WINSEM2020-21 CSE1005 ETH VL2020210504074 Reference Material I 25-Feb-2021 Risk

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Risk Management

What can Possibly Go Wrong?

Consider the “average” college student:
 What risks does the student encounter? How can we
mitigate the damage?
 Computer related:
» Lose file;
» Lose flash drive;
» Lose hard drive; damaged
» Lose computer; damaged, lost or stolen
» Crash computer; corrupted files
» No network?
 Attendance and time management
» Miss class or late
» Late home work submission
» Miss home work submission
What can Possibly Go Wrong?
Consider the “average” project:
 Testing takes longer than planned – cannot resolve bugs
 Vendor cannot deliver a product on schedule
 Critical engineer
 Has accident (wipes out in ski jump)
 Becomes a parent
 Has major surgery

 Critical engineer leaves project/company

 Change of ownership. Project on hold
 Major downsizing
 Dysfunctional staff
 Blizzard and power failures
 Risk is the probability of incurring some net loss while pursuing a goal
 Pursuing a positive risk (usually called an opportunity), such as a
financial investment, may result in either a net gain or loss
 A reducible risk is one which is predictable or within our control: we
can reduce the likelihood of loss by taking steps to mitigate or avoid the
 Irreducible risks are more difficult to deal with; these may be:
 Unpredictable. We know the risks can occur but have no basis
upon which to estimate their probability of occurrence
» Example: Loss of a key project resource
 Beyond our control. These risks may be unprecedented or
exceptionally unpredictable
» Example: Terrorist acts or natural events
» Note: These types of risks are handled through business
continuity practices
Risk management is a systematic approach to reducing the
harm due to risks, making a project less vulnerable to
challenge or failure (e.g., cost or schedule overruns, scope
decrease, quality reduction) and its resulting product more
Risk definition
 According to the PMBOK Guide:
 “Project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a
positive or negative impact on at least one project objective, such as
time, cost, scope, or quality”
 “A risk may have one or more causes, and, if it occurs, one or more
 Not all risks are bad: Risks can present opportunities as well as threats
to a project
 Risk originates in the uncertainty associated with any project –
remember, projects are unique
Project Risks
 What can go wrong?
 What is the likelihood?
 What will the damage be?
 What can we do about it?
Elements of Risk Management

Risk Analysis

Risk Prioritization
Management Planning

Risk Control Resolution

Boehm, 1991
How to Categorize Risk
Risks: known, unknown, unknowable
 Known Risks: Risks that can be uncovered after careful evaluation of
the project plan, business and technical environment, and other reliable
sources of information (I.e. unrealistic delivery dates, lack of user input,
 Refer to those risks that can be estimated from historical information
 Can be mitigated by management techniques and through response
plans, should they occur
 Example: Potential delay in delivery from third-party vendor
 Example: Key personnel leave project
 Example: Development systems down
How to Categorize Risk
 Predictable Risks [but unknown risks]: Risks that can be extrapolated from
past projects. (Staff turnover, poor communication with the customer)
 Refer to those risks that we know have a probability of occurring, but do
not know the precise impact
 Cannot be managed directly but can be mitigated by the use of
 Example: Loss of key personnel due to turnover

 Unpredictable Risks
“Joker” risks that are hard to predict.
 Unknowable risks
 Refer to those risks that are outside the scope of historical or
probabilistic models for the project
 Are beyond the scope of risk management and usually are addressed by
crisis or disaster management
 Examples: Corporate failures, natural disasters, acts of terrorism or war,
major snowstorm and power loss
Risk management model (after Taylor)

Risk Management Qualitative Risk

Risk Identification Analysis

Tracking & Auditing Quantitative Risk

Evaluate & Revise Analysis
(Risk History)

