Philippine Professional Standards For Teachers (PPST)

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Philippine Professional

Standards for Teachers (PPST)

• Based on the Teacher Education and Development Map in 2006,
Philippine Teacher Education is defined as a lifelong journey from
entry to basic education in the DepEd to entry to Teacher Education
Institutions of the CHED to licensing as professional teachers of the
PRC to employment to DepEd with attestation of the Civil Service or
private basic education.

Strands Competency Indicators for Beginning Teachers

1.1 Content Knowledge and its Application within and 1.1.1 Demonstrate content knowledge and its application
across curriculum areas. within/and or across curriculum teaching areas.

1.2 Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching 1.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of research based
and learning. knowledge and principles of teaching and learning.
1.3 Positive Use of ICT 1.3.1 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the
teaching and learning process

1.4 Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy. 1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that
promote literacy and numeracy skills.

1.5 Strategies of developing critical and creative thinking, 1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies that develop critical and
as well as other higher order thinking skills. creative thinking/ and or other higher order thinking skills.

1.6 Mother tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and 1.6.1 Use of mother tongue, Filipino and English to
learning facilitate teaching and learning.

1.7 Classroom communication strategies 1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the range of verbal
and non-verbal classroom communication strategies that
support learner understanding, participation, engagement
and achievement.

STRANDS Competency Indicators for Beginning Teachers

2.1 Learner safety and security 2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of policies, guidelines and
procedures that provide safe and secure learning

2.2 Fair learning environment. 2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of learning

environments that promote fairness, respect and care to
emcourage learning.

2.3 Management of classroom structure and activities 2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of managing classroom
structure that engages learners, individually or in groups,
in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-
onactivities within the available physical learning
2.4 Support for learner participation. 2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of supportive learning
environments that nurture and inspire learner

2.5 Promotion of purposive learning. 2.5.1 Demonstarte knowledge of learning environments

that motivates learner to work productivity by assuming
responsibility for their own learning.

2.6 Mangement of learner behavior. 2.6.1 Demonstrate knowledge of positive and non-violent
discipline in the management of learner behavior.

Strands Competency Indicators for Beginning Teachers

3.1 Learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests and 3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
experiences. differentiated teaching to suit the learner’s gender,
needs, strengths, interests and experiences.

3.2 Learner’s linguistics, cultural, socio-economic and 3.2.1 Implement teaching strategies that are responsive
religious backgrounds. to the learner’s linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and
religious backgrounds.

3.3 Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents. 3.3.1 Use of strategies responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and talents
3.4 Learners in difficult circumstances. 3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the special
educational needs of learners in difficult
circumstances, including geographic isolation; chronic
illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban
resettlement or disasters, child abuse and child labor

3.5 Learners from indigenous groups. 3.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies
that are inclusive of learners from indigenous groups.

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