Supply Chain Management - 4

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Supply Chain Management


Presented By: Anggriani Profita, S.T., M.T.

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Mahasiswa dapat memahami hal-hal sebagai berikut:

 Urgensi peranan pengembangan produk
 Peranan concurrent engineering dalam akselerasi time to
 Pertimbangan SCM dalam pengembangan produk
 Konsep component commonality
 Peranan component commonality dalam meminimasi safety
Product Life Cycle Evolution

Product life cycle is getting shorter

and shorter

Product variety increases

Product Life Cycle

Product Life Cycle Evolution

About 40% revenue came from Selama tahun 80-an hingga 90-an
Zara produces 10,000 new items
new products introduced a year Sony mengeluarkan 572 produk
per year
before inovatif
Technology vs Product Life Cycle

i n g in v e n to ry o f PCs
f hold
The annual cost o
0 % duct cost
proach 5 o f th e p ro
or printers may ap lu e e v e r y d a y and
e v a
since products los p ly d is co u n ted or
tb e d e e
old products mus ti v e channels.
ug h alte rn a
Technology advances have sold thro
product life cycle
Total Cost of Ownership

Significance impact against

product cost
Product Development & Supply Chain

Coordination between production, inventory, and new products

intoductions → production and inventory policies for new existing
products need information on when the new product will be

Postponement, modularity, component commonality → increasing

variety while keeping upstreaming process efficient.

DFM, DFL, and suppliers roles in new product development

Three Elements of Design

Product For many years manufacturing engineering was the last stop in
1 the product development process (Simchi-Levi, et al., 2000).

2 DFM – key to efficient manufacturing process.


Process Network
Time to Market as Competitive Advantage

Fase-fase dalam perancangan produk, mulai dari perencanaan hingga suatu produk baru
diluncurkan meliuputi kegiatan berikut:
 Idea generation
 Business/technical assessment
 Concept development
 Engineering and design
 Prototype/ramp up
Memperpendek Time to Market

Manajemen proyek
2 yang baik

Keterlibatan banyak pihak, mulai dari

bagian fungsional internal perusahaan Tim perancangan produk
maupun pihak eksternal seperti
supplier dan pelanggan
1 3 yang solid, dinamis, dan

Teknologi yang mendukung
Sequential vs Concurrent Processing

First Stage in the Design


Second Stage in the

Design Activity

First Stage in the Design Third Stage in the Design

Activity Activity

Second Stage in the
Design Activity

Third Stage in the Design

Communication between stages

Supplier Integration

1 2 3
Secara tradisional, Saat ini, supplier dipilih Keterlibatan supplier-
supplier sering dipilih lebih awal dan dilibatkan supplier kunci mereka
setelah rancangan produk dalam perancangan produk merupakan salah satu
selesai dibuat dan siap baru. kontributor bagi suksesnya
diproduksi. GM mereduksi waktu
pengembangan produk
dari 60 bulan pada tahun
1996 menjadi hanya 18
bulan pada tahun 2003.
Supplier Integration

15% Purchased material cost

Overall performance
improvements achieved
through supplier
20% Purchased material quality

20% Development time

Timing of Supplier Integration

Idea Generation Concept Development Engineering and Design Prototype
Technical Assessment

• Suppliers of complex items • Suppliers of simpler items
• Suppliers of systems / subsystems • Suppliers of single components
• Suppliers of critical items or technologies • Suppliers of less critical items or technologies
• Strategic alliance suppliers • Non-allied suppliers
Design for Logistics

Economic packaging and


Concurrent and parallel



Aspects of DFL
Design for SCM

logistik Aspek

rancangan for Reusability

Modularity Mass
Component Commonality

Similarity in the It can reduce the It can reduce the

components complexity of the need for safety
needed to manufacturing stock because of
produce system the pooling effect
products. (reduced
Illustration of Component Commonality

P1 P2 P3 P4

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12

Benefit of Higher Commonality
component Reduce SKU

Better economies of inventory
scale for purchasing investment

Lower price per

responsive SC
Shorter purchasing
lead time
Benefit of Higher Commonality

Penelitian dilakukan pada perusahaan

konstruksi mesin yang berspesialisasi pada
produksi peralatan material handling.

