EAPP Report Writing

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What is a report?

- a statement of the result of an

investigation of an any matter on
which definite information is
Types of Report Writing
1. Thesis
- a long essay or dissertation
involving personal research, written
as part of a university Doctorate
2. Dissertation

- a long essay especially one

written for a university degree or
Different Steps in Writing Report
1. Logical analysis of the Subject

• Logically
• Chronologically
2. Preparation of the final outline

- aid to the logical organization of

the material and a reminder of the
points to be stressed in the report.
3. Preparation of the rough draft

- follows the logical analysis of the

subject and the preparation of the
final outline.
4. Rewriting and polishing of the
rough draft.

- this step happens to be most

difficult part of all formal writing
5. Preparation of the final

- the bibliography which is appended

to the research
- should be arranged alphabetically.
6. Writing the final draft

- should be written in a concise

and objectives styles and in simple
Broad Division Individual Section

1. Preliminary Material - Title of Report

- Table of Contents
- Abstract/ Synopsis
Broad Division Individual Section

2. Body of Report - Introduction

- Literature Review
- Methodology
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
Broad Division Individual Section

- References/
3. Supplementary Bibliography
- Appendices
Title Page

- title itself is an important

opportunity to tell the potential
reader what your research is about.
Title page bearing:

• The title of the dissertation

• The degree for which it is
• The anticipated year of graduation
• The student’s first name, initials
and surname

• An accurate word count

A Dissertation
Presented to the
Department of ______________________
And the
Faculty of the
( School )

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

( Name of the Degree )

( Name of Student )
Batch Year or month of graduation

Supervisory Committee:

Table of Contents

- the titles of parts, sections or

chapters and their principal, and their
principal subdivisions should be listed
in the Table of Contents and must be
worded exactly as they appear in the
body of the report.
It is advisable to use number for;

1. Heading: e.g. 5 ANALYSIS and DISCUSSION

Sub- Heading: 5.2 Effect of Stress Level
Sub Sub- Heading: 5.2.1 Mean Stress
( No further sub division is allowed)
B. Major headings and sub- headings
are typed closer with the left margin.

C. Candidate is free to label or give

title for each chapter as sensibly
Declaration of Originality (Optional)
The dissertation gives you the opportunity to carry out an
original piece of research. This does not mean attempting to do
something totally unrelated to anything tackled in the past.
Rather, it means evaluating and building upon the wok of
others to make an additional contribution to knowledge.

‘I hereby declare that this dissertation has been composed by

me and is based on my own work’

Signature: _______________

I, ( Name ), declare that this project report entitled “Title of

your report”
is an original piece of work done and submitted by me towards
partial fulfilment of
my Post Graduate Diploma in English for Academic and
Professional Purposes of “ name of your teacher”

(Name with signature)


- in this part every person whom you want to

mention or dedicate your work can be added.

1. Family 5. Fellowmates
2. Friends 6. Professor
3. Respondents 7. Subordinates
4. Colleagues 8. etc.
Abstract/ Summary

- should be placed immediately before the first

chapter of the report.

- should take the form of a factual statement

identifying the topic of your study, the approach
adopted and the findings.
Chapter 1- Introduction

Although this is the first piece of writing the

reader comes to, it is often best to leave its
preparation to last as, until then, you will not
be absolutely sure what you are introducing.
1. Background of the study
2. Statement of the problem
3. Research Question
4. Objective of the study
5. Limitations
6. Company Profile
Chapter 2- Literature Review or Content of the

- the purpose of this chapter is to show that

you are aware of where your own piece of
research in your field. To do this you need to:
• Describe the current search of research in
your defined area;
• Consider whether there are any closely
related areas that you also need to refer to;
• Identify a gap where you argue that further
research is needed
• Explain how you plan to attend to that
particular research gap.
1. Theoretical Context
2. Methodological Context
3. Practice Context
4. Political Context
Chapter 3- Methodology

Methodology Checklist

Does the methodology (or research method)

• Plain when, when, and how the research
was done?

• Include subsections or informative headings

as appropriate (e.g., evaluation criteria)?

• Mention which method/ tools used to

collect data
Purpose of Methodology

1. How was the data collected or generated?

2. How was it analyzed? In other words, it

shows your reader how you obtain your
results. But why do you need to explain
how you obtained your results?
Chapter 4- Results and Discussion
- if you’ve organized, displayed and analyzed
your data, it’s time to write it up , and the
place for this is the result section.
- the key to a great results section is describing
your results- you need to tell your readers
exactly what you found out. This is where you
document what was observed or discovered. It
is not the place for discussion.

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