Risk Response
Risk Control Risk Monitoring
Risk Management Planning
 Risk Management Planning addresses how to approach,
plan, and execute all of the project risk management
 The risk management plan is critical to the overall risk
management process
 Risk management plan is an input to every other risk-related process
in the Planning Process Group
 A well-defined, comprehensive risk management plan enhances the
chances of success of the risk management process
Risk identification input
 Enterprise environmental factors
 Concerned with aspects of the enterprise outside of
 One source may be enterprise historical information
 Industry or academic research is another excellent
» Example: The Gartner Reports
» comp.risks (Usenet discussion group/mailing list, see
reading list)
Input to risk management planning
 Enterprise environmental factors
 Most critical environmental factors are the risk tolerance levels of the
organization and the stakeholders
» Risk tolerance expresses an inherent trade-off decision between
benefits and cost
» Stakeholders will take a risk if the benefits to be gained outweigh
what could be lost
» Conversely, stakeholder will avoid taking a risk because the cost
or impact is too great for the amount of benefit that can be
Input to risk management planning
 Organizational process assets
 Organization may already have policies and guidelines that define its
risk tolerance
 Project scope statement
 Project assumptions, constraints, and initial defined risks in scope
 The project scope statement contains several information sources
for risk management planning:
» Project deliverables
» Project constraints
» Project assumptions
» Initial project organization
» Initial defined risks
» Schedule milestones
Risk identification input
 Risk management plan
 Risk categories (e.g. as defined in RBS) are primary source of input
 Budget and schedule for risk management activities
 Project management plan
 Project management plan contains schedule, budget, and quality
plans which may be sources of risks
 Risk management plan becomes an integral part of the project
management plan
 All other project management processes and guidelines comprising
the project management plan should be considered in light of
potential risks
 Risk management plan should be consistent with the overall
direction and management approach of the project
Risk management planning: tools & output
 Risk management planning tools
 Planning meetings are the main tool for risk management planning
 Attendees should include the project manager, members of the
project management team, and stakeholders who can contribute
risk-related information
 Meetings will involve analysis of risk for the project, risk tolerance of
the organization, and calibrating risk to the project and organization
 Risk management planning output
 The risk management plan is the only output from the risk
management planning process
 Risk management plan is detailed on following slides
Risk management plan content
 Methodology. How risk management will be performed,
including methods, tools, and sources of data
 Roles and responsibilities. Team of people responsible for
managing identified risks and responses, the risk ‘owners’
 Budgeting. Assign resources and estimate costs of risk
management and its methods
 Timing. Timing and frequency of the risk management
 Risk categories. Develop and review during planning. Used
in risk identification
Risk management plan content
Definitions of risk probability and impact. Discussed in detail in
Qualitative Risk Analysis
Probability and impact matrix. Discussed in detail in Qualitative
Risk Analysis
Revised stakeholder tolerances. Risk planning may result in
changes in stakeholder tolerance
Reporting formats. Describes the content and format of the risk
register, the dictionary of risks for project
Tracking. Describes how the risk activity history will be
documented and how risk processes will be audited
Risk categories
 Risk categories are identified during risk management
 Risk categories systematically classify risks and provide a
context for understanding those risks
 Used in successor process, Risk Identification
 Starting point list of risk categories:
 Technical, quality, or performance risks
 Project management risks
 Organizational risks
 External risks
Risk categories
 Technical/quality/performance risks
 Unproven or complex technology
 Changes to technology anticipated during the course of
the project
 Unrealistic quality goals
 Unrealistic performance goals

 Project management risks

 Improper schedule and resource planning
 Poor project planning
 Improper or poor project management disciplines or
Risk categories
 Organizational risks
 Resource conflicts due to multiple projects occurring at
the same time in the organization
 Unrealistic scope, time, and cost objectives with respect
to the organization’s resources or structure
 Lack of funding for the project or diversion of funds from
the project to other projects
 Management oversight changes
 Loss of project ‘champion’
 Project ‘politics’
Risk categories
 External risks
 New laws or regulations
» Example: Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (corporate governance
and financial practice) – “Compliance should be planned and
implemented as a normal project”
 Labor issues
 Weather
 Changes in ownership
 Changes in foreign policy for projects performed (all or in part) in
other countries
 Catastrophic risks (force majeure) are outside the scope of risk
management planning – require disaster recovery techniques
» Examples: Earthquakes, meteorites, volcanoes, hurricanes,
floods, civil unrest, terrorism, etc.
Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)
 Risk categories can be
represented visually in
a Risk Breakdown
Structure (RBS) Project
Technical Organizational External
diagram Management

