Cloud AWS: Yuwono Marta Dinata - OS

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Cloud AWS

Yuwono Marta Dinata - OS

Cloud Computing
Demo masuk ke AWS
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing
• way of accessing compute and
storage systems without actually
owning and doing active
management of the resources
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing can be classified in terms of the following models:
Service Models
Deployment Models
Computing –
Service Models
Different Service
Example Iaas
Paas Saas
Cloud Computing Taxonomy

Essential Cloud Characteristics

Essential Cloud Characteristics
• On-demand self-service: customers can provision computing capabilities.

• Broad network access: Resources are available over the network through standard

• Resource pooling: the provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple
consumers using a multi-tenant model.

• Rapid elasticity: capabilities can be rapidly and elastically provisioned, preferably


• Measured service: Resource-usage is monitored and automatically controlled and

optimized. The organization provides transparency for both itself and the customer
of the utilized service.
Cloud Characteristics

Virtualization – the Backbone of Cloud Computing

• The division of a single physical
server into multiple “virtual”
servers is the backbone of Cloud
Computing as it allows for far
greater flexibility and resource

• Virtualization also saves electric

power, space and cooling since the
number of physical server
machines running is greatly


Virtualization (contd.)
• To build clouds we need to aggregate large amounts of computing, storage, and
networking resources in a virtualized manner.

App App App

• Virtual Machines (VMs)
The VM is built with virtual resources managed by a guest OS to run a specific Hypervisor
application. Hardware
Virtualized Stack

Between the VMs and the host platform, a middleware layer (called the Virtual
Machine Monitor (VMM) or a hypervisor) is deployed.

• Two types of hypervisors

Type 1 (bare metal) hypervisor and Type 2 (or hosted) hypervisor.

Virtualization (contd.)
•Virtual Machines and Virtualization

•Type 1 (bare metal) hypervisor

Examples of the leading bare-metal
hypervisors are VMware’s ESX(i)
(proprietary), Citrix Xen Server (FOS
(Free & Open Source)), and KVM
(kernel loaded VM) (FOS).

•Type 2 (hosted) hypervisor

Examples: VirtualBox (FOS) and
Qemu (FOS)

Amazon Cloud: EC2

• Amazon cloud components

• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
• Some Components of EC2: Amazon Machine
Images and Instances, Regions and Availability
Zones, Storage.

• Simple Storage Service (S3)

Amazon Cloud EC2: AMI
• An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a template
that contains a software configuration
(operating system, web/application server, and

• From an AMI, one can launch instances, which

are running copies of the AMI. Multiple
instances of an AMI can be launched.

• From a single AMI, one can launch

different types of instances.

Amazon Cloud EC2: AMI
• An instance type is essentially a hardware archetype. The user selects a particular
instance type based on the amount of memory and computing power needed for
the application or software that the user plans to run on the instance. 

• Amazon has data centers in Amazon Cloud EC2: Regions and Availability Zones
different areas of the world or Regions (for example, North
America, Europe, and Asia). By launching instances in separate Regions, the application
can be closer to specific customers or meet legal or other requirements.
• Each Region contains multiple distinct locations called Availability Zones. Each
Availability Zone is engineered to be isolated from failures in other Availability zones and
to provide inexpensive, low-latency network connectivity to other zones in the same

Amazon Cloud EC2: Storage
• To store data, Amazon EC2 offers the following storage options:
1. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
2. Amazon EC2 Instance Store
3. Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Amazon EBS
• Amazon EBS provides instances with persistent, block-level storage. Amazon EBS volumes are
essentially hard disks that you can attach to a running instance.

• Amazon EBS is particularly suited for applications that require a database, file system, or access to
raw block-level storage.

Amazon Cloud EC2: Storage
• To keep a back-up copy a snapshot of the volume can be created, which can
be stored in Amazon S3. Amazon S3 is storage for the Internet. It provides a
simple web service interface that enables storage and retrieval of any amount
of data from anywhere on the web.

• A new Amazon EBS volume can be created from a snapshot, and attached to
another instance.



