Family Medicine (Def-Hist)
Family Medicine (Def-Hist)
Family Medicine (Def-Hist)
Family medicine is an accumulated body of knowledge dealing with the health, the
.state of total well being, of an individual within the family unit
Family practice is a specialty that provides continuous and comprehensive health care
– without limitation by age, sex, organ system, or disease entity – in relation to
. the family unit
The family physician is the practitioner who implements the principles of the discipline
of family medicine in the specialty family practice. He or she may be called
counselor, coordinator, advocate, or humanitarian. In his selected areas of
competence, the family physician is the physician best qualified to evaluate and
manage the health care problems of the individual in the context of family
The History of Family Practice
The Term General Practitioner (G.P) came into use at about the
beginning of the 19th century
Dr. Darley, who had been practicing internist from 1931 to 1944
prior to his full-time involvement in education, had long been an
interested and outspoken person concerning comprehensive
He will attend his patients in his consulting room and in their homes and
sometimes in a clinic or a hospital.
His aim is to make early diagnosis.
He will include and integrate physical, psychological and social factors in his
considerations about health and illness.)++SPIRITUAL).
العودة إلى هللا أحــــد أسباب الشفاء من األمراض (قصـة ليلى الحلو)
From “A system of training for general practice” Published by the
Royal College of General Practice 1992.
مهام طبيب األسرة
.1التعامل مع الفرد في نطاق األسرة مع المامة بطرق الوقاية ومقدرة علـى الـتشخيص والمعالجة .
.2تحقيق الصلة مع المريض في نطاق األسرة من كافة النواحي الفيزيائية واالجتماعية والنفسية .
.3االلمام بالمشاكل الصحية في المجتمع والقدرة على تحديد االوليات .
.4العمل على رفع المستوى اـلصحي للفرد واألسرة والمجتمع .
.5السعي لتطوير و تحديث طب األسرة والعمل على تطوير و تحديث معلوماتة ومهاراتة في هذا
المجالـ .
.6المساهمة مع طبيب المجتمع في تحقيق المهام التالية :
ا -تنشيط عمل الفريق الصحي .
ب -السعي لتحقيق مشاركة المجتمع والتنسيق بين القطاعات المختلفة ذات العالقة من اجل
تخطيط و تنظيم و تقويم البرامج الصحية .
ج -اجراء وتشجيع البحوث والدراسات الصحية التطبيقية .
د -المشاركة في تدريب العاملين في القطاع الصحي .
1. Knowledge :
(a). That he has sufficient knowledge of disease processes particularly of
common diseases, chronic diseases, and those which endanger life or have
serious complications or consequences;
(e). His knowledge and appropriate use of the wide range of interventions
available to him;
(f). That he understands the ethics of his profession and their importance for
the patient;
(d). That he can identify persons at risk and take appropriate action;
(e). That he can make relevant initial decisions about every problem presented
to him as a doctor;
(e). That he is willing and able critically to evaluate his own work;