern that occurs among the main elements of
Administration (A), Production (P), Welfare (W) and Utilities (U) is a simple one.
Because of the nature of their functions and compositions, a two-way circulation
relationships between A,P, W and U
In many small and simple industrial organizations, a very simple space relationship
evolves from this pattern. But not all industrial plants have such a simple nature.
Consequently, the complex nature of large organizations has brought about analytic
design systems to portray true functlonal relationship pattern. The more common
methods devised by industrial engineers are flow chart, "from-to" chart, and activity
relationship charts. All of these are used for preliminary space relationship
It is the duty of the architect to assist industrial managers to prepare a comprehensive
list of the various items desirable for any particular enterprise under consideration. A
practising industrial architect needs to compile a list, of all the items found desirable in
industrial buildings of all types and categorized for easy reference. After a
comprehensive list has been prepared, the important problem will be the complete
organization of items into an efficient circulation pattern to give a preliminary
understanding of desirable relationship of main elements.

Relationship of Main Elements

Theoretically, the circulation pattern that occurs among the main elements of
Administration (A), Production (P), Welfare (W) and Utilities (U) is a simple one.
Because of the nature of their functions and compositions, a two-way circulation
relationships between A,P, W and U
In many small and simple industrial organizations, a very simple space relationship
evolves from this pattern. But not all industrial plants have such a simple nature.
Consequently, the complex nature of large organizations has brought about analytic
design systems to portray true functlonal relationship pattern. The more common
methods devised by industrial engineers are flow chart, "from-to" chart, and activity
relationship charts. All of these are used for preliminary space relationship
Activity relationship diagram as developed by Richard Muther.
In this, the pattern of activity relationships is portrayed in a graphic form
by the use of connecting lines or bands of varying widths or thicknesses
between different activities
The resultant type of preliminary relationship pattern (figures 29 and 30) are
logical arrangements of activities purely from an initial operational point of
These work, and pose no immediate operational problems.
It is when the cumulative effect of change demands flexibility and expansion
that they become complex.
The resultant type of preliminary relationship pattern (figures 29 and 30) are
logical arrangements of activities purely from an initial operational point of
These work, and pose no immediate operational problems.
It is when the cumulative effect of change demands flexibility and expansion
that they become complex.
Figures 31 and 32 are diagrams of
existing examples that show the
logical relationship pattern when the
activity relationship diagram or some
other method that adopts the same
approach, is used with little discretion.
In both cases, flexibility of internal
arrangement of the production
element is impossible in the true
sense of the word, because of the
fixed locations of major elements. For,
flexibility does not consist only in large
spaces, but essentially in the
independence of each element to
adjust without obstructing or being
obstructed by other elements, and
without diminishing the efficiency of
the whole complex.
The most obvious aspect of this pattern of arrangement is the decentralization
and articulation of the major activity areas, as opposed to the centra1ization
concept of the previous ones. With decentralization, each area can be reorganized
internally or expanded externally, (usually in more than two directions), without
jeopardizing or impairing the efficiency of the other areas, or of the total complex
as an entity. Because of the inherent qualities possible in the decentralized and
articulated disposition of major activity areas, an assumption shall now be put
forward that where major activity areas such as administration, production,
research and development (where this is relevant), welfare, and utilities all as
already described, are differentiated and articulated in an orderly manner, a
better architectural design solution will result which fosters operational efficiency
in terms of flexibility and expandability. This assumption however needs to be
qualified. It has to be indicated that none of the component elements is of such a
size or complexity that it loses the capacity to respond to change, and thereby
becomes an obstruction to the operational efficiency of the entire plant-complex.
Figures 37 and 38 illustrate two of the possible variations of the application of this
concept to production element. In each example, the production system is
differentiated and fragmented into main component activities. These components
are set free in space in order that they may be able to respond individually or
collectively to technological change. This separation affords the possibility for each
component to expand horizontally or vertically without hindrance to other
components, and also, without detracting from the quality of the visual form
Application to Servicing Function
A further application of this concept can be
made to provide technical flexibility to the
servicing function. Traditionally, mechanical and
electrical power and services for the operation
of the production function are provided on
suspension devices on the plant roof or ceiling.
Common examples are the electrical busbar,
steam pipes, gas cables, and other service
systems. The development of modern machines
and equipment and consequently the great
variety of service lines required for their proper
operation have increased the complexity of the
technical environment in the production
Just as the main component activities are
decentralized , to provide flexibility, the service
f unction too should be separated from other.
Activities and located in separate zones like
basements, basement corridors or floor
channels, with convenient connection outlets.
With this arrangement, maximum adaptability
of the service function is likely to result. Figure
41 illustrates a practical example of this
The physical environment in which a man works plays a critical part in determining
his work behaviour and his efficiency in the production system. l It may be too cold
or too hot for him to operate his equipment; too dark to see objects and details
clearly; too noisy for vocal communication or to hear signals; or too dull, dirty and
drab to excite his interest, thereby depressing him. The task of the architect and
the human engineering consultant therefore, includes defining and creating the
best possible environment for the industrial worker.
 For a long time, the entire scope of worker satisfaction in industrial plants has
been assumed to be adequately satisfied by the provision of appropriate physical
working conditions. It is usually thought that if the atmospheric condition is right,
lighting and ventilation adequate, colour well used, noise adequately muffled or
prevented, and washrooms, lockers, cafeteria, and so forth, are provided,
industrial workers will not have much to grumble about except financial
incentives. Today, the architect and his consultants know a great deal about, and
have adequate

In most industrial working places today, the physical working conditions are good:
desirable temperature, humidity, and ventilation are adequately provided;
lighting and colour are good; noise is being greatly abated; rest periods and
coffee breaks are allowed. Thus the presence of good working conditions in most
plants and offices today is taken for granted and has therefore little, if any
motivating force.
Since our architectural objective is to assist industry to fight some of its problems
and provide suitable conditions for increasing its productivity, it now becomes
absolutely important that we should extend our understanding of human needs
and how they can be satisfied more completely. Let us examine the nature of
human needs.

