Lesson 3 - Institutional Perspective

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Institutional Perspective

Learning Objectives:
1. To understand the community through the giv
e main social institutions, namely, government
al, economic, religious, educational, and family

• Institutions are the core establishments

that bind people toward a specific
advocacy or goal.
• People need to come together
and form fractions and groups
that share a common pupose
“These 5 core institutions are the
pillars of society”
What are Institutions?
 are grand social structures that are made up by
individuals which, when viewed as a whole, exhibit
patterns of behavior that create conventions and
norms in our society.
Government Institutions
The Leviathan
by Thomas Hobbes

What do you
notice about
the picture?
 Therefore, a
 is simply an is born from
agreement this social
between a agreement
master and a and
 the state
prescribed rules gains
of conduct and legitimacy
rights. through its

- it stems from the assumption that humans are born into a

state of nature which is a condition devoid of social or political
Government Institutions
- According to the - the
Declaration of government
Independence, we has the power
—the people of to lead and
the nation—give govern its
the government citizens within
the power to a confined
govern. territory,
guided by its
Laws and

- State power and its

legitimacy come from
the will of the people
that it governs.
Government Institutions
- its contract to - true to other
govern its governments
population is who have
constantly being embraced
changed, democary,
contestedm and power is
affirmed bestowed to
throughout its the people in
effective period to recalibrating
rule. the brand of
politics they
- this is where the experience.
right of suffrage
plays a huge role - the citizens have the
in transforming obligation to check the power
out political of the government and
reality counteract any misuse thereof.
Economic Institutions
 a
Religious Institutions
 religion plays a huge part on how we create our
 religion is one of the pillars from which our civilization
is built.
 today`s society emphasizes on the importance of
religion as a communal experience.
 our culture is bridled with influences from Roman
catholic church.
 The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines declares: The
separation of Church and State shall be inviolable.
(Article II, Section 6), and, No law shall be made
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof.
Religious Institutions
 impact of religious institution seen through
foundations and nongovernmental organizations.
 religious institutions have a huge impact in filling in
gaps where the reaches of the government fail to
- projects focus on rural communities
- feeding programs
- medical mission & etc.
 religious institutions are here to be a constant
reminder that values and mores/customs are
grounded i spirituality.
Educational Institutions
 a
Family Institutions
 a

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