Yaya S. Kusumah: Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Kemajuan STEAM Di Era Kenormalan Baru

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Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Kemajuan STEAM

di Era Kenormalan Gc

Yaya S. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The Characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Communication Integrated
Virtual control for Cyber-Physic
for Physical Network
system System

Internet Using Cloud

Services Computing

Cyber Physical The Fourth Digitalization

System Industrial and Data
Revolution Analytic
The 4th Industrial Revolution
Cyber-Physical Systems
Emerged in in 2000s
Massive amount of data
Artificial Intelligence
4th Cyber-Physical
Industrial Revolution (2010- …)

4th Industrial Revolution (2010- …)

Massive Amount of Data
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things (IoT)
Big Data Analytics
Cloud Computing
Augmented Reality
Block Chain
3D Printing
Augmented Reality
Applying Augmented Reality
for Teaching

Augmented Reality on Tablet Computer for Learning Trigonometry

3D Printing
Successful Life in the IR 4.0
Required ICT Skills for

Driverless Vehicle
Machine Learning
Autonomous Robots
The Internet of Things

Block Chain Big Data

Cloud Computing Autonomous
Augmented Reality
Artificial intelligence
Top 10 Relevant Skills in Industry 4.0

2015 2020

1.Complex Problem solving Complex Problem Solving

2.Coordinating with others Critical Thinking
3.People Management Creativity
4.Critical Thinking People Management
5.Negotiation Coordinating with Others
6.Quality Control Emotional Intelligence
7.Service Orientation Judgment and Decision
8.Judgment and Decision Making Making
9.Active Listening Service Orientation
10.Creativity Negotiation
Cognitive Flexibility

Curriculum – based on 4 specific disciplines

Integrates them into a cohesive learning paradigm
Based on real-world applications

2009 “Educate to Innovate” Campaign US

Motivating and inspiring students to excel in Program
STEM subjects in STEM

Will have to graduate 100,000 STEM majors

every year until 2020


Has a shortage of 210,000 workers in STEM Disciplines

The STEM Education

Blended learning is its environment

Scientific method is applied to everyday life
Computational thinking is taught
The focus is on real world applications
The Importance of STEM Education

By 2018, more than 8.65 millions workers in

STEM-related jobs are needed (in the US)
The manufacturing sectors faces large
shortage of employees with particular skills
Cloud computing created 1.7 million jobs (from
2011 to 2015)
(Elaine J. Hom.,
STEM careers: Computing 71%, 2018)

Life Science: 4%
Mathematics 2%
STEM Education

Elementary School
Focuses on the introductory level of STEM Courses
Emphasis on the awareness of STEM fields
Give attention to the awareness of STEM occupations
Provides standards-based structured inquiry based
Provides real world problem-based learning
The presented problem based learning has to connect all
four STEM subjects
STEM Education

Middle School

The courses become rigorous and challenging

Student awareness of STEM fields and occupations is
still pursued.
Student academic requirements of STEM fields are
the goal of the courses.
Student exploration of STEM related careers begins at
this level.
STEM Education

High School

The program of study focuses on the application of the

subjects in a challenging and rigorous manner
Courses and pathways are available in STEM fields
and occupation
More emphasis is placed on bridging in-school and
out-of-school STEM opportunities
STEM Education

STEAM Education
The Impact of High Expectation of Curriculum

Selecting materials on STEM subjects The application

of ICT as media
The structure of knowledge
in Teaching
The depth of materials
The characteristics of materials
Innovation in
Their application in real world Teaching
Selecting a few methods and approaches
Optimizing student motivation; enhance student self-
regulated learning; enhance the process of students’
learning effectively; and counterbalance (keep up) the
speed of science and technology development
Teaching Competency

In teaching activities, teachers need to have:

A sound knowledge of subject matters

Understanding on school subject matters
Variety of teaching and learning strategies
Understanding of individual differences
Innovation of Teaching

To be involved in study of To implement

the content of subject professional knowledge
To encourage students
Strive to integrate theory to be a good problem
into practice solver
To know the knowledge of To create the climate of
students’ understanding discussion and
and their way of thinking students’ activity
To strengthen self To foster students to
competency learning by doing
Learning by Doing

Exploring concepts Providing conceptual

Constructing general-
ization Verifying results
Constructing conjectures Reducing an emphasis
Examining all possible on a mechanistic
procedures and answers answer- finding
Using Strategies in Teaching

Fostering Strategies
Strengthening Students’ Understanding
Utilizing Information and Communication Technology
Strengthening Students’ Reasoning
Applying Problem Solving Approach
Applying Problem Posing Approach
Extensifying Teaching Practices

Problem Solving
Problem Posing
Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking
Motivations Physical Maturity
Interests Emotional Maturity
Attitudes Social Maturity
Appreciations Self Disciplines
Talents Reading Skills
Creativities Writing Skills
Retention Span
Learning habits
achievements and
Attentions performance
The Use of Computer Technology in
the Advancement and Innovation in Education

Learning Advancement
Activities The Utilization and
+ of Computer Innovation in
Interactive Technology Education
The concepts need high accuracy
The concepts need too many repetitions
The concepts are difficult to be handled manually
The exploration of the concepts is required