Human Need-hierachy and Motivation

Although workers themselves may not be aware of different kinds and levels of
needs, their needs may be considered organized in a series of five levels or a hierachy
of importance: physiological, safety, love, esteem and self-fulfilment. Really, these
levels are not separate steps, but are interdependent and overlapping, each higher-
need level emerging before the lower needs have been satisfied completely.
Physiological and safety needs shall be considered under physiological; love as a
social need; and esteem and self-fulfilment as egoistic needs.

Physiological Needs:
These involve basic essentials such as air, food, water, shelter, protection against
danger, injury, threat, and deprivation. These necessities must be at least partially
fulfilled before a person gives much thought to other needs. They are usually met
mainly through money, security on the job, and appropriate physical working
conditions. As these needs are satisfied, a man is inclined to place increasing
emphasis on social and egoistic needs.

No brief for the design of industrial buildings can be regarded as adequate and
comprehensive which does not take a good account of factors like temperature and
humidity, lighting, colour, ventilation, noise, safety measures, washrooms, lockers and
The attention of plant designers must therefore be extended to other levels of human
motivation - social and egoistic -which, if activated may lead to workers' satisfaction and
better perfor-mance.

When man's physiological needs are satisfied and he is no longer
fearful about his physical welfare, his social needs become important motivators of his
behaviour - needs for belonging, for association, for acceptance by his fellows, for giving and
receiving friendship and love. Social needs of a worker can only be satisfied by contact with
other employees. lndustrial management knows today of the existence of these needs, but it
often assumes quite wrongly that they represent a threat to the organization. Many studies have
demonstrated that the tightly knit, cohesive work group may, under proper conditions, be far
more effective than an equal number of separate individuals in achieving organizational goals.
Yet management, fearing group hostility to its own objectives, often goes to considerable
lengths to control and direct human efforts in ways that are inimical to the nature
gregariousness of human beings.
When man's physiological needs are
satisfied and he is no longer fearful about his
HUMAN CONSIDERATIONS physical welfare, his social needs become
important motivators of his behaviour - needs
for belonging, for association, for acceptance
by his fellows, for giving and receiving
friendship and love. Social needs of a worker
can only be satisfied by contact with other
employees. lndustrial management knows
today of the existence of these needs, but it
often assumes quite wrongly that they
represent a threat to the organization. Many
studies have demonstrated that the tightly
knit, cohesive work group may, under proper
conditions, be far more effective than an equal
number of separate individuals in achieving
organizational goals.
Yet management, fearing group hostility to its
own objectives, often goes to considerable
lengths to control and direct human efforts in
ways that are inimical to the nature
gregariousness of human beings.

When man's social needs are thwarted,he behaves in ways which tend
to defeat organizational objectives. He becomes resistant, antagonistic, uncooperative.

Work is a social experience, and most workers can fulfil their social need through
membership in small work group. An individual employee can belong to several informal
groups task or functional group; friend-ship clique, composed of employees who have a liking
for each other; 5 and interest group of employees who share a cornmon economic goal
and seek to gain some objective relating to the larger organization.

Clustering of workers-on-the-job all have these characteristics. The sum of a group of

individuals is something more than the total of the constituents; it is a new organization,
because most of the members obtain satisfaction in gaining acceptance as a part of the group,
and the group itself wields an influence on its members. The informal working group is
therefore the main source of social control in an industrial organization.
But the effectiveness of a group in playing this social control role depends on its size,
cohesiveness and goals.

Size of the Work Group

It is an ancient sociological generalization that size of immediate work group is negatively
correlated with productivity, or job satisfaction, or regular attendance, or industrial peace -
other factors being equal. This is due in part to the greater likelihood that primary relations
(relations that are intimate, personal, inclusive and experienced as spontaneous) are more
likely to develop in small groups than in large groups. It is due in part also to the fact that the
worker in the smaller group is likely to have more knowledge of the relations between effort
and earnings, and this seems to increase his incentive to work.
Although small work groups may have greater potential for employee performance and
increased productivity, whether or not the potential is realized depends in large
measure on the cohesiveness and the goals of the group.
Cohesiveness of the Work Group
A cohesive work group is one whose members will stick closely to group
norms,whatever they are. A cohesive group is likely to exhibit greater team work, gain
greater social satisfaction from working together, have higher morale, andless
absenteeism than agroup which lacks cohesion.
A cohesive work group has greater potential for motivating employees to better
performance, or to poorer performance depending on the group goals.
Goals of the Work Group
The potential in a small, cohesive work group can be used to support
Managements goals or to sabotage them.
A work group may be cohesive in maintaining low production standards, resistance to
change, and hostility toward supervision and/or other groups; or in denying membership to
new corners, and demanding strict conformity of its membership. On the other hand, a
cohesive work group may have high work standards, accept technological change, be
friendly to other groups, co-operate with supervision, and have minimum unwritten codes
on conformity for membership.
"Where there exist informal organizations or groups with effective control over their
members, if management wishes to change certain behavior, its attack must be made
through the group and not the individual.
To assure a positive benefit to the organization from group cohesivess, therefore, it
appears that management must take necessary steps to provide the basic conditions of
equity and supportiveness. In other words, management should providea favourable
environment for the development of cohesive groups.
Overview of design fields and elements of a workplace
Corridors, Stairwells, Intermediary Spaces
Corridors or “evacuation routes” are mostly narrow, claustrophobic and dimly lit. They
‘force’ people to rush through them without stopping for a moment. There is no
impetus to pause and spontaneously exchange a thought or an idea with a colleague.
Varying sunlight and ever-changing shadows induce a calming effect on humans.
Moreover, the feeling of being a part of a whole facilitates spontaneous contacts i.e.,
by signaling one another with the wave of a hand or by calling- out.

