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Introduction To Stastics

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Elementary Statistics

Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
Brand and Event Management

Outcomes to be achieved
• Definition of key terms can be given and described.
• Fundamental data classification: Qualitative vs Quantitative
• Quantitative data classification - scale levels:
– nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio.
• Data collection techniques can be described and their application discussed.
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
Brand and Event Management

Basics of statistics
Recommended books: Statistics essentials for dummies, by Deborah Ramsey, 2010.

• Statistics: A data analysis process for discovering facts in research.

• Research consists of several steps:
– data collection, data description, data analysis, etc.
• Statistics or stats as it sometime referred to, allows one to provide answers to
research questions and to make scientific decisions (Rumsey, 2010).
• Before collecting data, one needs to choose participants from whom data will be
collected. Such participants are selected from the research study’s population and
the group of selected participants is called a sample.
– A population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make
some inferences or conclusions (Cooper and Schindler, 2003:179).
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
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Basics of statistics …
– On the other hand, a sample is a group of people, objects, or items that
are taken from the population for measurement. The sample should be
representative of the population to ensure that we can generalise the
findings from the research sample to the population as a whole or to
ensure that findings are valid. (https://www.thh.nhs.uk/documents/_
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Data collection techniques …

Data collection is the process one follows in collecting data to answer ones’ research
questions. There are various methods or techniques that one may follow in collecting
data. Here are some of the popular data collection methods:

• Surveys/Questionnaires: It is the best method when

– a large population (Babbie, Mouton, Vorster and Prozesky, 2009:232), using
questionnaires. The questionnaires maybe in paper form, electronic form. A
research which uses survey is called a survey research (Babbie et al., 2009).

• Observation: A research technique that entails direct observation of the objects

(e.g. people) in their natural setting rather than an artificial environment
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Data collection techniques …

• Experiments: Normally used to determine cause and effect, usually in a
controlled environment, e.g. laboratory (Olivier, 2013; Rumsey, 2010). Two
groups, the participants and the control group, are normally involved for
comparison purposes.

• Interviews: A data collection technique which (normally) involves two

individuals with the purpose of obtaining relevant information to meet
the aims of the research.
– There are different forms of interviews and these include,
structured, unstructured and semi-structured (https://
www.formpl.us/blog/data-collection-method ).

– There are different types of interviews, eg one-on-one, group

interview (group focus interview), etc. available … go read on these.
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
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Qualitative and Quantitative data

• The type of data that one collects may be classified under two categories,
namely, qualitative data and quantitative data.

• Qualitative data can be observed and recorded.

– It does not involve numbers. It concerns emotions, feelings or
perceptions of human beings. Qualitative data is collected using
observation, face-to-face interviews, etc. Example of qualitative data:
 The presenter was very eloquent, and she was meticulous in
outlining the objective of the study.
 He was dressed in dark blue suit, with matching black shoes
and a sky blue shirt.
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
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Qualitative and Quantitative data …

• Quantitative data links numbers to data sets. That is, data is

described using numeric values. It is used to provide answers to
questions such as “How many?”, “How often?”, “How much?” (
https://www.questionpro.com/blog/quantitative-data/). The purpose
of collecting quantitative data is to be able to perform statistical
analysis on the data.
• The qualitative and/or quantitative data one collects can fall under the following
data types:
– Nominal
– Ordinal
– Interval and
– Ratio
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Types of data and their measurement…


Nominal data
• In this level of measurement, words, letters, and alpha-numeric in
the variable are used only to classify the data.  
– In this level of measurement, words, letters, and alpha-numeric
symbols can be used.  For example, You could categorise
people (adults) as either employed (E), unemployed (U) and
casual (C).  This type of assigning classification is nominal level
of measurement.
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
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Types of data and their measurement…

Ordinal data
• This level of measurement shows some ordered relationship
among the variable’s observations.
• For example: The ranking of cooked eggs according to their level
of how well they have been cooked.
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
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Types of data and their measurement…

Interval data
• The interval level of measurement not only classifies and orders the
measurements, but it also specifies that the distances between
each interval on the scale are equivalent along the scale from low
interval to high interval. E.g. The distance between 1 and 2 is
equivalent between 2 and 3.
• For example: The measurement of temperature in degrees.
Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
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Types of data and their measurement…

Ratio data
•  In this level of measurement, the observations, in addition to
having equal intervals, can have a value of zero as well.
• For example: The physical height of a person.
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Types of data and their measurement…

Read more on this:

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• Tomorrow we will pick up on these types of data and talk about statistical
analysis which can be performed on some of these data types.
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Corporate Affairs and Marketing (CA&M)
Brand and Event Management

Cooper, D., & Schindler, P. (2003). Business Research Methods. (8th ed.). McGraw-
Croft, A & Davidson, R. (2016). Foundation Maths. 6th Ed. Pearson Education Limited.
Departments/Research/InfoSheets/16_sampling_research.pdf [accessed:
[accessed: 20/05/2020].
https://www.formpl.us/blog/data-collection-method [accessed: 21/05/2020]
Olivier, M. (2013). Information Technology Research (B. Janari (ed.); 3rd ed.). Van
Schaik Publishers.
Rumsey, D. (2010). Statistics Essentials For Dummies. Wiley Publishing: Indiana.

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