 Provides hierarchical Unproven Schedule Project Laws &

decomposition of risk Technology Planning Schedules Regulations

Technology Resource Unrealistic
 Analogous to WBS Changes Planning Objectives

Complex Project
Lack of Funding Labor Issues
Technology Disciplines

Quality Cost Estimates Management Catastrophic Risk

Performance Budgets

After Heldman et al., PMP:Project Management Professional Study Guide

Risk Identification: Introduction
 Risk identification is concerned with determining what risks
might have an impact on the project
 In addition, risk identification seeks to profile risks so that
effective mitigation and response planning might be possible
 Risk identification is an iterative and incremental process
that continually adds new risks, deletes non-risks, and
refines existing risk profiles as the project progresses
Where risks are found
 Hardware
 Schedules
 Scope orconcerns
Political requirements changes
 Project plan
Business risk
 Projectrisk
Legal management processes
 Technical issues
Environmental risk
 Personnel issues
Three Types of Software Risk
Project Risks
Threaten the project plan. I.e. if the risks materialize, then it is likely that
the project schedule will slip and costs will increase.
 Budgetary/funding
 Schedule
 Personnel issues
 Resources
 Project plan
 Project management processes
 Customers
 Requirements problems – Scope or requirements changes
 Project complexity and size.
 Hardware
 Environmental risk
Three Types of Software Risk
Technical Risks
Threaten the quality and timeliness of the software to be produced.
 Design
 Implementation
 Interfacing
 Verification
 Cutover
 Maintenance
 Security
Three Types of Software Risk
Business Risks
Threaten the viability of the product to be built.
 Building a great product that no-one wants anymore. (Market
 Building a product that no longer fits into the overall business
strategy for the company (Strategic risk).
 Building a product that the sales force doesn't understand how
to sell.
 Losing the support of senior management due to a change in
focus or a change in people. (Management risk).
 Losing budgetary or personnel commitment (Budget risk)
 Contracts
 Political concerns
 Legal risk
Risk identification: tools and techniques
 Documentation reviews
 Effectively, a thorough review of all the inputs to the risk identification
 Information-gathering techniques
 Brainstorming

» With right participants and proper facilitation, brainstorming is a

self-regenerating process
 Delphi technique

» Employs a facilitator who distributes a questionnaire to

participants and who compiles and synthesizes results
» Participants do not interact directly as they do in brainstorming
 Interviews
 Uses standard question and answer techniques with various
stakeholders or anyone with project-relevant knowledge
Risk identification: tools and techniques
 Root cause analysis. Technique helps determine the
source of risk
 Involves deep analysis of identified risks in order to root out other
potential risks
 The source of risk may seem superficial and directly visible: simply,
the most immediate source
 However, often the true source of risk—its root cause—is less
obvious and not easily detectable
 Hall (1998)* suggests using the ‘Five Whys?’ approach
» Ask the question ‘Why?’ five (more or less) times for each risk
» Each successive question moves closer to the root cause
» Not a highly robust method, but simple and effective

* Managing Risk: Methods for Software Systems Development. Elaine M. Hall, Addison-Wesley, 1998
Risk identification: tools and techniques
 Root cause analysis (cont’d)
 Example (based on actual case):
» O-O DB vendor is porting O-O DB to (our) new platform and has
been identified as potential schedule risk
» Why? Vendor has requested additional time to deliver O-O DB
» Why? Vendor did not complete critical intermediate deliverable
required for delivery
» Why? Vendor was unable to get concurrency (threads) to work
» Why? Vendor is using design from another platform with different
» Why? Vendor has no development experience programming with
» Note that this is a capability issue, not a technical issue!
Risk identification: tools and techniques
 Checklist analysis
 Based on historical information and previous project team
experience – requires one or more similar projects
 Risks can be compiled into a checklist
 Lowest level of the RBS can be used as a starting point for a
 Checklists for projects cannot ever be exhaustive (remember,
projects are unique)
Risk identification: tools and techniques
 Assumptions analysis
 Validates the assumptions identified and documented throughout the
project planning processes
 Assumptions should be accurate, complete, and consistent
 Assumptions are tested against two factors:

» Strength or validity of the assumption

» Consequences to the project if assumption turns out to be false
 False assumptions should be reclassified as risks

 Diagramming techniques
 Cause-and-effect (fishbone or Ishikawa) diagrams
 System or process flowcharts
 Influence diagrams
Cause and Effect Diagram
Also known as the Ishikawa (or fishbone) diagram
 Show the relationship between the effects of problems and
their causes
 Depicts every potential cause and sub-cause of a problem
and the effect that each proposed solution will have on the
 Useful as a tool for visually representing and capturing
cause-and-effect relationships
Fishbone Diagram
Moderator Planning

Familiar with
Ensure Key Process Determine
Particpants Select Particpants
are Present Trained
Checklist Determine
Number of Sessions
Follow-up &
Completion Ensure Procedures Determine if
are Followed Overtime is
Needed Schedule Meetings

Inspection Resolve
Package List of Major All Major
Items for Discussion Determine Defects
at Inspection Defect
Inspectors Origin
Minor Error Defect
Log Recording

Preparation Inspection Meeting

Cause-and-effect diagram
System or process Risk owner
notifies PM of
event or risk

Decision trigger

 Familiar diagram to most Risk response

stakeholders executed?

