BFP Group 6
BFP Group 6
BFP Group 6
3.Shall have the power to investigate all causes of fires and if necessary, file the proper
complaint with the city or provincial prosecutor who has jurisdiction over the case;
No persons hall be appointed as uniformed personnel of the
BFP unless he/she possesses the following:
1. A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines
2. A person of good moral character;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric / psychological, drug and
physical tests;
4. Must possess the Second Level Eligibility;
5. Must not have been dishonorably discharged or dismissed
for case from previous employment;
6. Must be at least 1.62 meter height for male and and 1.57
meter for female;
7.Must weigh no more or less than 5 kilograms from the
standard weight corresponding to his/her height, age and
8. Must not less than 21 nor more than 30 years old on the
date of actual assumption of duty / oath of office.
• Applicants must submit the following documentary requirements in a
properly-tabbed folder to the Human Resource Management Division of
BFP National Headquarters or any BFP Regional Offices near you:
• Application Letter;
• 2 handwritten / computerized Personal Data Sheet (PDS);
• Authenticated copy of College Diploma;
• Authenticated copy of Transcript of Record;
• Authenticated copy of Second Level Eligibility;
• PSA Certificate of Live Birth;
• PSA Certificate of Marriage Contract (Female only);
• Brgy, Mayor, Police, NBI, MTC and RTC Clearances;
• Certificate of Waiver if applicable
All firefighters undertake this mandatory 4-
month training regimen which covers the basics of
firefighting, rescue, emergency medical first response,
and other courses related to the services offered by
the BFP.
To develop and improve the systematic
processing for mandatory trainings;
To provide guidelines on the disposition of
requests for deferment of BFP uniformed
To provide a policy on BFP uniformed
personnel who violated Training Rules that
resulted to the Termination of their
Training as defined in the NFTI Training
Guide 2017
To establish procedure for cases where a
BFP personnel was terminated from
1. Physical Fitness test include four (4) activities that measure
muscular strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility of
the fire fighters which include: 1 min push-ups, 1 min pull-ups,
50 meter hose carry and 3km run.
2. physical fitness is attested to ensure they possess and maintain
physical capabilities necessary for firefighting. Physical fitness is
the corner stone of combat readiness. Physical fitness keeps fire
fighters in top condition so they’re always ready in the time of
conflagration and manmade or natural emergencies.
3. Firefighters should Improving their overall strength through
physical fitness allows to perform fire ground task without
putting themselves at risk of danger and injury. Mental and
physical strength enable firefighter to stay focused on a given
4. Firefighter performance is based on a combination
of individual strengths that create a network of
productivity, both mentally and physically, so service
members who are in peak of physical condition can
contribute more to their teams than members who are
in poor physical condition.
5. Firefighters desire to help someone else in a time of
need and go out of their way in the attempt to save a
life, whether it’s pulling someone from a burning
building or performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
6. Firefighters are required to maintain high level of
fitness during deployments to ensure they are able to
carry their personal protective gear/equipment while
conducting routine operations.