Lecture Eight Primary Tillage

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Farm power &Machinery

Study of farm machinery used for tillage

02/14/2021 ch8 TILLAGE 1

Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 Any device used to carry on some work is called as implement.

 Implements are operated by animal Power or by machinery.

 Implements are classified into primary, secondary and intercultural,

depending on the purpose for which it is being used.

02/14/2021 ch8 TILLAGE 2

Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 The initial major soil working operation designed to plough the
soil deeply to reduce soil strength, cover plant materials and
rearrange aggregates is called primary tillage.

Objectives of primary tillage

a. To reduce soil strength
b. To rearrange aggregates
c. To cover plant materials and burry weeds
d. To kill insects and pests

02/14/2021 ch8 TILLAGE 3

Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Primary Tillage Implements
 Basic primary tillge tools include many Human implements,
animal drawn implements and tractor impements.

 Animal drawn implements mostly include indigenouse ploughs

(country ploughs) and mould-board ploughs.

Tractor drawn implements include mould-board ploughs,disc

ploughs, subsoil ploughs, chisel ploughs and other similar

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The main implement used for primary tillage is a plough.
Ploughing essentially consists of opening the upper crust of the
soil, breaking the clods and making the soil suitable for sowing
The purpose of ploughing can be summarized as follows

 To obtain a deep seed bed of good texture.

To increase the water holding capacity of the soil.
To improve soil aeration.
To destroy weeds and grasses.
To destroy insects and pests.
To prevent soil erosion and
 To add fertility to the soil by covering vegetation.
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Human implements
Heavy duty digging hoes can be very effective for small areas.
although an average family cannot handle much more than 0.5 ha
with this method.

In a wet-dry climate, most land preparation takes place when the

soil is hard and dry, which poses added obstacles for hand tools.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 It is an animal drawn plough. It penetrates into the soil and
breaks it open.

 It forms V shaped furrows with 15-20 cm top width and 12-15

cm depth.

 It can be used for Ploughing in dry land, garden land and


The size of the plough is represented by the width of the body and
the field capacity is around 0.4 ha per day of 8 hours.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

The functional components include share, body, shoe, handle and



Except share all other parts are made up of wood.

1. Share - It is the working part of the plough attached to the shoe with
which It penetrates into the soil and breaks it open.

2. Shoe -It supports and stabilizes the plough at the required depth.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
3. Body - It is the main part of the plough to which the shoe, beam
and handle are Attached.
In country ploughs both body and shoe are made in a single piece
of wood.

4. Beam - It is a long wooden piece, which connects the main body

of the plough to The yoke.

5.Handle - A wooden piece vertically attached to the body to

enable the operator to control the plough while it is working.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

Fig. 1 - country plough components

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Fig. 2- ploughing with country plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Mouldboard plough is one of the oldest of all agricultural implements and is
generally considered to be the important tillage implement.

Ploughing accounts for more traction energy than any other field operation.

Mouldboard ploughs are available for Animals, power tiller and tractor

While working, a mouldboard plough does Four jobs namely.

a) cutting the furrow slice b) lifting the furrow slice


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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
c) inverting the furrow slice and d) pulverizing the furrow slice

Fig.4 - Land ploughed by a mouldboard plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

a. Fig.3.a-Two bottom MB plough b. fig.2.b - Tractor with two

bottom MB plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

 A animal drawn mouldboard plough consists of a) plough bottom b) beam

and c) Hitch bracket or clevis.

 A tractor drawn mouldboard plough consists of a) plough bottom b) beam

or standard c) main frame and d) hitch frame

A)plough bottom - The part of the plough which actually cuts, lifts, pulverizes
and through the soil out of the furrow.

 It is composed of those parts necessary for the rigid Structure required to

cut, lift, turn, and invert the soil.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Fig. 4 - components of the moul-board plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 It is the horizontal component of the pull, parallel to the line of

Draft , D = P cos θ
Where D = draft in kgf

P = pull in kgf
Θ = angle between line of pull and horizontal.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
I) horse power

Hp = Draft(kgf)×speed(meters per second)

Draft depends upon:
1) sharpness of cutting edge 2) working speed

3) Working width 4) Working depth

5) type of implement 6) soil condition

7) attachments.
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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
The action of a disc plough is similar to the mouldboard plough.