 Shows logical steps needed N Y

to accomplish an objective Response plan

reviewed for
 Shows how elements of a
process or system relate to Review risk scores
each other Process

 Depicts cause/response N Y

relationships High risk

Review risk and risk
response plan

Assign resources/
implement response

Monitor response Termination

plan execution symbol

After Heldman et al., PMP:Project Management Professional Study Guide Document

Influence diagrams
 Primarily used to show the
causal influences among Scope

project variables
 May also show the
sequencing of events
 Used to visually depict risks Quality

(or decisions), uncertainties

or impacts, and how they
influence each other Cost Time

 Recall our ‘triple Constraint’

diagram from Lecture 1
Risk Identification Techniques
 Identification based on past experience.
 Identification based on historical data, perhaps through the
use of a project database.
 Decision Driver Analysis, where the key decisions are
examined for risk. The factors influencing decisions offer
possible sources of risk.
 Threat identification in security risks
Risk Item Checklist
A checklist is useful for supporting risk identification of known and
predictable risks in the following subcategories:
 Product size – risks associated with the overall size of the software to be built
or modified.
 Business impact – risks associated with constraints imposed by
management or the marketplace.
 Customer characteristics – risks associated with the sophistication of the
customer and the developer's ability to communicate with the customer in a
timely manner.
 Process definition – risks associated with the degree to which the software
process has been defined and is followed by the development organization.
 Development environment – risks associated with the availability and quality
of the tools to be used to build the product.
 Technology to be built – risks associated with the complexity of the system
to be built and the "newness" of the technology that is packaged by the
 Staff size and experience – risks associated with the overall technical and
project experience of the software engineers who will do the work.
Product Size Risks
 Project risk is directly proportional to product size.
 Measure the following sizes against previous projects. If those projects
were successful & results are similar, then risk is probably low. If a large
negative deviation is observed then risk is HIGH.
 Estimated size of the product in LOC or FP?
 Degree of confidence in estimated size estimate?
 Estimated size of product in number of programs, files, transactions?
 Percentage deviation in size of product from average for previous
 Number of users of the product?

» Impact on system (loading)

 Anticipated volatility of the requirements?
 Amount of reused software?
Business Impact Risks
 The following items help identify
generic risks associated with
business impact:
 Effect of product on company
 Visibility to senior management.
 Reasonableness of delivery
 Number of customers who will
use the product & consistency
of their needs.
 Number of other products that it
will interact with.
 Sophistication of end users.
 Governmental constraints.
 Costs associated with late
delivery or a defective product?
Customer Related Risks
 The following items help identify generic risks associated with the
 Have you worked with the customer in the past?
 Does the customer have a solid idea of what is required?
 Is the customer willing to commit significant time to the requirements
gathering process?
 Is the customer willing to establish rapid communication links with
the developer?
 Is the customer willing to participate in reviews?
 Is the customer technically sophisticated in the product area?
 Does the customer understand the software process?

 Risks should be investigated if the answer to any of these questions is

Process Risks
 An ill defined software process and/or an ad hoc approach to analysis,
design, and testing can introduce risk.
 The following are sample questions that should be asked to identify
process risk:
 Do you have a consistent repeatable process that is actually used?
 Do you train all developers in the process?
 Are formal technical reviews part of this process?
 Do you have a mechanism for managing change? (i.e. formal RFC
system + configuration management).
 Do you have specific methods that you use for each phase of the
 Is the process supported by tools?
 Do you manage the process through use of metrics?

 Risks should be investigated if the answer to any of these questions is

Technology Risks
 Pushing the limits of technology is challenging & exciting, yet very risky.
 Questions to identify risk include:
Is the technology to be built new to your organization?
 Do the requirements require the creation of new algorithms?
 Does the software interface with new or unproven hardware or
unproven vendor products?
 Do the requirements require the creation of components that are
unlike anything your organization has previously built?
 Do requirements demand the use of new analysis, design, or testing
 Do requirements put excessive performance constraints on the
 Risks should be investigated if the answer to any of these questions is
Development Risks
 The software engineering environment supports the project
team, the process, and the product.
 If the environment is flawed, it can be a source of significant
 Is a software project management tool available?
 Are tools for analysis and design available?
 Are compilers and code generators available and suitable
for the product to be built?
 Are testing tools available and suitable?
 Are the software tools integrated with each other?
 Are team members trained in the use of the tools?
 Are tool mentors available?
 Risks should be investigated if the answer to any of these
questions is “NO”.
Staff Size and Experience Risks
 CEOs have frequently observed that “people” make the
most significant difference to the success of the
 Are the best people available?
 Do the people have the right combinations of skills?
 Are enough people available?
 Are staff committed for the duration of the product?
 Are some people working on multiple projects?
 Have staff received necessary training?
Risk Components and Drivers
The US Air Force requires project managers to identify
risk drivers that affect software risk components.
 Performance risk – the degree of uncertainty that the
product will meet its requirements and be fit for its intended
 Cost risk – the degree of uncertainty that the project
budget will be maintained.
 Support risk – the degree of uncertainty that the software
will be easy to correct, adapt, and enhance.
 Schedule risk – the degree of uncertainty that the project
schedule will be maintained and that the product will be
delivered on time.
Output: Risk Register
 The output of the Risk Identification process is the risk register [see
sample Risk Register in assignment 4]
 All information gathered and generated during the Risk Identification
process is documented in the risk register
 PMBOK 5 suggests an (unnamed) agile user story-like format for
documenting risks; let us call this this cause/event/impact risk format
 <Event> may occur causing <impact of event>; or
 If <cause> exists, <event> may occur leading to <effect>
 Example: Vendor A may fail to deliver Component A by agreed date,
causing work on Subsystem A to be delayed until Component A is
 Example: If adequate unit testing policies are not in place,
component integration processes may fail, leading to schedule
delays and cost overruns
Output: Risk Register
 Risk register contains the following elements [and more]:
 List of identified risks
 List of potential responses
 Root causes of risks
 Updated risk categories
 Probability
 Impact
 Triggers (not standard PMI)
 The following slide will discuss these …
Output: Risk Register
 List of Identified Risks. All potential events and their
subsequent consequences as identified during risk
identification process
 List of Potential Responses. Potential responses to risk may
be identified during identification process
 Root Causes of Risk. If possible, identify the root cause of
 Updated Risk Categories. Some categories of risks may
need to be changed or updated to better reflect the risks
associated with the current project
 Triggers. Signals or precursors that help in determining if a
risk event is about to occur
Risk Management Paradigm