3 2
1 2

3 3

2 1 4 4

spatial linking of work areas location, shape and furnishings for

1.Corridor area
•halllevel common areas
2.stairwells between floors
•gallerylevel •halllevel
3. stairway halls
•servicesector •gallerylevel
4.attractive visual link
•officearea •servicesector
1.variable room shapes •officearea
2.variable/transparent room 1.bright, airy,attractive
boundaries 2.changeableviews
3.building structure favors 3.leisureflair
communication spaces areas,plants
Corridors, Stairwells, Intermediary Spaces

The standard dimensions need not have to be used for corridors, nor do staircase
landings always have to be the smallest possible space that permits only
maneuvering. “Casual” encounters can be planned by creating larger spaces that
encourage temporary lingering. Depending on needs, coffee corners or copying
stations can be allocated to these spaces. Studies by Ebadi and Utterback [Eba84] and
Bismarck andHeld [Bis98] show that 80 % of all innovative ideas originate through
direct personal contact andthat informal communication promotes collaboration at
the workplace. Architecture which facilitates communication can be highly rewarding.

In office buildings, the relation between the shape of the building and the depth
of the rooms is obviously dependent on the working style.
Corridors, Stairwells, Intermediary Spaces

open offices are aimed at strengthening collaborative work. Unfortunately, open

offices are often not preferred because telephone conversations, discussions and
people moving around generally make it difficult to concentrate on work.

combi-offices-individual offices are established in a large area, partitioned by

transparent and possibly mobile dividers with bigger work areas arranged in front of
them. Employees can then concentrate and work alone or spontaneously work as
part of a group.

Finally, the business club idea is increasingly gaining followers. Similar to the model of
business centers found in airports, train stations and hotels, temporary workplaces
are established in enterprises for individuals or workgroups who wish to withdraw
Location, Shape and Furnishings of Common Areas

It seems logical to place seminar and training rooms at the junction or along the
production areas. Venetian blinds or slatted window coverings make it possible to
change the views inside or outside in a variety of ways. Discussion or meeting areas
can also be located .Musty break-out and/or change-rooms in the basement should
be a thing of the past, replaced by bright, airy, attractive possibilities

. A cafeteria or canteen located on an upper level, such as a roof terrace with leisurely
flair, beckons workers to visit them outside of the main meal times and thus exchange
information with one another. 1 2

location, shape and furnishings for

common areas
1.bright, airy,attractive
3.leisureflair areas,plants
Humans absorb 80–90 % of their information visually. Light influences our levels of
motivation and our sense of well-being. Varying light intensity and atmosphere impacts
how organisms are stimulated.

It is also proven that changes of the sunlight reduce the error rate in production. The
distribution of light in rooms, especially in case of a deep building, can be optimized with
systems that re- direct light. Based on their structural configurations as well as their
significance for the changeability of a factory, we will now turn our attention to a more
detailed discussion of light related design elements i.e., daylight, natural lighting, artificial
lighting, and redirecting light.

When we talk about suitably lighting a workplace we are primarily concerned with
ensuring consistent illumination and luminous efficacy. Illuminating a space evenly
prevents shadows and glare. The consistency of the light distribution measured on the
work level is dependent on the distance from the opening in the roof, whereas the size
and type of windows determines the quality and consistency of the luminous efficacy.
Furthermore, the relation of the available interior daylight level to the external light level
when there is a cloudy sky is determined by means of the daylight factor DF
Daylight factor is defined as
DF=interiorillumination(lx)/external illumination (lx) under a cloudy sky condition.

For each of the spaces in the diagram, the sum of daylight openings is assumed to be
1/6th of the floor space. This parameter is referred to as the ‘window factor’ WF and
defined as WF = window area/floorspace.

Generally speaking, workplaces whose day- light factor is 2 % or less should not be
considered without supplementary artificial lighting. An influx of light from above
provides the best supply of daylight for the middle of a room. The entry surface should be
designed such that the work area is uniformlyilluminated.

Since incoming sunlight also brings heat into the space, on sunny days the heat generated
can be uncomfortable. Thus, in addition to possible glares and reflections at workplaces,
measures have to be taken to ensure that the room and equipment temperatures do not
exceed permis- sible levels due to the incoming sunlight. To some extent, this can be
achieved by using shading devices which impede solar radiation.

10 10


WF = 0.25
WF = 0.3 WF = 0..6 WF = 0.20

Impact of room profiles on the daylight factor

light domes
+ regularity of the lighting is particularly easy to attain; due to form less collection of dirt;
simple assembly. 
-large number of roof openings may cause leakage problems.
Saddle rider
large span width possible, in correspondence to sufficient sub- construction
 danger of unfavourable glare in longitudinal direction
+ uniform distribution of sunlight in comparison to sheds
- danger of unfavorable glare due to building orientation and
roof shape.

light domes saddle rider monitor

north orientation removes unfavorable glares nearly; no sun protection necessary; for
shell construction long distances between supports possible; regularity of lighting is very
good.specific building orientation necessary; relatively large heat radiating surfaces with
vertical sheds; laborious construction and maintenance.
+ climatically favorable solution with north-south orientationof openingsi.e. where shed
are not applicable; lighting direction not as distinct as withsheds.
-large heat radiating surface; regularity of light may be inferior compared to other top
light forms
-+pitched roof
climatically favorable solution with north-south orientation ofopenings
i.e. where shed are not applicable; lighting direction not as distinct as with sheds.
large heat radiating surface ; regularity of light may be inferior compared to other top

lanterns pitched roof

+façade ribbon
+ good and simple solution for hall depths from 20.0 to 28.0 m (65.6to
91.8 ft)
- danger of unfavourable glare especially with an east-west orientation

a combination of several top light forms make it possible to avoid disadvantages of sun
light exposure, glare, and heat balance.
Intelligently designed industrial sheds,having north-lighting systems (in the northern
hemi- sphere), ensure uniform illumination without glare. Also, they do not require
shading devices and/or cast shadows.
façade ribbon combination

The basic characteristics that determine the quality of lighting include the level of lighting,
the uniformity of the lighting intensity, the absence of reflections and glares, the direction
and color of the light and its efficiency.

Illuminance, measured in lux (lx), is a criterion used to measure the quality of the
apparent brightness. One lux is defined as the luminous flux or luminous power
(measured in lumen) per m2. The luminous flux of a candle is approximately 10lm.

