2021 4-2 Induction Machines Circuit Analysis PPT v3

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Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis

Learning Objectives: Summary

Lots of this: but luckily similar to 1. Be able to represent the induction machine by an
transformer circuits equivalent circuit and use this circuit/simplified version for
2. Relate the input and output power and core/friction losses
to elements of the equivalent circuit.
3. Be able to calculate power, torque and efficiency from
system parameters.
Frequency considerations We presume all values are referred to the
stator side and omit the dashes for ease
From previous notes: fr = s fe of writing.

A: Rotor Circuit : with respect to Rotor

Secondary impedance: X2 depends on frequency: R2 + j * s X2
Magnitude of EMF: The rotor field speed with respect to the
rotor is slower sns than its speed with respect to the stator
(synchronous speed) , so the magnitude of the emf with R2
respect to the rotor will alter:   sE2 sE2

 Circuit analysis: B: Induction Machine Circuit

R1 X1 X2
A: I1 I2

or, divide by s Iϕ
B: V1 E2
Equivalent Circuit

A stationary stator and a rotor : equivalent to a transformer We presume all values are referred to the
(with an airgap in the core). stator side and omit the dashes for ease
of writing.

Figure 1: Equivalent Circuit

R1 X1 X2
I1 I2

V1 E2

 Rotor Circuit:
 Stator Circuit

Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 3

Alternative representation
Figure 1

 𝑅 2 R1 X1 X2
Redraw Circuit:
=R2 + 𝑅 2
𝑠( ) I1


  V1 Rc E2

Figure 2

R1 X1 R2 X2
I1 I2

 Per stator phase: Iϕ

The power dissipated in R2 is the rotor power dissipation.
𝑅 ( 1−𝑠 𝑠 )
Rc Xm
The power delivered to the other resistance component, ,
is the mechanical power.
Power losses

Equivalent Circuit

R1 X1 R2 X2
Losses: I1 I2
• Pstator : stator losses, e.g. copper losses I12R1 Iϕ
1− 𝑠
• Protor : rotor losses: I2 *R2 losses
𝑅 ( 𝑠 )
Rc Xm
• Prot : refers to the power lost due to the friction, windage
and any rotational losses.
Windage loss: electric motors are affected by friction
between the rotor and air.

Power Considerations
Equivalent Circuit Power Transfer
R1 X1 X2
I1 I2
Pin Pgap Pmech Pshaft

V1 E2
Rc Xm Pstator Protor Prot

 Power Transfer

• Pin : Input power to the induction machine: For 3 phase machine

Pin = 3* Real {} = 3* V1ph*I1ph * cos θ = √ 3*VL * IL cos θ

• Pgap : The total power transferred across the air gap from the stator

• Pmech : The electromechanical power is the power transferred to the rotor across
the airgap, less the rotor loss.

• Pshaft : Output power: mechanical power less losses, e.g. friction 6

Power Considerations #2 ‘q’ refers to number of phases

Equivalent Circuit Power Transfer

R1 X1 X2
I1 I2
Pin Pgap Pmech Pshaft

V1 E2
Rc Xm Pstator Protor Prot

¿  𝑞 𝐼 21 𝑅 1 ¿  𝑞 𝐼 22 𝑅 2

Power Transfer

• Pin : Input power to the induction machine:

𝟐 𝑹𝟐
• Pgap : The total power transferred across the air gap from the
 𝑷𝒈𝒂𝒑 =𝑷𝒊𝒏 − 𝑷 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝑷𝒈𝒂𝒑 =𝒒 𝑰 𝟐
𝒔 ( )

𝑷𝒎𝒆𝒄𝒉 =𝑷 𝒈𝒂𝒑 − 𝑷 𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒓

• Pmech : The electromechanical power is the power transferred
to the rotor across the airgap, less the rotor loss.

• Pshaft : Output power: mechanical power less losses, e.g.  𝑷𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒇𝒕 =𝑷 𝒎𝒆𝒄𝒉 − 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒕
Power Considerations : s*Pgap and (1-s)*Pgap Power Transfer

Pin Pgap Pmech Pshaft

Pstator Protor Prot

Pmech is the power dissipated in
R2*(1-s)/s ¿  𝑞 𝐼 21 𝑅 1 ¿  𝑞 𝐼 22 𝑅 2

 The proportion of power delivered across the airgap

and turned into mechanical power is (1-s).