RISK identify


How risk averse are you?
Risk averse people: Risk seeking people:
 I like being dependable and I’m  I like action, and I act impulsively
usually punctual. at times.
 I am not likely to take chances.  I seek excitement for the thrill of
 I am responsible and prefer to the experience.
work efficiently.  I am resourceful and prefer not
 I am more service oriented than to plan or prepare.
self oriented.  I am more self oriented than
 I value institutions and observe service oriented.
traditions  I like to anticipate another
person’s position.
Risk neutral people:
 I trust my intuition, and I am comfortable with unknown.
 I think about the future and have long-range objectives.
 I am naturally curious and often ask, “Why?”
 I enjoy generating new ideas.
 I work best when I am inspired.
Elements of Risk Analysis
What are the
risks involved in
getting to work?

Reduce the
occurrence and/or
impact of the risk.

Identify new risks

as they occur &
report on all
known risks.
Risk Management
Risk assessment
 Analyze risk in a cost-efficient manner
 Determine source of risk
 Determine risk exposure
 Determine time frame for action
 Determine highest-severity risks
Assessing Project Risk
 Have top software and customer managers formally committed to
support the project?
 Are end-users enthusiastically committed to the project and the
system/product to be built?
 Are requirements fully understood by the software engineering team and
their customers?
 Have customers been involved fully in the definition of requirements?
 Do end-users have realistic expectations?
 Is project scope stable?
 Are project requirements stable?
 Does the software engineering team have the right mix of skills?
 Does the project team have experience with the technology to be
 Is the number of people on the project team adequate to do the job?
 Do all customer/user constituencies agree on the importance of the
project and on the requirements for the system/product to be built?
Risk Management
Reactive Risk Management Proactive Risk Management
 project team reacts to risks  formal risk analysis is performed
when they occur  organization corrects the root
 mitigation – plan for additional causes of risk
resources in anticipation of  TQM concepts and
fire fighting statistical SQA
 fix on failure – resources are  examining risk sources that
found and applied when the lie beyond the bounds of the
risk strikes software
 crisis management – failure  developing the skill to
does not respond to applied manage change
resources and project is in
Proactive Risk Strategies
 Begins long before technical work is initiated.
 Potential risks are identified.
 Probability and impact of risks are assessed.
 Risks prioritized by importance.
 Software team establishes a plan to manage the risk.
Qualitative Risk Analysis: Introduction
 Qualitative risk analysis is concerned with prioritizing
identified risks
 Priority is determined by estimating a risk’s probability of
occurrence and its impact on the project
 Helps determine if it is necessary to perform quantitative risk
analysis, a more complex analysis process
 Used throughout project: it’s fast, relatively easy, and cost-
Inputs to qualitative risk analysis
 Organizational process assets
 Historical information from previous projects
 Includes formal or informal ‘lessons learned’ as well as closure
documentation and/or post mortems
 Project scope statement
 Identifies initially-defined risks
 Risk management plan
 Provides framework within which to perform risk analysis
 Risk register
 Provides a comprehensive enumeration and description of all project
Risk Projection
 Risk projection, also called risk
estimation, attempts to rate each
risk in two ways
 the likelihood and probability.
 the consequences of the
problems associated with the
risk, should it occur.
 The project manager performs the
following risk projection activities:
 Establish a scale that reflects the
perceived likelihood of the risk.
 Delineate the consequences of
the risk.
 Estimate the impact of the risk
on the project.
 Note the overall accuracy of the
risk projection.
Risk Analysis
Determine impact of each risk
 Risk Exposure (RE)
 a.k.a. “Risk Impact”
 RE = Probability of loss * size of loss
 Ex: risk is “Facilities not ready on time”
» Probability is 25%, size is 4 weeks, RE is 1 week
 Ex: risk is “Inadequate design – redesign required”
» Probability is 15%, size is 10 weeks, RE is 1.5 weeks
 Statistically are “expected values”
 Sum all RE’s to get expected overrun
» Which is pre risk management
Risk Analysis
 Estimating size of loss (impact)
 Loss is easier to see than probability
» You can break this down into “chunks” (like WBS)
 Estimating probability of loss
 Use team member estimates and have a risk-estimate review
 Use Delphi or group-consensus techniques
 Use gambling analogy “how much would you bet”
 Use “adjective calibration”: highly likely, probably, improbable,
unlikely, highly unlikely
Risk Prioritization
 Remember the 80-20 rule
 Often want larger-loss risks higher – Or higher probability items
 Possibly group ‘related risks’
 Helps identify which risks to ignore – Those at the bottom
Risk probability and impact assessment
 First, assess the probability that the identified risk will occur
 Second, determine the impacts of the risk on project
objectives: time, scope, quality, and cost
 Assessment helps determine which risks require aggressive
 Probabilities and impacts are defined in the risk
management plan under the heading definitions of risk
probability and impact
Probability and impact matrix
 Defines a combination of risk probability and risk impact that
helps determine which risks need detailed risk response
