Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov Facultatea de Alimentatie Si Turism Specializarea: Controlul Si Expertiza Produselor Alimentare

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Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov

Facultatea de Alimentatie si Turism

Specializarea: Controlul si expertiza produselor alimentare

Authors :Stud. Talida Mange

Stud. Daniela Manolache
Stud. Tunde Marton
Fiz.drd. Andreea-Manuela CONSTANTIN
Stud. Madalina Nitu
Why we chose rheology?!?

 Reason of this article is that to study variation of

viscosity of honey in report with temperature. We
present the theoretic aspects of rheology , of viscosity,
the honey composition and the dispositive used for this
experiment (electronic viscometer with vibrations SV).
 Rheology is the study of the flow of matter: mainly liquids but also soft solids or solids under
conditions in which they flow rather than deform elastically. It applies to substances which have a
complex structure, including muds, sludges, suspensions, polymers, many foods, bodily fluids and
other biological materials.
 The word rheology comes from rheo, from the Greek word for flow, and –ology, meaning study
of. The term rheology was coined by Eugene C. Bingham, a professor at Lafayette College, in
1920, from a suggestion by a colleague, Markus Reiner. The term was inspired by the quotation
mistakenly attributed to Heraclitus (actually coming from the writings of Simplicius) panta rei,
"everything flows“.

 Exists tree fundamental rheological properties:

- the elasticity
- the viscosity
- the plasticity
 Viscosity is a fluid rheological property essential to resist
the relative movement of adjacent fluid layers, resistance
which is due to internal friction between fluid layers. At
the movement of liquid layers, one from the other, there
is an internal friction specific to each liquid that is
represented by the physical size viscosity.
 Honey bee is a product obtained by processing nectar by bees. Honey is a sweet-
tasting food and easy perfumed looking semifluid, viscous or crystallized with a
specific color that has a high content of sugars, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and
organic acids.

 Chemical composition of honey is influenced by many factors including: quality

and composition of raw materials (nectar), climatic factors, mode of operation of
bees, how to harvest, conditioning and its conservation. major constituents of
honey are water and sugary substances, which represent 99% from honey. The
honey is composed from fructose, sucrose and water.

 Microbiological conditions for honey are:

- Total number of germs must be 100/gram maximum temperature of 30ºC
- Colli eschirichia must be absent
- Staphylococcus coagulase positive must be maximum 10/gram
- Sarmanella must be absent on 125 grams.
For fluent alimentary products there are many types of
machines that can determine viscosity :
- the capillary viscosity-meter
- the Ostwald viscosity-meter
- the Engler viscosity-meter
- the Hoppler ball viscosity-meter
- the Volarovici rotary viscosity-meter
- the Stromer viscosity-meter
- the Brookfield viscosity-meter
- the Rheotest rotary viscosity-meter.
 The viscosity-meter is compound from an U-
shape tube whose wider AB branch finishes
in the lower side with a spherical R tank.
The other branch consists in a capillary C
tube, a smaller E spherical tank and a
rubber F tube. At the entry and the exit
from the E tank there are marked two
marks which confine a well defined volume.
The viscosity-meter must stay in an upright
position. In order to perform an experiment
with the
 Ostwald viscosity-meter there are necessary
a suction pump and a stopwatch too.
Electronic viscometer with vibrations
SV is used for viscosity
determination certain materials.
It is produce by KSV
Instruments Ltd, in Filanda. The
dispositive represent a subset
compose from two sensors with
thin strips. Electronic viscometer
with vibrations SV is equipped
with WinCT-Viscosity program,
Windows Communication Tools
Software , with which are
obtained graphics in real time of
viscosity and temperature.
The ball viscosity-meter is based on
Hoppler’s principle with a fallen
ball. It is used for the precise
measuring of dynamic viscosity of
Newtonian transparent fluids
with low viscosity and of dynamic
viscosity of gases. The liquid’s
dynamic viscosity is determined
with the scan speed of the
standard balls inside the scaled
tube. The Hoppler viscosity-meter
can be used in industrial
applications, in quality control, as
well as in investigations.
The viscosity-meter is fully automatic operated
from a control panel, the selection of any
function being made with the help of a
keyboard. It has 18 rotation speeds. This
appliance measures viscosity and
temperature simultaneous (with the help of
an additional temperature plunger). Being
automatic there is a permanently
supervision of the settings, alarm if the
measuring is under or over the torsion area.
It has direct access for the time measuring
function (torsion time, stop time).
 The Engler conventional viscosity-meter is
used for measuring the viscosity in degrees
or Saybolt and Redwood for measuring in
seconds. It is an appliance intended for
determining the specific viscosity of tars
and its outcome products. This appliance
is used for comparing the specific viscosity
of oily and bitumen substances with same
viscosity as the water. The appliance
consists in a interior pot bounded by a
water-filled mantle (for thermal
adjustment). The viscosity-meter includes
thermal regulator and an agitating device.
 Study of honey viscosity variation with
temperature we'll do with electronic
viscosimetric with vibrations SV.
Viscosimetric main unit consists of two
sensors with thin blades, container for the
sample, the sensor unit and a display unit.

 The SV-10 has two gold plated paddle type

sensors 12mm in diameter that are immersed
into the sample to be measured. These
paddles are in a tuning fork arrangement so
when stimulated by an electromagnetic drive
the paddles vibrate at a constant frequency.
The amplitude of vibration is detected and
sufficient current is applied to the
electromagnetic drive to maintain a constant
amplitude. The sample viscosity causes the
vibration to be damped and the current
required to maintain the vibration amplitude
is measured continuously, and converted into
a viscosity on the display.
 The system takes 15 seconds to stabilise,
after which a continuous reading of
viscosity is displayed. The value actually
measured is dependent on the sample
density. To get a value comparable with
the dynamic viscosity measured for
example by a disk and plate rotational
viscometer, the value displayed must be
divided by the density. There a number of
ways of measuring density. Weighing a
measured volume from a micropipette, say
5mL, is suitable for low viscosity solutions
such as aqueous buffers, and with care
accuracies of about 1% can be obtained.
Some balances have density accessories
and these can be very accurate, but are a
little time consuming to set up. One of the
most convenient methods is the hand held
density meter. These are fast and accurate,
but more expensive than the other
By means of electronic viscometer with vibrations SV we
determined viscosity of honey bee by the following procedure:
 We put the container on the table to determine device orientation between
the two blades of the container.
 Was checked if the device is in normal working position
 It weakens fixtures and keeping the front of the sensor unit , pull down
slightly, approaching the sample surface plate sensor.
 We let down the handle security to protect sensitive plates
 Adjustment screw rotates the head table so that the thin blades of the two
sensors to bee on a level with the surface to bee analyzed to determine not
appear inaccuracies.
 In the manufacturing process the acquired data was achieved interconnects
the display unit and a unit of computer viscometer that was installed with
Windows Communication Tools Viscosity of which were obtained in real
time graphics of variation of temperature and viscosity of honey.
•Results and discutions

Results and

 We observed that if the temperature

increase the viscosity of the honey
decreases. Therefore result that
temperature is indirectly
proportional to honey viscosity.

 In this table we present a part of

results of measurement because we
did 300 notes every ten seconds :
Thank you for
your attention!

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