Math 314 - Lesson

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Name: Nikki Shann V.

Casas Course&year: BEEd- III

Unit 1
Course Title: Math 324- Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades

EXPLORE: On the box write your ideas about K to 12 Curriculum.

Enhanced Curriculum with 2 Provide sufficient time for mastery

added years in highschool as
called senior years

Making learners to be globally

It is a spiral curriculum. competitive

The system is broken into three stages,

elementary school, middle school and high


Activity 1

Why do you think Mathematics is a compulsory subject?

 Mathematics is a compulsory subject because the experience gained from

intense practice at analytical thinking in math courses will help you to better
analyze problems and solve problems in real life. Basically, math is a skill
subjects that much need to be learn. The goals are creative thinking and
problem solving, that we need to practice and acquire. It needed to be achieved
with an organize and rigorous curriculum content, a well-defined set of high-level

Activity 2

Based on the Grade Level Learning Strands, why do you think K to 12 Curriculum is a
spiral curriculum?

 K to 12 is a spiral curriculum because it is a curriculum in which key concepts

are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum, but with deepening layers
of complexity or in different applications. It is to ensure knowledge and skill after
of each level.

Activity 3

Why are Content Standards, Performance Standards and Learning Competencies are
being assessed in the classroom?

 High standards that are considered across states provide teachers, parents, and
students with a set of clear expectations to ensure that all students have the
skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life upon
graduation from high school, regardless of where they live. For performance
standard, it is to provide pedagogical templates that help teachers to develop
effective instructional techniques and provide comprehensive information about
student progress, including students’ strengths and build upon what they know,
how they think and what they can do I school. Students develop and apply
competencies through subject-area content and learning experiences.

Activity 4: My reflection/insights

Why do we need to know the K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum?

 The Mathematics curriculum provides a framework of instruction for

exceptional child education in grades K to 12. Content areas include: calculator
literacy, measurement, geometry statistics. Functions/relations, computer
literacy, and pre-algebra. Mathematics perhaps the most important to study
because it builds up problem-solving skills. We are all need to learn how to be
reasonable and think analytically through problems. It trains our brain to seek
solutions in logical way that Mathematics provides an effective way of building
mental discipline and encourage logical reasoning. In addition, mathematical
knowledge plays a crucial role in understanding the other school subjects such
as science, social studies, and even music and art.


1. Why are the critical thinking and problem solving, the two most important skills that
should be develop among our learners?

 Critical thinking is very important skill to understand because we will be able to

use this in everyday life. Life is made up of all severities; in order to succeed,
you need to be able to use critical thinking in order to solve the problem. To
think deeply and be rational. This to make better decisions and making sure that
yu are all considering all alternatives and are making rational choice between
those alternatives.
 Problem Solving is also very important skill to be develops among learners
because critical thinking is part of problem-solving. Once you identify the
problem, you can able to use critical thinking to guide you through the problem
solving steps. To be successful in your life, knowing how to solve problems is
highly important.

2. Give at least two examples of learning competencies on the following contents of

mathematics (any grade level)

 Number and Number sense

- Counts and tells the number of objects in a given set by ones and tens
- Recognizes cardinal numbers from 0 to 100

 Measurement
- Compares and classifies 2 and 3 dimensional figures according to common
- Identifies, names and describe the four basic shapes in 2 and 3 dimensional
objects, rectangle, triangle, square and circle.
 Patterns and Algebra
- Makes patterns of shapes, colors and numbers.
- Identifies and explains simple repeating patterns.
 Statistics and Probability
- Represent data using pictographs without using scale.
- Collects and organizes data using tallies and tables.

3. Explain briefly the Mathematics Conceptual Framework

 The mathematics conceptual framework provides a big picture map to help you
understand what progress in mathematics and statistics looks like. It illustrates
the progress by showing how student respond when problems become more
complex and they need to apply their skills and knowledge in more complex
ways. This mathematical conceptual framework is the creation of robust
framework representing numerous and interwoven relationship between
mathematical ideas, patterns and procedures.

Day 4 and 5

What is teaching strategy? In the clouds, write the importance of using varied
approaches in teaching mathematics.

It supports learning content and

Incorporating various
giving them opportunity to
instructional strategies
practice and develop their level of
invites students to become
ASSSWSW understanding.
more actively engaged in
their learning


When you can spark interest in

They provide evidence of
your students during a lesson,
the nature of change
you will help them stay focused
that is possible with each
and learn to their best of
of these approaches .


Activity 1: Why do you think teachers need specific strategies for math instruction?
 Teachers need specific strategies for math instruction because teachers are the
most important factor contributing to student achievement. Teachers who have
mastered effective approaches and strategies in teaching mathematics can help
increase students’ mathematical knowledge and improve math outcomes. It is
also because there is specific strategy for different competencies to be learn.
Teaching strategies identify the different available learning methods to use
enable them to develop the right strategy to deal with the target group identified.

Activity 2: why using visual aid during math instruction is important?

