Growth Mindset

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Growth Mindset, to Practice in private and professional life.

Intelligence and abilities are fixed things, Many people thinks like that as given by birth.

Carol s Dweck, PHD. Researcher. Proved it wrong. Mindset Book

They wanted to Measure impact of our mindset, some beliefs on our results, conducted on school kids
in New York.

They did it by asking kids to take a NON-verbal IQ test in two groups, kids passed the test.

Congratulate first group by saying, “You must be smart on this”.

Congratulate second group by saying, “You must have worked hard really”.

Those who think that hard work and

perseverance as as important as talent, if not
more, try more things, take more risks and
evolve more than others.

NLC neuro linguistic programming.

[Exercise] Discover your mindset: Fixed or Growth?

During the training, we will talk in detail about the distinction between the fixed
mindset and the growth mindset.

Before we go any further, I would like you to take a few moments to identify,
among the following sentences, which ones you think are fixed mindset and
which ones are growth mindset.

I'll give you the correction further down on this same page.

 I can improve my intelligence // growth

 Trying new things scares me //fixed

 I feel smart that I do things easily when others can't//growth

 I avoid difficulties because I might fail//fixed

 I am responsible for my results//fixed

 My goal is to become better than the person I was yesterday//growth

 I avoid asking questions for fear of being seen as incompetent//fixed

 I like challenges//growth

 I don't like to receive feedback on my work//fixed

 Talent is innate//fixed

 The more I work on something, the more I get better // growth

 Memory is fixed and cannot be upgraded // fixed

 I focus on what I control //fixed

 I don't like to show that I work hard to be successful // growth

 I avoid blaming and criticizing others//growth

 I often ask for feedback on my work //growth

 I only feel smart when I can easily do a task // fixed


I can improve my intelligence (growth mindset)

Trying new things scares me (fixed mindset)
I feel smart that I do things easily when others can't (fixed mindset)
I avoid difficulties because I risk failing (fixed mindset)
I am responsible for my results (growth mindset)
My goal is to become better than the person I was yesterday (growth indset)
I avoid asking questions for fear of being considered incompetent (fixed
I like challenges (growth mindset)
I don't like to receive feedback on my work (fixed mindset)
Talent is innate (fixed mindset)
The more I work on something, the more I improve (growth mindset)
Memory is fixed and cannot be improved (fixed mindset)
I focus on what I control (growth mindset)
I don't like to show that I work hard to be successful (fixed mindset)
I avoid blaming and criticizing others (growth mindset)
I often ask for feedback on my work (growth mindset)
I only feel smart when I easily manage to do a task (fixed mindset)

Your self image largely determines how you conduct your life.
In NLP, we say that perception is projection

People with the fixed mindset believe that their quality is a gift from nature
and cannot be changed.

People with a growth mindset believe that their skills, qualities, intelligence,
memory, decision making All of these things can be developed through hard
work, persistence and help from others.

you think that the dice are thrown at birth,

If you have never done origami in your life, you see this and you say to
yourself, Wow, that looks

Growth Mindset:

1.Self Image

2.Comfort Zone I’m good here, it’s comfortable

why wait until you have a crisis to start changing?

We are trying to limit the changes, so complacency has great power of

seduction. Complacency gradually begins to kill one ambition after another.

3.Taking full responsibility for your results and where you are today.

So I suggest that you take stock of things in your life in the following areas:
your health, the quality of your relationship, your finances, your spirituality,
your career and your social contribution.
It's my bosses fault if I can't progress or it's the taxes' fault if I can't make
more money or he's stressing

So by mastering these three keys, you would gain confidence, you would
become clear about what you want and what is blocking you today.

3.Importance of Environment / surroundings

4.Importance of your vocabulary. reticular activating system of Brain.

“This part filters all the information we receive to keep only the information
that is really important”

If you constantly repeat that you are unlucky. Your reticular activating
system will filter out any opportunity that may prove you wrong.

5.Eliminate weak action verbs from your vocabulary

This principle well " Do or do not. There is no try."

6.The Power of Goal

I'm one of those people who think that we can have it all health, relationship,
and finances if we are disciplined and if we put things in place to achieve our

7.Risk Taking:

This distinction stems from their relationship to difficulties and risk taking.

