KEL 4 KLS B Gastritis

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Expository Essay “

Group 4
1. Millenia Putri ambarsari (201801061)
2. Nadia Rahmah (201801067)
3. Rafif Adika (201801078)
4. Ruci Nurul (201801083)
5. Candra Yolis (201801088)
Journal 1

Descriptive Essay :
From the journal writes gastric with unani appoarch. Unani physicians have mentioned the g
astris (warm media) by different names. They described gastritis on the basis of clinical features, c
ausative factors, humors, and designate the disease. According to unani concept gastritis is
the condition in which there is inflammation of mucous membrane of stomach. Mucous membra
ne of stomach not only becomes thick, but its colour becomes gray and there occurs excessive se
cretion from lining of stomach which remains continuously until not treated properly. Unani classi
fication which is called as warm-e-nazli thus gastritis is divided into types warm-e-haad meda (ac
ute gastritis) and warm-e-muzmin meda (chronic gastritis). In unani system of medicine plants, an
imals as well as mineral origin drugs are being used for the treatment of gastritis without any kn
own side effects. Compound drugs (Adviya murakkaba) recommended are : majoon dabidul ward,
jawarish anarin, sharbat anar, majoon zanjbil, jawarish mastagi, qurs satawari, itrifal aftimoon, shar
bat unnab and khammeera sandal. Mode of action of these drugs are both systemic and local. A
part from the correction of altered mizaj (temperament), these drugs produce shooting effect on
the inflamed mucosa, provide ground material for healing, removes the factors responsible for inf
lammation and also provide antiseptic or antibacterial effect.
Journal 2

Cause/Effect Essay :
From the journal writes that one of the causative effects of gastritis is lifestyle. Gastritis is a
multi factorial disease in which the lifestyle plays a determining role. Poor dietary habits and rep
eated or persistent H.Pylori infection can potentially aggravate atrophy and Intestinal Metaplasia
of the gastric mucosa. The following factors can all increase or aggrative the risk atrophic gastriti
s, even the possibility of canceration: smoking, chronic alcohol intake, (lack of fresh vegetables, fr
uits, and essential nutrients), regular consumption of fast-food (such as mildew, pickled, smoked
and fried foods), excessive intake of salt, and a family history gastric cancer. CagA  H Pylori
Strain, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and inadequate eating habits increase the risk of
developing peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma.
Lifestyle modifications are a frequent indication, sometimes patients must renounce or mod
erate harmful habits (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and coffe) healthy eating in quantity, quality, and
schedules, regular sports activities and management of emotions and stress that many negatively
affect their. Adequate patient examination should be emphasized to inform the patient about the
importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Journal 3

Descriptive Essay :
According to the Updated Sydney System Classification, atrophic gastritis is categorized into multi
focal(H. pylori, environmental factors, specific diet) and corpus-predominant (autoimmune). Since
metaplasia is a key histological characteristic in patients with atrophic gastritis, it has been
recommended to use the word “metaplastic” in both variants of atrophic gastritis: autoimmune
metaplastic atrophic gastritis (AMAG) and environmental metaplastic atrophic gastritis. Although
there are many overlaps in the course of the disease and distinction between those two entities
may be challenging, However, it is important to mention that H. pylori is the most common etiol
ogic Factor for the development of gastritis in the world.
Journal 3
Autoimmune gastritis: Pathologist’s viewpoint

Descriptive Essay :
Atrophic gastritis can be associated with long-standing Helicobacter pylori infection (multifo
cal atrophic gastritis) and with an autoimmune process that progressively destroys the oxyntic mu
cosa (autoimmune atrophic gastritis). Both types of atrophic gastritis are underdiagnosed, in part
because of inadequate biopsy sampling/ Autoimmune atrophic gastritis progresses from a mild c
hronic inflammation of the gastric corpus to an advanced stage associated with a severe form of
vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia known as pernicious anaemia. Traditionally, autoimmune atrophic
gastritis has been viewed as a disease affecting predominantly elderly women of Northern Europe
an descent, but growing evidence suggests that there might be no racial specificity.The diagnosis
of autoimmune gastritis rests on the demonstration of its characteristic histopathological features
and the demonstration of autoantibodies against intrinsic factor and parietal cells .Management o
f the early stages of autoimmune atrophic gastritis is focused on the prevention of vitamin B12, f
olate and iron deficiencies.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the protective lining of the stomach. Acute gastritis
involves sudden, severe inflammation. Chronic gastritis involves long-term inflam
mation that can last for years if it’s left untreated. The most common bacterial in
fection that causes it is Helicobacter pylori. It’s a bacterium that infects the lini
ng of the stomach.

According to unani concept gastritis is the condition in which there is inflamm

ation of mucous membrane of stomach. Mucous membrane of stomach not o
nly becomes thick, but its colour becomes gray and there occurs excessive sec
retion from lining of stomach which remains continuously until not treated pr
lifestyle modification by leaving dangerous habits (alcohol, fast food, drugs, te
bacco, and coffee) healthy eating in quantity, quality, and schedules, regular
sports activities and management of emotions and stress that many negativel
y affect their. Adequate patient examination should be emphasized to inform
the patient about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.

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