 Example: A risk with a high probability of occurring and a
high impact will be a strong candidate for a risk response
 Matrix is typically defined by the organization
 If organization does not define a matrix, develop one during
planning meetings and analysis
 We will look at the probability and impact matrix in the
Qualitative Risk Analysis process, where it is used
Defining risk probability and impact
 Probability is the potential for the risk event to occur during
the course of the project ( 0 ≤ p ≤ 1)
 Impact describes the consequences to the project should
the risk event occur
 May use subjective (high-medium-low) rating or quantitative
(numeric) values
 We will look at probability and impact definitions in the
Qualitative Risk Analysis process, where they are used
 Probability is the likelihood that an event will occur
 Fair coin flip: 0.5 probability of getting heads, 0.5 probability of
getting tails
 Sum of probabilities of all outcomes adds up to 1.0
 For any event e, the probability p that e will occur is 0.0 ≤ pe ≤ 1.0
 The complementary probability that e will not occur is just 1.0 - pe
 Risk probability is the probability that the risk event will occur sometime
during the life of the project and is most often determined through expert
 Ways to improve the utility of risk probabilities
 Develop consistent decision criteria for determining probabilities
 Involve as many experts as you can
Quantifying risk probability
 Most probability estimates come from experts as subjective
ratings: low, medium, high, etc.
 Present estimator with cardinal (numeric) scale so that a
more precise estimate can be obtained
 Need a quantified risk value for use in the probability and
impact matrix
Quantifying risk probability
 For most situations, use of a five-point Likert scale is
 Highly unlikely (p < 20%)
 Unlikely (20% < p < 40%)
 About even (40% < p < 60%)
 Likely (60% < p < 80%)
 Highly likely (p > 80%)
 For less well-defined situations, use a three-point scale:
 High (p > 75%)
 Moderate (35% < p < 75%)
 Low (p < 35%)
 Impact is the amount of pain or gain the risk event poses to
the various project objectives: cost, time, scope, and quality
 Like probability, risk impact may be characterized on a
subjective scale (low, medium, high)
 Like probability, a cardinal (numeric) scale of impact is
needed for the probability and impact matrix
 Employ consistent decision criteria when using a subjective
 Establish a consistent means of determining what moves
a borderline impact into one impact category or another
 Following slide shows the (negative) impact scale from the
PMBOK Guide, Third Edition
Quantifying impact
Risk Prioritization
How to prioritize risks?
 One way to prioritize risks is to estimate the probability of its
occurrence and its consequences (loss) when it does occur.
 The expected value of the loss for the risk can be used for
prioritization. This expected value is called risk exposure. If
Pr is the probability of a risk R occurring and Lr is the total
loss incurred if the risk materializes, then risk exposure RE,
for the risk is given by the following equation:
REr = Pr X Lr
Assessing probability and impact
 Probability and impact values are defined in order to readily
place a value on a risk event
 Use predefined probability and impact values as a starting
point for a project and customize them as needed for the
 Use brainstorming or the Delphi technique to establish or
refine the probability and impact values
 During Qualitative Risk Analysis process, determine and
assess probability and impact for every risk identified during
the Risk Identification process
 Document probability and impact and any assumptions used
to arrive at these values
Probability and impact matrix
 Risk probability and impact values are nice, but what we
need is a single value to characterize the combined
effects of these two risk influences: the risk rating
 This is what a probability and impact matrix does: it
assigns an overall risk rating to each risk
 The combination of probability and impact results in an
ordinal (order-based) risk rating usually expressed as low,
medium, or high
 The PMBOK Guide also assigns a color code to each
rating: low risks are green, medium risks are yellow, and
high risks are red
 A risk with high probability and high impact (and hence,
high risk rating) warrants further analysis and a formal
response plan in the Risk Response Planning process
Probability and impact matrix from PMBOK Guide,
Fourth Edition
Example: MMS integration problems
 The project management team has identified a potential problem with
integrating the Membership Management System with the smart card
reader software
 Here’s what the team has discovered:
 Five different experts agreed that the overall impact of the integration
problem could result in a 5-10% delay in the project schedule
 From the table in slide 82, we see a 5-10% time impact corresponds
to a Moderate impact with a value of 0.20
 The experts came to a consensus that there is a somewhat better
than even chance that the problem will occur. The probability values
the team got were: 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.5
 If we take our 0.20 impact value and use it as the entry point into the
probability and impact matrix on slide 86, we find that the risk rating
for this event ranges from 0.10 to a bit more than 0.14, within the
medium (yellow) range
Risk data quality assessment
 Low-quality data renders qualitative risk analysis
almost useless
 Quality assessment examines:
 Quality of data used
 Availability of data for identified risks
 How well the risk is understood
 Reliability and integrity of data
 Accuracy of data