Disc plough cuts, Turns and in some cases breaks furrow slices by
means of separately mounted largeSteel concave discs.

A disc plough is designed with a view to reduce friction by making

arolling plough bottom instead of sliding plough bottom as in the
case of mouldboard Plough.

A disc plough works well in the conditions where mouldboard

plough does notWork satisfactorily.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

Two bottom disc plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Figer.6 -Three bottom disc plough

Figer.6 -Three bottom disc plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Advantages of disc plough
 A disc plough can be forced to penetrate into the soil which is too
hard and dry for working with a mouldboard plough.

 It works well in sticky soils in which a mouldboard plough does

not scour.

 It is more useful for deep ploughing.

 It can be used safely in rough, stony and stumpy soils without

much danger of breakage.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
A disc plough works well even after a considerable part of the disc is
worn out in abrasive soils.

 It works well in loose soils also (such as peat) without much clogging.

Disadvantages of disc plough

 It is not suitable for covering surface trash and weeds as effectively as

a mouldboard Plough.

 Comparatively, a disc plough leaves the soil in rough and cloddy

condition than that of a mouldboard plough.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 Disc plough is much heavier than mouldboard plough for equal
capacities because Penetration of disc plough is effected largely by
its weight rather than suction.

 (Mouldboard plough is forced into the soil by the suction of the

plough, while the disc plough is forced into the soil by its own

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
A few important terms connected with disc plough are explained below

Disc: it is a circular, concave revolving steel plate used for cutting and
inverting the soil.

Disc angle: it is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the
disc is inclined toThe direction of travel . usually the disc angle of good
plough varies between 42° to 45°.

Tilt angle: it is the angle at which the plane of the cutting edge of the
disc is inclined to a vertical line. The tilt angle varies from 15° to 25° for a
good plough.

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Scraper: it is a device to remove soil that tends to stick to the
working surface of a disc.

 Concavity: it is the depth measured at the centre of the disc by

placing its concave side on a flat surface.

Angles of disc plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage


 Chisel ploughs are used to break through and shatter compacted

or otherwise Impermeable soil layers.

 Deep tillage shatters compacted sub soil layers and aids in better
infiltration and storage of rainwater in the crop root zone.

The improved soil Structure also results in better development of

root system and the yield of crops andTheir drought tolerance is
also improved

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

The functional component of the unit include

Reversible share, tyne (chisel), beam, cross shaft
and top link connection .

Fig. 7 - chisel plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

Fig. 8 - Five tyne chisel plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 The function of the sub-soiler is to penetrate deeper than the
conventional Cultivation machinery and break up the layers of the
soil, which have become compacted due to the movement of heavy
machinery or as a result of continuous ploughing at aconstant

 These compacted areas prevent the natural drainage of the soil

and also inhibit the passage of air and nutrients through the soil

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
 The sub-soiler consists Of heavier tyne than the chisel plough to
break through impervious layer shattering the sub-soil to a depth of
45 to 75 cm and requires 60 to 100 hp to operate it.

 The advantages are same as that of chisel plough.

Fig.10 sub-soil plough

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

Fig.11- subsoil plogh

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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
Classification of tractor drawn implements based on
hitching to the tractor

Tractor drawn implements possess higher working capacity and are

operated at higher speeds.

These implements need more technical knowledge for operations

and maintenance work.

Based on the type of hitching tractor drawn implements are

classified as: a) trailed type implement b) semi-mounted
implement and c) mounted implement
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Study of farm machinery used for tillage

a) Pull type implement

A pull type or trailed implement is one that is pulled and guided

from single hitch Point and is never completed supported by the

b) Semi-mounted implement

This type of implement is one which is attached to the tractor along

a hinge axis And not at a single hitch point.

It is controlled directly by tractor steering unit but its weight is

partly supported by the tractor.
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Study of farm machinery used for tillage
c) Mounted implement
A mounted implement is one which is attached to the tractor
through a hitch Linkage in such a manner that it is completely
supported by the tractor when in raised Position.

The implement can be controlled directly by the tractor steering


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