"Where Wimax Fits - Mobile Wimax at Various Bands: V.K.Arya DDG (N), Tec, Dot

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“Where WiMAX Fits -

Mobile WiMAX at
various bands
• Introduction
• WiMAX Applications
• Bandwidth requirement
• Global Spectrum scenario for WiMAX
• Global Harmonized bands – Advantages
• Where WiMAX Fits
• Spectrum Availability for WiMAX in India
• Conclusion

The focus of this Conference is on:

“Affordable mobile broadband access &

mobile VoIP - using WiMAX Technology”.
IEEE 802.16 Standard Evolution
• Dec 2001- 802.16 ratified for wireless metropolitan areas
network (“MAN”) in 10-66 GHz frequency range (LOS)

• Jan 2003 - 802.16a extension for sub-11 GHz (2-11GHz


• June 2004 - 802.16d 2004 standard for Fixed WiMAX

was ratified.

• Dec 2005 - 802.16e approved now known as 802.16e-

2005 for Mobile WiMAX
WiMAX – Applications
• Broadband Internet Access
• Personal (Mobile) Broadband
• VoIP
• Video
• E-education
• Public Safety
• E-Governance
• Entertainment and
• Others
Bandwidth Requirement
Application Bandwidth
VoIP (Depending on Coding) 4 ~ 64 Kbps
Video Phone (WiBro) 32 ~ 384 Kbps
Music 5 ~ 128 Kbps
Video Clips 20 ~ 384 Kbps
Movies Streaming > 2 Mbps
Web Browsing ~ 256 Kbps
Instant Messaging ~ 250 Bytes
Data Download (FTP) ~ 1 Mbps
E-mail ( with Attachment) ~ 200 Kbps
WiMAX Profiles
System Profile Spectrum Duplexing Channel Width

5/10 , 8.75(only in
2.3 - 2.4 GHz (100 MHz) TDD
Korea) MHz
2.5 - 2.69 GHz (190 MHz) TDD 5/10 MHz
Mobile WiMAX,
IEEE 802.16e-2005 3.3 - 3.4 GHz (100 MHz) TDD 5, 7 MHz
3.4 -3.6 GHz (200 MHz) TDD 5, 7, 10 MHz
3.4 -3.8 GHz (400 MHz) TDD 5, 7, 10 MHz
3.4 – 3.6 GHz TDD 1.75, 3.5, 7 MHz
3.4 – 3.6 GHz FDD 1.75, 3.5 , 7 MHz
5.725 – 5.850 GHz TDD 5/10 MHz
Global Spectrum scenario for WiMAX
Western Europe
3.5 GHz China
Canada 3.5GHz
3.5 GHz

2.3,2.5 GHz Eastern
Europe SEA
2.5,3.xGHz 3.5 GHz
2.5 GHz
2.3 GHz

Middle East
2.5 GHz
3.5,5.8 GHz
Latin America Africa
3.5 GHZ 2.5GHz
2.5 GHz 3.3 GHz
2.3, 2.5 GHz
Global Harmonized bands - Advantages

• Benefits of economies of scale - lower cost of equipment.

• Interoperability and roaming of equipment and terminals


• Success of WiFi and its world wide adoption is credited to

the globally unified spectrum assignment in the 2.4 GHz
band. The success of WiFi can be repeated in WiMAX by
assigning globally harmonized spectrum bands.
Where WiMAX Fits
• 2.3 - 2.4 GHz ( used in Aus, Singapore, Korea, Malaysia,
USA, Canada etc., - so wide Adoption and suitability for
Mobile Application)

• 2.5 - 2.69 GHz ( used in USA, Latin America, Japan,

SEA and, part band in Europe)

• 3.4 – 3.6 GHz (More suitable for fixed applications- used

in many countries)
Bands Availability and status of
Frequency Allocation in India
Bands earmarked for MMDS, Licensed Band Delicensed Band
Broadband – Wi-Fi & WiMAX
2.4 to 2.4835 GHz 2.5 – 2.690 2.4–2.4835 GHz
2.5 GHz (2535 - 2655 MHz) GHz (part)
2.7-2.9 GHz 2.7 - 2.9 GHz 5.150-5.350 GHz
3.3-3.4 GHz (Part)
5.0 GHz (5725 - 5825MHz) 3.3 - 3.4 GHz 5.725-5.875 GHz
5.725 – 5.825
GHz ( Outdoor)
Licensed Vs Unlicensed Bands

Licensed Unlicensed

• Required for assuring QoS and • Unlicensed spectrum in rural areas

service reliability means lower cost for the end
• Generally preferred in heavily
populated areas • Fast roll outs – no need to wait for
the licensing process
• Network scalability under control of
operator • Counters the lengthy licensing
• Operator predetermine impact of
license fees on business case

• Fewer operators means less

2.3-2.4 GHz Band

• Presently, this band is used by several organizations for

point-to-point and point-to-multipoint microwave links,
spread all over the country.

• Re-location of such links would be necessary to make

available spectrum for WiMax in this band.
2.5 – 2.69 GHz band (190MHz)

• Availability of adequate spectrum for WiMAX is

constrained due to existing usages, especially by the
INSAT based satellite operations.

• Release of a part of the spectrum in this band may be

explored by mutual consent.
3.4 - 3.6 GHz band

• Internationally, the frequency band 3.4-3.6GHz is used

for WiMAX.

• In India, availability of spectrum for WiMAX, in this band,

is constrained due to use of lower extended C-band (3.4-
3.7 GHz) by existing operational INSAT system.

• Discussions with Department of Space is in progress for

release/ sharing part of 3.4-3.6 GHz Band.
Thank You
2.5 GHz & 3.5 GHz
Japan – 2.5 GHz

Asia – 2.3 GHz & 3.5 GHz

India Hong Kong 3.5GHz
2.5 (limited) Indonesia (2.3 in consideration) + 3.5
3.5 (limited) Malaysia (2.3 being auctioned) + 2.5/3.5
2.3 (limited considered) Singapore 2.3 GHz & 2.5 GHz
S. Korea 2.3 GHz
Vietnam 2.3 GHz (3.3/3.5GHz considered)
Australia 2.3 GHz & 3.5 GHz
New Zealand 2.3 GHz

WiBB Spectrum Allocation: Asia Region

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