Marketing of Services: Sonali P. Banerjee

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Amity Business

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Marketing of Services

Sonali P. Banerjee
Amity Business
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• Please write one sentence of your own on

Customer Service.
(5 Mins)
Amity Business
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• Write Minimum 5 Excuses you hear

customers’ service representative give for
offering poor or bad customer service.

(5 Mins)
Amity Business
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Common Excuses
• I don’t have enough time….
• I don’t get paid to be nice. I am measured
by my productivity and accuracy
• How can we do good job if the computer is
always down
Amity Business
Name of Institution


• Every customer is totally crazy today.

• I can’t deal with people who do not show
me respect.
• How can we do a good job if the other
departments do not provide the back up
we need?
• I am having a bad day.
• People are basically stupid.
• I am always too busy
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• A customer simply wants…..

You to Greet HIM

……… Value HIM
………. Help HIM
……. Listen to HIM
…… Invite HIM Back
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The service sector

• The services sector has been growing at a
rate of 8% per annum in recent years
• More than half of our GDP is accounted
for from the services sector
• This sector dominates with the best jobs,
best talent and best incomes
Amity Business
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Service Sector
• An industry comprised of companies that
primarily earn revenue through
providing intangible products and services.
Service industry companies are involved
in retail, transport, distribution, food services, as
well as other service-dominated businesses.
Also called service sector, tertiary sector of
Amity Business
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The Nature of Services

• regardless of the “product”, there is a services
component to the offerings of all firms
• in some cases, a service is the principal purpose of
the transaction, as in the rental of a car, a haircut, or
legal services -- we refer to this as the core service
• in others, service is performed in support of the sale
of a tangible product -- these are referred to as
supplementary services
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What is services?
• It is the part of the product or the full
product for which the customer is willing to
see value and pay for it.
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Difference between physical goods and
Physical goods Services
tangible intangible
homogeneous heterogeneous
Production and distribution are Production, distribution and
separated from consumption consumption are simultaneous
A thing An activity or process
Core value processed in factory Core value produced in the buyer-
seller interaction
Customers do not participate in the Customers participate in production
production process
Can be kept in stock Cannot be kept in stock
Transfer of ownership No transfer of ownership
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Amity Business
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Strategic Product
• the core service can be enhanced through
the addition of supplementary services,
thereby creating added value
• the life cycle of services has to be
• the branding of a service can be difficult as
the customer often has nothing tangible to
Amity Business
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• Quality is hard to define, measure, control,
and communicate
• Quality is defined by the consumer
• It’s important to measure customer
satisfaction with an organization’s service
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Pricing Services
The characteristics of perishability, inability
to store, and fluctuating demand for
services create pricing challenges.
• Pricing Strategies include:
– Discount strategies: Cheaper by the week.
– A variable pricing strategy: Kids eat free,
movies cheaper on Tuesdays.
– Price competition
Amity Business
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Distribution of Services
• because most services are tied directly to a specific
service provider, most have been distributed directly
to customers
• with advancing technology, many firms are now
delivering services through machines
• channels of distribution are necessarily short; some
firms use one agent intermediary, such as
insurance, real estate, and travel agents
• some firms use franchises to distribute services
Amity Business
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Promotion of Services
• customer contact personnel represent the main
channel of customer communication
• service providers must ensure that each service
encounter is a positive one if customers are to
develop a positive image
• many professional service firms are now
permitted to advertise
• other elements of the promotional mix are used,
including publicity and community affairs
Amity Business
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The three additional ‘P’s of Service

• People
• Physical evidence
• Process
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When customers visit a service

Their satisfaction will be influenced by
• Encounters with service personnel
• Appearance and features of service
facilities – exterior and interior
• Interactions with self service equipment
• Characteristics and behaviour of other
Amity Business
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Four Rs of Service Marketing

• Retention
• Referrals
• Relationships
• Recovery
Amity Business
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The Changing Environment

for Services
• The boom in the service economy, reduced regulation
has created an increase in competition.
• Major focus on increased productivity, efficiency
– Work on people aspects of business:
• Education, training programs
– Change technology:
• Computer-based technologies used.
– Restructure jobs.
• Bottom line: People are key to success!
Amity Business
Name of Institution