People with a growth mindset are fond of phrases like Failure is part of
success or whoever tries.

While people with a fixed mindset disagree with these phrases or they don't
practice them, they say to themselves, No risk, no failure.

Is it hiding learned helplessness if you are not familiar with the term learned
I would like to explain it with the behavior that we see in elephants. You know
that elephants, when they are small, they are tied to a strong tree trunk to
teach them to

It was a quote from Seneca that said "it's not because things are difficult that
we don't dare, it is, because we do not dare that they are difficult."

8.Intelligent and Growth Mindset

The potential Vs the Growth mindset

Jack Welch, THE CEO of GENERAL Electric,

He hired people who have future potential

Keep in mind that the growth mindset is not just about intelligence.\

In fact, some people can show a growth mindset in the area of intelligence,
which means that these people believe that their intelligence can be
developed and are doing things to improve themselves in this area.

But these same people can show a fixed mindset in other areas, such as
creativity, for example, or sport or art.

These people may think that, for example, drawing is a gift from nature.
Either we knew how to draw or we don't.

And I'm telling you about all this to tell you that natural talent is not


The origin of the name big comes from the legend that a sculptor from
ancient Greek, creates a statue that was so beautiful that he ends up falling
in love with it and one day returning from a party dedicated to the goddess
Aphrodite. He kisses the statue. The goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of
love, saw this and decided to bring the statute to life. Then they got married
and had a great love story. So it was for the history and origin of the name.

The Pygmalion effect comes from Rosenthal and Jakobsson research.

They studied the phenomenon of self-fulfilling prophecy. Rosenthal first

discovered this phenomenon while studying lab rats. He took a group of 12
rats and divided them into two groups completely at random.

This experiment showed this that children who thought they were dealing
with exceptional rats showed them more empathy,

encouragement and support, while the other group has expressed opposite

What these two studies show us, that is thinking student is intelligent leads
to improved performance.

The opposite is also true, and it's called the Golem effect. If a teacher thinks
a student is below average, their belief would have a negative impact on the
student's performance.

So your beliefs about your team members or colleagues are super important.

if you have children, your beliefs influence your actions.

Your actions impact their beliefs, which influence their results and that
influence your beliefs again.

It's a circle that can be virtuous or vicious, depending or your initial beliefs.

Theory X and Theory Y:

If you think that your employees consider their work as a chore and they will
do everything to work to avoid working. You will surely stalk them closely
and micromanaged them. On the other hand, if you think your people love
their jobs, you will naturally trust them more and give them more freedom
and flexibility. This is exactly the theory developed by Douglas MacGregor

He explains that the leaders belief affects his leadership style. This is what
he calls Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X represents authoritarian leaders.
These leaders have rather a negative view on their of their employees. They
are pessimistic about seeing their employees self-motivate and take
initiatives. They think that people who work for them are demotivated and
don't like their jobs. They therefore believe that they should be constantly
pushed to work punished or, on the contrary, offer them rewards to motivate
them to complete tasks.

Theory Y represents leaders who are optimistic and have positive opinion of
their people. It is decentralized and collaborative style of leadership. Leaders
encourage creativity, initiative and communication.


In other words, telling someone that they are talented or that they are
geniuses limits their development. A better approach would be to focus on
their efforts, on their progress, on facts. For example, I can see that you
worked very hard to achieve this, or I would like to know what you used as a
strategy to achieve this result.

It's tempting to tell your kid that he is a genius, that he is the next Picasso.
But given that kind of praise, doesn't really do him a favor. This talent
becomes a burden that holds him back and prevents him from learning and
growing. Carol Dweck confirms all of this with studies she had conducted
she has conducted with children.

Those who received encouragement for their tenacity, courage, effort, liked
challenges and found them fun, whereas the others who have been told that
they are talented. We noticed that they were less and less efficient when
these students faced more difficult exercises.
Imagine that children become less good because of the praise for their talent
and their diligence.

Since this was a kind of IQ test, it can be concluded that praise for talent
lowered Student's IQ and that praise for the efforts uplifted them.