Based on research in physiological-optics, work-physiology and psychology the following

recommendations are made:
200 lx as the minimum illuminance for a continuously occupiedworkplace,
places located in buildings and,
2000–4000 lx as the range for very fine work requiring concentration over longer periods

lighting color color anti-glare
activity required quality1) rendering factor3)
acc. to type of index2)
  work [lux]
closets and other secondary rooms 50 ww, nw 3 -
storage rooms 100 ww, nw 3.4 -
locker rooms, washrooms, toilets 100 ww, nw 2 2
office work with easy visual tasks 300 ww, nw 2 1
office work with normal visual tasks, ww, nw
data processing 500 2 1
open offices 750 ww, nw 2 1
technical drawing 750 ww, nw 2
laboratories 250 ww, dw 2 1
forging, rough assembly 200 ww, nw 3.4 2
welding and locksmith work 300 ww, nw 3 2
setup of machine tools, assembly 500 ww, nw 3 1
marking-out, fine assembly, inspection 750 nw, dw 1.2 1
fine assembly, precision work,
inspection areas, measuring and test 1000 nw, dw 1.2 1
assembly of fine parts, electric 1500 nw, dw 1.2 1
components, jewellery

Nominal lighting levels for industrial activities (to DIN 5035). © Reichardt 15.168_JR_B

Surfaces that are exposed to are relatively strong illumination density cause distractions (glare, reflections) within
the visual field thus Impairing the worker’s well-being. When users express that the lighting is too bright it usually means
that the system is not designed well enough to limit glares and reflections. Reflected glare is caused by reflecting strong
illuminance off of shiny surfaces. This can be reduced by properly arranging lights and using matted surfaces on equipment
and/or tinted walls and ceilings.
Electrical lamps are divided into three color temperatures (or qualities) based on their impression of colo
  ww—warm white (upto 3300K),
nw—neutral white(3300–5000K),dl—daylight(5000Kandabove).
Color rendering ,on the other hand, relates to the color an object appears.

Silhouette effects created when objects or persons are viewed in front of bright window surface scan,
For example, be decreased with a sufficiently high percentage of toplighting. In industrial set-ups
The recommended ratio for top to side lighting is 1:3.
General. Construction areas, ramps, runways, corridors, offices, shops, and storage areas shall be lighted
to not less than the minimum illumination intensities listed in TableD-3 while any work is in progress:
  One foot candle is equal to one lumen per square foot or approximately 10.764lx

Candle Area of Operation
5 ........ General construction area lighting.
3 ........ General construction areas, concrete placement,
excavation and waste areas, access ways, active storage areas,
loading platforms, refueling, and field maintenance areas.
5 ........ Indoors: warehouses, corridors, hallways, and exit ways.
5 .... Tunnels, shafts, and general underground work areas:
(Exception: minimum of 10 foot-candles is required at tunnel and
shaft heading during drilling, mucking, and scaling. Bureau of Mines approved
cap lights shall be acceptable for use in the tunnel heading)
10 General construction plant and shops (e.g., batch plants, screening plants,
mechanical and electrical equipment rooms, carpenter shops, rigging lofts
and active store rooms, mess halls, and indoor toilets and workrooms.)
30 First aid stations, infirmaries, and offices.
Other areas. For areas or operations not covered above, refer to the American National Standard A11.1-
1965, R1970, Practice for Industrial Lighting, for recommended values of illumination
Redirected Lighting

Redirecting Light
The quantity of side lighting is influenced by the room height, depth as well as the
neighboring buildings that restrict light entering from the side. Typically, rooms
with a depth greater than 7 m (22 ft) can no longer be naturally lit; one of the
reasons why historically multi-story buildings seldom had a room depth of more
than 15 m (49 ft)—even with higher ceilings.
This thus raises a pertinent question as to how glare-free sunlight can be directed
or guided into the depths of the room. Systems for redirecting light prove to be
particularly helpful because they can transport sunlight upto 20m (65ft)deep
into a room
Redirected Lighting

Holographic sheets, developed by Müller , make it possible to control the direction of light:
  relatively small strips on the façade the full depth of the room can be illuminated while
the rest of the facade offers an unobstructed view.Using reflective mirrors, light shelves or
holographic sheets the light can be redirected into the depths of the room and considerably
increase the daylight factor useable for office work.
For humans, the indoor climate has a comforting effect when a body’s regulatory mechanisms
maintain the required internal temperature undetected from the person.
The sensation of comfort differs considerably and varies according to the type and duration of work
  well as age, gender, health and clothing.
Unfortunately, there are no standard or nominal values for the thermal well-being.
Individual thermal comfort is a result of interactions and interconnected components comprising
of the physical indoor climate (room temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, air flow and airpurity).
When the body is under stress or when external temperatures are above comfort levels,
the body’s internal regulator increases the production of sweat and thus the expulsion
of heat via evaporation. When air quality decreases due to the presence of pollutants, heat and/or
excessive moisture, it is important to renew the air in order to maintain a certain minimum level of
comfort condition within the various workshops.
The temperature zone surrounding a work- place is characterized by the air temperature and the
radiation temperature. Depending on the activity, the air temperature should range between
18 and 24 °C (64.4–75.2 °F). The lower value applies to work that is slightly flexible;
the upper for a sedentary state. The mean radiation temperature can be 3–4 °C (5.4–7.2 °F)
lower than the room temperature. The arithmetic means of the air temperature and radiation
temperature corresponds roughly to the perceived temperature. Thus an air temperature of
22 °C (71.6 °F) and a radiation temperature of 18 °C (64.4 °F) are perceived as a uniform ambient
temperature of 20 °C (68 °F). In the summer months a tem- peratureof26°C(78.8°F)
Can still be referred to as comfortable for light work.