 Risk categorizations
 Entries in the RBS can help identify the project phase
and determine the elements of the project that are
affected by risk
Risk urgency assessment
 Do not try to deal with all risks at the same time
 Analogous to rolling wave planning: determine how
soon potential risks might occur
 Develop risk response plan for those risks that
might occur soon
 For greater efficiency and effectiveness, only the
top ten risks should be actively managed
 Maintain a watch list of the remaining risks to
replace those on the 'top 10’ list that are mitigated,
controlled, eliminated, or that don't materialize
Outputs: Updates to the risk register
 Update risk register with the following information:
 Risk ranking of identified risks. Order the identified risks by risk
 Risks grouped by categories. Identify low, medium, and high risk
groups to allow easier risk urgency assessment and planning
 List of risks requiring near-term responses
 List of risks for additional analysis and response
 Watch list of low-priority risks. Low-priority risks can still impact a
project – monitor them
 Qualitative Risk Analysis trends. Look for patterns that might help in
response planning
Risk Response Planning: Introduction
 Risk response planning is concerned with developing
options and possible reactions to mitigate threats and
exploit opportunities discovered during the risk analysis
 The severity of the risk dictates the level of risk response
planning that should be performed
 A risk with low severity is not worth the time it takes to
develop a detailed risk response plan
 Risk responses should be cost effective
 If the response cost is more than the cost of the risk,
formulate a less-costly risk response
Risk Response Planning: Introduction
 Risk responses must be timely
 An untimely risk response itself becomes a risk
 Risk responses must be agreed to by all the project
 Risk responses must be assigned to an individual (the risk
owner) who is responsible for monitoring the risk and
executing the risk response plan if needed
Tools and Techniques
Strategies for negative risks or threats
 Avoidance
 Risk avoidance evades a risk, eliminates the cause of the
risk event, or changes the project plan to protect the
project objectives from the risk event
 Risk avoidance eradicates the risk by removing the risk
or its cause
 Risk avoidance is most suitable in the early stages of a
project, through improved communications, additional
resources, or more-clearly defined scope
 Example: Risk of interfacing Membership Management
System (MMS) to external art museum membership
systems can be avoided by eliminating requirement to do
Strategies for negative risks or threats
 Risk transfer
 Risk transfer moves the risk and the consequences of
that risk to a third party
 Responsibility for the management of that risk now rests
with another party
 Risk transfer comes in many forms but is most effective
for financial risks
» Example: Insurance is one form of risk transfer
Strategies for negative risks or threats
 Contracting
 Contracting is another form of risk transfer
 The contractor accepts certain aspects of the risk and
responsibility for the cost of failure
 Types of contracts:
» Fixed-price contract. Contractor increases cost of the
contract to compensate for the level of risk they are
» Cost reimbursable contract. Contractor receives
compensation for additional costs. Majority of the risk
remains with the buyer [remember the VCF]
Risk Mitigation, Monitoring, and Management
 Mitigation – how can we avoid the risk?
 Monitoring – what factors can we track that will enable us
to determine if the risk is becoming more or less likely?
 Management – what contingency plans do we have if the
risk becomes a reality?
Strategies for negative risks or threats
 Mitigation
Risk mitigation attempts to reduce the probability of a risk event
and/or its impacts to an acceptable level
 Risk mitigation takes the viewpoint that fixing a problem earlier in a
project is less costly than fixing it later
 Examples: Performing more tests, using simpler processes, perform
simulations, choose vendors for reliability over cost
 Risk acceptance
 The risk is acknowledged, but no action is taken unless the risk
 Appropriate when it is not possible or cost-effective to address a
specific risk in any other way
 Passive acceptance simply documents that the acceptance strategy
has been adopted and leaves the project team to deal with the risks
 Active acceptance establishes risk reserves, such as a pool of funds,
time, or resources to be held for use in response to a risk event
Strategies for negative risks or threats
 Risk contingency plans
 Contingency planning involves planning alternatives to deal with the
risks should they occur
 Contingency plans do not seek to reduce the probability or impact of
risks—the strategy accepts that the risk may occur and plans ways
to respond to the risk
 A contingency plan is executed when the risk event occurs
 Contingency plans must be in place well before the time the risk may
 Contingency (fallback) plans are developed for risks:
» With very high impact or:
» With response strategies that may themselves be risky
 Contingency plans usually entail a significant alternative path
through part of the project
 Example: disaster recovery plan
Contingency planning tools
 Contingency allowances (or reserves). Contingency allowances provide
a pool of funds, time, or resources that are held for use in response to
an unavoidable risk event
 Example: Including contingency time in case of loss of key personnel

