Samurai Daughters: Reported by Group 3-Spinel

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Module 3

Samurai Daughters
Reported by Group 3- Spinel
Santos, Ron Jozua
What Stereotypes Exist
Ablen, Isaiah
Alabastro, Jr When We Talk About
Balbastro, Arvie
Buerano, Trixie Samurai?
De Vera, Matelly
Diaz, Abygael
What Do You Know About
Domingo, Jilian
Eduardo, Luis
Japanese Society?
Ferolino, Lance

What Are Your Expectations When

It Comes To Samurai Women?
Why Do We Expect This?
Lydia Minayota
“The social structure of

Arranged Marriage
the Edo Period (1615-

Daimyo Wedding

Monica Binesik (2015)

Ancient Times
1868) developed under Arranged Marriages
strict control of the were considered the
The betrothed always came Tokugawa military norm In Japanese
from the same social strata regime . During this Societies.
period, The shogunate
and provincial Leaders
(Daimyo) arranged
marriages based on
political interest and the
consent of the
shogunate was
necessary for a daimyo
New World Encyclopedia Parents may enlist for the aid

Match Makers
of a professional matchmaker
Daimyo weddings can be done
through a go between or a match
Nakodo- meaning middle

Omiai or Miai is a traditional

The nakodo will provide
Japanese custom where individuals
pictures and resumes of
are introduced to each other to
potential mates.
consider marriage.

Most candidates are rich,

cultured/ well educated
Omiai is used to describe both the
entire process and the first meeting
of the individuals
【 Edo Period 】

Also Known as Tokugawa Period. Known for
its 250 years of secluded peace.
Before Chie was born.
【 Meiji Restoration 】
Emergence into the international modern
world with western stimuli. Where the 【 Taisho Era 】
excertp “starts” and birth of Chie (1912-1926)
Japan in 20th century. Where Strangeness
of beauty starts its story,

【 Reiwa Era 】

Present Japan
Conflict & Genre
Central Theme
 Shogun Externa


Tokugawa Japan Returnin
Immigran Conflic

 Edo Period Outsiders that
 Chie’s Father
ts t Vs.
are actually
  Meiji from the inside
Mother Restoration

 Chie
 Taisho Era
Struggles Genre Exposition

 Kan
Seattle Struggle of a Domestic
formerly prestige
 Etsuko samurai family with
 1921 no son to arrange a
 Naomi wedding for their
 During the daughter.
 Akira World Wars

 Hanae

On which I recount
Fuji’s History
Edo Period social Classes

 Belongs to a category of elite shi


 Includes nobles,imperial court,


 Ranked only one step below

Fuji nobility

Family  To serve until death their liege

 800 years of tracked ancestors

【 Child Conception 】

The mother whispers war strategies to the sleeping child

Japan Is In Constant

Year 1500
【 Toddler 】 Civil War
He is taught to respect elders, compassion for women and It’s divided unto 250
cooperation to other boys. constantly warring
regional warlords
【 Age 7 】
Spends 10 hours a day drilling mental discipline, hoping to attain
centralized power
integrity, archery, lancing, swordsmanship. Hunts and
shoots arrow unto rabbits as a means of preparing to kill This means a boy in a
【 Age 13-15 】 samurai family will
fight a battle at age 13
Participates in a genbuku ceremony, receives his adult
name, his haircut shaved unto a top knot and receives a
suit of armor
【 Battle 】 【 Marriage 】 【 Education 】 【 Heir 】
Samurai’s Daughter’s Responsibilities

The Primary
Many Samurai A Samurai’s After marriage, it
Duty of a
Daughters also daughter values her is the duty of the
train for battles education and samurai’s
daughter is
in preparation studies philosophy, daughter to
providing his
for the history and provide his
father with
inevitable literature husband with an
political and
heir to carry the
They mostly gain family name
distinction of poets,
novelists or
Her life was spared She bought


Noble Death

Lady Warrior

Breaking Social Norms

and she retired to a enough time
She fought beside
monastery where she while fighting off
her husband at the
received praise for enemy forces to
war of Uji
leading a noble and let her husband
holy life commit suicide, a
more honorable
option than
conceding defeat

Tomoe Gozen (1180)

The Shoguns Introduced the “Peace at home, isolation from

The Secluded Peace

abroad”. The shoguns prevented re-emergence of military

First, They banished the emperor and the Imperial court to
mere figurehead status

Second, they demanded the Daimyos and Samurais’ wives
and kids to be left at the Shogun’s Edo (Tokyo)Court

Finally, They forced the lesser lords and samurais to spend
half their time alone in their home provinces and the other
half visiting their families in Edo. They were to alternate
every year.
Suspension on Trading
Trading is forbidden by law for
Egalitarianism the government saw it as Samurai family grew accustomed
Forced to believe in a society benefitting one and bankrupting of living on government stipends
where “No man should be too another and embracing poverty.
rich or too poor”

Loss of Jobs
Cut off from their lands, they
could not farm.
Samurai’s Lives



The Rise Of Tokugawa
The samurai has started to decline.