Humidity should generally be within the range of of 35% to 65%.When air temperatures are higher, lower air
humidity should be aimed for in order to increase the percentage of heat emissions through evaporation,
otherwise the air will be noticeably muggy. The permissible air speed is dependent on the indoor air
temperature. If a temperature of 20°C (68°F) is attributed to an air speed of 0.15m/s(0.5ft/s) then22°C(71.6°F)
would relate to 0.20 m/s (0.65 ft/s). If a job involves physical activity the air speed can be increased. Air pol-
lutants including dust, gases, vapors and odors that are uncomfortable are considered as a mea- sure of the air
purity. The amount of fresh air that needs to be fed into the interior is dependent on the number of people in
attendance as well as the nature of pollutant. If gases and vapors arise in specific areas, the hourly air exchange
cannot be generalized; instead it has to be determined as a function of the accruing gas and vapor
concentration. It is often recommended to ensure a higher air exchange rate by placing a number of smaller air-
supply units in various strategic locations, thus allowing partial operations when compared to a central air-
conditioning system. The necessity of having transformable work areas as well as being able to individually
control the surrounding requires sensible planning for small volume work areas having as much natural
ventilation as possible.
‘Breakout’ or relaxation areas should contribute to the employees need for recreation after a period of
concentrated work. Relaxation phases that offset this mental stress promote a sense of community, social
competencies and team-building.
  A break-out area needs to be provided when there are 10 or more employees. In the absence of such areas
or when break-out areas are too far away, employees often consume their snacks or lunches while standing
next to the machinery and/or work-place. Attractive break-out areas or zones should thus offer the
possibility to relax especially in factories that have manufacturing processes which directly influence the
level of comfort. There is often the possibility for an ‘oasis’—a visually attractive, ‘green’ area right in the
middle of the production.

Canteen, Cafeteria, Coffee Corners

Areas for having a meal or a snack or for preparing a drink should be located in visually attractive locations
in the building, preferably having some relation to the outdoors. In most countries, a sunlit terrace offers a
pleasant place to eat along with relaxed conversations promoting social competencies and team-building
skills. The choice of materials along with lighting, furnishings and color scheme should support the overall
character of the place and pursue a holistic design concept. Coffee corners shouldbe ideally located in
places where different paths intersect in a building upgraded hallways near stairwells, gallery areas
overlooking the production, landscaped areas or foyers.

Sport,Recreation and SpareTime

Concerned organizations support the recovery phase of their employees with visits to a sauna, fitness
studio or to tennis courts. Group activities outside work hours promote team-building and can also
contribute to reducing personal conflicts
Fire Protection
A well designed building structure effectively contributes towards passive fire protection. For example, a
more transparent factory makes it possible to detect sources of fires early-on. Further, its net- work of
emergency evacuation routes would be easy to comprehend both horizontally and vertically across the
  plant. Areas which concentrate building facilities and are there for susceptible to fire should be positioned
close to one another. Calculation of the fire load helps to determine the minimum distances between
buildings and the maximum allowable size of fire compartments within. These calculations help in
configuration of the firewalls, the partitioning walls as well as the specifications regarding the classes of fire
resistance or building materials.
fire fighting measures fire damage restoration
building elements utilization phase
fire prevention
building materials comfort, heat and prevention risk reduction in fire–fighting
humidityprotection,soundinsul and spreading offire andsmoke reusability
distance between buildings, sufficient daylight prevention of fire movement, parkingfor fire noise and odour protection
parking spreadingto brigade
neighboring building vehicles and equipment
ceilings, walls roofs structure prevention of fire spread fire-fighting zones,reducing sufficient stability
of the building danger of collapse

delimitation of firezones, prevention of fire-and strategic

doors safety and security smoke spread fire-fighting zones

stairs, corridors exit ways for able / attack-and rescue paths circulation routes
andstairwells physicallychallengedpeople rescue paths

media supply lines drinking and industrial water water supply for sprinkler water supply for corrosion protection
systems, hydrants/riserlines stationaryandmobilefire-fighting

daylight, ventilation and visual escape routes, smoke outlets attack-and rescuepaths,
windows connection smokeoutlets
Fire Protection Concept and Fire Compartment

The fire protection risk assessment summarizes both the specific fire load for the
material flow at the site according to safety categories and the fire load of the building
  construction itself. Two important results of calculating the fire load include the largest
size of a fire sub-compartment and its required fire resistance rating. The fire resistance
rating indicates how many minutes a building component can fulfill its function when
exposed to fire .Fire resistance classes, also referred to as fire grading period or fire
protection class, differentiate between fire resistant (at least F 30), fire retardant
(at least F 60) and best possible flame retardant(atleastF120),whereby F 30, F 60 and
F 120 each refer to the fire resistance rating provided in minutes.
Complex partitioning walls are often required for storing goods that have a high fire load
(e.g., paper)
Fire Protection Concept and Fire Compartment

Fire Protection Concept and Fire Compartment

Fire compartments limit fire related damages and permits a evacuation routes in areas
that are less susceptible to fire by limiting spaces using fire resistant enclosures
(e.g.,floors,walls and doors). Fire compartments are limited to 40m×40m=160m 2
(131.2 ft × 131.2 ft = 17.222 ft2). Implementing industrial building regulations and in
particular special measures such as sprinkler systems permit larger connected
Fire Protection Concept and Fire Compartment

Fire compartments are limited by fire walls. In case of an accident, they are meant to
restrict fire from developing beyond a site. A minimum of one-and-a-half-hour fire
resistance (F 90-A) would ensure structural safety in a fire accident.

In areas that are at greater risk due to storage of inflammable goods, partitioning walls
are mandatory. Also, in such scenarios higher requirements with regards to the fire
Resistant ratings and structural detailing need to be adhered to.

Depending on the local fire department’s requirements, the building regulations and the
fire protection concept, a fire resistance rating of F 60–F 90 is normally required for the
supporting structures while F 90–F 180 for walling material for the fire compartments
and materials for the shell and furnishings.