 The proportion of power delivered across the airgap

and dissipated in the rotor is ‘s’

Power Considerations#2

Induction Machine

R1 X1 R2 X2
I1 I2
Per stator phase: Iϕ
• The power dissipated in R2 is the rotor power
dissipation. V1
 𝑅2 ( 1−𝑠 𝑠 )
Rc Xm
• The power delivered to the other resistance component,
R2(1-s)/s is the mechanical power .

Solution at end of lecture
Example: Induction Motor & Rotor Power
A 3 phase four pole 50 Hz induction motor is operating at a
speed of 1452 rpm. The input power is 14.3 kW and the terminal
current in 18.3 A, Given that the armature resistance is 0.23 Ω
/phase, calculate the rotor power dissipation.

We would like to find the power dissipated in the rotor
winding. We can calculate this from Protor = s Pgap , so we
need to calculate the slip and Pgap .

The power transferred across the air gap will equal the input
power less any losses in the stator windings:
Power dissipated in stator windings (remember 3
Pgap = Pinput – Pstator
phases): Pstator = 3 * I12* R1

The power dissipated in the rotor is then calculated from : Calculation of synchronous speed and slip:

Protor = s Pgap ns = (120/p) * f

n = (1-s) *ns, therefore s = ….

m Analysis
Induction Machines: Circuit 10
Torque, Losses and Efficiency
Power related to Torque:
Pmech = ωm * Tmech Pshaft = ωm * Tshaft where Tshaft = Tmech- Trot

Pinput Pgap Pmech Pshaft

Remember:For an induction machine ωm = (1-s) ωs

Pmech = (1-s) ωs * Tmech Pstator Protor Prot

 Substituting for Pmech in


ωs = (2/p) ωe where ω e is the electrical

frequency in rad/s.
  1 1−𝑠
𝑇 𝑚𝑒𝑐h=
( ( 1 − 𝑠 ) 𝜔𝑠 )2
∗ 𝑞 𝐼 2 𝑅2
𝑠 ( )  

Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 11

Example: Power and Efficiency  Remember: Efficiency
We introduced efficiency earlier:
A 3 phase, 4 pole 400 Volt, 50 Hz induction motor draws
current of 45 A at a lagging power factor of 0.9. The From the power train we can express it as
stator copper losses are 1.5 kW and the rotor copper
losses are 500 W. The friction loss is 400 W and the core
losses are 1.1 kW. Find  

a) the input power

b) the air gap power
c) the mechanical power  Solution
d) the output power (a) the input power
e) the efficiency Pin = 3 (phases) * Re{} = √ 3*VL*IL*cos θ
Solution (b) The air gap power
3 phase, p = 4, 400 V (line voltage), f = 50 Hz, I= 45 A, Pgap = Pin - stator losses
pf = 0.9 lagging, Pstator = 1.5 kW, Protor = 500 W, (c) Mechanical power
Prot = 1.1 + 0.4 =1.5 kW. Pmech =
(d) Output power
Pshaft =
(e) Efficiency
η = Pshaft / Pin =
Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis Solution at end of lecture
Circuit Simplification
B: Induction Machine Circuit
R1 X1 X2
I1 I2

Simplification: neglect the core loss Xm
resistance, Rc, or include it in the
general losses that are deducted from
Induction Machine
We tend not to ignore the magnetising
branch in induction circuits as due to X2
R1 X1 R2
the air gap the exciting current is I1 I2
larger and leakage reactance is higher.