 Using visual aid during math instruction is important because picture helps
student to see mathematical ideas, which aids understanding. Visual
mathematics also facilitates higher-level thinking, enables communication ab=nd
helps people see the creativity in mathematics. It is also powerful way for
students to access abstract math ideas. Drawing a situation, graphing lists of
data or placing numbers on a number line all help to make abstract concepts
more concrete.

Activity3: My reflections/ Insights

As a teacher describe how math strategies can be used to help students learn the

- The building blocks of mathematics start early on, when learning the basic
skills. The key to teaching basic math skills that students can apply and
remember for future instruction is to use specific strategies. It helps students
begin to understand the process of learning. Strategies help students to
bypass their areas of weakness and o perform at the level at which they are



What do you think are the principles in teaching used by the teacher?

 Based on the literature and the experience of the teaching faculty, ten principles
of effective teaching were recommended. 1) create an active learning
environment, 2) focus attention, 3) connect knowledge, 4) help students
organize their knowledge, 5) provide timely feedback, 6) demand quality, 7)
balance high expectations with student support, 8) enhance motivation to
learn, 9) communicate your message in variety of ways, and 10) helps students
to productively manage their time.


Activity 1: Explain the principle “respect diverse students and ways learning”

 We are dealing everyday different students. Diverse learners include students of

all abilities from racially, ethnically and culturally and linguistically diverse
background bound to be respected. Even the ways of learning because all is
different and each students has own ways of learning. As a future teacher,
students need opportunities to show their talent and learn in ways that works for
them. You cannot force them to learn your way. They can be learn and express
they learn.

Activity 2: Interview a teacher (by phone or your neighbor)

and ask these questions. Why must a teacher encourage active learning and
observe time on task in teaching?

 Active learning promotes recall and deeper understanding of material, as a

students are engaging with the content rather than simply listening to it. It helps
tro maintain student concentration and deepens learning towards the higher
level skills like critical thinking and time on task which is counted among the
most important factors affecting student learning and achievement can be
defined as the amount of time a class spends in quality instruction.

Activity 3: My reflections/insights

One of all the basic principle of today’s teaching is” teacher pupil and inter-pupil
relationship should be cooperative”. Give your insights on this statement.

 Teacher-pupil and inter-pupil relationship should be cooperative because a
positive teacher-pupil relationship and inter- pupil relationship are a crucial
factors for a child’s learning. It enables the child to learn in an environment
where they feel welcomed and at ease. The teacher will have the skills to
connect with their pupils on a level which the pupil understands and accepts the
required learning needed to be achieved. With this, a pupil have the opportunity
to be open both with the teacher and co pupil and be able to perform and
achieved the goals of the learning.


Check your knowledge

1. Why is important for teachers to know the different principles in teaching


 Is it important for teachers to know the different principles in teaching

mathematics because teachers must understand and be committed to students
as learners of mathematics. They must understand deeply the mathematics they
are teaching and be able to draw on that knowledge with flexibility in their
teaching task. These principles are important for the governing actions and the
operation of techniques in any field of education.

2. Explain briefly the following principle used in today’s teaching.

1). Children learn by doing means that experience is the best teacher and by doing it
was the easiest form of learning for them.

2.) Motivation should be natural and intrinsic not artificial- giving them encouragement
must natural and more realistic, in order to obtain prize or reward is extrinsic. Doing
something for the sake of enjoyment is intrinsic.

3.) Learning should be gradual and continuous, not discrete. Continuous learning is a
process which is surrounded by your attitude to learn and share the knowledge,
academic curiosity, reading and practicing creativity, thinking ability and extending
knowledge levels.

4.) Learning depends upon the child’s ability. You cannot force what a child want to
learn but instead you can use different strategies for them to get their attention and
focus. Remember, every child is different and so their learning. Children learn on their
own way so you have to think creatively.

5.) Education means improving the quality of education. A quality education enables
student to develop all their attributes and skills to achieve their potential as human

beings and members of society. Quality education means giving right and
comprehensive curriculum that a teacher should extend to the classroom.



Name the two commonly used assessments used in the classroom and briefly explain

 The two commonly used assessments used in the classroom are summative
assessment and formative assessment.
 Summative assessment is administered at the end of an instructional unit in a
course. These assessments are intended to evaluate student learning by
comparing performance to a standard benchmark. They are often high stakes,
meaning that have a high point value.
 Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of methods that teachers use to
conduct in process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs and
of the academic progress during a lesson, unit or course.


Activity 1: Do you think assessment of students learning is important at this time of


 Yes, for me assessment of students learning is most important at this time of

pandemic because of modular learning and online learning. There is separation
of teacher-student relationship and a classroom. The new type of learning must
be assess so that if a student really learn the lesson and achieve the goal of
learning the subject especially they are learning at their own pace and learning

Activity 2: Why do we assess and how do we assess students learning in


 We do assessments to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter. It

is critical to their learning process. It is essential to evaluate whether the
educational goals and standards of the lessons are being met. We assess
students learning in mathematics by written works and performance task. This to
assess the content and performance standards that describe the knowledge,
abilities and skills that learners are expected to demonstrate.