 Fallback plans. Fallback (or ‘Plan B’) plans are developed for risks with
high impact or for risks with strategies that may in themselves be risky
 Fallback plans may be used to address secondary risks
 Example: Use of a relational database plus object-oriented interface
in place of pure O-O database
Strategies for positive risks or opportunities
 Exploitation
Exploitation involves looking for opportunities for positive impacts
 Example: Reduce project duration by using more experienced
resources on critical tasks
 Sharing
 Sharing is the positive analog to transferring
 Sharing assigns risk to a third-party owner who is better able to use
the opportunity the risk presents
 Example: Form a joint venture between a technical software
company and marketing and sales firm
Sidebar: Residual and secondary risks
 Secondary risks arise as a result of implementing a risk
response – they are the risks inherent in the response
 Identify and plan responses for secondary risks using tools such as
fallback plans
 Example: O-O/RDB expert consultant becomes ill
 Residual risks are those that cannot be effectively dealt
with within the rest of the risk plan
 Example: Some risk may remain as a result of other response plans.
Residual risks are usually dealt with through contingency reserves
 Example: Developer skills risks (resource planning risk) associated
with alternate database solution
Risk response planning outputs
Risk register updates
 List of identified risks, including:
 Descriptions
 WBS element or area of the project impacted
 Categories (RBS)
 Root causes
 Project objectives impacted by the risk impacts
 Risk owners and their responsibilities
 Risk triggers – precursors to risk event; Trigger conditions,
symptoms, and warning signs of a risk occurrence
Response plans and strategies
 Specific actions to implement the chosen response strategy
 Fallback plans if the primary response strategy proves inadequate
Risk response planning outputs
Risk register updates
 Cost and schedule activities needed to implement risk
 Contingency plans
 Contingency plans and triggers for their execution
 Contingency reserves for cost, time, and resources
 Fallback plans

 List of residual and secondary risks

 Probabilistic analysis of the project and other outputs of the
qualitative (and quantitative) risk analysis processes
Risk Monitoring
Basic principles
 Risks must be managed. Risk must always be one of the principle
concerns of the project management team
 Risks must be reported
 Risks should be an agenda item in weekly team meetings
 Risks should be included in the project status report
 Weekly project review should review all risks
 Team meeting
 Should briefly review all outstanding risks
 Should estimate whether each risk’s probability has increased, has
decreased, or is unchanged
 Risk owners should report on their assigned risks
Basic principles
 In the project status report, list all risks for which the degree of risk has
 Weekly project review
 Review all risks, even those that have been eliminated
 Goal is to uncover new risks or identify those that have been
 Reviewing risks in weekly team meetings keeps the team and risk
owners aware and sensitized to risks
 Including risks in the project status report prepares management for the
time(s) when risks happen
Seven Principles
 Maintain a global perspective – view software risks within the context
of system and the business problem
 Take a forward-looking view – think about the risks that may arise in
the future; establish contingency plans
 Encourage open communication – if someone states a potential risk,
don't discount it.
 Integrate – a consideration of risk must be integrated into the software
 Emphasize a continuous process – the team must be vigilant
throughout the software process, modifying identified risks as more
information is known and adding new ones as better insight is achieved.
 Develop a shared product vision – if all stakeholders share the same
vision of the software, it is likely that better risk identification and
assessment will occur.
 Encourage teamwork – the talents, skills and knowledge of all
stakeholders should be pooled

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