1− 𝑠

 𝑅2 ( 𝑠 )

Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 13

Solution at end of lecture
Circuit Example #1
Worked Example  Strategy
A 3 phase, four pole, 50 Hz, 440 V induction motor is operating
(a) I1 = V1/ Zin. We need to calculate Zin
with a slip of 1.4 % and total losses due to friction, windage and
core losses of 400 W. The per phase values of stator and rotor Zin = R1 + jX1 + Zgap
resistance: 0.256 and 0.175 Ω, the stator, rotor and magnetising
reactances are 1.08, 1.87 and 22.8 Ω. Calculate Zgap = jXm in parallel with R2/s + j X2
a) The stator current and power factor.
b) The synchronous and the rotor speed
c) The output power and output torque (Be careful with complex algebra)
d) The efficiency of the motor
Find Zgap in rectangular and add to R1 + jX1
R1 X1 X2
I1 I2 Then convert Zgap to polar , and do the division
I1 = V1/ Zin

(b) Work out synchronous speed, ω s, in rad/s,
V1 Zgap
Xm and also ω m

Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 14

Circuit Example #1
(c) Pshaft = Pmech – Prot.
Worked Example
A 3 phase, four pole, 50 Hz, 440 V induction motor is operating Calculate Pmech = (1-s) Pgap.
with a slip of 1.4 % and total losses due to friction, windage and Pgap = Pgap = 3*I22 R2/s
core losses of 400 W. The per phase values of stator and rotor
resistance: 0.256 and 0.175 Ω, the stator, rotor and magnetising However, since since R2/s is the only resistance
reactances are 1.08, 1.87 and 22.8 Ω. Calculate component in Zgap, the power dissipated from
a) The stator current and power factor. I12 * Real (Zgap) will equal the power dissipated
b) The synchronous and the rotor speed
in R2/s.
c) The output power and output torque
d) The efficiency of the motor Pgap = 3*I12 *Real (Zgap )

Pmech = (1-s)*Pgap
I1 R1 X1
Pshaft = Pmech – (friction and other losses)
Real part The torque can be calculated from the output
angular velocity and the output power, ω m
Zgap and Pshaft.
Imaginary part
(d) The efficiency : Poutput/ Pinput

We have already calculated Poutput = Pshaft

Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 15
Circuit Example #2
Try to do each example WITHOUT looking at the answers. Worked Example
A 3 phase, four pole, 60 Hz, 460 V, Y connected
It is worth using Matlab to help check your complex analysis.
induction motor is operating with a slip of 2.2 % and
You will still need to work out how to do the problem, but
matlab would do all the complex algebra for you. total losses due to friction, windage and core losses of
100 W. The per phase values of stator and rotor
If you worked out a matlab script for the previous example resistance: 0.641 and 0.332 Ω, the stator, rotor and
you just need to change the parameters for this example and magnetising reactances are 1.106, 0.464 and 26.3 Ω.
you should get the answers. Calculate
(a) The stator current and power factor.
(b) The synchronous and the rotor speed
(c) The output power and output torque
(d) The efficiency of the motor
  Answers : Circuit Example 2

  (a) 18.89 ∠ -33.68o, power factor 0.832

(b) 1800 rpm, 1760 rpm
  (c) 11.48 kW, 62.26 Nm
(d) 91.6 %
Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 16

• We represented the induction machine by an What is an expression for the power across the air
gap? (Assume all variables referred to stator side,
equivalent circuit and can use this
and nomenclature in the notes used.)
circuit/simplified version for analysis.
A. Pgap = 3 I12 R2
• We can relate the input and output power and
B. Pgap = 3 I22 (1-s)/s * R2
core/friction losses to elements of the
equivalent circuit. C. Pgap = 3 I12 Zin

• We can calculate power, torque and efficiency D. Pgap = 3 I22 (R2/s)

from system parameters.
The shaft output power for a 3 phase 50 Hz
induction motor is 60 kW and the power across the
airgap is 62.3 kW. If the friction and winding losses
are 720 W and the stator losses are 400 W. What is
the efficiency of the machine?
A. 94.6 %
B. 94.5 %
C. 95.7 %
D. 96.8 %
Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 17
Solution: Example: Induction Motor & Rotor Power

A 3 phase four pole 50 Hz induction motor is operating at a

speed of 1452 rpm. The input power is 14.3 kW and the terminal
current in 18.3 A, Given that the armature resistance is 0.23 Ω
/phase, calculate the rotor power dissipation.