So put labels gifted, talented or brilliant on people does them a disservice.

Now, let's talk more concretely about feedback, how to give feedback
effectively. Let's say that you want to give your feedback to a team member
or you want to help him improve some aspect of his work.

First, confirm with the person that now is a good time to chat and that the
place is right for them.

Next, start your conversation by clearly stating your intentions. For example,
today is your annual review meeting, and I would like us to look at your
performance this year and give you some feedback or I organized this
meeting to talk about your presentation yesterday in front of the department
and give you some areas of improvement for next time.

By being clear about your purpose and intentions, you leave no room for

The person in front of you knows exactly what you are going to talk about
and they don't have to guess where you are going. Then describe the
situation. The idea here is to describe the situation by talking about the facts
and what you noticed, avoid generalities like you always come late or you
always provoke others in meetings, or you never finished your work on time.

Talk about facts and what you observed. For example, I noticed that last
week you arrived three times after 10:30. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, or
during this morning's presentation, I thought that you went into too much
detail about the budget of Project X y z. Be precise, specific and avoid
generalities by describing your side of the story and what you saw. Then
describe your reaction. Explain how you felt about the situation. So you
share the consequences of the person's actions and behavior. Very often,
people do not realize the impact of their words or actions. So help the person
become aware of the situation by giving examples and explaining how you
felt. Or I don't feel respected when a member of my team comes late for
various meetings with top management,

So say something like what do you think? How do you see the situation? Or I
would love to hear your view on this and keep silent. And here is an
important note to remember the silence can be uncomfortable for some. You
have to take it upon yourself and wait for the response, especially when you
are chatting with an introvert.

Introverts, will think in their heads first, and they will not share what they
think immediately.

Unlike extroverts who tend to think aloud.

Five suggest areas for improvement. I find it best to ask the person how they
think they can solve the problem or improve the situation. The person will be
much more motivated to put measures in place if they come from them, if
they are the ones who proposed them.

Then also suggest solutions to complement to the proposal proposals

already suggested by the person Infront of you.

Set indicators to measure progress.

you need to have metrics in place to measure progress.

Ideally, you should keep a written record of your discussion. If it is an annual
interview, for example, you should list the positive things and the areas for
improvement. The rule to follow is clarify orally and confirm in writing, you
will have a chance to put all in the next article.

Blocking Points for the growth mindset (And How to overcome them).

The first thing I would like to share with you is the fear of failure.

Continue to develop yourself, continue to

train and knew that it was just a matter of
1, Change No to NOT YET.
What did you conclude about yourself or your

Talent VS Effort

\I'm sure that by spending 10000 hours

practicing, you will achieve a certain level of
expertise to begin with and then a certain
level of excellence afterwards.
The EGO and the Growth Mindset:
Take responsibility for your results
Don't blame, don't condemn and don't
criticize. You take back control so you don't
say he pisses me off when he talks to me.
Like this, you say I get angry when someone
talks to me like that with this phrase?

So don't say he stresses me out when he

delegates meeting me at the last minute
instead say something like, I feel tense when
he delegates meetings to me at the last
Your internal Dialogue
like, I feel tense when he delegates meetings
to me at the last minute.
[Exercise]: how to manage your internal dialogue
Do you have a positive, kind and supportive internal voice?

Or on the contrary, a negative voice, which screams and insults you?

It shocked me the first time I noticed my inner voice. I realized I was yelling at
myself all the time. I used to insult myself often. I told myself that I sucked,
that I was not going to make it. And unfortunately I am not the only one to
have lived with a similar voice.

I have good news for you. You can change that voice.

To change this voice, we're going to take on the role of a sound engineer.

The voice has several modalities that we can change:

 Volume (high / low)

 The tone (high / low)

 Speed (fast / slow)

 Location (up / down, outside / inside, right / left)

 The vocabulary

But before we change the voice, let's analyze it first.

So what I suggest to you is to sit comfortably. We're going to take a few

minutes to analyze this voice. Think back to a particular situation in the past
where you encountered this voice. You have it ? Good !

Now we are going to analyze this voice:

 Is the volume of this voice too loud? Is it screaming?

 What type of vocabulary does this voice use? Does it use swear words,
 How fast is it speaking? fast or slow?