Activity 3: My reflections/insights

Reflect and give your thoughts on this statement “assessment is an on-going process
of identifying, organizing and interpreting information about what learners know and
can do”

 Assessment is an on-going process that allows student learning to engage in

continuous quality improvement of the curriculum programs. Assessment
provides information about student achievement. It integrates grading, learning
and motivation for students. Assessment is the process of seeing and
interpreting evidence for use by the learners and their teacher to evaluate the
educational goals if it was being met at the end of the course.

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics
Nikki Shann V. Casas

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
1. give the place value and value of a digit in numbers up to 100 000;
2. read and write numbers up to hundred thousand in symbols and in words.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Whole numbers up to 100 000
Instructional Materials:
Cut out pictures, activity sheet
K to 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide, August 2016.

Tabilang, A. et al. 2015. Mathematics: Learner’s Material, Pasig City:

Lexicon Press

III. Methodology

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Motivation (I am happy in the song fruit salad)
I am happy, I am happy
How ‘bout you? (2x)
I’m so glad that you’re here; Math made us all here
Together we learn (2x)

B. Lesson Proper
a. Activity

Draw if the statement is correct and if it is incorrect.

1. The place value of 8 in 65 875 is hundreds.

2. The value of the underlined digit in 57 329 is 7 000.

3. 64 231 means sixty-four thousand, two hundred thirty-one.

4. Eighty-four thousand, six hundred nine when written in symbol is

84 906.

5. 6 ten thousand, 4 thousands, 2 hundreds, 9 tens, 5 ones when written as one .

b. Analysis

Do you remember how to read and write numbers up to 10 000? Let us have a

A. Copy the numbers that are less than the number indicated in the circle.

c. Abstract
The teacher will discuss the lesson:

Study how 62 453 is written in the Place Value Chart.


Hundred Ten Hundred
Place Value Thousands Thousands Thousands s Tens Ones
Digits 6 2 4 5 3

The place value of 3 is ones. The value is 3.

The place value of 5 is tens. The value is 50.

The place value of 4 is hundreds. The value is 400. The place

value of 2 is thousands. The value is 2 000.

The place value of 6 is ten thousands. The value is 60 000.

The value of a digit is determined by multiplying that digit by its place


62 453 is made up of 6 ten thousands, 2 thousands, 4 hundreds, 5 tens and 3

ones. So, 62 453 = 60 000 + 2 000 + 400 + 50 + 3.

To read numbers up to hundred thousand:

1. Separate the digits into periods (thousands and units).

2. From the left, read the number formed by the digits in the thousands period followed
by the name of the period (thousand)
3. Do the same with the units period without saying the name of the period.

62 453 is read as “sixty-two thousand, four hundred fifty-three”.

Zeros are not read when they are used to hold the place value of non-zero digits.
Examples: 43 023 – Forty-three thousand, twenty-three

80 701 – Eighty thousand, seven hundred one

Let’s read these examples.

72 512 – Seventy-two thousand, five hundred twelve

14 926 – Fourteen thousand, nine hundred twenty-six

To write numbers up to hundred thousand in symbols, we use space to separate
the digits into periods or groups of three starting from the right.

 Thousands have two periods (thousands and units) – the units period
should always be composed of three digits.

 Use zero as a place value holder of the missing digits in the units.

They are written but not read.

Let’s study these examples.

Ninety-two thousand, three hundred eighteen – 92 318

Forty-eight thousand, fifty-two – 48 052

To write numbers in words, write them as they are read and use a comma to separate
the thousands and units period.

Examples: 21 890 – Twenty-one thousand, eight hundred ninety

75 326 – Seventy-five thousand, three hundred twenty-


49 013 – Forty-nine thousand, thirteen

d. Application

A. In the number 59 438, write the digit in the given place value.

1. Tens
2. Ones
3. Ten thousands
4. Thousands
5. Hundreds

B. Write the value of the underlined digit.

6. 14 957

7. 39 356

8. 19 386

9. 93 610

10. 73 016

I. Evaluation
with a pair. Answer the following in a whole white paper.
Write the missing numbers.

1. 87 546 = 80 000 + + 500 + 40 + 6

2. 98 923 = + 8 000 + 900 + 20 +

3. 3 729 = 3 000 + + +

4. 60 000 + 2 000 + 400 + 30 + 8 = _

5. 50 000 + 7 000 + 800 + 20 + 6 =

A. Read and then write the following numbers in words.

1. 29 610
2. 12 045
3. 71 327
4. 83 183
5. 11 876

B. Read and then write the following numbers in symbols.

6. Fifty-one thousand, two hundred forty-two

7. Eleven thousand, sixty-nine

8. Thirty-eight thousand, seven hundred fifty

9. Fourteen thousand, eighteen

10. Ninety thousand, nine hundred

II. Assignment
Write in 1 whole sheet of paper.

A. Use the digits 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 only once for problems 1 to 2.

1. Write the highest5-digit number.

2. Write the least number possible with 3 in the thousands place.

B. In which amount does 3 have the greater value?

3. ₱ 37 509 or ₱ 83 999

4. ₱ 53 009 or ₱ 95 318

5. There were “forty-two thousand, three hundred twenty-one” ampalayas

harvested in Barangay San Pascual. Write the number in symbol.

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