1. Power dissipated in stator windings (remember 3 phases)
Pstator = 3 * I12* R1 = 3 * 18.32 * 0.23 = 231.1 W
2. Power transferred across airgap
Pgap = Pinput – Pstator =14300 – 231.1 = 14069 W.
3. Calculation of synchronous speed and slip:
ns = (120/p)*f = 1500 rpm. s = (ns – nr)/ns = 0.032
4. Power dissipated in rotor
Protor = s Pgap = 450.2 W
Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 18
Solution: Example: Power and Efficiency

A 3 phase, 4 pole 400 Volt, 50 Hz induction motor draws
current of 45 A at a lagging power factor of 0.9. The
stator copper losses are 1.5 kW and the rotor copper
losses are 500 W. The friction loss is 400 W and the core
losses are 1.1 kW. Find
a) the input power
b) the air gap power (a) the input power
c) the mechanical power Pin = 3 (phases) * Re{} = √ 3 * VL * IL cos θ
d) the output power = √ 3*400 * 45 * 0.9 = 28059 W
e) the efficiency (b) The air gap power
Pgap = Pin - stator losses = 28059 – 1500 = 26559 W
(c) Mechanical power
Pmech = Pgap – rotor losses = 26559 – 500 = 26059 W
(d) Output power
Pshaft = Pmech – (friction and other losses) = 26059 – (400+1100)
= 24559 W
(e) Efficiency
η Circuit
Induction Machines: = Pshaft / Pin = 24559/ 28059 = 0.8753 = 87.5 %
Analysis 19
Solution: Circuit Example #1
Zin = R1 + j X1 + Zgap
Worked Example
A 3 phase, four pole, 50 Hz, 440 V induction motor is operating = 0.256 + j 1.08 + 8.4957 + j 6.0329 Ω
with a slip of 1.4 % and total losses due to friction, windage and = 8.8717 + j 7.1129 Ω
core losses of 400 W. The per phase values of stator and rotor
resistance: 0.256 and 0.175 Ω, the stator, rotor and magnetising = 11.2777 < 39.10243 o
reactances are 1.08, 1.87 and 22.8 Ω. Calculate I1 = V1/ Zin = 440 < 0o / (11.2777 < 39.10243 o )
a) The stator current and power factor.
b) The synchronous and the rotor speed = 22.5254 < -39.10243o
c) The output power and output torque
pf = cos (-39.10243o) = 0.77602
d) The efficiency of the motor
(b) Work out synchronous speed, ω s, in rad/s,
 (a) I1 = V1/ Zin. We need to calculate Zin and also ω m
Zin = R1 + jX1 + Zgap ns = (120/p)*f = 1500 rpm
Zgap = jXm in parallel with R2/s + j X2 nm = (1-s) * ns = 1479 rpm

R2/s = 12.5 Ω

Zgap = 8.4957 + j 6.0329 Ω

Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis 20
Solution Circuit Example #1 continued
Worked Example  Pgap = 3*I12 *Real (Zgap )
A 3 phase, four pole, 50 Hz, 440 V induction motor is operating
with a slip of 1.4 % and total losses due to friction, windage and = 3 * 22.525432 * 8.495685
core losses of 400 W. The per phase values of stator and rotor = 12932.01 W
resistance: 0.256 and 0.175 Ω, the stator, rotor and magnetising
reactances are 1.08, 1.87 and 22.8 Ω. Calculate Pmech = (1-s)*Pgap = (1-0.014) * 12932.01
a) The stator current and power factor.
= 12750.96 W
b) The synchronous and the rotor speed
c) The output power and output torque Pshaft = Pmech – (friction and other losses)
d) The efficiency of the motor
= 12750.96 - 400 = 12350.96 W
(c) Pshaft = Pmech – Prot. The torque can be calculated from the output
angular velocity and the output power, ω m and
Calculate Pmech = (1-s) Pgap.
Pgap is the power dissipated in R2/s.
Torque = Pshaft * ω m = 79.74507 Nm
However, since since R2/s is the only resistance component in Zgap,
(d) The efficiency = η = Pshaft/ Pinput
the power dissipated from I12 * Real (Zgap) will equal the power
dissipated in R2/s. Pin = 3 * Real{}

Pgap = 3*I12 *Real (Zgap ) Induction Machines: Circuit Analysis = √ 3 * VL * IL cos θ = 13321.69 W 21

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