The Utilization of IT/ICT

Communication Types of Interaction via Network

 Social Network:
Facebook Twitter Friendster MySpace
Bebo Youtube Orkut Flickr Slideshare

 Ensiklopedia:
Wiki (Wikipedia)

 Communication in Teaching:
Online Learning Distance Learning
Open Learning Mobile Learning
Hybrid Learning Blendid Learning
Types of ICT-based Mathematics Learning

Online Learning
Mobile Learning
Distance Learning
Open Learning
Hybrid Learning
Blendid Learning
Utilizing Computers in Math Teaching

1 Computer-Assisted Instruction
2 Computer-Based Teaching
3 Computer-Based Training
4 Computer Conference
5 Electronic Mail
6 Websites
7 Interactive Multimedia
Strategies of Online Math Teaching

Utilizing Video/teleconferences
Optimizing Website Explorations
Utilizing Personal Digital Assistance (PDA)
Utilizing Smartphones/Computer Tablets
Utilizing SMS/Whatsapp/Telegram/Line/Path
Utilizing Facebook/Youtube/Instagram
Extensifying E-mail Applications
Utilizing relevant software: Geogebra, Cabry Geometry
Computer-Based Teaching Interactions
1 Drill and Practice
2 Tutorial
3 Simulation
4 Interactive Discovery
5 Communication
6 Games
7 Presentation/Demonstration
8 Test
9 Information Resources
From the first four figures in the pattern, we can create a summary

Figure number 1 2 3 4
Number of matches 4 7 10 13
4 = (1x3)+1 7 = (2x3)+1 10 = (3x3)+1 13 = (4x3)+1
We can use the pattern to predict that the 10th figure has ... matches.
+3 n+3
So, for the nth figure, where +3 positive whole number, m = ...
is any
How many tooth picks are necessary to create
the fourth figure, the fifth figure, the n-th figure?
How many tooth picks are necessary to create
the fourth figure, the fifth figure, the n-th figure?
How many balls are necessary to create the
fourth figure, the fifth figure, the n-th figure?
Linda builds standard steel fences
with the following structure types.

Is it possible to find the number of steel lengths

Linda requires to make a fence of 4 sections, 5
sections, and 20 sections?
The problems in using math terms and expressions:
Having difficulties in understanding the difference
between two words
e.g. “the number of” and “the sum of”
“zero” and “void /empty”
“negative” and “minus”
“numeral” and “number”
(banyaknya dan jumlah, nol dan kosong, negatif
dan minus, angka dan bilangan)
Jika angka 12 dikalikan dengan angka 4, maka
diperoleh hasil 48.
(If the numeral 12 is multiplied by the numeral 4,
we obtain 48)

-2 – (-2) is often read as “minus two minus minus two”

3 cm  3 cm = 9 cm 2

10 cm  2 cm
= 4 cm
5 cm
10 cm  2 cm
= 4 cm
5 cm
Find the area of the following triangles:
Terdapat 12 batang korek api yang disusun dalam
bentuk 3 persegi. Bagaimanakah cara membuat
gambar tersebut menjadi 5 persegi dengan hanya
memindahkan tepat 3 batang korek api?
Susunlah bilangan asli dari 1 hingga 6 dan letakkan
pada 6 lingkaran di atas, demikian sehingga jumlah
bilangan di setiap sisi segitiga tersebut bernilai
Susunlah bilangan cacah dari 1 hingga 9 dan
letakkan pada 9 lingkaran di atas, demikian sehingga
jumlah bilangan di setiap sisi segitiga tersebut
bernilai sama.
Perlihatkan bagaimana menggambar 4 ruas garis
yang tersambung melalui 9 noktah di atas tanpa
mengangkat ballpoint Anda dari kertas.
2 3 4
4 6 8
6 9 1 2
8 1 2 1 6
1 0 1 5
2 0
1 2 1 8 234 x 6 = 1404
2 4
1 4 2 1
2 8
1 6 2 4 3 2
1 8 2 7 1 6 234 x 9 = 2086
Buatlah susunan bilangan yang merupakan hasil
perkalian dengan bilangan cacah 2,3,4, ... , 9 seperti
pada diagram di atas. Gunakan untuk menentukan
hasil kali beberapa bilangan

Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantu
Ndereaken sugeng tindak Ndereaken sugeng tindak Ndereaken sugeng tindak Nde
See you again soon See you again soon See you again soon See you again soon S
Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sa
Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Ari
Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasde
Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir
Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa
Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai
Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantu
Ndereaken sugeng tindak Ndereaken sugeng tindak Ndereaken sugeng tindak Nd
See you again soon See you again soon See you again soon See you again soon S
Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sa
Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Arrivederci Ari
Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasdee Sawasde
Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir Au Revoir
Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa i yaumil ati Ilalliqa
Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai jumpa lagi Sampai
Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantun Wilujeng kantu
Ndereaken sugeng tindak Ndereaken sugeng tindak Ndereaken sugeng tindak Nde
See you again soon See you again soon See you again soon See you again soon S
Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sayonara Sa

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