Amazon WebService
• Compute
• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2): launch on-
demand virtual machines (instances)
AWS service: • Elastic MapReduce: automatically starts
Hadoop implementation of MapReduce for
Compute and parallel applications
monitoring • Amazon handles cluster management
• Auto Scaling: seamlessly increase/decrease
number of EC2 instances function of load
• Done based on metrics reported by
• Monitoring
• CloudWatch: monitor cloud resources such as
CPU cycles, disk access, network traffic
EC2 instances
• Instances: Virtual machines that run in the EC2 environment
• Each instance is like a “physical” machine that has its own CPU, memory, network
interface, and disk space (volatile – data is lost when the instance is terminated)
• Xen used for virtualization
• AMI (Amazon Machine Image): Encrypted file that captures a complete snapshot of an
EC2 instance at a point in time, including its software, configuration, and data
• Images are stored in S3 and serve as boot disks for instances
• Linux/Solaris and Windows images publicly available
• Users can create AMI from scratch: start from any public AMI, install & customize
the software needed, and then store it as private AMI to use later on
AWS Service: Storage
• Simple Storage Service (S3): provide persistent storage
• Independent of EC2 instances
AWS Service:
• EC2 instances need to “download” data from S3 in
order to access it (cannot issue read/write to S3)
• Amazon Glacier: low-cost storage service that provides
secure and durable storage for data archiving and backup
• Advantage over S3: offload the administrative
burdens of operating and scaling storage + cost
• Disadvantage: slower than S3
• Storage Gateway: securely store data to the AWS cloud
for scalable and cost-effective storage
• All data is securely transferred to AWS over SSL and
stored encrypted in Amazon S3 using AES 256-bit
• Elastic Block Store (EBS): provide block level storage
volumes (virtual disk, i.e., disk-like) to EC2 instances
• Persistent even after instances are terminated
• Instances have to mount EBSs (EFS)
• Instance: One running virtual machine.
• Instance Type: hardware configuration: cores, memory,
disk etc.
• Amazon Machine Image (AMI): Description of an
instance. It provides the information required to launch
an instance.
• Key Pair: Credentials used to access VM from command
• Region: Geographic location, price, laws, network
• EBS: Elastic Block Store: provides persistent block level
storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances in
the AWS Cloud. Terminology
Getting Started
with Amazon EC2
• Step 1: Sign up for Amazon EC2
• Step 2: Create a key pair
• Step 3: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance
• Step 4: Connect to the instance
• Step 5: Customize the instance
• Step 6: Terminate instance and delete the volume created
• Create Amazon account
• Apply as a student for free
• Some typical instance types:
• General purpose: T2, M4, M3
• Compute optimized: C4, C3
• Memory optimized: X1, R4, R3
• Accelerated computing instances: P2,
G2, F1 Instance
• Storage optimized: I2, D2 types
Amazon Simple Storage
Service (Amazon S3) 
•Is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and
•This means customers of all sizes and industries can use it to store and protect any amount of data for a
range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise
applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics. Amazon S3 provides easy-to-use management features so
you can organize your data and configure finely-tuned access controls to meet your specific business,
organizational, and compliance requirements.
•Amazon S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9's) of durability, and stores data for millions of applications
for companies all around the world.
Benefit AWS S3

•Industry-leading performance, scalability, availability, and durability

•Wide range of cost-effective storage classes
•Unmatched security, compliance, and audit capabilities
•Easily manage data and access controls
•Query-in-place services for analytics
•Most supported cloud storage service
How it Works –
S3 Feature
S3 Storage Lens
S3 Inteligent Tiering
S3 Access Point
S3 Batch Operation
S3 Block Public Access
Use Case S3
• Back Up & Store
• Disaster Recovery
• Archive
• Data lakes and Big data analytics
• Hibryd Cloud Storage
• Cloud-native Applications
Amazon RDS
• makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale
a relational database in the cloud.
Amazon • It provides cost-efficient and resizable
capacity while automating time-consuming
Relational administration tasks such as hardware
Database provisioning, database setup, patching and
Service • It frees you to focus on your applications
(Amazon RDS) so you can give them the fast
performance, high availability, security and
compatibility they need.
• Amazon RDS is available on several 
database instance types - optimized for
Amazon memory, performance or I/O - and
provides you with six familiar database
Relational engines to choose from, including 
Database Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, 
MariaDB, Oracle Database, and SQL Server.
Service • You can use the 
(Amazon RDS) AWS Database Migration Service to easily
migrate or replicate your existing
databases to Amazon RDS.
Amazon RDS
database engines
Benefits RDS AWS

Easy to Avaible and

Highly scalable
administer durable

Fast Secure inexpensive

Bahan bacaan lebih lanjut
• Online documentation
• Amazon Web Services
• Google AppEngine
More • Microsoft Azure
• Public cloud war: AWS vs Azure vs Google

• Cloud computing tutorial for beginners:

• Google data center video:

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