This is caused by the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu who

reneged on a deathbed promise.
He swore to protect the 6year old son/heair of his ally
warlord Toyotami Hideyoshi who successfully suppressed
all the warlords and seized control of Japan.

He instead killed that boy and the 15 generation regime of

Tokugawa started.
Samura i in Edo Period
50% 50% 60%

【 Physical Training 】 【 Intellectual Warriors 】 【 Hubris 】

Some men trained for war– They worked in government They learned Philosophy,
retaining constant battle functionalities which needed poetry, calligraphy, and tea.
readiness in the event of literacy and numeracy skills Some of these samurais became
foreign assault disdainful and arrogant.
They were educated by Byddust
priests, Confucian Scholars
The Tokugawa Shogunate The American warships have After 1862, When the court Chie’s father joined them. In
stumbled after heavy handed made it clear that their swords attendance rule was relaxed 1869, 2 years of confrontation
restrictions had antagonized all were useless and wives and children were they slowly culminated
classes of people returned to their homes-Many through Tokugawa’s territories.
samurai from the southwest
regions were quick to employ This Boshin civil War ended
their battle readiness the 263 years of Tokugawa
The Samurai went home

End of Shogunate & End of Ssamurai

Chie was born the same

With the end of the

shogunate came the end
of the samurais

Egalitarian motto“One
Ruler, Ten Thousand


Samurais were systematically declawed
壹 There Were no need for the elite warrior class

贰 First, their hereditary income were lost

Second, They were banned to wear swords

Finally, All other perquisites in their legal status and
elevated form of addressed were removed.
【 Glory Of The Past 】

Post Tokugawa Period

A thousand years of tradition does not vanish easily.

Some samurais went to Korea to continue their practice

Even in Japan, Where they were systematically declawed,

they still retain their social status

Throughout Japan. Everyone knows who came from a great

samurai family and who does not.

The respect of the community for past glories is not the same
as maintaning a personal sense of vitality
【 Withered Away 】

The Struggling Samurais
Without their swords, many of Chie’s father’s generation
withered away

【 Different 】
Chie’s father was different. Since he is an adopted son he was
used to accommodating fate. He became a landowner farmer.
Selling or renting plots of the Fuji estate.

【 A male heir 】
If he had sons, they would have studied in universities as did
other samurai sons for roles of cabinet members.
【 Gender 【 Daughters 】 【 Humiliation 】 【 Match
Making 】
Roles 】
The Curse of the Female Fuji Family

They are raised

in a tradition The well known Prosperous non
where women and fine Fuji name samurai families,
Match making is
are born to into a social affluent
serve their embarassment. landmoving
Other great
fathers, farmers,etc
houses only
brothers, In a class where subjected the Fujis
offer their
husbands. Their family name meant to the humiliation
wastrel sons.
leige lords. so much, who of financial
could respect a investigations and
Alas, they’re in family incapable of doctor’s certificates
a household producing a boy of health
without men
The Fuji name endured.

For 4 generations the Fuji men had only come through adoption from close
relatives or through marriage

Enduring Fuji household

They were still able to distinguish themselves nonetheless. They had a
reputation for being fair, generous and retaining dignity without ostentation.

Some samurai families became known for their lazy, unkind and dissolute. Thus,
even though bursting with sons, had a harder time with marriage broker.

Chie took Yoshi. That man was Kan.


A Meeting with the

Chie and her parents descended
from a red rickshaw in front of
Kobe’s most exclusive teahouse

It was a boisterous time, In the 30 years since Admiral Perry’s

warship had blazed their way to Japan- humiliating the shogun with
their superiority-- Japan had been scrambling to modernize

Now, Kobe harbor was crammed with ships of every nation.

Members of the rising Japanese merchant with imitative
fever, were rushing about in top hats and carefully trimmed chin
She wore a
Chie looked like
Kimono of light
the essence of
blue silk with a
Her parents were fresh refinement.