The design and detailing of building services also have to undergo similar considerations.
Installation ducts, cables, lines and pipes should predominantly using fire-resistant materials.
All media and utility lines which pass through fire- resistant walls also have to be sealed in a
manner that protects against fire spread. Moreover, all openings such as doors, gates and flaps
in partitioning components have to be authorized by a building inspector
Evacuation and Rescue Routes
Vertical and horizontal evacuation and rescue routes ensure a quick safe exit from a building when
there is a fire. Entrances to rescue routes and deployment areas for fire fighters need to be clearly

marked and permanently kept free. Other architectural means for ensuring a quick orientation with
easy detection of the evacuation routes include use of daylight, transparency and providing points that
allow overviews or Views in/out.
A person from any given point within the building should be able to reach the outdoors or
other secure areas within 35 m (114 ft) through an exit or a series of emergency exits. Accordingly, due
to the advantages of a high ceiling regarding smoke exhaust, an actual rescue route of up to 105 m
(344 ft) is allowable for halls having ceiling heights of 10m (33 ft) or more . It is mandatory to connect
all the floors in a building in one continual stairwell, designed and built such that
—along with the entrances and exits to the open air—the same can also be safely used as a rescue
Workplaces have to be ergonomically (from Greek argon = work; nomos = law, rule) designed
and provide optimal working conditions. The space and connecting pathways for each of the
workplaces should be laid out keeping in mind accessibility requirements for the physically
challenged workers, also.
The goal of designing an ergonomic workplace is to optimize working conditions with regards
To the manufacturing tasks and environmental conditions to human characteristics and abilities.
In doing so,It should be ensured that the required output satisfies the quality requirements
while at the same time keeping the costs for the work system to a minimum. Furthermore, it mus
Be assured that the workload and demands on the human are bearable over a long-term
without endangering their health and safety.

Anthropometric (Greek anthropos = human) design is concerned with organizing the work-
pieces, tools and control panels in accordance with body measurements.
Movement technique design pursues three basicprinciples:
(a)simplification of movements,
(b) consolidation of movements and
(c) partial mechanization and automation.

a)simplification of movements :Aim here is to identify a sequence of movements which require the least
amount of time and in view of diligence and accuracy avoids unnecessary ones. This is achieved by
minimizing the distance of the movements and organizing materials accordingly.

b) consolidation of movements :Movements can be consolidated by conducting similar or different

movements at the same time with both hands. Further improvements can also be attained by
eliminating non- productive i.e. non-value-adding activities.

c) partial mechanization and automation :Partial mechanization and automation can be encouraged
after motions have been consolidated as much as possible, since the investment costs are
disproportionate to the additional savings in time
Room Interiors

Flexible, transformable workplaces should provide at least 15 m3 (530 ft3) of

air volume per person.
Color Design
By generating a stimulus in the eye, colors directly influence the cerebral cortex, impacting
the people working in various ways both physiologically and psychologically .The color
design should thus integrate all of the components such as materials and resources,
buildings, media and furnishings into a spatially coherent master plan.
Red The color of fire and blood, it expresses life and energy. Red is inseparably bound to
passion, heat, anger and war. It is considered a stimulating color.
Blue The color of the deep sea, intuitively we connect it with infiniteness and the
vastness of the sky. Blue speaks to the intellect, while red impacts the emotional sphere. It
is the symbol of truth, corresponding to a calm consideration and never to a rushed
Yellow The brightest of the basic colors, the color of the sun and an expression of brilliance,
radiating and liveliness.
Orange A mixture of red and yellow, it thus combines the strength of red with the
luminous, bright sheen of yellow.
Green A mixture of blue and yellow; as the color of nature it stands for serenity,
resurrection, peace. Symbolically, it is the color of hope.
Purple A mixture of red and blue, to which concepts such as pomp, splendor, and royal
grandeur are linked; similar to green though it has a calming and soothing influence.
Color Design

The color scheme of a workspace should be planned depending upon the type of
operations. With monotonous work, stimulating color elements are recommended
(columns, doors); however, such colors should not be applied to large surfaces (walls,
ceilings). If the workspace is large, it can be spatially subdivided with special color
elements. When the work executed in a space requires a great deal of concentration,
the color scheme should be conservative in order to avoid unnecessary distraction. In
this case,walls, ceilings and other structural elements should be painted with colors that
are as light as possible and/or mildly toned.

In order to create color contrasts, the color schemes for large surfaces (walls, furniture,
etc.) should be distinguished from small surfaces (eye catchers for switches, grips, lever,
etc.). For larger surfaces colors that have a similar degree of reflection should be
selected. Moreover, with larger surfaces bright colors should not be used since they
unilaterally strain the retina, which in turn generates after-images. Orienting and
detecting workpieces is facilitated by creating a color contrast between the workpiece
and the immediate surroundings (workbench or machine). Here too, differences in
brightness should be avoided.
Color Design

The architectural “appearance”—its sensory, visual impression—is primarily determined

by the color of the materials and the structure. The choice of construction materials is
thus directly related to the appearance of the completed building.From the
outside,either the actual color of the materials (exposed concrete, metal, wood, natural
stone, synthetic materials) or a colored coating determines the character of the building.
Internally, the choice of materials plays a significant role with regards to the levels of
comfort. In addition to the color of the materials, the material properties and surface
texture(visual and haptic perception) are key criteria for the “indoor climate”. Thus for
example,glossy enameled walls have a different character than those with a matt finish.

Safety Colors and Identification of Media Lines

Golden yellow signals caution and indicates possible dangers with conveyor belts,
traffic routes and stairs.
Red-Similar to street traffic signals, red stands forforbidden, stop, and danger.
Blue -dictates additional safety regulations for e.g., preventing noise
Emerald green signals safety and first aid. Emerald green is used in pictograms for
escape paths,emergency exit doors as well as rooms and devices for first aid.
Occupational Health and Safety Standards
If considerable traffic and/or soiling are to be anticipated in workspaces or open
areas, grooved floors would be a better solution. Raised edges greater
Than 6mm(0.23in)are to be avoided. Moreover, there is a danger of falling when
There is a change in level greater than1.0m (3.3 ft).
In accordance with workplace regulations and guidelines, guardrails or equivalents
are required to prevent falls in dangerous areas.

