Christian Living Education 8
Christian Living Education 8
Christian Living Education 8
Education 8
Early Life of Christ
Oratio Emperata on COVID-19
God our Father,
we come to you in our need
to ask your protection against the COVID 19
that has disturbed and even claimed lives.
How to attain Repent! Believe in Matthew Follow Jesus! Obey Belief in the
Salvation the good news! advocates the teachings of personhood of
Keep the salvation by works. Jesus. Jesus.
Give to the poor
and needy.
Three Stages of Formation of Gospel
• First stage: the life and teachings of Jesus.
• Second stage: oral tradition
• Third stage: the written Gospel
• There is one good news but four accounts. The Gospel accounts have
written by four evangelists in different styles and historical context but
for only one purpose: “that we may believe and by believing, we may
have eternal life.” They meant to help us follow Christ.
• The Gospel accounts are writings of human beings inspired by the
Holy Spirit; thus, they are to be acknowledged as teaching the truth
without error.
• The Scriptures from the Book of the People of God because they have
been written from the people of God, for the people of God, and about
the God-experience of the people of God.
The Incarnation of Christ
• The incarnation, God’s becoming human in Jesus Christ, is God
supreme act of love for us.
• Jesus’s life and relationship shows us that He is truly God who became
one with us.
• Jesus has taught us what it means to be truly human through his
goodness, forgiveness, and compassion.