Discipline and Ideas in Applied Sciences Q2 M2
Discipline and Ideas in Applied Sciences Q2 M2
Discipline and Ideas in Applied Sciences Q2 M2
Quarter 2 Module 2
The Discipline of Communication
Name: __________________________________________________ Grade&Section: ___________________________
Preaped by: Ms. Cloue Faye I. Basallo
Activity 1
Directions: Read and understand the statements very carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is
__________1. One of the obligations of Journalism is to keep citizens informed about government and society.
__________2. Journalists should not value feelings and attitude when communicating.
__________3. In communicating, one should communicate over confidence and superiority.
__________4. One of the principles of journalism is truthfulness of information.
__________5. Journalists should respect for privacy.
__________6. Journalism serves as a dependent monitor of power and support on one side only.
__________7. Journalism’s first loyalty is to the government.
__________ 8. Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.
__________9. Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.
__________10. Seeking for truth in exchange of money or favor is one of the standards of a professional journalist.
What is It?
Have you experienced that you have shared an information you heard from social media but was found later
wrong or incorrect? How was the experience? What would be your reaction to the person who told you about it? These
are some questions that may help you realize about the importance of learning this lesson and as you journey in
learning, may you get some important insights that could help you in your daily life as a learner. Have a fruitful journey
in this lesson.
To ensure that practitioners in the field of communication, such as journalists and advertising companies
through mass media as they enjoy certain rights that the constitution guarantees them like the freedom of the press and
speech, as these rights entail to access sources of information and investigate stories that the public are interested into,
they are also expected to exercise their utmost responsibilities not to abuse or deviate from what the law or the
constitution requires them. They are provided with code of ethics/conduct as their guide to always exercise in the
delivery of their service.
Important terms
1. Code is a set of laws ore regulations; a set of ideas or rules about how to behave in accordance with the norms
in the society. (Meriam Dictionary)
2. Freedom of expression and information- a right given by the constitution and defined by the United Nations
Declaration of Human Rights as stated below:
a. Article 15: The right to form, hold receive and impart opinions.
b. Article 16: Free and equal access to information inside and outside state borders.
c. Article 19: The freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information
through any media.
Journalists as practitioners are expected to follow certain principles of professional conduct. The first set of
these principles were published by the American Society of Newspapers Editors in 1923. The Philippines as one of the
many counties in the world has also adopted these principles and by which serve as their code of conduct as mass media
practitioners. Among these are:
Truthfulness of Information
Clarity of Information
Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity,religion, and other characteristics
Respect for privacy
Prohibition of bribes and other benefits
Standards of gathering and presenting information Respecting the integrity of sources
Defense of the public rights
Responsibilities in forming public opinion
The need to respect universal values and the diversity of cultures
The need to promote human rights, peace, social progress and democracy
Moreover, the Code of Ethics which were drawn by the Society of Professional Journalists defined these principles as
standards for professional and ethical journalism practice as follows:
Seek truth and report it. Journalists should at always adhere to the accuracy and honesty of the information. Be
courageous to gather information, interpret it correctly and report what has been gathered, analyzed and interpreted.
Minimize harm. Ethical journalists should treat the information, the subject and other people they are having
service with as human beings with dignity that has to be respected.
Act Independently. Journalists should be free of obligation to any interests other than the right of the public to
Be accountable. Journalists are accountable to whatever they have reported in print or non-print materials. They
are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and to each other including to the organization they belong.
The advertising industry makes also efforts to establish their own ethical standards. In our country, the
Advertising Board of the Philippines, the chief regulating board for all the largest advertising associations which includes
the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies has sought to craft code of ethics including the implementing
procedures to provide standards about advertisements should not do. Among these are the following:
Undermine the public’s regard for government, law, and duly constituted authority.
Exploit or tend to promote physical,verbal, or psychological violence or the use of deadly weapons.
Disparage, ridicule or attack any natural person or groups of persons especially on the basis of gender, socio-economic
class, religion,race, or nationality.Disparage, ridicule or attack any natural person or groups of persons especially on the
basis of gender, socio-economic class, religion,race, or nationality.
Depict the actual act of drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking tobacco products.
Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds strong mutual understanding between and among
people in any organization.
The Public Relations Society of America’s Code of Ethics outline the principles and standards of professional practice.
A member shall preserve the free flow of unprejudiced information when giving or receiving gifts by ensuring
that gifts are nominal,legal and infrequent.
Activity A. HI FIVE!
After you have learned about Professional and Ethical Standards among practitioners in the field of communication such
as Journalism, Advertisement and about Public Relations. Write five things you have realized about their work and the
importance of abiding to their principles and codes of conduct. Write your answer inside the box.
Sample :
Headline 1:_______________________
Headline 2:_______________________
Headline 3:_______________________
Directions: Identify whether each statement is true or false. Write the word true/false as your answer for each item on
the space provided before each number.
__________1. Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth
__________2. Advertising company should undermine the public’s regard for government, law and duly constituted
__________3. In public relations, the interest of the public is the basic and primary guide of a professional life.
__________4. Public Relations Society of the Philippines uphold the rule of law and the dictate of public order
__________5. Seeking for truth in exchange of money or favor is one of the standards of a professional journalist.
__________6. Journalism serves as an independent monitor of power.
__________7. Journalists must keep the news partial and bias.
__________ 8.Journalists are accountable to their readers, listeners, viewers and each other.
__________9. Ethical journalists treat sources, subjects and colleagues as human beings deserving of respect.
__________10. Journalists should respect for privacy.