 The tone of voice, is it a high-pitched voice or a low-pitched voice?

 Where is it located? Is she inside or outside of you? Is it coming from

above or from below? From the right or from the left?

Now that we are clear on the characteristics of this voice. We can start the
work of modifying it to make it more enjoyable.

If the current voice is speaking loudly, why not turn down the volume a little?

If the current voice speaks fast, why not slow it down?

If this voice uses negative vocabulary or swear words, why not change that
vocabulary to make it more positive?

For example, instead of saying "I suck". You can say "Every day I get better and

If you are feeling stress, you can use a calm and soft voice that says "I am
relaxed and at ease" or "I have complete confidence in myself and my

And there are no limits. You can play with this voice as you like.

If you want to motivate yourself for example. You can use a slightly faster
voice that is still pleasant at a higher volume.

If you want to relax, you can use a softer and calmer voice.

Now it's your turn. From today, make a decision to pay attention to this inner
voice. You are in complete control of the situation.

Visualization: Personal Development

The growth mindset prompts us to spend our
time getting smarter, instead of spending our
time looking smarter.

The growth mindset prompts us to identify

areas where we can improve instead of hiding
our shortcomings by avoiding challenges.
The growth mindset prompts us to welcome
difficulties if they arise in our path because it
is these difficulties that can help us to grow
and evolve.
These are the challenges that allow us to
innovate and create the growth mindset is
ultimately an attitude.

To thank you for your trust. I am offering you an exceptional discount. You can
access all my trainings at a great price with the links below.
You can take advantage of it now.

NLP communication techniques

Difficult conversations: the complete guide
Problem Solving: The Complete Guide
The art of facilitation: learn how to lead a working group
Work From Home: Productivity and Time Management Techniques
Boost Your Memory: Learn Faster and Retain Better
Design Thinking : the fundamentals
Leadership Become a better leader
Emotional intelligence in practice
Project Management : the Fundamentals
Double your self-confidence and self-esteem
Introduction to Agile : Scrum and Kanban
Scrum Project Management : the complete guide
Double your productivity: time management & concentration
Conflict Management: The complete guide
Presentation Skills : The Complete Guide

Your certificate
This training entitles you to a certificate. Once you have completed all the
modules in this training, you can generate this certificate.

Here is an article that can help you if you have problems generating the

I encourage you to share your certificate on social media to show your

colleagues, friends and family your new skill. You can tag me in your post and
I will respond to you personally.

Here are the links to my social networks:




[Exercise] The comfort zone

In what area do you think you are complacent?
Health, finance, professional development, relationship?//All

What are you going to do to improve these areas? What specific actions are
you going to take in the coming days? Or next weeks?// Learning new skill of
AWS for professional development, Taking pills to overcome Hypothyroid,

Here is a question that has helped me immensely and may help you too:

If your success was guaranteed, what would you dare to do or dream of?
I encourage you to take a few minutes to answer these different questions.

[Exercise] Define your goals

Are you clear on your goals?

Do you know your list of top priorities for this month?

for this year ?

for the next 5 years?

Project yourself in 5 years and imagine your ideal life.

Imagine the person you want to be in 5 years, 10 years or even 20 years.

What goals will you set in the following areas:

 Health //

 Relationship

 Professional evolution

 Finances
 Social contribution

This exercise is very important. Become proactive by setting goals and giving
direction to your life.

[Exercise]: Prepare feedback using the model explained in the

Prepare your feedback using the 6 steps we just covered in the
previous video.

As a reminder, here are the 6 steps:

1. Start your conversation by clearly stating your intentions.

By being clear about your purpose and intentions, you leave no room for

2. Describe the situation

The idea here is to describe the situation by stating facts and describing what
you observed.

3. Describe your reaction

Explain how you felt about this situation.

4. Offer the person the opportunity to respond

Ask the person what they think about it and keep silent.

5. Suggest areas for improvement

Ask the person how they think they can solve the problem or improve the

Also suggest solutions to complement the proposals already suggested by

the person in front of you.

6. Set indicators to measure progress

Even if your feedback is positive, I think there are still areas for improvement.

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