Factors That Promote or Hinder Develoment

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Political and
popular Technological

Environmental Economical

• As an impact of GDP, GNP and low productivity we have:

• Changing class boundaries, gender inequality, education; Caribbean experience & Identity ,
nationalism vs regionalism , meritocracy vs nepotism, favouritism.

• most Caribbean countries have had a legacy of enslavement and this has served to
reinforce class structure on economic statues perpetuated by :
• Race, colour, education wealth and marriage

• A great challenge we are faced with is the rampant discrimination that pose a great
hindrance to our developmental targets.
• Tolerance hinder productivity and consequently quality of life may be negatively
affected. Thus a culture of teamwork needs to be applied in the field, factories, homes,
offices, schools and in the market places.
• Other critical social challenges are :
• inequality in the justice system, unfair discrimination including racial and gener
discrimination, poor quality of education and inequal access to education and training.

• There are social factors within the Caribbean that do promote development.
• The increase access to education from pre- primary, primary, secondary to tertiary
education opportunities; especially in societies such as Trinidad and Tobago has led
many to achieve upward social mobility to increase income and their social standing
as well as reduce levels of inequality resulting in an improved GINI coefficient.
• The resultant increase in the distribution of income promotes both economic and
sustainable growth
• the use of technology, impact of the productive sector, lack of research and
• These relate to the use of mechanical and electrical instrument and equipment to solve
practical problems of production.
• The influence of technology has always been closely tied to productivity. The
Caribbean has specifically suffered from the falls in demand for its primary products
in sugar and bananas.
• Other countries have been able to use advances in technology via efficient machinery
to increase their productivity. Eg Latin America – bananas, Brazil- sugar

• due to technological progress, we have seen a variety of products flooding our

market. These have competed effectively forcing many Caribbean firm out of

• It follows that greater level of technology or capital goods, the greater the chance for it
to achieve both economic and sustainable development.
• many Caribbean countries today are utilizing increased use of capital
goods(machinery and equipment) in their production process, resulting in increases in
both productivity and national income for example increase use of machinery
equipment and other forms of equipment in the mining industries of Jamaica and
Guyana as well as the Petroleum industry in Trinidad & Tobago has resulted at times
increased productivity in these sectors

• However the use of outdated technology and poorly maintained equipment, have
resulted in many Caribbean countries becoming internationally competitive.
• These factors result in products produced in the Caribbean being at a higher costs and
low profitability as is seen in the demise of many sugar and banana industries in the
Caribbean , the lack of technical progress and replacement of outdated technology
have created a great hindrance to sustainable develoment

• Economic factors relate how we use limited resources to satisfy our needs and unlimited
wants. Our resources may be classified as :
• CELL- capital, enterprise, land and labour

• A country can increase its resources by:

• Discovery of natural resources
• Increase foreign investments
• Expansion of skilled labour force and technological advancement
• Developing and using previously unused resources as factors of production
• in essence decreasing the poverty rates

• To promote development, a country must have these factors:

• Capable leadership
• Administrative efficiency
• New technologies

• When the distribution of wealth and resources are uneven, as it is in the Caribbean , this
represents a barrier to development.
• development is hindered as income and resources are concentrated in th elite class in a highly
stratified social system.
• this class also won the means of the factors of production . Therefore , to achieve sustainable
development wealth should be evenly distributed amongst nations.
• Development is also hindered by poor health care systems and rising unemployment among
the working class as well as the negative economic consequences of poverty and persistent

• Natural and man-made disasters

• Environmental factor relate directly to nature but indirectly to economics.
• Economic and environment are closely related in that economic growth relies to a
great extent of nature both in supply of material and the absorption of waste. This is
because our economy is part of the biophysical systems thus Caribbean countries
pursuing economic growth and development policies have on the physical
• -political… political ideologies. Popular
mov’t…. Gov’t policies, global conditions.
POLITICAL AND • Politics have to do with acquiring power,
POPULAR allocation of resources and administration of
CULTURE/MOV’T public affairs.
• Most gov’t within the Caribbean have a gov’t
system known as Westminster Model.
CONTRIBUTOR • Tourism represents the biggest industry in the world.
S • There is constant growth of tourist and tourism
receipts over the decades since international travel
became accessible to the public and has convinced
many developing countries that they can profit from

• Is an approach that ensures that all policies, activities and programmes for tourism are
environmentally, socio-culturally and economically sustainable.
• It is the working together of technological progress and conservation of the
environment, but not at the cost of the destruction of the natural environment.
• The idea of sustainable tourism would only be achieved once continuous and careful
research and exploration of the sector is carried out in the Caribbean

In the same groups you were part of .. Answer the following questions. Those who were
not in class are to join in any respective grouping
Group 1. What do you understand be the term’ ‘development’? How would you decide
whether the Caribbean countries are developed?
Group 2. Suggest ways in which the tourist industry in the Caribbean can further
advance development in the region?
Group 3. Explain four challenges to the development of tourism sector in the Caribbean ,
indicating how EACH challenge impacts development in the region

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