Cape Geo Questionnaire

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Questionnaire on the Informal Sector in Tunapuna

I am a geography student of lower 6 from St. Augustine Secondary School. We are conducting a
survey to collect data for my internal assessment based on the informal sector. I thank you for
your help.
1. Sex: Male Female

2. Age: 16-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

3. What kind of trade(s) are you involved in?


4. How long have been involved in this trade? ____________________________________

5. Do you work for yourself? Yes No

6. If yes, how many people work with you? ______________________________________

7. Do you employ family members? Yes No

8. Why did you start in this business?


9. How were you able to get started in this business?


10. Do you receive government assistance for your business? Yes No

11. Do you work every day? Yes No

12. What are your working hours? ______________________________________________

13. On what days do you do the most business? ___________________________________

14. What type of tools/equipment/materials are needed for your business?

15. Is the money you earn from your business enough to meet your living expenses?

Yes No

16. Are you satisfied with the current location of your business? Yes No

17. If no, why?


18. What problems if any do you experience with your business?


19. Do you intend to expand your business in the future and if so, why?

20. What do you think can be done to improve your business?


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