Protection from Hazardous Substances

Airborne hazardous substances such as gases, vapors, mists ,smoke or dusts can
Enter the human body through respiratory organs, skin and/or the gastro-intestinal tract.
constructional safety measures are aimed at immediate collection of the hazardous
materials at the point of origin, storage in specially designed storage facilities and
discharging at specific points. Substances, storage facilities for hazardous materials
must include special fire protection.
Stop growing use of chemical based construction materials (e.g., bitumen, floor adhesives
and coating materials). In the sense of the transformability, implementing
eco-friendly materials is highly recommended..
Refraining from solvents or PVC in building related components is sensible from an
economic standpoint since this protects the health of employees over the long-term.
Furthermore, in terms of structural changeability, it is much easier to convert a
Building structure that is, for example, not contaminated by asbestos.
Noise Protection and Reduction
Noise is as an undesirable form of audible sound at most industrial sites.
The overall loudness of noise that is found to be disruptive is a combination of sounds
from various equipment as well as other sources. The equipment sounds arise
from manufacturing processes, conveyor or hoisting technology as well as supply
and disposal technology.
The sound induced oscillations spread like waves from various media
(air-borne, structure- borne and fluid-borne). Frequently machines and processing
operations primarily generate structural sounds (i.e. vibrations) and emit these as
air-borne sounds; nonetheless, air-borne sounds also arise directly from flow
processes e.g., exhaust systems, jets or fans.
Noises that are repetitive or that continue for extended periods are irritating and
harmful to one’s health; noises that are frequent and impulsive are generally more
Dangerous than those which are less frequent and continuous. Hardness of hearing,
Safety risks and decreased job performance with greater chances of making errors or
Even vegetative disorders can result from damaging noise emissions. Measures to
reduce sounds include implementing low-noise machines, reducing sounds at the
sources and decreasing air-borne sound transmissions. Layers of rubber, cork or
Synthetic materials decrease the transmission of structure-borne sounds in fixed
components. A further structural measure for dampening air-borne
sounds involves sound proofing ceilings, wall surfaces as well as interior
surfaces by lining them with soft,thin porous materials which absorb sounds.
Noise Protection and Reduction
Electrical Safety and Protection from Radiation

Electrical equipment has to be reliable and operated without disruptions.

Transformers and rectifiers need to be in closed electrical service rooms.
Switchboards have to be protected from touching live components as well as from
being penetrated by foreign objects and especially water.
Dangerous effects mainly arise from electro- magnetic radiation with a wavelength
under 10−8 m such as x-rays or gamma rays as well as radioactive corpuscular rays.
Usually the intensity decreases with the square of the distance to the radiation
source. Appropriate measures should be planned in consideration of the specific
characteristics each type of radiation present. Structural protective measures
against beta radiation include thin metal sheets, whereas reflective surfaces are
effective against infrared radiation and metal shields against radio waves and
alternating currents. Thicker materials such as iron shields are implemented as
protection against x-rays and gamma-rays.
Devices and systems that project a more dangerous and higher intensity radiation
should preferably be located far away from areas that employees frequently use.
Fixed shields made of concrete or brick, flexible walls made from lead bricks or
mobile shields made of iron or textile materials provide effective protection.
Building Design

The load-bearing structure or structural framework is the most permanent component

Of a building and thus the most difficult to change. Generally ,it is designed to last the
Full durationof the building’s use. The structure consists of the surface and column-like
components, reinforcements and foundations required to ensure the stability of the building.
The shell separates a protected interior space—as an independent climatic area—from an external
space. It consists of stationary, closedor transparent elements for the façade and roof as well as
moveable parts such as gates, doors, windows or vents. Aspects such as natural lighting, the
afforded views and communication in particular, determine the long term quality and changeability
of the buildingshell.
Building Design

We use the term building services to refer to all of the equipment necessary to ensure the production
processes, users’ comfort and building security including the technical equipment centers, pipelines,
wire routings, connections,etc. It covers all measures which guarantee the spatial comfort of users
and provide the necessary technical media for the production facilities. The technical facilities
associated with the building are treated in literature under the term TBE technical building equipment
, and includefacilities for sewage, water, gas and fire extin-guishing systems, heat supply, ventilation,
elec-trical systems and building control systems. In particular, aspects such as modularity,
upgradeability and accessibility (i.e., for maintenance purposes) determine the degree of the building
equipment changeability.
With interior finishings we are referring to all of the stairways, building cores and
specialbuilt- in units like elevators or wet rooms as well as static optional components
(walls,windows etc.).
Finally, the appearance of industrial and commercial architecture is created by the
overall atmosphere, structural order and clarity as well as the balance between unity
and diversity.
Load-Bearing Structure

1.The changeability of size and utilization areas as well as built-in units plays a dominant role.
2. The protection and safety of people and property as well as comfort levels are equally important criteria
3. However the main priority is economics i.e., the costs and construction time
Once the basic project requirements are defined, the dimensions for the structural members should be
estimated early-on.
Let’s take an overview of important load assumptions for the main elements of the
structural framework. Some of these are conditional on processes, others are due
to local conditions e.g., the soil load. The effort to create foundations and the
base plate is largely determined by the quality of the specific subsoil, especially
by groundwater level and location as well as the existence of load bearing soil
layers, which is why a qualified soil report must be submitted when the project
starts. The floorplate plays a special role with regards to changeability as it
decisively determines the possibilities for changing the location of equipment
and machinery or re-designating floor surfaces e.g. from logistics to
manufacturing or viceversa.
Although the initial cost of the structure increases if the building is designed for
additional future loads it also provides for a corresponding higher degree of
changeability. When making decisions it is critical to practically weigh both
strategic and economic factors. Expanding floor areas or overhead areas have
to be considered with foresight, in the same way as anticipated changes in the
production e.g., a new generation of machinery and equipment along with their
structural requirements
Building Structure Form as a Static System
The properties of the building structure are determined by the architectural usage of
beams and supports systems, ceiling systems, floor plates, foundations, load-bearing
Walls and cores. Structural forms for halls can be simplified into four groups:
supports and beams,
arches and
space frames (arch systems and space frames are seldom used in factory buildings )
Generally, every hall and multi-story building has to be braced longitudinally and
transversely. Space frames or arch structures are inherently stable in transverse
direction and thus only need to be braced longitudinally. Directed structures areclearly
Identifiable by the location of the main and secondary support beams. Here, the vertical
load is directed along a single axis over the main beam into the support columns.
In comparison, non-directed structures distribute the vertical load bi-axiallyover all the
Structural members into the support columns.
Non-directed structures are thus usually only efficient on square support fields.