Melalui standarisasi komponen,

perusahaan dapat secara simultan
meningkatkan volume penjualan
dan menurunkan biaya.

Source: Lyly-Yrjänäinen, et al., 2004

Quantifying Impact of Component

 Component commonality can reduce safety stock.

 If two different components are standardized, the level of uncertainty decreases, thus the
total safety stock needed decreases (assuming that the demand of the two components is
 Standardizing expensive components has more impact on cost savings, also for
components with higher demand uncertainty.
Quantifying Impact of Component

 Assume there are n components (X1, X2, ..Xn) to be standardized into Xs. Currently the
demand for each of those components are normally distributed with mean M and standard
deviation of demand during lead time of S.
 To achieve a service level of (1-α)%, each component needs a safety stock of Sdl x Zα and
for all n components, the total is n x Sdl x Zα.
 If those components are standardized, the safety stock for the standardized component is
x Sdl x Zα.
Example #1

 Currently you have 4 components each with a weekly demand normally distributed
N(800, 100). Assume that production lead time is 1 week. The target service level is 95%
for each component. Calculate the safety stock needed for each component and for all
four component.
 If all those components are standardized into one, what would be the safety stock level
Solution #1

  Langkah 1: Hitung safety stock (SS)

SS = Z95 x Sdl = 1,645 x 100 = 164,5 unit
 Langkah 2: Hitung total SS
Total SS = n x Z95 x Sdl = 4 x 164,5 unit = 658 unit
 Langkah 3: Hitung SS untuk standardized component
SS untuk standardized component = x Sdl x Zα = x 100 x 1,645 = 329 unit

Safety stock reduction = (658 – 329)/658 x 100% = 50%

Example #2

A1 A2 A3
 Penyeragaman komponen
X1, X3, dan X5 menjadi
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6  Satu jenis komponen hanya
diperlukan 1 unit pada
setiap produk.
 Lead time pengadaan 1
A1 A2 A3  Kebutuhan masing-masing
produk diasumsikan
berdistribusi normal, N
 Service level 95%.
x1 x2 x1 x4 x1 x6
Solution #2

 Langkah 1: Hitung safety stock (SS)

SS = Z95 x Sdl
Komponen X1: 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X2: 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X3: 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X4: 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X5: 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X6: 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Solution #2

 Langkah
  2: Hitung total SS
Total SS = n x Z95 x Sdl = 6 x 32,9 unit = 197,4 unit
 Langkah 3: Hitung SS untuk standardized component
SS untuk standardized component (Komponen X1) = x Sdl x Zα = x 20 x 1,645 = 57 unit
Komponen X2 : 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X4 : 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Komponen X6 : 1,645 x 20 unit = 32,9 unit
Total kebutuhan untuk standardized component adalah 155,7 unit

Safety stock reduction = (197,4 - 155,7)/197,4 x 100% = 21,12%

Souvenir Pertemuan 3 . . .

A1 A2 A3 Weekly demand distribution

D(A1)  N (100, 20)
2 3
D(A2)  N (200, 30)
D(A3)  N (100, 10)
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
Lead time for obtaining X1, X2,
..., X6 is 2 weeks

Calculate the safety stock of

A1 A2 A3 Components for both situations,
assuming that there is no correlation
2 3 in the demand of finished products.

x1 x2 x1 x4 x1 x6
Hint Souvenir Pertemuan 3 . . .

Variabel Sdl = Sd x Sdl =

Safety stock ditentukan oleh ketidakpastian Safety stock ditentukan oleh interaksi dua
permintaan ketidakpastian
Permintaan Sdl = d x Sl
Tidak diperlukan safety stock, situasi Sdl = d x Sl
Tidak diperlukan
deterministik (Sdlsafety
= 0) stock, situasi Safety stock ditentukan oleh ketidakpastian
deterministik (Sdl = 0) Safety stock ditentukan oleh ketidakpastian
lead time
Konstan lead time

Konstan Lead Time Variabel

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