The Parents

The Kimono

19 years old Chie

A Japanese refined woman

pattern of pink
dressed in dignified
peonies and one
black silk, subtly
yellow canary
embossed with the Everybody
dipping delicately
esteemed Fuji crest. stopped rushing
in flight-
when they saw
Chie, as she
It was worn
stepped down
slightly pulled
from the
back to reveal the
rickshaw. Men
smooth nape of
paused in
her neck
Though she
lacked the allure

Beauty thats arresting

of modesty- the A horse drawn
bus bumped past.

A Japanese refined woman

shy step, the

3 women
tentative glance– Its passengers 3
though her nouveau riche
elegant women, cross and
cheekbones were corseted in their
a little too sharp endless tiers of
to be considered a bustled skirts-
great beauty, twisted around to
Chie’s face stare.
displayed an
alertness that was

Japanese Fairies
【“ Where’s she going? What’s she up to?” Chie heard the women whispers . 】

Their curiosity was natural. In those days, like fairies in folklore, samurai women
engrossed with managing a great household, with practicing their skills in their arts –

were seldom seen, and then only near dusk.

【 Fading Afternoon 】
The air smelled of spring earth and industrial cool, what Chie
was up to is to go to another long series of failed arranged
Tasteful Family
【 Elegant site 】
Her father, a tender man with graying temples and a stern, soldierly bearing, dismissed the
rickshaw. They approached the teahouse gates.

“It’s an elegant site” whisphered Chie’s mother, who at her 38 possessed the great oval
faced beauty. Later inherited by Hanae and Naomi. The gentleness that the Japanese view as
a classical ideal.
Tasteful Family
【 Elegant site 】
It as pebbled pathway and exceptional moss garden. The meeting place was the choice of
the potential groom’s family. Chie’s mother had begun evaluation.

“Perhaps they’re a tasteful family” a notion his father disagreed to.

He pointed out that by the door, next to the restaurant name, Mikado, in beautiful Japanese
calligraphy was the same word written in neat English letters.

Chie Liked the teahouse.

The teahouse Chie liked the
The sense of substance in the

low, sweeping eaves, the wound
of the running sream in the inner
courtyard. The fragrant scent of

Like her parents her judgment was based on 2 philosophical and aesthetical princples vital
to the samurai life giri ( simple, quiet, strength) and sabi (rustic, timeless, elegance)

These 2 seemingly simple ideas linked with the concept of giri to

the world and giri to one’s name, had for thousands of years,
governed every aspect of samurai conduct. They were the
principles of duty and dignity that guided critical decisions. They
adhere to these rule both men and women. Even the mundane
Among samurai women,
[Rigorous Standards]
blackened teeth- first arising

Blackened teeth
from the expensive habit of
Even with Chie’s rigorous standards, betel nut chewing. Was not a
she thinks her father judges them traditional custom, for it
harshly. Afterall, even they followed evidenced a frivolity in
habits that appeared to be western keeping with a warrior
woman’s nature. Indeed, Fuji
women began blackening their
Chie would be the first after 2 teeth as a means of resisting
generations of girls In her the dictated Western vanity of
household, who upon marriage white teeth
would not be expected to blacked
her teeth. After a while as it proved to
be both foolish and futile,
A Private Room
Platter after Platter of exquisite Chie deliberately did what had
They are seated around the low
dishes were served. made her unacceptable at all
banquet table, looking a little The middle-aged family go-
other meetings
awkward, in the traditional between bustled about,
Refined food is a more a matter She g;lared boldly across the
clothes her family wore with engaged the elders in
of visual, tactile and table. She caught the young
such ease. Chie saw a slender innocuous chatter.
presentational art. man in his stare.
young man and his family.
Chie slipped into place,eyes
As elders politely oohed over He dropped his eyes and
modestly averted
the arrival of the final course, blushed. Chie liked that
The uncle joked about Chie’s personality while the go-between tries to untangle the chaos. With that
remark Chie’s mother shot her husband pure frozen glare. The comment made the Kan family

Enduring Fuji household

The father tried to restrain the uncle. It was too late, Chie’s father gave the mother a slight nod and
the mother starts gathering her belongings.

But Kan suddenly said “I would be honored if this woman would accept me as her husband” Chie
flashed a glance of astonishment,.

The go between tries to relax things while the parents of both sides saw the red flags and wants to
cancel it but the young children were too eager.
Thanks For Listening

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