it is also critical to discuss how the modularity, span width, rein- forcements,
load distribution and extensions can be combined for every project from both the
process and spatial perspective.
Building Structure Form as a Static System
Building Structure Form as a Static System
 The building structure for large halls, for example, should permit galleries to be built-in
for administrative functions closely related to the production (work planning, production
control, quality assurance etc.) and should thus allow interiors to be easily modified.
If necessary, these auxiliary levels could be suspended from the hall structure in order to
provide for an unobstructed column free space below.
In the case of the pump factory, six additional modules of 21 × 21 m (68 × 68 ft) could be added
on to the length without disrupting the production.The interior of the modules at the front is
furnished with office spaces that continue into the factory and thus facilitate direct
communication. Similarly, in the car radiator factory large and independent mod- ules spanning
18 or 36 m (59 × 118 ft) can be added without disruption of operation. Instead of a separate
administrative building, an integrated office gallery offers room for the management with a direct
view on to the production processes
Building Structure Form as a Static System
In regards to the economy of hall structures with large spans, it is also important to pay
attention to the impact loads resulting from the movement of the fork lift trucks on
supports as well as the sum of the loads to be suspended by the roof structure. Steel,
a material that can withstand a great deal of stress, is a preferable option for changeable
load-bearing structures for a number of reasons. Wide spanning structures can be
devel- oped with relatively minimal weight. It also allows for comfortable routing of
services pipes throughthetruss-work.Inordertoensurethatthe building structure complies
with fire protection regulations composite steel constructions (i.e., load-bearing elements
encased in concrete) can be used.
Building Structure Form as a Static System
The properties of the building structure are determined by the architectural usage of
beams and supports systems, ceiling systems, floor plates, foundations, load-bearing
Walls and cores. Structural forms for halls can be simplified into four groups:
supports and beams,
arches and
space frames (arch systems and space frames are seldom used in factory buildings )
Generally, every hall and multi-story building has to be braced longitudinally and
transversely. Space frames or arch structures are inherently stable in transverse
direction and thus only need to be braced longitudinally. Directed structures areclearly
Identifiable by the location of the main and secondary support beams. Here, the vertical
load is directed along a single axis over the main beam into the support columns.
In comparison, non-directed structures distribute the vertical load bi-axiallyover all the
Structural members into the support columns.
Non-directed structures are thus usually only efficient on square support fields.

it is also critical to discuss how the modularity, span width, rein- forcements,
load distribution and extensions can be combined for every project from both the
process and spatial perspective.
Steel, a material that can withstand a great deal of stress, is a preferable option
for change- able load-bearing structures for a number of reasons.
Wide spanning structures can be developed with relatively minimal weight.
It also allows for comfortable routing of services pipes through the truss-work.
In order to ensure that the building structure complies with fire protection regulations
composite steel constructions (i.e., load-bearing elements encased in concrete)
can be used.
Span Width
 Determining the span width for halls or multi- storied buildings is one of the
important, if not the most important decision from the perspective of processes
and space. The aim to have as few supporting columns as possible obstructing
the use of space has to be weighed against the efficiency of the building structure.

In industrial hall construction, in comparison to the standard solutions with a 20m

(65 ft) span, structures with a span of 30–50m(98–164ft)area ls possible
Without additional construction cost burden provided that the roof loads. An in- depth
Analysis showed that when compared to the original15×15m(49×49ft)column grid, a
21 × 21 m (68 × 68 ft) column grid offered value addition over the long term with an
approximately 10 % higher construction cost.
Selecting the Materials and Joining Principle

Since steel is capable of carrying large loads without buckling, it is particularly

well suited for modular construction as well as halls with large spans.
Laminated timber and cable supported timber constructions are appropriate for halls
having average spans while light-weight metal constructions facilitate building
and dismantling temporary building structures quickly due to their lighter components.
When selecting materials it is also important to take into consideration fire safety issues.

By applying appropriate coatings, fire safety ratings up to F 90 (fire safety up to 90 min)

can currently be attained for steel halls, while fire rating values up to F 60are currently
achievable for timber constructions. Multi-storied buildings, which have to meet higher
safety requirements with regards to the fire resistance of supports, beams and ceiling
slabs, are built with concrete steel or composite steel.

Encasing the building structure involves vertical façade surfaces as well as

horizontal or sloped roof surfaces. These generally consist of combinations of
closed and transparent surfaces. Openable elements such as windows, doors or
gates are integrated as required into the shell surfaces. A shell plays a protective
role, fulfills production and logistic requirements, aids in providing light as well as
outdoor views, facilitates communication; the shell could also be ecofriendly and
can produce energy. The shell should be designed to provide suitable climatic
protection depending on the geographical location of the building
The orientation of the building in relation to prevalent wind directions influences the
arrangement of the gates, canopies or air exhausts. If building laws and regulations
require certain noise levels to be adhered to, closed surfaces and openings in the
shell need to be planned accordingly. Similarly, if the building is located near a
highway or an airport it may be necessary to provide sound insulation from external
sounds (e.g., by implementing special noise reflecting measures on the façade).
Figure provides an overview of the basic features which play an important role
against cold, heat, rain, wind and noise.
The value of the heat transfer coefficient (U-value) determines the thermal insulation,
whereas the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC or g-value) measures the amount of
heat gained through solar radiation.
Depending on the geographic location, the maximum anticipated rainfall could be
critical selecting the roofing system. The demand for the shell to have greater
changeability generally means avoiding load-bearing outer walls since monolithic
constructions are difficult to modify or extend. In comparison systems that are
modular can be more quickly and economically adapted to new requirements

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