Other Considerations in
Marketing Services
• Impact of Technology:
– Remember, not everyone likes impersonal
• Performance Measurement:
– Customer perceptions are essential.
• Prospects for Growth:
– It is very likely that services will continue to take
an increasing share of the consumer pocket.
– The use of marketing programs in all services is
expected to increase considerably.
Amity Business
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In services, the last

experience remains uppermost
in your mind. Therefore, it is not
enough to be good, you have to
be consistently good
Amity Business
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Characteristics of services
• Intangibility
• Inseparability
• Perishability
• Variability
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Differentiation in services
• Offering
• Faster and better delivery
• Image
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Determinants of service quality
• Reliability – delivering on promises
• Responsiveness – willing to help
• Assurance – inspiring trust and confidence
• Empathy – individualising customers
• Tangibles- physical representation
Amity Business
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Customer Service Expectations
• Desired Service – the ‘wished for’ service
• Adequate Service – the service that would
be acceptable
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Zone of Tolerance

• Difference between the desired service

and the adequate service
Recovery Amity Business
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• Ignore customer
• Blame customer
• Leave customer to fend for himself
• Downgrade
• Act as if nothing is wrong
• ‘pass the buck’
Amity Business
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• Acknowledge problem
• Explain causes
• Apologies
• Compensate/upgrade
• Lay out options
• Take responsibility
Amity Business
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• Promise and fail to keep them
• Show unwillingness to try
• Embarrass the customer
• Laugh at the customer
• Avoid responsibility
Amity Business
Name of Institution


• Recognise the seriousness
• Acknowledge
• Anticipate
• Accommodate
• Adjust
• Explain rules/policies
Amity Business
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• Exhibit impatience
• Yell/laugh/swear
• Steal from customers
• Discriminate
• Ignore
Amity Business
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• Take time
• Be attentive
• Anticipate needs
• Listen
• Provide information
• Show empathy
Amity Business
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• Take customer’s dissatisfaction personally

• Let customer’s dissatisfaction affect others
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Types of complainers
• Passives
• Voicers
• Irates
• Activists
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• Passive complainers : they will complain

to everyone but the actual business. Since
the business is left unaware of their error
they cannot correct it and the only thing a
passive complainer succeeds in doing is
depriving the company of potential
Amity Business
Name of Institution


• Voicers : These customers actively

complain to the service provider but they
are less likely to spread negetive word of
mouth to switch or to go to the third parties
with their complaints. These customers
are the Service providers best friend.
Amity Business
Name of Institution


• Irates : These consumers are more likely

to engage in negetive word of mouth to
friends and relatives and to switch
providers than are others. They are
unlikely to complain to 3rd party. Though
they are angry with the service provider,
but still believe that complaining would
have some social benefits. They usually
switch the provider.
Amity Business
Name of Institution


• Activists : These consumers complain in

an above average way in all dimensions.
They will complain to the provider. They
will tell others and they are more likely to
complain to the third parties
Amity Business
Name of Institution

Customer complaints
• It pays to resolve customer complaints
• On an average only 5 % dissatisfied
customers complain. Others simply go
over to the competitor
• A satisfied consumer speaks to an
average of 3 people on his her experience
• A dissatisfied consumer gripes to on an
average 11 persons about his/her
unpleasant experience
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Causes behind service switching

• Pricing
High Price
Price Increase
Unfair Pricing
Deceptive Pricing
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• Inconvenience
 Location
 Wait for Appointment
 Wait for Service
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• Core Service Failure

 Service Mistakes
 Billing errors

• Service Encounter Failure

 Uncaring
 Impolite
 Unresponsive
 unacknowledgeable
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• Response to Service Failure

 Negative Response
 No Response
 Reluctant Response

• Competition
 Found Better Service
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• Involuntary Switching
 Customer Moved
 Provider Closed

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